Way of the Samurai 4

Way of the Samurai 4

66 ratings
How To Have Sex In Way of the Samurai 4
By DaavPuke
This video below goes over all the details on how to have sex with just about any girl in The Way of the Samurai 4. Bear in mind, some unique (story) characters may require unlocking more resources, but they also can be charmed. That includes the child...don't ask.


Here's a step by step for each mini-game:



- To initiate an encounter in the dialog options, you need to pick: "I think I'm in love."

- This will prompt the flirting mini-game. Dialog options are the same for every girl and are broken down in 4 categories.
  1. Step 1: Weather - Way of the Samurai 4 has three day settings (morning, evening, night). Pick the dialog option that corresponds to the time of day > nice weather (morning), setting sun (evening), moon (night).


  2. Step 2: Profession - Depending on who you stop in the game, they like being commented on what they do. So, nurses have the "cure my ills" option, higher/general occupations have the clothes option and harlots/geisha/etc actually prefer "nice ass."


  3. Step 3: Style - Again, it's important to know who you're talking to. Maids and such prefer being called "reliable", I find regular and older girls prefer "gentle" and harlots accept "elegant."


  4. Step 4: Lock it down - This option is always hit and miss, as there seems to be no rhythm to the madness, but harlots often accept "open your borders", nurses respond to "cut my belly", regular girls like "my ship docks."


    This last step can still lead to failure, even if you pick something that worked before. In general, you want to hear the girl you're approaching react to your dialog options with a sound of interest, not anger or disgust.

- If successful, the girl will hesitate and it will trigger a lovely cutscene. The girl then makes plans with you to see you that day's nighttime.

- You cannot make plans with more than one girl per night!!!




- You will find where your girl is waiting in the menu, if you go to > Journal > Night Crawling

- Enter that building and it will trigger a mini-game where you need to sneak around undetected and pull back the covers to find the girl. Sometimes, there are multiple beds with decoys. Make sure to knock out anyone you alarm or the game fails.

Some doors can block your path; power through them by walking.

- When you pull back the covers and find the girl, they'll tell you to go to the inn, where the game automatically goes to.




You're not just done yet. Every girl makes you work for it. At the inn, you'll need to chase the girl around the room and beat her into submission by landing blows and decreasing her life meter. Doing so makes their clothes fall off and triggers the sex cutscene.

Alternatively, it's possible to throw girls on the bed, which will trigger the sex scene sooner. This is particularly handy for higher characters with lots of health and quick nut shots that deplete your life.



Every sex scene is the same, just with a different character model. Some dialog changes, however, plus you get credited for having sex with different people.

Have fun!

Video Guide
Orion 18 Jan @ 11:05pm 
I have not yet played the game, but this sounds like the most convoluted, yet hilarious way to implement a sex system in a game.
YuukaW 7 Sep, 2022 @ 12:22pm 
I'm Hijikata of the Shinsengumi.
Cowboy Bean Bowl 30 Jan, 2022 @ 1:27am 
BEAT THE GIRL INTO SUBMISSION HE SAID, hmmm idk i think there's a word for this, seems to have slipped my mind
kat 28 Jan, 2022 @ 1:39pm 
finally sex
Kevana 11 May, 2021 @ 3:36am 
@taishi_tetora yes
𝓖𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽 18 Apr, 2021 @ 6:13pm 
That turtle tho
RusDaddy 2 Apr, 2020 @ 3:31pm 
instructions unclear got my dick stuck in a barrel
taishi_tetora 26 Jul, 2015 @ 5:31pm 
just want to ask,
is it also applied to female model player? if it applied, can the character model ( female ) do same with other npc female model?
Sith_1ord 24 Jul, 2015 @ 5:55am 
And this is the first guide we get? Seriously?
Wildcard 23 Jul, 2015 @ 8:20pm 
Thank you sexmaster. My partner is in for a surprise tonight!