NBA 2K16

NBA 2K16

431 ratings
MyPlayer Badge Guide
By nox
This guide will help you to get every badge you want on your own MyPlayer. I will provide you with exact numbers on what you need to do to get each badge.
Welcome to my badge guide in NBA2K16!

I play NBA2K since 2013 (2K14) so I definitely know what I'm doing. I did this guide last year as well and due to great feedback, I decided to do it this year as well. I would appreciate if you could thumbs up this guide and share it with your friends. Maybe you want to check out my YouTube as well (Appreciate your visitation) because there will be plenty of NBA2K tutorials in the future. This took many hours to create, so any feedback is great to see. Anyways, I hope this will help you out on your hardcore grind for those lovely badges.

Keep balling,
have fun.

Love ya'll!
Mental Badges
This section is about all the mental badges that AFFECT gameplay. Mental badges are often underrated as some of them are actually quite useful. When you finish grinding for your skill badges, you should definitely look out to get some of the mental ones.

What does it do?
How do I get it?
Alpha Dog
Steps his game up when his teammates are performing poorly.
Be the highest rated offensive player on the team. Play 60% of the team’s minutes per game for 30 games. You can loose this badge.
Beta Dog
Steps his game up when an Alpha Dog teammate is out or is playing poorly.
Be the second highest rated offensive player on your team. Play 60% of the team’s minutes per game for 30 games. You can loose this badge.
Road Dog
Elevates his play when playing in road games.
Play 20 consecutive games and perform better at road than at home.
Prime Time
Elevates his play in games of great significance.
Perform better in games against rivals, power teams, playoff games,hometown visits and games where you are playing against the last team you played for. You must play 10 significant games within the season.
Cool and Collected
A player who remains fairly consistent throughout the course of the game.
Don't get cold for 10 consecutive games.
Steps his game up in the 4th quarter and overtime when the game is close
In the final 40% of the 4th quarter (+OT) shoot 50%+ FG. The game must be within 10 points. Once you’ve tallied up a total of 40 FGA in this time frame, and followed the rest of the rules, you will earn Closer.
Fierce Competitor
Elevates his game when being outplayed or instigated.
Shoot 50% or better on at least 50 total FGA when your team is down 10 or more.
Spark Plug
Energizes teammates with big plays.
In 6 consecutive games, average 7 PPG+ while coming off the bench.
Gets himself going by making big plays.
Earned via Connections (DeAndre Jordan).
Mind Games
Gets his opponent out of rhythm by getting into his head while guarding him.
This is earned through by giving the extreme, over-the-top response in a handful of scenes, particularly those involving trash-talking, or when first joining a new team.
Wreaks havoc on the floor with physical and tough play.
Get 10 non-flagrant, hard fouls in a single season.
Gets younger players focused in on the game when they commit mistakes.
Reach year 4.
Heart and Soul
Rallies team when things are getting out of hand. Helps team stay focused.
Reach year 4 with the same team all 4 years.
Floor General
Makes his team better offensively just by being on the floor.
Have a career assist average of 5 or more, play 20 games in a season or career, and raise your Playmaker discipline to Level 18.
Gatorade Hardened
Plays through fatigue and injury without experiencing full negative consequences.
Play 20 games in a row where you average 80% of the teams minutes or more. Also, you need to have some specific attributes, which are unfortunately unknown right now.
Defensive Anchor
Makes his team better defensively just by being on the floor.
Play 30 games in a season or career and raise your Defender discipline to Level 18.
On Court Coach
A player with this badge can get the ball, call plays and tell teammates to shoot whenever he wants.
Raise your Playmaker and either your Inside Scorer or Jump Shooter discipline to Level 20.
Shooting Badges
This section is about all the shooting badges. These are crucial if you want to be a sharpshooter. You will have a much easier time to knock down contested shots, shot from specific areas or create your own shot in general.

Shot Creator Video Tutorial

What does it do?
How do I get it?
Only needs a limited amount of made shots to get hot.
Get hot in 5 consecutive games.
Timeouts as well as quarter breaks do not cool this player down offensively.
In the last 15 games, get your player hot for 4 straight gameplay minutes, 3 different times.
Corner Specialist
Known for his ability to knock down threes from the corner.
In a single season, make 25 corner three pointers, while shooting 40% on your last 25 corner threes.
Not bothered as much by defenders when it comes to making contested shots.
Make 100 well-contested jumpers from 15 feet or further from the hoop in a single season.
Limitless Range
Known for knocking down three pointers well beyond the three point line.
In a single season, make 30 long-distance three pointers (26 feet+) while shooting 30% in your long-distance makes this season.
Bank is open
Excels at banking in jumpers.
Make 30 jumpshots off the backboard in a single season.
Fade Ace
Excels at making fading shots.
Take 30 fade-away jumpers in a single season. This includes taking fade-aways out of the post.
Shot Creator
Known for making tough shots off the dribble after creating space to shoot.
In a single season, take 200 of the following types of moving shots: Pull-ups, Spin Shots, Hop Step Jumpers (includes stepback jumpers).
Finishing and Post Badges
This section is about all the finishing badges. If you want to be a James Harden, you're going to need those badges. You want to build a huge set of moves to be a constant threat at the rim. This section also includes all of the post move badges and some of the badges that are crucial for big men.

What does it do?
How do I get it?
Tear Dropper
Excels at making floaters and runners.
In a single season, attempt 50 runners or floaters.
Post Spin Technician
Dominates the post with his ability to beat his defender spin and drive moves.
In a single season, spin or drive out of the post 100 times.
Adept at beating his defender in the post with dropsteps.
Use the drop-step move in the post 70 times in a single season.
Post Hoperator
Excels at making hop-shots out of the post.
Attempt 20 hop shots out of the post in a single season.
Post Hook Specialist
Excels at making hook shots out of the post.
Attempt 80 hook shoots in a single season.
Post Stepback Pro
Shines in his ability to use the post stepback move to score in the post.
Attempt 30 stepback shots out of the post in a single season.
Dreamlike Up and Under
Uses an array of up-fakes in the post to fool his defender into jumping.
In a single season, attempt 50 up and under shots out of the post.
Hustle Points
Known for immediately scoring following an offensive rebound near the basket.
In a single season, get 60 offensive rebounds.
A hustle player who wins loose ball battles.
In a single season, get 3 “loose ball save” teammate grade events.
Defensive/Offensive Crasher
An elite defensive/offensive rebounder.
Get 200 defensive/offensive rebounds.
Known for attempting to dunk on opposing players whenever possible.
Attempt 15 contact dunks in a single season.
Spin Lay-in
Excels at making spin layups.
Attempt 20 spin lay-ups in a single season.
Excels at making hop-step layups.
Attempt 50 hop step layups in a single season.
King of Euros
Shines in his ability to make euro step layups.
Attempt 50 euro step layups in a single season.
Can change his shot in air and attempt difficult shots with few consequences.
Attempt both 15 reverse and 4 change-shot layups in a single season.
Playmaker Badges
This section is about all the playmaker badges. If you want to be the next Crawford, Kyrie Irving or Stephen Curry with crazy handles, you need those badges. Those badges also include some tricks, that are very important for playmakers.

What does it do?
How do I get it?
Killer Crossover
A ball-handler who excels at breaking his defender down with crossovers.
In a single season, attempt 200 driving crossover or 100 driving double crossover dribble moves.
Spin Kingpin
A ball-handler known for breaking his defender down with spin moves.
In a single season, attempt 75 spin dribble moves.
Stepback Freeze
A ball-handler adept at freezing his defender with stepback moves.
In a single season, attempt 75 stepback dribble moves.
Behind the Back Pro
A ball-handler who catches his defender off guard with behind the back moves
In a single season, attempt 75 behind the back dribble moves.
Hesitation Stunner
A ball-handler adept at freezing his defender with hesitation moves
In a single season, attempt 75 hesitation dribble moves.
Master of In and Out
A ball-handler known for breaking his defender down with in and out moves.
In a single season, attempt 75 in and out dribble moves.
Pet Move Sizeup
A ball-handler who uses elite size-up moves to break his defender down.
In a single season, attempt 75 size-up dribble moves.
Flashy Passer
Known for throwing accurate flashy passes.
In a single season, throw 40 flashy passes.
Lob City Passer
Throws accurate alley-oop passes.
Throw 60 alley-oops in one season.
Pick & Roll Maestro
Known for orchestrating the pick & roll game as the ball-handler.
Call 100 screens in one season.
Elite passer, gives receiver a boost on their shot %.
Get 200 assists in your last 25 played games.
Transition Badges
This section is about all the badges needed for good transition. If you run the break a lot, you should get these quite easily. They are very important for park games as well.

What does it do?
How do I get it?
One Man Fastbreak
Excels at taking the ball coast to coast on a fastbreak.
In a single season, score on a fast break 50 times. Also, you need to have some specific attributes, which are unfortunately unknown right now.
Transition Finisher
Adept at running the fastbreak and finishing at a high rate.
In a single season, score on a fast break 50 times.
Break Starter
Starts fast breaks with accurate outlet passes.
Get 250 defensive rebounds in a single season. Also, you need to have some specific attributes, which are unfortunately unknown right now.
Chase Down Artist
Chases players down on fast breaks and effectively swats their shots from behind.
Block 25 shots in a single season. Also, you need to have some specific attributes, which are unfortunately unknown right now.
Lob City Finisher
Finishes alley-oops at a high rate.
Catch and finish 15 alley-oops in a single season..
Defensive Badges
This section is about all the defensive badges. If you want to be a real Jimmy Butler, Kawhi Leonard or Roy Hibbert on defense and lock down your opponent, you are going to need those.

What does it do?
How do I get it?
Perimeter Lockdown Defender
Defender automatically counters perimeter offensive badges of opponents.
Play 30 games; Raise your Defender discipline to a Level 16. You must be a PG, SG or SF.
Post Lockdown Defender
A defender that automatically counters the interior scoring badges of opponents.
Play 30 games; As a PF or C, raise your Defender discipline to a Level 16. As a SF, raise your Defender discipline to a Level 18. You cannot earn this badge as a PG or a SG.
Charge Card
Adept at placing himself in position to win charge calls.
Draw 7 charges in a single season.
Pick Doger
Doesn’t get caught up on screens very easily.
Play 20 games; Your On-Ball Defensive IQ and Pick & Roll Defensive IQ attributes must be an 80 or higher, you must be a PG, SG or SF.
Adept at stealing passes.
Get 50 “tipped pass” teammate grade events in a single season.
Pick Pocket
Known for his ability to strip the ball from a ball-handler.
Get 50 “poke ball loose” teammate grade events in a single season.
Amazing shot blocker who counters inside-scoring badges of opponents.
Block 80 shots in a single season.
The physical nature of this player drains energy from his match-up.
Play 10 games; Your height to weight ratio must be 0.905 or lower. Your weight must be 220 pounds or more.
Brick Wall
Sets extremely effective screens.
100 “good screen” teammate grade events in a one season. You also need at least 70 strength as a PG/SG/SF and 80 for PF/C.
Screen Outlet
Excels as the screener in the pick & roll game.
In a single season, set 100 screens with contact.

Some of these aren't defensive badges at all, but I had to include them here to make this section long enough.
Thanks for reading this guide. I hope I could help you out on your race to the badges. I'd like to give credit to for some of the descriptions and all the specific numbers.

n0x // Creator of this guide
Barry.Q // For putting in huge effort on helping out
<Lucifer> // Providing information on multiple badges
C-81 // Scrapper badge
SHiELD // Post Hook Specialist badge
MrOz // Floor General badge
Gin // Brick Wall badge
Taddis // Brick Wall badge

If you find any mistakes, feel free to comment!
Again, I would appreciate if you would check out my YouTube!

If you favorize this guide, you can reach it ingame via ALT+TAB easily.
  • Reduced strength requirement on Brick Wall for SF from 80 to 70

  • Reduced games on Floor General from 30 to 20
  • Added strength requirements on Brick Wall

  • Added Post Hook Specialist badge

  • Removed the attribute caps on each badge as their exact stats are currently unknown

  • Updated information on the Hustle Points badge
  • Updated information on the Scrapper badge

  • Massively shortened all of the descriptions for each badge.
  • Redesigned the whole guide to make it easier to read.
  • Added YouTube Tutorial for the Shot Creator moves.
  • Added some information for badges
The Professor 29 Apr, 2020 @ 1:56am 
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猎人是个巨魔 22 Nov, 2017 @ 6:48pm 
张小盒 13 Jun, 2017 @ 9:50am 
小威 5 Jun, 2017 @ 3:01am 
lust 12 Apr, 2017 @ 11:42pm 
CakeSoap 2 Apr, 2017 @ 7:54pm 
Add me to friend list
silviopdf 21 Feb, 2017 @ 10:09am 
thanks guys for the guide!:steamhappy:
Raz 28 Oct, 2016 @ 9:57am 
this is really helpful!!:steamhappy:
CEHENNEM66 26 Oct, 2016 @ 9:21am 
how ı can open badge card ?
gensan foreman 24 Sep, 2016 @ 7:45pm 
where's the all-time great badge my man?