Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

95 ratings
Fallout 3 Guide
By Lord Uchiha
hey all i have played fallout 3 mutiple times and i though i would make this guide to offer people tips on how I play this game. I will be running through what i usually do as to how i build my character and explain why i choose that build. I will also go into other ways you can play the game. Enjoy and please comment if you enjoy it. I welcome constructive comments as well if you have any.
Chapter 1- Character building
The game starts at the very begining, and I mean the very begining. You are shown your birth and you are given the choice between a male or female character. Once this descision is made the option to decide what your character will look like is given. These descisions wont affect anything in the game that much, so just design your character as you like it. Sadly after this your mom dies and a time skip occurs to where you are now one year old.

Now this is what the whole chapter is really about so pay attention. It is here that we make a very important choice as to what kind of character you will be. This scene starts with your dad leaving alone in your play pen (father of the year right?). Follow the quest markers, they are very staright foward. Once you get to the You're SPECIAL book open it up, and this is the important part.

To expalin to those who do not know what SPECIAL is in the fallout francise. SPECIAL stands for strength, perception, endurance, charisma, Intelligence, agility, and luck. Each of these affect certain attributes of your character and it is important you understand what each one does. At the start each SPECIAL stat starts at level 5, the max it can reach is ten and the lowest is one. You are given 5 points to put into whatever stat you want, also you can take away a point from a stat and put it in another. Below I will explain what each stat affects so you can deciede what is most important to you.

Strength- As you might have guessed strength affects how physically strong your character will be. What the strength stat actually effects is the characters max weight of items they can carry at any given time, their melee weapons skill and the bonus damage with melee weapons. Now if you want to be the type of character that wants to kill people with a baseball bat instead of a firearm then you should spend some points in this stat. Even if you don't want to use melee weapons this is still a usefull stat as you can carry more stuff with you which will save you trips back to where you keep all your loot or to the store to trade for caps. Each stat in strength gives you .5 damage bonus for melee weapons, so for every two stats in strength you get plus 1 damage bonus. Also for each strength stat carrying capacity is increased by 10 pounds ( I know the english system sucks, but hey i didn't design the game). It should be noted that a high strength does not affect the unarmed skill. High strength can sometimes be used in conversations to intimidate others into giving you what you want.

Perception- Perception determines how far away enemies can be detected on the compass ( they will show up as red bars) If you have a high enough perception then it will be possible to sense the enemies even before they come into view. This stat affects the characters explosive skill, the lockpick skill, and the energy weapons skill. This stat is a must have if you want to be a sharpshooter character as you are able to detect enemies from a far distance so you can pick them off from a distance. Also if you want to defeat your enemies by blowing them up (it's super fun) then having a high perception will give you a early boost in the skill. If you want to vaporize your enemies with energy weapons then a high perception will do the same. The lockpick skill is also affected by this stat, which would allow you to unlock locked doors, and safes. Each point in perception affects exploisve, energy weapons, and lockpick by two points. Having a high perception also lets you unlock certain conversations with people.

Endurance- Endurance determines the amount of hit points the character has, the poison and radiation resistance (but not damage resistance) and the big guns and the unarmed skills. Endurance also affects the amount of time you can spend under water without coming up for air. If you want to be the type of guy that uses big guns like miniguns or my personal faviorite the fat man (fires mini nukes it's a fun time) then having a high endurance stat will help you get an early boost in the stat. If you want to solve your problems with the oldest weapon in human history, your fist then you should have a high endurance stat to get a good early boost. Each point in the endurance stat boast the above mentioned skills by two points and increases poison and radiation resistance by 2 percent, and it increases your maxium health by 20 points. If you want to be able to take more punishment than normal then you should choose a high endurance.

Charisma- Charisma increases the disposition of all NPCs (non playable characters), which makes speech checks easier. A speech check is something you can choose while talking with someone and can convince them to do something you want like not attacking you or convincing them to give you infomation saving you time. Charisma also affects the Barter and the Speech skills. Characters who use Speech will want a high charisma stat, but you can always add points to the skill rather than the stat. Each point in the stat affects the Speech and Barter skills by two points. Barter allows you to buy and sell at a better price, so if money if very important to you and wnat a fair price a high charisma will give you an early boost. If you plan to not use the speech skill and dont care about prices that much then this is not a very important stat to invest in.

Intelligence- Intelligence determines the number of skill points earned per level up. The base number of skill points gained per level is 10 plus the intelligence stat. This is a very important stat if you want the most number of skill points per level up. The intelligence stat also affects the medicine skill, the repair skill, and the science skill. Each point in Intelligence will increase the medicine skill, repair skill, and the science skill by two points. A high intelligence will give you early boost to the medicine skill which lets you heal yourself more effectivly, the repair skill which allows you to keep you gear in better condition, and the science skill which allows you to hack locked termials. I highly suggest if you want to recieve the most skill points that you give yourself a high intelligence stat ( i always give myself 10). A high intelligence will lead to you being very good in a lot of skills very fast. Intelligence will also allow certain dialogue between certain characters.

Agility- Agility affects the amount of action points available for V.A.T.S. the small guns skill, and the sneak skill. V.A.T.S. is a system you can use during comabt. Pressing the v key will bring up this system which the game pauses and you can select the place you want to shoot your target. You have certain percentage chances to hit each body part, simply choose and the rest will happen for you. If you plan to use normal firearms (like an assualt rife) as your main form of combat then a high agility will give you an early game boose, and if you want to sneak around well then a high agility stat will help you do that. Each Agility point will boost the small gun skill and sneak skill by two points and will increase your action points by you agility stat times two. If you plan to use the V.A.T.S. system often in the game then you should have a high agility stat, if you don't want to use the system then this stat is not that important.

Luck- As it might suggest, this stat will determine how lucky you are. Luck affects all skills and the chance to land a critical hit. A critcal hit always lands massive damange which helps out if you are in a tough fight. Each point in the luck stat increases critcal chance by one percent, and every two points of luck adds one point to all skills associated with it. If you want to be landing criticals more oftern then this is an important stat, but if you do not care then you do not need to invest much in this stat.

In the next chapter i will list my own build I use as well with other general builds.

Chapter 2- Different character builds
In the last chapter we discussed the importance of each SPECIAL stat. Below I will list my character build along with a few others, with each build a short explaination will be given as to why they are built the way they are.

My build
Strength- 10
Perception- 4
Endurance- 4
Charisma- 4
Intelligence- 10
Agility- 4
Luck - 4

I choose this build becuase my preferd weapon in this game is a melee weapon so I want a early boost to the melee skill along with the damange bonus. I also like the carry wieght bonus I get. I choose the high Intelligence because I want the most number of skill points per level up. Everything else was not important enough to me so I lowered it all to 4 so I can have two stats maxed out.

Sniper build
Strength- 4
Perception- 9
Endurance- 5
Charisma- 1
Intelligence- 9
Agility- 5
Luck- 7

This build is good for a character who wants to play like a sniper. The high perception will let you detect your oppenants from a far distance so with a sniper in hand it will be easy to pick them off. A low charisma becuase speech isnt that important to this build and you can always increase the skill later anyways. A high intelligence to give yourself a good amount of skill points with each lv up and high luck will give better chances at criticals which gives you better chances with one shot one kill (which is the saying any sniper lives by)

Comabt expert
Strength- 6
Perception- 7
Endurance- 5
Charisma- 1
Intelligence- 7
Agility- 9
Luck- 5

This build makes it so you are good at most forms of combat early on in the game. You will be lacking in skills like speech and barter but you will be able to adopt any form of combat fairly easy at the start of the game.

Chapter 3- Growing up fast
After you have set your SPECIAL stats the quest ends and another time skip this time it's nine years. The quest starts with everyone whishing you a happy birthday. The character has now turned 10 years old and is now given their own pip boy 3000. The pip boy is very important, it's basically your inventory, and your map. It stores basically everything of importance for you. You can pull up the pip boy on your keyboard by pressing the tab key.

The first person you talk to after your dad, is your best friend Amata. She will engage you in conversation about how she put this party together for you, then she will give you your present. Amata gives you an issue of Grognak the barbarian, it is recomeded you open up your pip boy and read it as it will give you a signle skill point in meele weapons.

The next person you should talk to is Old Lady Palmer. The conversation is very basic, she's just whishing you a happy birthday and such. You can either be nice to her, or rude it doesn't matter. Her present to you is a sweetrole, (and don't lose it cause no hold gaurds are present to ask if someone stole your sweetrole). After you finish talking to her the robot named Andy will destroy your cake.

The next person that will talk to you is Butch (i hate this guy). Butch will demand that you hand over the sweetrole because he is hungry. You can choose any of the dialogue options but the end result is most likely Butch attacking you if you did not give up the sweetrole. Personly I would recomeded you insult his mom by saying shes an acholic ( the little turd deserves it). If Butch attacks, you will not be able to fight back. Officer Gomez will break up the fight soon enough though so don't freak out.

The next person you can talk to is Stanley. He will whish you a happy birthday and tell you that he is the one that fixed up the pip boy you are now wearing. After you finish talking with him he will give you a birthday present. Stanley gives you a kid's baseball cap. If you wish you can pull up you pip boy and put it on.

Around this time Dad will get up and go to the intercom, where he converses with someone over it. He will at this point direct the Lone Wanderer to go down to the reactor room for a surprise he and Jonas have been working on.

On the way to the reactor room you can talk with Beatrice. She will wish you a happy birthday and give you a present. She gives you a birthday poem which you can read from your pip boy (in the notes section of your Pip-Boy 3000).

Once you meet Jonas in the reactor room he will give you the present once your dad enters the room. Once dad enters the room you will be given a BB gun. A new onjective will pop up at this point. Head though the nearby door, and shoot all three targets with the BB gun. After each target has been shot once, a radroach will come wandering into the area. The player is tasked to kill it with thier new BB gun. After this is done dad wants to capture the moment, and ask Jonas to take a picture. Stand next to Dad at this point and Jonas will take the picture, ending this quest and starting another time skip.

In the next chapter we will discuss the next quest entiled Future Imperfect.
Chapter 4- Future Imperfect
This quest starts after a six year time skip. The player is now sixteen and revovles around taking the G.O.A.T.. The G.O.A.T. basically determines the skills that are tagged (you can change them if you don't like the results) and it determines what job you will have in the vault.

The quest starts after a talk with Dad, he basically says you have to go to class and take the G.O.A.T. After you finish talking with your Dad you can grab the Medicine Bobblehead on his desk. Keep in mind that if you want to collet all the bobbleheads that this is one of onle four opportunities you have to obtain this bobblehead. Once you take the bobblehead your medicine skill will increase by ten points. When you exit Dad's office you can see Stanley who is suffering of a sickness.

Just outside the classroom your friend Amata is being harassed by Butch DeLoria and his gang the Tunnel Snakes. There are a variety of choices that can be taken here, some will bet positive karma, or negative karma.
1) The player may pass a speech check warning Butch that the Overseer will punish the gang if he continues making trouble. This will difuse the problem and net the player good karma.
2) The player can also get good karma by having Wally Mack convinced that he is being used by Butch, which will cause him and Paul Hannon to leave the group.
3) The choice that gives the highest good karma is this one. The player can fight Butch and his gang to protect Amata. Once either the player's health or Butch's helth is reduced to 50% health the fight will stop.
4) The only evil karmic option here is telling Butch that Amata is sensitive about her wieght, giving the gang something else to make fun of her.
5) The player may ignore the incident completely for no change in karma
6) The player may encourage Butch to insult Amata, but then beat him up. This will net neutral karma as the two actions cancel each other out

Mr. Brotch will then approach the player as they enter the classroom. You can ask him if you really need to take the test, he will allow you to skip it and select your tagged skills. The player may also ask him to fill out the G.O.A.T. for the player and he will assign the tagged skills accordinaly. This will not earn you the achievement linked to this quest though. The last option is to sit down and take the G.O.A.T.. See the next chapter for how the answers influence the results of the G.O.A.T.. Once the test is done you hand it in to Mr. Brotch. He will tell you the job you recieved and show you the tagged skills. You can change the tagged skills if you do not like them either now or at the end of the next quest. The quest then ends with the player walking out of the classroom. In chapter 7 we will discuss the next quest, Escape.
Chapter 5- The G.O.A.T. cheatsheat
This chapter discusses in depth how each answer in the G.O.A.T. influences the final outcome of the test, both the tagged skills and the job you will be assigned. The G.O.A.T. is taken during the quest Future Imperfect which was discussed in chapter 4.

The test consist of ten questions about how they would act in certain situations. The responses to theses questions will determine the payer will get as well as the skills that will be tagged. It shoud be noted that the results of the test are not set in stone and can be freely changed. Each answer gives a point toward a skill, the three skills with the highest point total will be tagged. The skill with the highest point total will be the job you will recieve. Below is a list of all the answers to each question and what skill recieves the point.

Question 1
A) But doctor, wouldn't that cause a parabolic destablization of the fission singularity? - Science
B) Yeah? Up yours too, buddy! - Speech
C) Say nothing and grab a nearby pipe and hit the scientist in the head to knock him out. For all you knew he was planning to blow up the vault. - Melee
D) Say nothing but slip away before the scientist can continue his rant. - Sneak

Question 2
A) Amputate the foot before the infection spreads. - Melee
B) Scream for help. - Speech
C) Medicate the infected area to the best of your abilites. - Medicine
D) Restrain the patient, and merely observe as the infection spreads. - Science

Question 3
A) Give the boy a hug and tell him everything will be okay. - Speech
B) Confiscate the property by force, and leave him there as punishment. - Unarmed
C) Pick the boy's pocket to take the stolen property for yourself, and leave the boy to his fate. - Sneak
D) Lead the boy to safety, then turn him over to the overseer. - Nothing

Question 4
A) Pitcher. - Explosives
B) Catcher. - Big Guns
C) Designated Hitter. - Melee
D) None, you wish the vailt had a soccer team. - Unarmed

Question 5
A) Obey your elder and kill the Vault resident with the pistol. - Small Guns
B) Offer your most prized possession for the resident's life. - Barter
C) Ask granny for a minigun instead. After all, you don't want to miss. - Big Guns
D) Throw your tea in granny's face. - Explosives

Question 6
A) Use a bobby pin to pick the lock on the door. - Lockpick
B) Trade a Vault hoodlum for his cherry bomb and blow open the lock. - Explosives and Barter
C) Go to the armory, retrieve a laser pistol, and blow the lock off. - Energy Weapons
D) Walk away, and let the old coot rot. - Repair

Question 7
A) A bullet to the brain. - Small Guns
B) Large doses of anti-mutagen agent. - Medicine
C) Prayer. Maybe God will spare you in exchange for a life of pious devotion. - Barter
D) Removal of the mutated tissue with a prescision laser. - Energy Weapons

Question 8
A) Trade the comic book for one of your own valuable possessions. - Barter
B) Steal the comic book at gunpoint. - Small Guns
C) Sneak into the resident's quarters, and steal the comic book from his desk. - Sneak
D) Slip some knock out drops into the resident's Nuka-Cola, and take the comic book when he's unconscious. - Medicine

Question 9
A) Loosen some bolts on some pipes. When the sink is turned on, the room will flood. - Repair
B) Put a firecracker in the toilet. That's sure to cause some chaos. - Explosives
C) Break into the locked medicine cabinet and replace his high blood pressure medication with sugar pills. - Medicine
D) Manipulate the power wattage on his razor, so he'll get an electric shock next time he shaves. - Lockpick

The answers to the next question do not affect the final results of the test at all. The only problem here is this is the most difficult question you will ever be asked. I myself spent weeks pondering the question before I answered with, the overseer.

Below is a list of the different Jobs you get depending on the skill that revieved the most points during the test.

Vault chaplain- Barter
Laundry cannon operator- Big Guns
Pedicurist- Energy Weapons
Waste management specialist- Explosives
Vault loyalty inspector- Lockpick
Clinical test subject- Medicine
Fry Cook- Melee Weapons
Jukebox technician- Repair
Pip-Boy programmer- Science
Tattoo artist- Small Guns
Shift supervisor- Sneak
Marriage counselor- Speech
Little league coach- Unarmed

This conludes the in depth chapter about the G.O.A.T.. In the next chapter we will discuss the differnces of each skill and how they affect the player.

Chapter 6- Skill guide
In the last chapter we will went over the G.O.A.T. in depth and looked at how each answer influences the end result of the test. In this Chapter we will go over all the skills that are in the game. At the end of the the G.O.A.T. you can tag three of the thirteen skills. Tagging a skill will give it a 15 point bonus to it, so it is recomomed that you tag skills you want to use early in the game. Below is a list of the skills present in the game and what they affect.

Barter- The barter skill affects the rate at which the player buys and sells things. The better this skill is the better prices the player will recieve. This skill is important if you want to recieve good prices for the things you buy and sell. If money is not a very important thing to you, or you dont mind paying a little more for things then this skill can be ingored for the most part. This skill can also be used to get better rewards from completing some quest in the game.

Big Guns- This skill affects the amount of damage the player deals while using Big Guns. If you plan on using large weapons like a minigun as a form of combat then this skill should be invested in earlly. It should be noted that Big Guns cost more caps and are more rare to come across in the game. Another thing to note for some big guns the ammo is rare and can be expensive, an example is the ammo for the Fat Man the MiniNuke cost around 200 caps and can be rare in the wasteland. Big Guns pack a lot of hurt and can quickly deal with a horde of people if you are good at the skill. If you don't plan on using any sort of big gun then this skill can be ignored.

Energy Weapons- This skill affects the amount of damage the player deals while using Energy Weapons. Energy Weapons are classified as any firearm that uses energy cells or microfusion cells as ammo. If you like the idea of shooting your oppenants with cool lasers and if you are lucky turning them into a pile of ash or goo then this skill should be conisederd. Energy Weapons are slightly more rare than small guns in the Wasteland but they are not terroribly rare. The ammo is about the same price as bullets so this is a comabt skill that the player could use early in the game if they choose to do so. If you don't plan on using any sort of weapon that fires lasers or plasma then this skill can be ignored.

Explosives- This skill affects the amount of damage the player deals while using Explosives. Explosives are easy to indeify, basically anything that goes boom like a frag grenade is an Explosive. Explosive can deal a large amount of damage even if the player isn't good at the skill. Explosives are semi-commom in the wasteland and they cost from 25-75 caps at stores, give or take depending on your barter skill. Also being good at this skill makes it easier to disarm land mines that is hostile towards the player.

Lockpick- This skill affects how good the player is at unlocking locked doors, and safes. When a locked container or door is presented in the game it will be one of five difficulties. These are very easy, easy, normal, hard, and very hard (that's what she said). To be able to interact with these diffculties the player must be at least a certain level in lockpicking. Very easy requires a skill of 15 to interact with, easy requires a skill of 25, normal requires a skill of 50, hard requires a skill of 75 and very hard requires a skill of 100. The higher this skill is the easier it will be to lockpick things, for example even though a skill of 25 is required to attempt easy locks, a skill of 50 will make it easier to unlock then just a skill of 25. If getting more loot from your trips in the wasteland is important to you then this skill should be paid attention too.

Medicine- This skill affects the effectives of medication when the player takes them. The various medication the player can take that is affected by the skill is stimpacks and radation treatment. The higher the skill the more stimpacks will heal the player when taken. When the skill is at 50 stimpacks are twice as effective, and will be three times as effective when the skil is 100. Also the better the skill the better radadtion can be cured with medication. Radation is affected the same way as stimpacks is concerning the level of the Medicine skill. If you want to use less stimpacks and other medications to heal yourself than this skill is important, but if you don' care then this isn't important.

Melee weapons- This skill affects the amount of damange the player does with melee weapons. Melee weapons are any weapon that requires the player to be withing stricking distance of the target and is usually swung at the target. If you want to use a baseball bat or other melee weapons to defeat your foes then this is a skill that should be invested in. It should be noted that if you deciede to have this be your main form of combat that you will take more damange becuase you are walking up to people that could be shooting you. If you plan on using melee weapons then good armor is remomended so some damange can be negated.

Repair- This skill affects the skill at which the player can repair and maintain their gear. In the game armor and weapons have condidtion, the better the condidtion the better the item will preform. If the condidtion goes to zero then the item will be broken and connot be used until it is repaired. The higher this skill is the higher the player can repair thier gear themselves. Having high points in this skill will save the player some caps as they will not be paying mercants to repair thier gear for them. If you want to save caps to keep your gear in good condidtion then this is an important skill.

Science- This skill affects how good the player is at hacking locked termials. Termials can contain important information or sometimes control the lock system of a door or safe, and sometimes and the terimal will be locked. This skill is very similar to the lockpick skill. Terimals have the same level of challenge that lockpick does and the same skill requirements. Having high points in this skill will allow the player to have access to more loot and sometimes obtain quest important infomation easier.

Small Guns- This skill affects the amount of damange the player does with small guns. Small guns invole anything that use convential ammo, like a pistol or shotgun. These weapons are the most commom in the wasteland so they are an easy combat style to adopt early on in the game. The ammo is pretty inexpensive as well so as far as caps go it is a mimmimal investment. It should also be noted that small guns are the easiest to keep in good condidtion since they are so commom.

Speech- This skill affects the players skill level at persuading others. This skill is used entirly in dailogue with a NPC. Having a high speech skill allows the player to pass speech checks with more success. A speech check will convince the NPC to do something that will usually end up benefiting you in some way. This could range from the NPC helping you out without having to do a quest to difusing a trouble sitiuation without any bloodshed. If you like the idea of having a silver tongue and talking your way out of things then this is an important skill to have.

Unarmed- This skill affects the amount of damage the player does with unarmed weapons. Unarmed weapons include anything that the player uses his fist for. This could range from your bare hands (not the animimal) to the mighty deathclaw gauntlet. If you go this route and use this skill for your combat purposes then you will not have to worry about reapiring a weapon all time if you just use your fist. The disadavenge is that like melee weapons you need to be withing striking distance and unless you have a good unarmed weapon then not much damange will be inflicted. If you find yourslef wanting to be the next heavy weight champion of the wasteland then this skil is for you

Chapter 7- Escape!
In the last Chapter we discussed all the different skills that is present in the game. In this chapter we will walkthrough the quest entiled Escape!. The quest starts with a three year time skip making the player 19 years old.

The player will awaken to Amata trying to get you up. She is distressed because of the choas your Dad caused when he left the vault. Every member of the vault security team has orders to attack you beause the Overseer has gone crazy and believes you are responsible for your Dad opening the vault. Also a radroach infestation has consumed the vault (don't worry they are very easy to kill) causing the entire vault to descend into chaos. Amata will offer you a 10mm pistol (in perfect condition) to the player. After the conversation with her it's time to leave so grab anything you want in your room.

Outside of your room you will be attacked by Officer Kendall and serval radroaches. You have little option in this situation and have to kill Officer Kendall out of self defense. After this you head left and Butch DeLoria should come asking for your help. His mom is being attacked by radroaches (oh sweet karma) and will die if you do not help her. Butch will ask you to save his mom since he is scared of the roaches. You can either help him by passing a speech check to convince him to man up and do it himself, or lending him your BB gun or baseball bat if you have either, or by killing the roaches by yourself (helping Butch will net you good karma). You can also just let his mom die by not helping or kill Butch. Almost whatever you choose you will get the Tunnel Snake outfit.

Follow the quest markers and soon you will encounter Officer Gomez who will tell you to leave the vault, allowing you to go free without a fight. Andy can be found torching radroaches in this corridor, Stanley is hiding in your Dad's office, wait for him to come out and you can then grab the Medicine Bobblehead if you havn't already. Head towards the Atrium.

When you enter the Atrium, you will see two of your fellow vault dwellers trying to escape. Tom Holden will run into the gaurded corridor, soon after Mary Holden after Tom. Both of them are gunned down by the secruity gaurds at the end of the hall, they will also open fire on the player. Loot anything usefull from their dead bodies once they are dealt with.

Go through the secruity door just to the right of the entrance corridor. It has been jammed open, go up the stairs and you will encounter a number of radroaches. Now you are on the upper level of the Atrium, the facing doorway will open. As you head through the door you will pass Allen Mack and Gloria Mack. Allen will yell at you saying this is all your fault. Soon after you will encounter Secruity Cheif Hannon, you will have to kill him. You will find Floyd Lewis dead by a toolbock here.

When you turn the corner, you'll hear Amata and her father, the Overseer talking. The Overseer is interrogating Amata about your location. You can choose to enter the room and Amatat well flee and Officer Mack will attempt to kill you. After you defeat Officer Mack the Overseer can be spoken too. It should be noted that Amata will not like it if you kill the Overseer, it's still up to you if you want to kill him. The Overseers key can be found in his room, it will be used to open the room with the Overseer's termil.

Once in the Overseer's termimal room the termimal can either be hacked or the password can be found in a nearby locker. Also a good amount of ammo can be found in a loocker here as well. Once you are in the termimal you can select "Open Overeer's Tunnel" option to proceed through the secret passage. A door is at the end of the tunnel: once through, you'll find yourself in a small room with a switch on the wall, press it. Once activated, it will reveal a larger room. There's another switch here that will open the vault door. Once opened Amata will come down.

Shortly after this two gaurds will appear and attempt to stop you. Aamta says she cannot join you so the only thing left to do is reach the final door between you and the Capital Wasteland. When the door is activated, the game will offer you one last chance to change evrything about your character.

This ends this Chapter, in the next chapter we will go over whats in the town of Megaton since it will likely be the first major settelement you will explore.
Chpater 8- Welcome to Megaton Part 1
In the last chapter we walkedthrough the quest entiled "Escape!". At the end of the quest the player finally left the vault and stumbled across the D.C. Wasteland. The wasteland can be an unforgiving place so it is important to have a place where the player can set up shop. Most players find Megaton to be a very useful settlement throughout the game. Megaton is a fortified settlement in the Capital Wasteland, and is very close to the entrance of vault 101.

An easy way for the player to find the location of Megaton is to simply follow the quest marker on the compas, the quest marker being from the quest entiled "Following in his footsteps". The city of Megaton is built around a crater with a megaton class unexploded atomic bomb at its center, this is where the town gets its name. The town is protected by large metal walls making this a safe place for the player. The population of Megaton is rivaled onlt by Rivet City. Megaton has 28 named inhabitants, 10 unnamed Megaton Settlers, and 4 Children of the Atom. Below is a list of each named resident along with a short description of who they are, what servives they may provide and any quest they are assoicted with.

Andy Stahl- Andy Stahl is the business manager of The Brass Lantern. Andy Stahl is involed in the quest called Leo's Drug Habit which is an unmarked quest. Andy can be asked about his brother's addiction to jet.

Billy Creel- Billy Creel is one of the inhabitants of Megaton. Billy once was hired to protect caravans but that all changed when he meet Maggie. Since he meet Maggie whoms parents where killed by raiders he took her under her wing and is raising her.

Colin Moriarty- Colin Moriarty is a resident of Megaton and the owner of Moriaty's Saloon. Moriarty will offer the service of selling Aid items to the player. Colin Moriarty is involed in the quest 300 pieces of silver which is unmarked, and is also invovled in the main quest Following in his Footsteps.

Confessor Cromwell- Confessor Cromwell is the leader of the Church of the Children of Atom, a cult located in Megaton that worships the megaton bomb. Confessor Cromwell is involed in the unmarked quest called Church Donations.

Doc Church- Doc Church is a doctor who works in Megaton. Doc Church can be found at the Megaton clinic at any given time during the day. Doc Church will offer medical services to the player. Doc Church is also involved in the quest called the Replicated Man, and the unmarked quest Leo's Drug Habit.

Gob- Gob is a ghoul bartender who works at Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton.Gob spends most of his time serving drinks and talked with patroons in teh saloon. Gob will offer the services of selling Aid items to the player. It should be noted that when you first meet Gob if you treat him nicely then he will offer you a 10% discount at the saloon. Gob is also involed in the quest Following in his Footsteps if the player passes a speech check.

Harden Simms- Harden Simms is an inhabitant of Megaton. Harden is the son of Lucas Simms. Harden cannot be killed ever.

Jenny Stahl- Jenny Stahl is a citizen of Megaton, and one of the proprietors of the Brass Lantern. Jenny will offer the service of selling Aid items to the player.

Jericho- Jericho is a character and possible companion living in Megaton. Jericho was once a dangerous raider in the wasteland. Jericho can be recruited as a follower but you must have evil Karma for him join the player. A thousand cap investment is also required for Jericho to join your party.

Leo Stahl- Leo is a citizen of Megaton. Leo is addicted to jet, but he has managed to hide his addiction from most everyone in town. Leo can offer the service of selling Drugs to the player (dont do drugs kids, except physco thats a fun one). Leo is involed in the unmarked quest called Leo's Drug Habit.

Lucas Simms- Lucas Simms is the sheriff and mayor of Megaton. Simms is also a member of a group called the Regualtors who are dedicated in perfoming justice in the Wasteland. Lucas Simms is invovled in the quest entiled The Power of the Atom.

Lucy West- Lucy West is a resident of Megaton. Lucy was born in the Arefu settlement, but eventually moved to Megaton. Lucy West is invovled in the quest called Blood Ties.

Maggie- Maggie is a 9 year old Megaton resident. Maggie's parents where killed by raiders and she was found by Billy Creel. Maggie cannot be killed ever.

Manya Vargas- Manya Vargas is a resident of Megaton and the wife of Nathan Vargas. Manya is involed in the quest called The Replicated Man. Manya is a member of The Railroad.

Micky- Micky is a begger staying outsidd Megaton. Micky will be at the entrance of Megaton begging for water, giving him some will result in good karma. Micky is involed in the unmarked quest Water Beggars, and the quest called Holy Water.

Moria Brown- Moria Brown is the slightly werid owner of Megaton's Caterside Supply. Moria spends the day sweeping and conduction odd experiments during the time the store is open. Moria will offer the service of selling items to the player including improvements to the Megaton house that can be owned by the player. Moria can also repair the players items up to 54. Moria is involed in the quest called The Wasteland Surival Guide, and the quest called The Replicated Man.

Mother Maya- Mother Maya is an inhabitant of Megaton and the wife of Confessor Cromwell.

Mister Burke-Mister Burke is Allistair Tempenny's right hand man. Mister Burke when he is staying in Megaton is found in Moriarty's Saloon. Mister Burke is involved in the quest The power of the Atom. After this quest has been completed depding on the outcome he will be either dead or left the town.

Nathan Vargas- Nathan Vargas is a resident of Megaton. Nathan is a fanatic in his support for the Enclave. He says the Enclave will bring salvation to the wasteland and will try to convice the player of this. Nathan is involved in the quest called The American Dream.

Nova- Nova is one of Megaton's residents and spends her days in the Saloon. Nova will offer the service of renting a bed for a night for 120 caps. Nova will also offer another service to player involing her job as a escort. Nova is involved in the quest called Following in His Footsteps.

Silver- Silver is a former citizen of Megaton hiding out in the only habitable house, a small ranch in Springvale. Silver used to work as a escort for Colin Moriarty until they had a falling out. Silver is invovled in the quest called Following in His Footsteps, and the unmarked quest called 300 pieces of silver.

Deputy Steel- Deputy Steel is a Mister Gutsy military combat drone that gaurds Megaton's armory.

Stockholm- Stockholm is the Megaton gate guard and spends his time outside the city in a snipers nest.

Wadsworth- Wadsworth can become the player's personal butler in Megaton once the house is owned. He may restyle haircuts, tells jokes, and give the player purfied water.

Walter- Walter is a resident of Megaton and works at the water processing plant in Megaton. Walter is worried about the poor condidtion of the plant. Walter is invovled in the unmarked quests called Treatment and Walter's scrap Metal.

Deputy Weld- Deputy Weld is a protectron that gaurds the gate of Megaton.

This concludes this chapter,we will continue with the next chapter in the further disscussing Megaton.

Chapter 9- Welcome to Megaton Part 2
In the last chapter we started to talk about Megaton. The bulk of the last chapter went over each named character that resides and Megaton. In this chapter we will go over each of the buildings inside Megaton along with a short description, including notable loot.

Billy Creel's house- Billy Creel's house is located in Megaton just past Moriarty's Saloon on the upper levels. Billy Creel and Maggie live here, Harden Simms can also be found following Maggie here often. Notable loot that the player should take is 4 Pre-War books (3 are on the downstairs table and one is on the upstairs desk), the Song of the Lightman holodisk (located on the downstairs table) and The Guardins of Gillyfrond holodisk (on the upstairs desk).

Brass Lantern- The Brass Lantern is a restaurant in Megaton, which is run by the Stahl family. The restaurant is divided into an outdoor eating area, an indoor eating area, a storage and preparation room, an owners office, and living quartes for the Stahl family. Notable loot located here is 300 bottle caps (in a very hard locked floor safe next to a terminal), and a Crumpled note ( it unlocks the terminal, which can be used to open the nearby floor safe).

Children of Atom- Children of the Atom is a building located in Megaton and it serves as the home to the Church of the Atom. The church is located at the bottom of the crater, next to the atomic bomb. The inhabitants that live here is Confessor Cromwell, Mother Maya, and Children of the Atom.

Common House- The common house is a three-story building in Megaton that serves as temorary housing for non-citizens or those without a house. Although no notable loot is in this building it should be noted that the player can take anything from here with no karma loss.

Craterside Supply- Craterside Supply is a store located in Megaton, and is run by Moria Brown. Notable loot located here includes a bottlecap min (located on the workbench next to the mercenary), two boxes of Sugar Bombs (on the bottom shelf in the northwest corner of the first floor), and the unique Armored Vault 101 jump suit (given to the player when they start the Wasteland Survival Guide quest).

Jericho's House- Jericho's house is located in Megaton, to the left of the main gate on the walkway near my Megaton house. The door is only locked by an easy level lock making it an easy building to break into. A notable peice of loot located here is Grognak the Barbarian (located directly to the right of the entrance door).

Lucas Simm's house- Lucas Simms's house is the residence of Lucas Simms and his son Harden Simms. The house is protected with an average lock on the door. The lock can be picked or unlocked with the key, which is in the possession of Lucas Simms. A notable piece of loot located here is the Strength Bobblehead (located on the desk in Lucas's bedroom on the second floor) and taking this will result in no karma loss.

Lucy West's House- Lucy West's House is located in Megaton. It is located east of the Megaton plaza and almost directly above Mister Burke's house. It is the residence of Lucy West.A piece of notable loot located here is a box of Sugar Bombs (located on a shelf upstairs across from the bed).

Megaton Armory- The armory is Megaton's primary weapons and ammunition storage area. It also contains the terminal used to control both Deputy Weld and Deputy Steel. Located in the armory is two hunting rifles, a combat shotgun, and three chinese assault rifle.

Megaton Clinic- The Megaton clinic is a medical clinic run by Doc Church. A notable piece of loot located here is a holotape entiled Wanted: Trustworthy Surgeon (located on top of Doc Church's desk to the left of the brocken terminal).

Men's restroom- The men's restroom is a building located near the armory.

Mister Burke's House- Mister Burke's house is located immediately adjacent to the bomb in the center of the town. It is locked with a very hard lock. The house onlu contains a pre-war hat, a pair of tortiseshell glasses, and a sawed-off shotgun.

Moriarty's Saloon- Moriaty's Saloon is one of the bars in town and owned by Colin Moriarty. Drinks are served here, along with services from Nova. A notable piece of loot located here is the password to Moriarty's terminal (located in the cabinet in the storage room).

My Megaton House- This house can be owned by the player if he or she disarms the atomic bomb located in Megaton. The house can be upgraded with different themes from Caterside Supply.

Nathan and Manya's House- This house is made of two bus sections to make a home. A notable piece of loot located here is the Rouge Android holodisk (located on the round table).

Water Processing Plant- The water processing plant is immediatly right after entering Megaton. Walter works here keeping the plant running for the town. Leo Stahl's drug stash is located in this building.

Women's restroom- The women's restroom is a building located in Megaton. This building is located near Nathan and Manya's house.

This concludes this chapter and our discussion of the town called Megaton. In the next few chapters we will walkthrough the various quest that can be started in Megaton.
Chapter 10- The Power of the Atom
In the last chapter we discussed the various places that is located in the town of Megaton. We also discussed the named characters and who they are in the Megaton chapter. Now we will start to discuss the quest that can be started in Megaton. We will start by going through the quest entiled The Power of the Atom.

This quest can be given by multiple ways.

The first way the player can start this quest is by talking to Lucas Simms. Lucas wants you to disarm the bobm in the middle of Megaton. Lucas will first offer the player 100 caps to disarm the bomb, but you can use a speech check to raise the reward to 500 caps.

The second way the player can start this quest by talking to Mister Burke. Burke wants you to help him detonate the bomb. With a speech check you can make Mister Burke pay the player 1000 caps or else the player will just be paid 500 caps.

The third way the player can start this quest is by going to the bomb directly and disarming it.

One of the descsions the player can make in this quest is to rig the bomb to explode. This is the evil option in this quest as a lot of innocent people will die if you choose this route. Below we will walk through the steps to rig the bomb to explode.

To rig the bomb you have to attach a fusion pulse charge to the bomb which will be given to the player by Mister Burke (he is inside the Saloon). Your explosives skill must be 25 or higher to attempt this, if your skill is not high enough a hit of Mentats can temporally boost the skill.

After the player rigs the bomb to explode with the pulse charge, meet Mister Burke at Tenpenny tower, which is southwest of Megaton (you can follow the quest marker). Once at Tenpenny tower you can observe the explosion from a safe distance (you can even press the button!). Going this route will lower the player's Karma by 1000 points, making your character almost certainly evil. The player will also be rewarded with a suite located in Tenpenny Towers.

The other descsion the player can make in this quest is to disarm the bomb, making the town safer to live in. This is the good option in this quest and will net the player postive karma. Lucas Simms will ask you to disarm the bomb, and the reward will depend on the players speech skill. An explosives skill of 25 is required to disarm the bomb, again if the player doesn't have to required skill they can take Mentats to boost the skill for a time.

Once the player disarms the bomb he or she will recieve a cash reward once they speak to Lucas, along with the keys to a new home located in Megaton. Even more good karma can be rewarded to the player if they refuse any cash payment from disarming the bomb, but they will still recieve the house.

An optional path the player can follow is talk to MIster Burke so they learn about his plans to blow up the bomb and report him to Lucas. If the player goes this route Lucas will confront Mister Burke about his plans to destroy the bomb. The player should follow Lucas and kill Burke before Burke has the chance to kill Lucas. If the player is not fast enough then Mister Burke will kill Lucas as soon as Lucas turns his back on Burke. The player can also just kill Burke after they know of his plans without telling Lucas. Both of the options will net the player good karma as Burke was an evil character.

This concludes the chapter discussing the quest called The Power of the Atom. In the next chapter we will discuss the called the Wasteland Surival Guide.
Chapter 11- The Wasteland Surival Guide Part 1
In the last chapter we walked through the quest entiled The Power of the Atom. In this chapter we will start to walk through the quest called The Wasteland Surival Guide. This is a multi-part quest so we will spend more time discussing this quest. This quest invovles helping Moria write a guide to making it in the wasteland, and the book is brocken up into three chapters. In this chapter we will discuss the first chapter of the wasteland surival guide.

The quest is started by talking to Moria Brown in Caterside Supply. Moria will tell you she needs help in researching for a book she is writing. Each chapter of this quest involves different objectives the player must complete in order to move on to the next chapter. In the first chapter the player is tasked with three objectives. The first objective is to find food at the super-duper mart, the second is to conract radiation sickness, and the third is to traverse a minefield.

Find Food at the Super-Duper Mart

Moria wants the player to look for food and possibly medicine at the Super Duper Mart. It can be found easily by folloing the map marker Moria will give the player when the quest begins. The danger the player will encounter during this objective is raiders that reside in and around the Super Duper Mart.

Once the player enters the inside of the Super Duper Mart, opening the refrigerator will fulfill the first part of the quest. After this, the player can go further inside to finish the optional objective. There is a first aid box labeled Pharmacy Supplies in the back room (another notable loot to grab in this room is the mini nuke). Lotting the Pharmacy Supplies will fulfill the optional objective and thus increasing the reward the player recives from Moria. When the Pharmacy Supplies are looted it will also spawn more raiders so be prepared for more fighting even if you killed all the raiders upon entering the mart.

If the player only completes the required objective Moria will reward him or her with iguana bits.The player will recive in addition a food sanitizer if they complete the optional objective or successfully lies to Moria. The amount of iguana bits recieved will be dependent on the players level, the higher the players level then the more reward given. Also if the player already took the food and medicine from the mart before the quest then they just have to tell Moria about the experince. When talking with Moria choosing one of the special speech options will make the wasteland surival guide perk better overall at the end of the quest.

Contract Radiation Sickness

Moria will ask the player to contract radiation sickness in order to study the effects of radiation poisoning on a person, and to also test her new treatment for radiation sickness. The main objective is to contrct 200 rads, but a larger reward will be given if the layr contracts 600 rads (this will servely weaken the player until it is cured). Moria will completly heal all the player's radiation at the end of the quest.

There are many places in the game that give off a large amounts of rads that will easily fulfill the objective. The closest option is the nuclear bomb right in the middle of Megaton. The player simply has to stand in the middle of the puddle and drink from it (if the player has any clothing on that resist rads then take it off so rads can be gained faster).

After the mission is completed the player will recieve full rad treatment along with some Rad-x and RadAway. Moria will also begin to start selling these rad treatment drugs at her store at this point. If the optional objective is complete, Moria will inform you that you now have a mutation (don't worry it's a good one). The mutation will give the player the Rad Regeneration perk, which allows the player to instanly heal any limbs if they have adavanced radiation sickness.

Traversing a Mine Field

Moria wants the player to reach the playground in the center of Minefield. As the name may tell you this area is filled with mines so watch where you step or else. The main onjective is to reach the playground in the middle of minefield. The optional objective is to retrieve a mine by disarming one.

The challenge in this quest is that a sniper resides here, his name is Arkansas. He will shoot at the player and surrounding cars. This can present a challenge as the player has to make sure to not get blown by the mines and kill Arkansas before he kills the player.

Moria will reward the player with frag grenades upon the completion of the quest (dependent on the level of the player). If the player completes the optional objective then Moria will also give the player bottlecap mine schematics which will allow the player to make bottlecap mines at a workbench.

Once all three objective are completed the first chapter of the book will be completed. Moria will reward the player with some stimpacks and 100 experience points at this point in the quest. This concludes this chapter, in the next chapter we will continue to walkthorugh the quest called The Wasteland Surival Guide with the second chapter of the book.
Chapter 12- The Wasteland Suirival Guide Part 2
In the last chapter we went over helping Moria write the first chapter in the Wasteland Suirival Guide. The player was tasked with three objectives to complete inculding finding food, traversing a minefield, and contracting radiation sickness. In this chapter we will walkthrough what the player must do to write the second chapter of The Wasteland Suirival Guide.

Chapter 2 of the guide centers on dealing with some of the dangerous creatures that are in the wasteland, and also how to handle being hurt in the wasteland. The three task Moria will give the player is to test a repellent on mole rats, placing an observer unit inside a mirelurk nest, and return to Moria with injuries equaling more than 50% of your health.

Testing the repellent on mole rats

Moria will task the player to test out her new mole rat repellentt, which she has placed at the end of a stick. To finish the main objective the player must use the repellent stick on at least three mole rats, but the player can use it on at least ten mole rats to complete the optional objective. The stick turns out to not repel mole rats but rather make thier head explode (even better if you ask me) when they are hit with it twice.

Moria will direct the player to Tepid Swers, located near the Anchorge Memorial, which will have enough mole rate to complete both objectives. It should be noted that the player can kill mole rats anywhere in the Wasteland with the stick and it will count toward the count to complete the objectives. If the player wants to kill enough mole rats to complete the optional objective in Tepid Sewers then they will have to fight through some raiders, a turret, some explosive gases, and a few frag mines.

The closest location with mole rats is actually just outiside Megaton. Towards the back of megaton about three to five molerats will spawn. Also Jury St. station is full of mole rats to kill if the player is having any trouble finding enough of them.

Upon completion Moria will reward the player with some jet and psycho (dependent on level of player). If the optional objective is complete, the player character gets to keep the repellent stick. If the player does not complete the optional quest they can get the repellent stick by buying it or stealing it from the hard locked desk upstairs in Caterside Supply.

Place an observer unit inside a mirelurk nest

Moria will ask the player to gather data on mirelurk behavior by placing an observer inside mirelurk nest at the Anchorage Memorial, specifically inside an egg clutch. To complete the optional objective the player must do this without killing a simgle mirelurk. It should be noted that this only applies to mirelurks killed during the quest, and those inside the memorial itself. I suggest to make it easy to go to the Anchorage Memorial and kill all the mirelurks beofore the quest is started so the player will not have to sneak past all the mirelurks.

There are two entrances tot he ANchorage Memorial Facility, where the player needs to go. Either of them will take the player into a large room with doors to the Anchorage Memorial Facility Bay. The egg clutches are at a lower level of the bay. Alternatively, a back entrance can be used to go t o a large egg hatchery at the bottom of the Facility Offices can be found underwater to the south of the Facitlity.

Unlike most other optional objectives in this ques tit will only be completed once the player talks to Moira and say the mirelurks are "none the wiser". Remember that killing mirelurks in the memorial facility before the quest will not count against the player during the quest.

Moria will reward the player with some stealth boys depending on the level of the player. If the player completes the optional objective they will also reviece the shady hat

Return to Moira with injuries equaling more than 50% of your health

Moria wants to study the effects of injuries on the human body so she ask the player to get injured so she can take a look at the effects. The main objective is to substain more than 50% of the players health in injuries. The optinal objective is to also have a crippled limb when you return to Moria. Any injuries that are self inflicted count towards these objectives.

A very easy way to complete this quest, including the optional portion, is for the player character to walk outside of the Caterside Supply and simply jump over the railing onto the ground below. The damange from the fall should injure the player below 50% percent health and cripple a leg. Simply walk back into Caterside SUpply (or limp in this case) and show Moria your injuries. If the players medical skill is 70 or higher then they can complete the main objective instanly but this speech path will not complete the optional objective.

Moria will reward the player with some med-x for completing the main objective and the environment suit if the optional objective is completed.

Once the player completes all three task chapter 2 of the Wasteland Survival Guide is complete. Moria will reward the player with 100 experince and some ammunition, the number depends on the player's luck.

This concludes this chapter, in the next chapter we will talk about writing the last chapter of the Wasteland Surivial Guide and thus finishing up this multi-part quest.
Chapter 13- The Wasteland Surival Guide Part 3
In the last chapter we went over chapter 2 of the wsteland surival guide. The player was tasked by Moria to get inured, test repellent on mirelurks and placing an observer unit inside a mirelurk nest. In this chapter we will go over the last chapter in the Wasteland Surival Guide, and thus completing the quest.

The third chapter revovles around how towns and cities came to be after the Great War and also dealing with pre-war technology. Moria will task the player with researching rivet city's history, Install a widget in the RobCo production facility mainframe, and retrieve infomation from the Arlington Public Library.

Research Rivet City's history

Moria ask the player to find out the history about Rivet City. The optional objective is to find out Rivet City's true history, which will take more effort to find out. Almost every citizen of Rivet City is unfamiliar with its history. Most will point the player in the direction towards Bannon. Bannon claims that he helped found the city. This will complete the main objective but to complete the optional objective a bit more fact checking is rquired.

Fact-checking the infomation requires the player to talk with Pinkerton. To find Pinkerton in an easy way the player should speak with Belle Bonny in The Muddy Rudder bar, she will point you in the right direction to speak with Pinkerton.

To get to Pinkerton the player has to exit Rivet CIty and travel to the other half of the ship, where there is a walkway leading to a door. It is a very hard lock, and if the player is unable to pick they must go the long way. Going the long way will force the player to jump into the water to the left of the door and swim to the brocken middle of the ship,where they will find a door underwater. Some radaway should be taken if one is worried about any rads the player will pick up along the way.

Once the player enters the brocken half of the ship they will encounter two mirelurks (they may be mirelurk kings if the player level is high enough). Pinkerton's living area is on the upper level, accessed through a staircase past the mirelurks. The corridor to the lab is filled with flammable gas (dont use any fire based weapons!) and serval booby traps set by Pinkerton. At the end of the corridor will be a locked door, which must be opened by an eletrical switch. The terminal is a trap and will explode, instead the switch is on the opposite wall.

If the player tries to talk with Pinkerton about Rivet CIty's hostory before talking to Belle, he will claim to be one of the founders, but this will not complete the optional objective. Pinkerton will allow the player access to his termminal which will contain information to complete the optional part of this quest.

At the end of the quest, Moria will reward the player with some Mentats (mmm Mentats), as well as a permanent 10% discount with Rivet CIty's merchants (if the optinal objective was completed). The player could also lie and say it was a underwater city but this will give bad karma and worsen how the guide turns out at the end of the quest.

RobCo Production Facility Mainframe

Moria wants to study robotics technology at the RobCo factory. Moria will give the player a processor widget that she wants installed in the RobCo production facility mainframe. The optional objective is to hack the RobCo production facility mainframe.

The player must ravel to the RobCo facilty and install the processor widget in the mainframe. The mainframe is on the very top level in the building. Upon reaching the mainframe and installing the widget, every robot in the facility will activate and become hostile towards the player. To complete the optional objective, you need a science skill of at least 50 to hack the mainframe. Once the mainframe has been hacked it will provide three options to control the robots.

The first option (Pest Extermination) makes the robots turn hostile to the radroaches and the mole rats. The second (Total Liquidation) which is active at start make the robots hostile towards the player. The third (Stress Testing) makes the robots hostile towards each other. Choosing any of these will complete the optinal objective. Also if the player has the Robotics Expert Perk then a simple speech path with Moria will complete both the main and optional objective.

Moria will reward the player with some pulse grenades and a big book of science (only if the optional objective is done). Note that if the optional objective is not done then their will be an increased number of hostile robots in the wasteland.

Arlington Public Library

Moria ask the player to retrieve data from a library, more spefically from the Arlington Libarary. The main objective is to get the card catalog at the library, and the optional objective is to retrive the library archive.

Once the player gets to the libarary they will see that the Brotherhood of Steel is gaurding the library, so you have to be nice to Scribe Yearling in order to be let through, or else you will have to sneak past her (just be nice it's much easier). The terminal at the front desk has the card catalog holotape, Yearling will give the player a key if asked, otherwise it has to be hacked.

In order to complete the optional objective the player has to reach the archive terimal. Raiders and radroaches will stand in the way of the player if this path is choosen. The terminal used to download the archives can be found on the third floor of the Library Media Archive, in a room just off of a short hallway which can be accessed from the room containing a ceiling turret.

Once the player returns to Moria she will reward them with bottlecaps, and will also give you the Lying, Congressional Style if the optional objective is completed.

This will complete the third and final chapter of the Wasteland Survival Guide. The player is rewarded with 100 exp, a mini nuke, a copy of the Wasteland Survival Guide, and the Survival Expert perk. The perk will vary depending on your conversation choices with Moria.

This concludes this chapter and the discussion on the Wasteland Suirival Guide, in the next chapter we will go over the quest entiled Blood Ties.
Chapter 14- Blood Ties
In the last chapter we finished the discussion on the quest called, The Wasteland Suirival Guide. In this chapter we will walk through the quest called Blood Ties. The quest can be started be speaking with Lucy West in Megaton (she is usaully in Moriarty's Saloon). Also this quest can be started by talking to Evan King in Arefu or by reading "Regarding the Arefu Incident" in the Family's terminal at the Meresti Metro Station terminals.

Once the player talks with Lucy West she will ask them to deliver a letter to her family in Arefu. Lucy is worried about her family since they haven't written back in a while so she wants the player to make sure everything is okay (everything is not okay). Lucy will give the player character an envelope, and mark the location of Arefu on the map.

As the player is approaching Arefu Evan King will toss a grenade at the player. King will apologize and explain that the town has been under attacks by The Family. King will ask the player to check all the residences to make sure everyone is all right.

When checking in on the residents, the player discovers that the Ewer and Schenzy families are safe, but finds the bodies of Lucy's parents. If the player searches the bodies they will discover that they have bite marks on thier necks (30 plus medicine skill) with no significant blood loss (50 plus medicine skill) that the teeth marks are from human teeth (70 plus medicine skill) and that there is train yard residue on the bodies (90 plus medicine skill).

Once the player reports back to Evan King, he'll ask about Lucy's brother Ian West. Once it is discovered that Ian is missing Evan will say he saw Ian with Vance, the leader of the Family. King will also add three markers to your map if prompted, the correct location though is the Meresti trainyard.

To locate the Family the player must go through the Meresti Metro station which can be reached easiest via the tunnels under the Meresti trainyard. If the player enters by the northwest seneca station, you will find a hatch leading to the Meresti service tunnel. The player will encounter two mirelurks there. After going through the cave you will enter the old train trail, then make a left at the first train wreck with the dead mirelurks. Watch for traps at this point as they are placed in the area (if you hear a baby crying walk away it is a trap).

The front gate to the Family's hideout is guarded by Robert, who will allow the player into the Family's home for 100 caps, or free if the player has Lucy's letter for Ian. The player can jsut simply kill Robert and hacking the terminal althrough this will turn the Family hostile.

Next the player has to locate Ian West to see if he is still alive. Serval members of the Family will reveal Ian's location and the password to unlock the room where he is meditationg. Below is a list of the people that will reveal this infomation.

Vance- The player can pass a speech check to allow the player to talk to Ian. If the player fails the speech check then they must go to the termianl and learn the rules of the Family. Once the player reads the rules of the Family then they will be allowed to talk to Ian. Also if the player has the Cannibal perk then they can convince Vance to give them access to Ian.

Justin- The player can pass a speech check then Justin will reveal the passcode that allows entry to Ian's mediation room.

Karl- Can be seduced with the Black Widow perk to give up the infomation or with high enough Strength.

Brianna- If the player has the lady killer perk he will have the option to seduce Brianna into handing over the infomation. High Charisma or the Scoundrel perk can also be used to convice her.

Holly- Can be conviced with high Charisma or the Scoundrel perk.

Once the player gains access to Ian they must help Ian deciede what he wants to do. Regardless of Ian's desiccsion Evan King will reward the player with good karma and a number of caps. The player can also talk to Vance and convince him to stop attacking Arefu, and to strike a deal. The deal can be that Arefu provides blood packs and in exhange the Family defends the town from any further attacks. Doing this will result in Vance giving the player the schematics for the Shishkebab.

If the player stuck a deal with the Family and Arefu, they can return to Vance after the deal is discussed with Evan and have Vance teach them the ways of the Vampire. Doing this will give the player the Hematophage perk which modifies blood packs to heal 20 hp instead of 1 hp.

This concludes this chapter on the quest called Blood Ties, in the next chapter we will discuss the unmarked quest called Leo's drug habbit.
Layne Staley's Top Ten Howls 23 Aug, 2021 @ 5:39pm 
gotta set INT to 9 and run to rivet city for the bobblehead before level 4
K04L4 11 Jan, 2020 @ 6:44am 
Not sure why you set your strength to be 10, its a waste of a perk point considering you can get the bobblehead early on (within 2 hours of playing) located in Megaton in Lucas Simms' house :)
Lord Uchiha  [author] 19 Jun, 2015 @ 2:24pm 
thanks for the feedback, and yes more will be coming. If you like it could you please take the time to rate the guide thanks.
PrinzEugen 19 Jun, 2015 @ 1:28pm 
Thanks for a very interesting guide - I've not yet played with a melee or unarmed oriented build, but I intend to do it someday for sure ;-). Excellent guide so far - is more coming?
Lord Uchiha  [author] 9 Jun, 2015 @ 1:21pm 
I know the flaws in my own build, but I still prefer the early game boost to the meele skill so I personally find it worth it. I only offered my build as a suggestion. Thanks for you time in reading the small amount I have written.
Bort 9 Jun, 2015 @ 2:59am 
Might I suggest that you drop your Strength 10 down to 8 or 9? There is a mission in the game called Those! which offers you a chance to increase either your strength or perception by one point.

Also, the Bobbleheads that you can collect. There is one for each stat, which would get your strength up to 10.