Dota 2
577 ratings
How Bruce Lee Can Help You Play DotA
By Punk Monk
Bruce Meta
Play Like Bruce

Many Consider Bruce Lee as the greatest martial artist of all time. He taught Jun Fan Gung Fu (literally Bruce Lee's Kung Fu). It was basically his unconventional approach to Wing Chun.

While the 1993 movie Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story is a some what fantasized account of his life it does a good job of explaining what Jun Fan Gung Fu is. While many of Bruce Lee's opponents would be 'true' to some style of Kung Fu Bruce Lee's notion was that once you learn all the styles you must forget them...

The deeper meaning here is that while it is very true that one needs complete understanding of the 'rules', once they are learned they become a hindrance in being able to dynamically respond to a fluid situation. ie. to counter flying kick I must ...(insert what move is taught by which ever style)

For years Bruce Lee was told he was wrong for not following the rules of Wing Chun.

Bruce Lee was a master because he did not adhere to any one style.

So now we have DotA.

It is true that one needs to understand what heroes counter what heroes and why.

It is also true that one needs to know which items are best for what heroes.

It is very true however that a huge portion of people are so stuck in their own perceptions (style) that they are unable to see past them.

I could go on listing the many times in a pub match that I have been told my build was incorrect but one of my latest was when playing Pudge after bottle and boots I was told I was wrong to get a Blink Dagger.

Blink just happens to be the number one Pudge Item according to DotA Buff.

I was told in a not very nice way that I should have gotten a Force Staff (which is my normal 4th item btw) and no amount of reason would do with this fellow. At the time and all the way to the end of the game I had the most Kills and least Deaths for my team but that was not enough to stop his constant insistence ..

He got Force as his 3rd item as a Pudge and that was that...

Being unconventional can gain the ire and ridicule of fellow players but it seems being completely conventional can do the same.

My suggestion is; Learn all the rules.. Watch lots of games then forget them :)

If some one is doing something that looks out of wack ask them why they made that choice. It might be that they are a pub nutter but they just might be a Bruce Meta Master and you were just not smart enough to see it.

Maybe you will see your favorite Pudge player at this years International get a Force Staff as his 3rd item and you will make that your standard build from then on...

Is that the new Meta?

Bruce Lee knew the rules but none the less he did not follow them, he made his own and you can too.

If you know all the rules of the game then your decisions are your Meta.

Own it and you can Play Like Bruce.
Russian Translation
NuGGetZ 17 Oct, 2023 @ 9:53am 
aint no way bruh
Back 28 Aug, 2015 @ 3:56am 
this really helpedme! Thx!
Barbecue & Chili 9 Aug, 2015 @ 6:41pm 
Wow. I've had my name like this for like 5 months. Than I came across this. Wow.
You're Bathtaking 25 Jun, 2015 @ 6:38am 
Русский перевод сделан, читайте на здоровье)
The Green Dad 24 Jun, 2015 @ 4:18pm 
jk but this is a really good guide
The Green Dad 24 Jun, 2015 @ 4:17pm 
make bruce lee a hero in dota so this can make dota a gg rage game
Кошкаизада 24 Jun, 2015 @ 11:06am 
Русский перевод сделан, читайте на здоровье)
FoXyy the Quisquous 24 Jun, 2015 @ 8:07am 
Also,, the app which ESL ONE used this weekend to create highlights of matches very fast. Do you have anything to do with this too? haha :D
Paspartou 24 Jun, 2015 @ 3:14am 
76561198089234356 23 Jun, 2015 @ 11:05am 
"be water, be morphling"