La Tale

La Tale

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LaTale (Legend & Fantasy - Update): Classes, Leveling, Crafting, Builds, Etc
By Saitana
A guide to explain the new the Season 3, hopefully in depth to you guys liking. If you want comment down below on what you think I should add to this guide. For now I'm just going through the basic stuff when I get the time to post my first copy. Will hope you enjoy when its released and hope that I provide a good service to everyone.

Main Playing IGN: GoldNeko
Update: I'm back and will continue to update as I go on gradually.
Soon to be added: Dungeon/Special Dungeon Walkthroughs
New Class: Card Master!
Card Master:

A new class has arrived: the Card Master!

Card Masters are a class of magicians who utilize magical cards' power to attack enemies in a brilliant fashion. Sometimes, they can even use their enemies' own strength against them...

The Card Master...
... uses a unique resource, the Card, instead of SP.
... can manage the Card Binder to gain additional Cards.
... can advance into the High Master or Battle Master at level 50. This decision is final, so choose carefully!

Note: Taken from the update notes.

Skill Overview:

Job Change Names
1st Job >>> 2nd Job >>> 3rd Job >>> 4th Job >>> Sub Job
Card Master >>> High Master >>> Holy Master >>> Ark Master >>> Currently None
Card Master >>> Battle Master >>> Dark Master >>> Force Master >>> Currently None

High vs Battle:
High Master is an ideal choice for those who prefer more aoe and standing back than getting right into the frey. Attack from a distance with High Master's skills and support your party with attack buffs. For those of you who like aoe but like contributing in damage to the party then Battle Master is your way to go. Attack more up close and afar with a little more adequate damage than High Master as Battle Master. Buff yourself up to deal even than you already are.

Ark Master
Force Master

Any other updates regarding what happened when Season 3: Infinity first arrived take a look here:
Class Info (Classes/Job Changes)
Basic info about the other classes.

Job Advancement:

2nd Job:
Congratulations! You have just reached level 50! They made it easier to job change now so all you have to do is just a simple click and go.

When you have reached level 50 go to your quests and you should find a Class Upgrade Quest completed. Hover over it and it should contain a warp. Complete it and use the warp.

You arrive here.

Just head right and go through the portal (make sure to unequip any weapons you have on) where you will initiate a conversation to choose which path to take. Choose your path head right back to the left portal and your done. If you have a warp or waypoint time you can use that as well after you finished.

For Card Master:
At level 43 you get a 2nd class change notice for you to start. In order to head back to Luminous City equip the warp crystal given to you when you created your own Card Master. Then in you skills (K) go to support, then items skills and there should be a skill that teleports you back to Luminous City. From there just do the quests they give you and with them should have you at lvl 50 and able to job change at the end.

Note: (This feature only exclusive to Card Master because of its own starting area different from others)

3rd Job:
Congratulations! You are now level 100! Same thing as 2nd Job you acquire a quest and it gives you a warp.

You arrive here.(make sure to unequip any weapons you have on and head through next portal)

Head on up to this tree and once you move more to the right you will initiate a conversation/story dialogue in which you can skip through and instantly have your 3rd job advancement right off the bat. Again if you have a warp or waypoint time can use that to teleport out or head back to the woman in the first area to go to one of the major cities.

Note: Same thing applies to Card Master

4th Job Area:
Congrats on really getting this far. You just reached 180. You just basically reached almost your near end-game experience. But anyways welcome to the top guns now where you can now party with the cool kids, or so I think lol. Alright, for this final adventure into your last class is you will be heading to the Guild Union and talking to the Lady on The Roof (for those who did their sub class change you know where
she is).

After you start the scenario with her, then you will make your way to the Guild Corridor and head the bottom right portal where you will access even more portals. Find the one that says "Can only enter if 3rd job change" something like that and enter there. From there this is where you will begin your 4th job change, just follow the quests. Instead of things being like kill, collect, or find 20/25/50 of whatever, its been to reduced to 5! Yes 5! Allelujah!

Ok so people have asked about this "At the Strange Road" quest where it just says "Find the girl". What your supposed to do is head back to the research center and go back all the way to the last portal at the end where you couldn't enter unles you had the quest "At the Strange Road".

Next you will end up in a place like this just keep heading right till you begin the scenario.

Now all of a sudden agents spawn, and your like dammit what the hell happened (or not). At this point you should some resurrection pots from the quests from earlier and hope you don't die as much. There is a portal that opens AFTER you defeat a certain number of these agents so good luck and then you will have your 4th job change ready :). Oh idk if this is for everyone but some translation is funky so if you are just seeing ??????s then just keep pressing the 1st option when it gives you one.

To complete the quest at the end when it teleports you to a random place, you head for Compartment 3 where you will engage in the scenario for the quest "Converse with Sarah Subati"

In that Compartment 3 this is the woman you should see and start the scenario when closesr to her.

Note: Same thing applies to Card Master

Sub Job:
At level 140, now we get a capsule just like 2nd and 3rd job.

Click it and you will be sent to where you job change. (Remove all equips and weapons - costumes do not matter unless they are in your weapon slots then they need to be off as well)

Note: Following classes do not have sub job as of now - Wanderers, Card Masters
Class Builds
In terms of class builds here are some that still work well since Season 2 and have still helped me with every class I've made so far (which in this case all of them).

Season 2 Skill Building and You

This skill simulator only goes up to Soul Breaker and not for the newest class Card Master at this point. Still feel free to take a look into these wonderful guides made by other fellow LaTalers and the above one put together by our own Forum GA, MrApo.

Guide to Card Binder/Soul Sealing for Card Master (created by Zygard1):

Fundamentals of Arc Master (created by MagnificentFish):

From Card Master to Battle Master. A new guide! (created by EchoRebound):

Note: All names are forum names from Ogplanet Latale Forums

In terms of Card Master, here is my build for Force Master at this point that works for me: (As of level 188)

Maybe if I can in due time make a High Master and test it out for a build of my own, otherwise check out the others I mentioned who have come up with good builds for Force/Arc Master.
Where we grasp ideas on how to level quickly or just those who just want an idea on just getting some more exp for their characters.


Before you start hating on me for saying this quests in LaTale have been significantly improved from Season 2 due to the level cap increase and exp table re-work. In terms of questing after just making a new char you mainly will see Ases in Belos as your first option and you start with him. From there finish quests in every area they send you to and should be gaining levels not fast but sustainably quicker than normal since Season 1 - 2.

In order questing line (Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't mind constructive feedback and when I mean questing line I mean as in where you would go looking for more quests.):

- Main City
- Forest Area
- Temple of Pluto (Dungeon Quests acquired as well)

- Main City
- Elias Palace

Young Gyoung
- Main City
- Restuarant
- Red Field

- Main City

- Main City
- Restuarant
- Inside Shops

- Main City

- Main City
- Abyss Ruins
- Snowfield

Toad Island(Arrived at by speaking to the little captain to the far left of Atlantis)
- Residents of Island
- Uphill Town of Big Toad

- Main City
- Webfoot Octopus
- Bifrost

Anyones I'm missing let me know and also if I should put levels depending on the expected level after your done questing or the point where you should be questing.

Leveling Hot Spots as of Season 3:
Able to get there through Shalo in any town

Note: They are in order of where to go after you reach a particular level.
+ = can continue going till you feel doesnt satisfy

Beginner Coli (20 - 55) First bottom portal

Behemoth (50 - 65)

Fairy Forest (55 - 70)

Spooky 70 (70 - 105+) or Spooky 170 (170+)

Lilliput Ocean (80 - 100) Far right portal

Lilliput Castle (90 - 115) Middle portal

Intermediate Coli (85 - 125+) Second portal from bottom

City of Iron (115 - 135) Far left portal

Half Run Expert Coli (140 - 165+) 3rd portal from bottom

Tiger Temple (140 - 165+)

Chapels (115 and 135)

Chunsik Land (160+)

Expert Coli Full Runs (165 - 180+) Third portal from bottom. Gear properly, S Rank/Beg & Adv Taid/Degos

Jienda Park Areas (180+): Botanical Garden has been most preferred.

F3 (A floor accessed by a ticket acquired from the floor 2 monsters in Chunsik Land.)

Crafting 101
Crafting has also received a big change after the Season 3: Infinity update. Instead of materials such as copper, pink tourmaline, druzziquartz, etc, we have shards available in tiers.

Inferior Shard

Normal Shard

Superior Shard

Legendary Shard

Special Shard

Note: All can be obtained from decomposing gear. Explained further in.


Easy and simple. Select the decompose option and everything decomposable should have a border around it.

Select any of the decomposable items.

Select Yes to decompose.

Then in your chat should see that type of shard you acquired depending on the tier and level of the item.

Note: The amount in which you get is random, but you do get more or higher tiered shards the better the weapon. Enhancements is not included in that ratio.

Enchanting 101
Mori 5 Oct, 2016 @ 3:09am 
im nawt in any of the photohs 1/10:keikoku::keikoku::keikoku::keikoku:
Saitana  [author] 4 Dec, 2015 @ 9:59am 
@Terrilicious Oh thank you for saying that. I should get to that as well.
Bernadetta Sanders 4 Dec, 2015 @ 6:22am 
@Saitana yeah i heard the rate is around 15 percent. Also the second secret summon is white ninja (still not 4th job). would be nice to add in where you can find each and every monster you want to soul steal. like turban shell in shangri-la
Saitana  [author] 2 Dec, 2015 @ 9:13am 
@Terrilicious Alright thanks for that and I will also use that info as well. And if you are wondering I will also be adding the rates at which the soul steal is effective. I found it on another guide which I will mention who it came from.
Bernadetta Sanders 2 Dec, 2015 @ 8:05am 
oh ok thanks, by the way, if you do the secret cards one and implement them here, one of them can be found on the -> side of ves in a ship. theres an instance dungeon portal, the mini boss there is a secret card. still looking for the second one :)
Saitana  [author] 1 Dec, 2015 @ 10:18am 
@Terrilicious To include in that I don't think I properly answered you. You can only soul steal the ones that they show with the addition of the 1 hidden one after each change to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and yes with each job change 4 more are added with as I said that extra hidden monster you have to guess to find or ask around and again I'll try and make a guide on what monsters are available for each path.
Saitana  [author] 1 Dec, 2015 @ 10:15am 
@Terrilicious Correction. I forgot you dont soul steal until after your job change. But still indeed when you do each class has their own soul steal set from each other. So in this case still comes down as to which one you want to know unless you want to know them all for Force/Arc Master.
Bernadetta Sanders 1 Dec, 2015 @ 9:43am 
@Saitana i have a few questions about card masters, mostly about his soul stealing, i know there are some ?? that tells you who you can soul steal, but i want to see if theres any hidden monsters you can seal, or if each job gives you more people to soul steal.
Saitana  [author] 1 Dec, 2015 @ 7:56am 
@Terrilicious I can if you want. This guide wasnt really made for Card Master initially but I'll be happy to when I get the chance.
Bernadetta Sanders 30 Nov, 2015 @ 5:48pm 
is it possible you could put monsters that can be soul steal?