X3: Reunion

X3: Reunion

54 ratings
X3 Shortcut Keys / Controls / Basic Tutorial
By Critical Failure
A list of the controls and shortcut keys as described in the manual that is provided with the physical copy of the game.
Controls - Cockpit Controls
<Joystick> - Steer Ship or Turret
<Mouse> - Steer Ship or Turret
<Joystick Z> - Roll Ship
<Throttle> - Ship Speed Control

Game - Flight Controls
<Cursor Keys> - Steer Ship or Turret
<Q/E> - Roll Ship Left or Right
<Z/X> - Ship Speed Control
<Tab Hold> - Boost Speed to Max
<Backspace> - Brake to Zero Speed
<U> - Toggle Autopilot on/off, Autopilot in main monitor: dock at targeted station, fly through targeted gate, follow targeted ship.
<Shift D> - Command Ship to Dock at target or fly through gate
<Shift M> - Change Gravidar Mode (View Range)
<Shift E> - Eject from or Enter Ship (Distance of 50m of Ship)
<W, A, S, D> - Strafe Movement of Ship
<E> - Command Console Selected Ship

Weapon Controls
<L Ctrl> - Fires Lasers from active Cockpit
<K> - Change Laser Targeting Mode
<M> - Select/Cycle Missle Type
<1, 2, 3, 4> - Change Laser in Bay 1 - 4
<L> - Launch Misssle
<G> - Weapons Menu
<LMB> - Fire Lasers of Active Cockpit
<Joystick Fire> - Fire Lasers of Active Cockpit

<T> - Target Object Under Cursor
<E> - Enemy Mode: Nearest Enemy
<PgUp/PgDn> - Target Next/Previous Ship
<Ins/Del> - Target Next/Previous Player Ship
<Home/End> - Target Next/ Previous Enemy

<I> - Target Info Menu
<U> - View Details of Selected
<S> - Ship Info
<P> - Pilot Information
<.> - Sector Map
<,> - Universe Map
<G> - Show selection on Galaxy Map
<R> - Owned Property
<L> - Message Log

Commands & Managment
<Shift C> - Command Console of Current Ship
<M> - Rename Object
<Shift 6> - Command Wingman - Attack Target
<Shift 7> - Command Wingman - Protect Me
<Shift 8> - Command Drones - Attack Target
<Shift 9> - Command Drones - Protect Me

Ships & Stations
<c> - Comms, Communicate with Taget
<u> - Station Details
<d> - Trade with Station
<b> - Read BBS Entries
<t> - Barter Goods
<l> - Landed Ships
<n> - Owned Ships
<x> - Change Ships

<F> - Freight Menu
<O> - Open/Close Freight Bay Door
<?> - Freight Exchange

<j> - SETA time accelerator
<Shift+j> - Activate Jumpdrive (repeat keys to cancel jump)
<Shift+d> - Docking Computer
<Alt,MMB> Video enhancement goggles
<5> - Best selling price locator
<6> - Best buys locator
<g> - Toggle Ecliptic projector

Interface - General
<Num enter> - Main Menu
<RETURN> - Quick Menu
<Shift+o> - Options Menu
<Shift+l> - Load game
<Shift+s> - Save game using salvage insurance
<Shift+q> - Quit game
<RMB> - Toggle mouse cursor

View Controls
<F1> - Select view mode
<F2> - Select external view
<F3> - Target View
<Shift+h> - Toggle Hud display
<F4> - Select monitor
<F4 hold> - Select monitor arrangement
<F5> - Toggle all monitors on/off
<+> - Zoom in
<-> - Zoom out
<NUM 0> - Select camera mode
<Default View> - Num 5
<View from Northeast> - POV up-right Num 9
<View from East> - POV right Num 6
<View from Southeast> - POV Down-right Num 3
<View from South> - POV Down Num 2
<View from Southwest> - POV Down-left Num 1
<View from West> - POV left Num 4
<View from Northwest> - POV Up-left Num 7

<Esc> Skip cut scenes, remove screen tips
<LMB-JS1-Enter> - Select Option
<POV Up-MW Up-Up> - Scroll Up
<POV Dn-MW-Dn-Dn> - Scroll Down
<Left-POV Left> - Scroll Left
<Right-POV Right> - Scroll Right
<Home> - Empty selection
<End> - Fill selection
<Delete> - Close all Menus

<Delete> - Delete character
<Backspace> - Backspace
<Home> - Home
<End> - End

<F9 Print Scrn> - Save in-game screenshot – These pictures are saved into
[My Documents\Egosoft\X3\Screenshots] in .tga format.

<Num 4> - Move cursor left
<Num 6> - Move cursor Right
<Num 8> - Move cursor up
<Num 2> - Move cursor down
<Num 7> - Move cursor up and left
<Num 9> - Move cursor up and right
<Num 1> - Move cursor down and left
<Num 3> - Move cursor down and right
<Insert> - Change map axis
<Home> - Zoom Map in
<End> Zoom Map out

Factory Positioning
<Ins> - Change to Z Axis
<Ins,2,8> - After Ins use 2 & 8 to change elevation
<1,3,7,9> - Change orientation of station
<2,4,6,8> - Position station on grid
<Home/End> - Zoom in/out at factory position

Additional hotkeys
<Pause> - Pause game
<a-z> - Select sector in universe map by first letter
<1-9,0> - Select amount in trade menu
Change Log
7/1/2015 - Posted Guide with Cockpit Controls, Flight Controls, Weapon Controls and Informaiton Keys. More to be added soon.
7/2/2015 - Added Command & Managment Keys as well as Ship & Stations and Freigt.
7/2/2015 - Added the rest of the content. Still working on formatting, but all the information is there now.
7/8/2015 - Mild formatting work.
7/13/2015 - Finished formatting all the information. Enjoy the guide!
М'аiq thе Lаzу 27 Apr, 2023 @ 7:11am 
I found out a workaround! Press numerals (either on main keyboard or numpad) and it will be your "step" in trade. Then proceed with arrow left/right with this amount as increment. Backspace to default back to 1.
Finally I have precise amounts multiple of five.
М'аiq thе Lаzу 17 Apr, 2023 @ 3:48am 
Damn, I wish we would have more choices in menu selection. Arrow left/right increments by 1 and home/end moves everything. Other games have ctrl+arrow and shift+arrow to choose in tens/hundreds, but it doesn't work here for me.
Critical Failure  [author] 29 Aug, 2022 @ 7:30am 
@treadface, go to graphics settings in the little launcher window that pops up. There are some Windowed mode options there that work. Just tested it out.
Critical Failure  [author] 29 Aug, 2022 @ 7:10am 
@treadface - Not sure, but I'll check it out. Pretty sure there is an advanced launch command that will do it.
Wildgoose 28 Aug, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
can i play x3 reunion windowed?? i want it playing in the background
dannyconyers 12 Jan, 2017 @ 7:05am 
I have all 3 trading software and trading extention. I have two stations producing goods but still have no idea how to access the stocks and shares screen.. help please
dannyconyers 12 Jan, 2017 @ 7:03am 
what keys access the stock exchange screen so i can start buying shares