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2015 Tournament Guide - The tool, hints and disallowed bug exploits
By spagchem
Covers the solution exporting/importing tool, bug exploits than aren't allowed in scoring solutions, special puzzle instructions and useful behaviour of (red waldo command,blue waldo command) pairs
SpaceChemTool is a tool for import and exporting SpaceChem puzzle solutions. It aims to:
  • Minimize the time spent reproducing solutions
  • Provide solvers and results video with graphical aids for additional restrictions (atom barriers, no waldo zones etc.)
  • Provide solvers with a complete set of solutions for each completed round
It can be found here[]

It is a Framework.NET executable (with C# source included) so can be run on many platforms including Windows, Linux, MacOSX.

Typical usage for round 1 (Windows)

  1. Copy shared "2015 SpaceChem Tournament" to somewhere on your machine
  2. Open config.txt and replace Solver with your name in the USER=... line
  3. Open command prompt (cmd.exe) and go to the copy of the "2015 SpaceChem Tournament" directory
  4. Run build_windows.bat if .exe file not supplied
  5. Run "SpaceChemTool play round1"
  6. Solve the puzzles
  7. Run "SpaceChemTool export round1" or "SpaceChemTool export ReallyEasy" or "SpaceChemTool export GrowingWindows" and e-mail the exportedXXX.txt file generated (see output from the tool for the filename) to me ( to submit it
  8. Wait for results to be published
  9. Run "SpaceChemTool import round1"
  10. Look at everyone's solutions in game

Typical usage for round 1 (Linux/MacOSX)

  1. Copy shared "2015 SpaceChem Tournament" to somewhere on your machine
  2. Open config.txt and replace Solver with your name in the USER=... line
  3. Open Terminal and go to the copy of the "2015 SpaceChem Tournament" directory
  4. Run "mcs /r:System.Data.SQLite.dll /r:System.Data.dll SpaceChemTool.cs"
  5. Run "mono SpaceChemTool.exe play round1"
  6. Solve the puzzles
  7. Run "mono SpaceChemTool.exe export round1" or "mono SpaceChemTool.exe export ReallyEasy" or "mono SpaceChemTool.exe export GrowingWindows" and e-mail the exportedXXX.txt file generated (see output from the tool for the filename) to me ( to submit it
  8. Wait for results to be published
  9. Run "mono SpaceChemTool.exe import round1"
  10. Look at everyone's solutions in game

Typical usage for other rounds

  1. Copy new round into "2015 SpaceChem Tournament" directory
  2. Steps 5-10 as above with new round and puzzle names
Bug Exploits Disallowed in Scoring Solutions
This section is intended to provide enough information to avoid accidentally submitting a non-scoring solution. Most of these bugs are covered in more detail by Carlbunk's guide (note that Carlbunk has assumed more about correct behaviour leading to some behaviours listed as a bug in that guide being considered as reasonable behaviour for this tournament)

Wrong Output
Examples taken from a modified version of the 2014 Tournament puzzle Greed and the ResearchNet puzzle Swapite.

Holding a molecule with both waldos while one of them is stalled is considered a bug exploit even when it doesn't lead to one waldo holding a molecule outside the molecule.

Overlapping Atoms
I don't think any of the puzzles will lead to the long thin molecules that can show this bug however if you do find yourself creating one be careful with rotations - this video shows the most obviously wrong case however less obviously broken cases have overlapping atoms.

Grabbing Fuse
This can occur when using the (Input,Fuse) command pair. The fuse taking the right hand input from the input pipe can be considered reasonable behaviour. The problem with these cases is the waldo holding onto an atom it shouldn't have grabbed (the atom it was previously holding was used by the fuse)

Particle Smashing
This can occur when using the (Input,Bond+) command pair. Anything that leads to atoms disappearing is considered a bug exploit.
Additional Puzzle Rules
Just like the barriers in 63 Corvi except they can occur anywhere in the reactor. Waldos may cross the barriers but atoms cannot.

No Waldo Zones
Waldos are not allowed to enter these cells however atoms can.
Useful Command Pairs
Many pairs of red waldo command + blue waldo command are useful. Most just behave as red waldo command then blue waldo command however some have additional behaviour or are considered buggy by some definitions:

When it doesn't lead to the particle smashing bug this combination is useful for picking up atoms from a moving waldo.

When an atom is already present in the left side of the fusion laser (Input,Fuse) shows the same behaviour as fuse then input instead of input then fuse. Additionally (Input,Fuse) can take the right hand input atom from the input pipe although this leads to the grabbing fuse bug if the waldo is holding the atom going into the left side of the fusion laser. (Input,Fuse) gets used by solutions building up heavier atoms from several light atoms and is the main reason for using a permissive definition of bug in this tournament - it would be too easy to accidentally submit and too hard to check non-scoring solutions if cases that behave like (Fuse,Input) were considered bugs

This pair can take advantage of bonder priority to swap bonds and potentially pick up or drop part of a molecule in the process.

This pair can put the fission output straight into the output pipe so is allowed in scoring solutions despite being considered a bug by some people.