Prior to this I drove my dad crazy, taking over his TRS 80 Color Computer 1 (this is a COCO 2)
I used to bring this computer, in the original box, shown under the desk and this 8" black and white TV, to elementary school, 5th and 6th grade, back in the 1980's

... some years later, my father bought a (80)286 .. forget the MHZ but in 1991 I built my first "pc clone" .. was a (80)386-33 MHZ (turbo.. 16mhz w/out turbo) .. Company assemblied it for me and it was great to realize, they never enabled the TURBO or had the CACHE set up proper in BIOS (basic input / output system) ... a short while later, bought a math coprocessor and .. oh what fun it has been! .. used to play Wolfenstein 3D on it, through my SONY PROLOGIC SURROUND SOUND Stereo with Infinity Studio Monitor Speakers .. tho it was only Stereo, or was it front and back? dang, can't quite recall but it was amazing back then.. used to write .MOD files (play music, I do) and had a grayscale hand-scanner, which grabbed 64 shades of gray... oh, the memories.. hopefully my folks didn't throw all of my things out .. tho they complain, yet had a large house on 12 acres of land..

I go off on tangets, but always bring it back around .. was learning assembly langauge for the 6809 on my TRS - 80 CoCo 2 back in 6th grade ... hence I pick up on a new language so quick ...

love it!

Inquire Within! I am down to help, no I am not being nice because I want something, Chivalry is not dead! I like to treat others how I prefer to be treated, with dignity and respect...

N0VA™ 21 Sep, 2015 @ 2:29pm 
Deacyde Do'Hurt'in 5 Aug, 2015 @ 2:59pm 
Commander Keen!
Mistokus  [author] 8 Jul, 2015 @ 9:55pm 
lol. i rated me up!
*pets self when self was a kid*