Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

174 คะแนน
The lowest of low: playing Chivalry on any computer
โดย SrPiromaniaco และ 1 ผู้มีส่วนร่วม
Have you ever heard of the Runescape mode for Chivalry? Yeah?

Well, welcome to Tibia mode. Punching the settings so low you won't even recognize the game.
Do you have a low-end PC or notebook and want to chop some heads off in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare? Then I'll try to give you a little help.

First of all, keep in your head that keeping all the settings to the lowest possible doesn't mean you FPS won't drop. Full 32-player servers might still be difficult if not unplayable. After all the game still has to process what's going on, which weights heavily on your computer. However, duels will improve vastly in their quality.

Stonehill has seen better days

Also, remember that it won't look pretty. Both the graphics and the animations look way worse than your normal chivalry. Attack animatins don't change, so combat is kept as it is.

Lastly, I want to give a big thanks to the guys who helped me put this together:
-Indivíduo Enlatado, who uses this settings on his everyday head chopping and gave me most of this information;
-Dreadlindo, for sending me the link of the original "runescape mode" and for encouraging me to not play the game until I made this guide.

Yes, this is Forest
Starting up
Since we're going lower than the lowest, we'll need to edit some of the game files for this. Just some graphics stuff, so don't worry about getting a VAC ban. So let's locate said files.

That's fire on the ground

These are the directories of the files you need:

For Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Chivalry Medieval Warfare\UDKGame\Config\
For Linux: $XDG_DATA_HOME/TornBanner/Chivalry/UDKGame/Config/
For Mac: Not sure yet, will update once I find out.

Ok, now you should be inside a directory full of .ini files. Good, let's locate the first one and start the dirty work.

Buuut before changing any file, copy it and save it on another safe location, in case you want to reset everything later.

On fire. This picture was not photoshopped. Seriously, that's how being on fire looks.
This file is divided into many [SystemSettings] categories. You will be changing only the first one.

First of all find the settings that begin with TEXTUREGROUP_. See all those variables after each setting? The only ones you will change are MaxLODSize and MinLODSize. Put it on 1, which is the minimum. Do that for all settings

Changing these will make the game crash after the map changes.

HEY If you don't want your game to look like complete garbage, you can keep those values at 8, which is the second lowest. At least you'll be able to distinguish between agatha and mason.
This is an agatha Knight almost dead:
See how that can be confusing?

IF you don't feel like making everything better just to see who's the good, the bad and the ugly (just kidding, they're all ugly), there are the settings that should be changed to AT LEAST 8:
Won't make much difference in the FPS.

All right, not for the rest of this file. Those lines above TEXTUREGROUP? They should look something like this:

[SystemSettings] StaticDecals=False DynamicDecals=False UnbatchedDecals=True DecalCullDistanceScale=0.500000 DynamicLights=False DynamicShadows=False LightEnvironmentShadows=False CompositeDynamicLights=False SHSecondaryLighting=False DirectionalLightmaps=True MotionBlur=False MotionBlurPause=True MotionBlurSkinning=1 DepthOfField=False AmbientOcclusion=False Bloom=False bAllowLightShafts=False Distortion=False FilteredDistortion=False DropParticleDistortion=False bAllowDownsampledTranslucency=False SpeedTreeLeaves=False SpeedTreeFronds=False OnlyStreamInTextures=False LensFlares=False FogVolumes=False FloatingPointRenderTargets=True OneFrameThreadLag=True UseVsync=False UpscaleScreenPercentage=True Fullscreen=True Borderless=False AllowOpenGL=False AllowRadialBlur=True AllowSubsurfaceScattering=False AllowImageReflections=False AllowImageReflectionShadowing=False bAllowSeparateTranslucency=False bAllowPostprocessMLAA=False PostProcessAAType=6 bAllowHighQualityMaterials=True MaxFilterBlurSampleCount=16 SkeletalMeshLODBias=2 ParticleLODBias=0 FoliageLODBias=0 SSAOQuality=2 DetailMode=2 MaxDrawDistanceScale=1.200000 ShadowFilterQualityBias=0 MaxAnisotropy=1 MaxMultiSamples=1 bAllowD3D9MSAA=False bAllowTemporalAA=False TemporalAA_MinDepth=500.000000 TemporalAA_StartDepthVelocityScale=100.000000 MinShadowResolution=64 MinPreShadowResolution=8 MaxShadowResolution=256 MobileShadowTextureResolution=1120 MaxWholeSceneDominantShadowResolution=1280 ShadowFadeResolution=128 PreShadowFadeResolution=16 ShadowFadeExponent=0.250000 ResX=640 ResY=480 ScreenPercentage=100.000000 SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier=1.000000 ShadowTexelsPerPixel=1.300000 PreShadowResolutionFactor=0.500000 bEnableBranchingPCFShadows=False bAllowHardwareShadowFiltering=False TessellationAdaptivePixelsPerTriangle=48.000000 bEnableForegroundShadowsOnWorld=False bEnableForegroundSelfShadowing=False bAllowWholeSceneDominantShadows=False bUseConservativeShadowBounds=False ShadowFilterRadius=2.000000 ShadowDepthBias=0.012000 PerObjectShadowTransition=60.000000 PerSceneShadowTransition=600.000000 CSMSplitPenumbraScale=0.500000 CSMSplitSoftTransitionDistanceScale=4.000000 CSMSplitDepthBiasScale=0.500000 CSMMinimumFOV=40.000000 CSMFOVRoundFactor=4.000000 UnbuiltWholeSceneDynamicShadowRadius=20000.000000 UnbuiltNumWholeSceneDynamicShadowCascades=3 WholeSceneShadowUnbuiltInteractionThreshold=50 bAllowFracturedDamage=True NumFracturedPartsScale=1.000000 FractureDirectSpawnChanceScale=1.000000 FractureRadialSpawnChanceScale=1.000000 FractureCullDistanceScale=2.000000 bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=false bDisableSkeletalInstanceWeights=false HighPrecisionGBuffers=False AllowSecondaryDisplays=False SecondaryDisplayMaximumWidth=1280 SecondaryDisplayMaximumHeight=720 MaxSoundNodeRandomChildren=1 MobileFeatureLevel=0 MobileFog=False MobileHeightFog=False MobileSpecular=True MobileBumpOffset=True MobileNormalMapping=True MobileEnvMapping=True MobileRimLighting=True MobileColorBlending=True MobileColorGrading=False MobileVertexMovement=True MobileOcclusionQueries=False MobileGlobalGammaCorrection=False MobileAllowGammaCorrectionWorldOverride=True MobileLODBias=-0.5 MobileBoneCount=75 MobileBoneWeightCount=2 MobileUsePreprocessedShaders=True MobileFlashRedForUncachedShaders=False MobileWarmUpPreprocessedShaders=True MobileCachePreprocessedShaders=False MobileProfilePreprocessedShaders=False MobileUseCPreprocessorOnShaders=True MobileLoadCPreprocessedShaders=True MobileSharePixelShaders=True MobileShareVertexShaders=True MobileShareShaderPrograms=True MobileEnableMSAA=False MobileContentScaleFactor=1.0 MobileVertexScratchBufferSize=150 MobileIndexScratchBufferSize=10 MobileLightShaftScale=2.0 MobileLightShaftFirstPass=0.5 MobileLightShaftSecondPass=1.0 MobileModShadows=True MobileTiltShift=False MobileMaxMemory=300 MobilePostProcessBlurAmount=32.0 MobileTiltShiftPosition=0.5 MobileTiltShiftFocusWidth=0.3 MobileTiltShiftTransitionWidth=0.5 MobileMaxShadowRange=500.0 MobileBloomTint=(R=1.0,G=0.75,B=0.0,A=1.0) MobileClearDepthBetweenDPG=False MobileSceneDepthResolveForShadows=TRUE ApexLODResourceBudget=1000000020040877300000.000000 ApexDestructionMaxChunkIslandCount=2500 ApexDestructionMaxShapeCount=0 ApexDestructionMaxChunkSeparationLOD=1.000000 ApexDestructionMaxActorCreatesPerFrame=-1 ApexDestructionMaxFracturesProcessedPerFrame=-1 ApexDestructionSortByBenefit=True ApexGRBEnable=false ApexGRBGPUMemSceneSize=128 ApexGRBGPUMemTempDataSize=128 ApexGRBMeshCellSize=7.500000 ApexGRBNonPenSolverPosIterCount=9 ApexGRBFrictionSolverPosIterCount=3 ApexGRBFrictionSolverVelIterCount=3 ApexGRBSkinWidth=0.025000 ApexGRBMaxLinearAcceleration=1000000.000000 bEnableParallelAPEXClothingFetch=True ApexClothingAvgSimFrequencyWindow=60 ApexClothingAllowAsyncCooking=True ApexClothingAllowApexWorkBetweenSubsteps=FALSE

2 things I want to give special attention to:
  • ~Resolution has a big impact on FPS
  • ~MaxSoundNodeRandomChildren changes the game sounds. It will sound terrible, but you only care about your performance right? In that case, keep it at 1, if not, 6 should be good enough for a sissie like you.

    After you've done all this, save the document, then right click it, go to Properties and mark it as READ-ONLY; If you don't do this, the configurations will be reset when you run the game!

    All cool? Ok, to the next file, which is...
Find "MaxSmoothedFrameRate". There are 2, but you want the first one.

Now set it to 120 and see the magic of having no FPS restrictions on your game. If you have a 120Hz monitor, you are one lucky bastard and I envy you, and also you can play Chiv with that FPS happily. Won't make much difference in 60Hz monitors, but the FPS cap will still be higher.

Setting "bSmoothFrameRate" to false will also remove FPS restrictions, but the game might have FPS spikes at certain moments, which can cause some jerkiness. And we want good gameplay, only with bad graphics. This can change in different computer. I had different experiences with this setting on a gaming PC and a not-made-for-gaming-at-all notebook. Play with it and see what's better for you

Again, save it and set the file for Read-Only.

Final Considerations
Last thing I want to highlitght: if you change any config ingame, everything will be reset, whether the files are Read-Only or not. So save the files before lauching the game.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to save the original ones too you know..

That's it! You're ready to take some screenshots and show everybody how terrible your game looks. Maybe somebody will feel bad enough that they'll buy a better computer for you.

If you refuse, tell them I want it.

Help us


This guide was created with the intention of helping people with low-end computers. You are responsible for any changes you make in the game files. I take no responsability in your computer exploding or the FBI invading your house to arrest you.
58 ความเห็น
Rusty 14 พ.ย. 2023 @ 1: 22pm 
Thanks. I'm putting this on my 4 year old Thinkpad right now.
Strazdas 6 ธ.ค. 2022 @ 11: 52am 
On one hand i got to like this for Tibia reference, on the other even Tibia looks better than this.
DjBaldEagle 22 ก.ย. 2021 @ 8: 37pm 
Sad to see none of the youngins get the tibia reference... Such a lovely time....smh
shower shitter 7 ก.ค. 2021 @ 3: 43pm 
It looked like roblox to me XD
JustanOlGuy 3 ก.ค. 2021 @ 10: 17am 
I played this on a Kindle...
76561198034531618 7 ก.ค. 2020 @ 2: 35pm 
This is crazy. I was surprised how well the game runs on a laptop with the default low settings. But this, this is playable on a calculator or a printer.
skaddie 11 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 9: 18pm 
Exsoit 18 ก.พ. 2020 @ 10: 56pm 
These low graphics give me nostalgia about everquest 1
MetalCh3 18 พ.ย. 2019 @ 2: 18pm 
This is glorious
Ebif 13 ธ.ค. 2016 @ 6: 47am 
i have 80 ping normally , lol what are these?