The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

396 ratings
How to Properly Mod Your Skyrim
By LiamThePimp and 1 collaborators
Welcome! Ever wonder how to properly, install, and run mods? We teach you everything, from ENBs to textures, we select our favorites, as well as the most popular mods out there. We include tutorials on how to download ENBs, or manually install mods. Contact HydrocookiE or BlackGold for support, we're happy to help. We also offer another guide specifically for increasing your immersion.
Last update: August 27th, 2017.
This is a complete and thorough guide on how to properly your mod your Skyrim. Including how to install an ENB. A modded Skyrim is like a tower, the base, then all your mods are held together by duct tape. Not taking the patience and carefully installing every mod can be costly. Fatal crashes may occur, missing textures, etc.... If you take the time to be careful and install everything correctly it will pay off. Seriously.The great thing about the modding community is that there is stuff for everyone. Options are almost unlimited. You're personal preference may vary. I will list some of the most endorsed, downloaded mods for each category.

PC can't run 8k textures at 60 FPS?
Hey, I get that. Not everyone has quad SLI GTX 980 ti's or triple crossfire R9 Fury Xs lying around in their house. I will consider lite texture packs as well, they can still look pretty snazzy if it isn't 4k. ENBs also have features for lower-end PCs, which can still look very snazzy. Although, for these to run at a reasonable framerate you need half decent hardware. You can't have a pentium processor with an ancient graphics card and 128mb of RAM and expect to run realvison on highest settings.
Tips #1 - Manually Installing a Mod
We do not recommend manually installing mods, unless you are experienced.
Mod installation varies differently between different mods. Before consulting the guide. Please check the mode page.
  • First off, pick your mod of choice. Hit files and choose one (If you don't know which one to pick, consult the mod description to see which file is compatible for your PC, or mods.). Start off with the main mods, then install optional files according to your needs. Hit download manually. If you use Chrome, you should see the progress of the file downloaded at the bottom of the window.
  • Most mods require an unzipping tool, such as winRAR or 7-zip.
  • Open 2 windows of Windows explorer (icon on your taskbar that looks like a file)
  • On one open your skyrim directory. Default is C:/Program Files(x86)/steam/steamapps/common/skyrim
  • In the other, open your downloads. You should see the mod that you downloaded. Right-click and open in 7-zip or winRAR.
  • You should see one or more files. If you have one it should be named Data, if so just drag the mod over to the skyrim folder of the same name, you will get a prompt asking you to merge the two folders, say yes. If it has several folders, just drag all of them into your data folder. In NMM or Loot, make sure the esp plugin is activated (don't worry if you don't have one though).
Tips #2 - Uninstalling Mods
Now, this is a mistake we here, the people developing this guide, have made numerous times. That is uninstalling mods mid-playthrough.

Now, you do not have to worry about this for all mods. Small mods that are script free can usually be uninstalled without any hassle. However, mods with scripts such as Requiem can potentially cause crashes, missing textures and models, freezing and other issues that could lead to a reinstall.

A good rule of thumb is to check the mod description and see if they offer any specific instructions to uninstall. If it says something along the lines of "remove files from data folder/with NMM" you're probably alright but if special instructions are provided there is reason to be careful.
Chapter 1 (Beginnings)
Starting Fresh The best way to start modding your Skyrim is to start fresh. Uninstall the game and any mods currently left behind. This can be used by using steam's built in delete feature. First make sure that you know the location of your Skyrim (default (C:)>Program Files (x86)>Steam Library>Steam Apps>Common>Skyrim. Then, delete the folder. This makes your install nice and fresh. Making sure that you don't install mods in the wrong folder, because it happens...
Another way is to clear out and uninstall any added files, then use steam game cache validator. Do this by right clicking on the game, properties, local files and then press Verify Integrity Of Game Cache.
Chapter 2 (SKSE, LOOT and Nexus)
Skyrim Skript Extender and Load Order Optimization Tool
All credit goes to devolopers of the 2 plugins!

is essential for any proper modded Skyrim. LOOT[](Download link there) is the Load Order Optimization Tool which tests the integrity of game plugins and files, alerts you of the issue. (next bit is taken from LOOT website) While sorting, LOOT checks for load order errors (such as incompatibilities and missing requirements) and notifies you of any issues that it detects. It also provides thousands of plugin-specific messages, such as usage notes and bug warnings, to help keep your game healthy. LOOT comes with an install wizard to save you time and the hassle.
Skyrim Script Extender (Download link[]) is also very important and essential if you want Skyrim to look, and run butter smooth. It is also required by dozens of the greatest mods that change the game in a positve way. SKSE already has the great feature of the install wizard.
NOTE: when installing mods via NMM, always check the mod's files section before downloading so you download the right one.
Nexus Mod Manager, [] NMM for short, is the ultimate modding tool, saving you hours by activating, and correctly installing files to the directory the author of the mod wants it installed to to work properly. Like LOOT it has a plugins sorter, but not as good as LOOT I find. Nexus Mods [] is the best modding site in my opionion, it has the largest variety and one of the best communities. Make sure you hit archive invalidation in the tools menu, alot of mods require it.

Load orders...
Sounds Scary, huh? A load order is how conflictions between plugins are decided and organized. .esm (master files) go first. followed by .esp (file extensions) Nexus and LOOT will guide you through organizing your load order, with their automated plugin sorting. But make sure you grasp what a load order is, it is very important that you grasp it. Gopher has a great video about it here:
Chapter 3 (Installing an ENB)
Properly installing and configuring an ENB
ENBs are not compatible with SLI or Crossfire, infact, it runs worse, and microstutters are everywhere.
Please note that Boris Vorontsov does not test or optimize for AMD and SLI so your framerates will suffer even if you have a Fury X or two 1080's more than if you had a single 970.

  • What is an ENB?
  • An ENB is an extreme lighting overhaul that completely changes lighting, but also adds some really awesome features like depth of field, different suns etc...
    If you had ever googled "Skyrim with Mods" Chances are they are using an ENB. The ENB is the biggest factor that sets modding apart from vanilla. Some shots below:

Please note that Boris Vorontsov does not test or optimize for AMD and SLI so your framerates will suffer even if you have a Fury X or two 1080's more than if you had a single 970.

So, Lets get started, shall we?
Step 1:
First off, you need WinRAR or a similar decompression tool. It will be important! 2nd off, if you prefer videos, a great one is here:
PLEASE NOTE: this is an outdated video, but can be referenced to quite a bit
Step 2:
Go to your prefered ENB on the nexus, I will be using Realvision ENB[] because it is the most downloaded and endorsed. Download the version the latest version.
open it in WinRaR or a similar program. it should appear like this:
Step 3:
Open Main files, selesct all folders and files, drag them into your skyrim directory. (click library on top of steam taskbar, scroll to skyrim, right click, properties, local files, browse game files. It should open your skyrim directory.)
Step 4:
Then assess your PC specs, this is my recommended settings
for FULL options, GTX 670, 770 or similar AMD.
for MEDIUM options GTX 660ti.
For PERFORMANCE, doesn't really matter, anything under the specs I put above.
Select option A or B, A is more realistic orientied where B is more atmoshperic. My personal preference is A. Select your favourite preference and setting according to your PC. drag all the .ini files into your skyrim directory.
Step 5:
Pick your favourite sun, of the 4. Check images at the bottom of the file. To see what ones you like. Once that is finished. click on the file that your favourite sun is. go textures>sky>climatesoftamriel> Then you should end up with one or two folders. select them and drag them into your skyrim directory. Now, Pick your favourite Depth of field, Static, Off or defualt. Defualt is my favourite. select your favoured depth of field folder>Realvision_ENB_ you should come to a file, drag that into your directory. Countinue this for your other options.
Step 6:
Now to bring this to life...
You ready? This is where the ENB will come to life... head to [] and select the corrisponding version to the version of the ENB preset you downloaded. scroll all the way down and hit the download button. Open in WinRaR or your chosen decompression tool. Go into the wrapper version folder NOT the injector. We only need 2 files from here. d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe. click one of the files, hold control and click the other one. Then drag it into your skyrim directory.
Step 7:
The final part before we boot up the game and test to see if the hard work payed off. Head to your ENB preset's description on the Nexus sites. Check to see what they want you to tweak in the .ini files. First head to enblocal.ini which should be in your Skyrim directory. For Realvision, (Hint: hit ctrl+F, which will bring up a search bar.)here are the tweaks:

Edit in ENBlocal.ini:

ExpandSystemMemoryX64=true <--- If you have 32 bit Windows, set it to "false".
ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true <--- enables the ENBoost features to dramatically reduce CTDs.
DisableDriverMemoryManager=false <--- true for AMD users experiencing CTDs even while ENBoost features are enabled.
DisablePreloadToVRAM=false <--- enabling could potentially help to load a save game which fails to load otherwise but may cause stuttering.
EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks=false <--- enabling this is generally not safe, but it's a workaround for users experiencing large amount of stuttering.
ReservedMemorySizeMb=XXX <--- start with 64, increase in increments of 128 ( 256, 384, 512, ..., 1024 ) until stuttering has ceased.
Only use >=512 with at least 2-3Gb VRAM.
VideoMemorySizeMb=XXXX <--- RAM + VRAM - 2048 (1Gb=1024) if your RAM < 8Gb. If you have RAM bigger or equal to 8Gb (8192Mb) use
(Total Available Video/Graphics Memory - [170 (for win7) or 350 (for win8/10)]).
EnableCompression=false <--- deactivating compression can reduce stuttering, but at the cost of more RAM usage.
It's generally recommended to be disabled on systems with more than 2Gb VRAM.
AutodetectVideoMemorySize=false <-- Because it keeps guessing wrong.
MaxAnisotropy=16 <-- set to 8 for more FPS. optical difference is tolerable.

Now, head to skyrim.ini which should be under Libraries>documents>My Games>Skyrim and it should be there, along with SkyrimPrefs.ini, which we'll need later. For Realvision change the Skyrim.ini to this:

ipresentinterval=1 <--- this combined with EnableVSync=true in enblocal.ini is important to avoid tearing

Save that then head to SkyrimPrefs.ini, which you should have seen earlier. For Realvision tweak the SkyrimPrefs.ini like this:

bDoDepthOfField=1 <--- turn it to 0 if you want crystal clear underwater
bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 <--- IMPORTANT! Without this value, ENB is not working correctly!
bDrawLandShadows=1 <--- if you are using a Performance version and got ugly landscape shadows then set it to 0
iMultiSample=0 <--- turning it to 0 is the same as setting Antialiasing to off in skyrimlauncher.
iMaxAnisotropy=1 <--- turning it to 1 is the same as setting Anisotropic Filtering to off in skyrimlauncher.
bFXAAEnabled=0 <--- turn it to 1 if you prefer Skyrim FXAA, but deactivate EdgeAA in enblocal.ini to avoid too strong blur.
fGamma=1.2400 <--- IMPORTANT! This is the in-game brightness RealVision is optimized for! Don't touch the in-game brightness after setting this.
For VideoMemorySizeMb=XXXX, put in the ammount of VRAM (GPU) in megabytes, ex. 2048 for 2 GB of vram. If you don't know how much VRAM you have, consult your GPU software and/or drivers.

Step 8
Now, after the .ini is tweaked, time to boot up Skyrim! Make sure you boot through SKSE though, not the default launcher. No launch menu will appear, but that is normal. when the boot screen actually launches, you should see text in the top-left hand corner displaying your graphics adapter, enb version, and some legal stuff. ENB settings can also be edited in game by pressing (right)
which will display a menu on the top left corner with various editing and tweaking tools.

On to the Next Step!
orangemonic4 7 Dec, 2024 @ 3:27pm 
manually installing mods after 7zip does nothing
real human 14 May, 2021 @ 1:27pm 
huh, i really thought for a second that this was the guide, just saying "penus wenus" and that was it lol. hope you can restore the guide sometime soon !
pantihose ™ 12 May, 2021 @ 7:32am 
osman_ole 30 Jan, 2021 @ 9:19am 
Hello guys i install mods over mod manager butt stil my game crash please help
Chewygamerz 3 Nov, 2020 @ 9:29pm 
Completely understand man, please take your time. :)
coff  [author] 14 Sep, 2020 @ 2:12am 
hey gang,

guide was griefed by a contributor. the creator and i are working on restoring it to former glory via wayback machine -- sorry for anyone looking for the guide, and discovering it wasn't there! as interest in video games has faded, it's been on the backburner for a while. it'll be back soon, for any passerby looking for this guide.

take care all!
Aiva 22 Jul, 2020 @ 1:31am 
Was this guide hacked or something?
AztralPhoenix 29 Jan, 2020 @ 12:46am 
On , I found v0.315 by clicking on v0.404. However, I downloaded the latest version from , which is 315b.

Is v0.315 compatible with 315b which I downloaded from Nexusmods? I want to be extra certain, having never installed an ENB mod before, and last time I modded Skyrim it CTD constantly.
GodSlayer 24 Dec, 2018 @ 6:15pm 
sorry for the op... i wrongly press report button as im so excited to add favorite this post
R.Synthesis 12 Oct, 2017 @ 11:54pm 
Thank you for all the answers. I'll start now.