Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

352 ratings
All Taunts, Respects and Insults!
By Weissmann
That's a pretty big sword! Are you compensating for something? Huh?
Agathian Man At Arms
"It's a fine peasant rebellion you have here."
"You call that a Coat of Arms?"
"After I've run you through, next is your mother."
"You smell like a woman!"
"It looks like the peasants rose up, and found swords."
"Oh, I've had sheep that put up more fight than you."
"Your sword looks a little short, if you know what I mean."
"Show me your backside, 'tis your best side!"
"What a fight."
"Ah, finally met my match."
"I've heard of you."
"Grand so, good fight."
"I've never seen such skill in battle."
"You did your family honor, die with dignity."
"A worthy aversary."
"Unbelievable resistance, incredible."
"Never have I been matched so."
"Finally a fight to match my own."
"I've never seen such skill in battle, may I never see it again."
Agathian Archer
"The battle's this way, gorgeous!"
"Oh my, aren't you handsome? Better not turn my back on you."
"If you're trying to kill me, you're going the wrong way!"
"Maybe if you throw enough of them, one of them will actually hit me."
"You sure got a lot of armor on!"
"That's a pretty big sword! Are you compensating for something?"
"Don't look at me like that... it's creepy!"
"You fight well, I shall name a daughter after you!"
"Come here and fight me like a man!"
"Finally, a fair fight."
"You fought well, it'd be a shame to kill you."
"You fought well, I shall name my first born in your memory, ha-ha!"
"You're a skilled fighter, but you're on the wrong side."
"Finally a worthy opponent."
"Ah, I see you're no stranger to the blade."
"You fight well, it's a shame you choose the wrong side."
"This has been fun, it's time to end it."
Agathian Vanguard
"I was searching for a fool, when I found you!"
"Hoohoo, I do declare you're open to incontinence!"
"You cankers swelled so much, that they have stretched the sides of the world."
"What a fry of fornication of is upon me."
"I would love to beat thee, but I shall infect my hands."
"Why you are a man of wax?"
"You put up quite a fight."
"Skilled in the art of war? You can't all be peasants."
"A worthy aversary."
"Oh, the training you must have gone through."
"I would like thee, if you were not a traitor."
"I dare say you matched even my own skills."
"You give me cause to perspire!"
Agathian Knight
"Oh, he is smart like my shoe!"
"Dost thou prate, rogue?"
"Dost thou jeer and t-taunt me in the teeth?"
"Zounds! I was never so bethumped with words"
"Frightful armour does well to disguise peevish nature!"
"Dost thou insist to fill the world with vicious qualities!"
"You lay with dogs that are your chambermaids!"
"Their forces are made up of how much low peasantry?"
"Finally a fair fight."
"Finally a fair match."
"You have fought well."
"Ah, good fight."
"You are a true warrior."
"Nearly had me there."
"You are a fine warrior."
"Ah, one who has matched my skill."
Mason Man At Arms
"You are pigeon livered, and you lack any gall!"
"Your wife, is a hobby horse!"
"Your virginity breeds mice! Much like a cheese!"
"There's no more fight in thee, than in a stewed prune!"
"Your brain, is as dry as a biscuit after a long voyage!"
"You scullion! I'll tickle your catastrophe!"
"You should be women, and yet your beards forbid me from interpreting that you are so!"
"Your stupidity is no accident, it is your birthright!"
"And I was beginning to think, that none of these loyalist's could fight."
"Finally a fighter, I was beginning to think you were all squire's."
"Honored, to cross sword's with you."
"Finally a challenge."
"Honored, to fight one of such skill."
"It's about time I ran into somebody who could fight."
"Ah, a formidable foe."
Mason Archer
"You'll never be half the man your mother is!"
"Is this the best your house has to offer?!"
"Are you lost in thought? It must be unfamilliar territory!"
"I've been better things fall of the rear of a horse!"
"Your all foam and no mead!"
"You must be drunk!"
"Drop! Into the rotten mouth of death!"
"Your parents! Are they siblings!?"
"Finally a good fight."
"Not bad."
"Apparently not all Agathian's are made out of straw."
"Well fought."
"A worthy match."
"Touché lad."
"A real encounter."
"A decent bow."
Mason Vanguard
"You aren't fit to govern, let alone live!"
"Come you tedious fool, to the purpose!"
"Is that chain mail? Or are you wearing a dress?!"
"C'mere you! I like you!"
"Over here, squire! I need help with my codpiece!"
"I'll split you open like a ripe melon!"
"Each one of you is worse than the other!"
"You're like a wench, whose natural gifts were poor!"
"Ah, one who has matched my skill."
"Finally a fair fight."
"You are more than meets the eye."
"You nearly had me."
"You fought well, but for the wrong side."
"You are stronger than I thought."
"I met my match."
Mason Knight
"Here's a kind of excelent, dumb discourse!"
"What a comedy is your defiance!"
"Thou drone! Thou slug! Thou snail! Thou sot!"
"Art thou my eunuch? I shall make it so!"
"Your wife provided fitter sport!"
"They flock together in consent, like so many wild geese."
"Go off! I discard you! Let me enjoy my privates!"
"Well fought, I'll give you that."
"Not bad for a squire."
"Hah, I'm almost trying."
"You have strength, you should join the order."
"You should join the order."
"I nearly broke a sweat."
"You are well matched i'll give you that."
•҉Baron von Moorland 16 Mar @ 7:29am 
Fairly certain it’s “virginity breeds MITES, much like a cheese.” :l_wing::rflower::r_wing:
DrKnowledge89 19 Nov, 2021 @ 7:21pm 
Looks like the peasants have rose up and found swords:steammocking:
76561198101376385 10 Nov, 2021 @ 3:32am 
To those who need to hear it, Jesus loves you, he will always be with you, God bless.
plotinoc 5 Jul, 2021 @ 3:40pm 
i think u forgot one on the agathian knight (idk if this is how you say it but its what i understood)
this was the one u forgot:Ugh! He smuggled on me!
Tetsuu ♱ 16 Aug, 2020 @ 4:52am 
ah yes, anooying archers shields and javelins...
Franz G. 29 Feb, 2020 @ 11:33am 
ronnie mcnustblaster 2 Feb, 2020 @ 11:48am 
Avarice 10 Jul, 2019 @ 11:08am 
You forgot:
Quorthon 13 Jan, 2019 @ 10:55am 
Go thither!
Boblin Da Goblin 30 Dec, 2018 @ 8:02am 
love the Mason Order's insults. "Your parents! Are they siblings!?" Awesome. Both factions archers are amusing