Pajama Sam in No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside

Pajama Sam in No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside

36 ratings
Pajama Sam Complete Walkthrough (Plus All Socks)
By Marjolein
This is a complete walkthrough of the game "Pajama Sam in No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside", including pictures of all the socks.
This is a full walkthrough of the game "Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When it's Dark Outside". In the section "Getting Ready and Minigames" you can read how to do the things that are needed to get everywhere in the game and there's an explanation of the minigames. In the three item sections you can read how to get the items. So if you have trouble getting somewhere in general, like in the shed at the river, you should read the section "Getting Ready and Minigames". If you have trouble getting a certain item, you should read the section about that item. Lastly there's a section about the ending, after you collected the three items, and about the socks. I hope this walkthrough is helpful.

"Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When it's Dark Outside", or "Pajama Sam 1", is a children's point-and-click game in which you have to find three items. It teaches children not to be afraid of the dark. It was released on 4 october 1996 as the first game of the Pajama Sam franchise. On august 19, 2008, the game was re-released as a Wii game with the name "Pajama Sam: Don't Fear the Dark", and on december 12, 2012, the game was ported to iOS under the title "Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide". The developers are Humongous Entertainment (first game) and Mistic Software (Wii). The publishers are Atari (first game), Majesco Entertainment (Wii), and Nimbus Games (iOS). The producer is Ron Gilbert and the artist is Todd Lubsen.

(This may seem silly because it's a simple game, but sometimes the easiest thing for one person can be really difficult for another. This is also for me to practice writing walkthroughs, so I'd love to hear what you think.)
Getting Ready and Minigames
The game starts with Sam reading from his comic book about Pajama Man, in which Darkness is his enemy. His mother says he should find his socks and wishes him a goodnight. It's Sam's first night without a light on, but when the lights are out, Sam gets scared of the dark and decides he should fight his enemy Darkness, who's in his closet. But first he has to find his Pyjama Sam outfit; his mask, his flashlight, and his lunch box.

Sam's room
The items are in random places every time you play the game. The mask can be under the rug, or under the shawl on the coat rack. The flashlight can be in either one of the drawers of the nightstand. The lunch box can be under the bed, or in the bucket next to the bed. When you have all the items, click on the closet door and Sam will go inside and fall into another world.

Losing your items
Follow the path over the bridge and you'll get caught in a rope on a tree. Some suspicious trees will take your items while you're hanging upside down. Click on the rope to free yourself, the kind tree will lend you the rope and wish you good luck. Go back to the bridge and use the rope on the plank floating in the water. You'll lose your rope doing so, but if you talk to the kind tree again she'll say it's okay.

The boat
If you continue, you'll get to three paths. Go down the right one, then you'll meet a boat named Otto who doesn't dare to get in the water because someone told him wood doesn't float. Put your plank in the water to show him wood does float and he'll get in the water, ready to take you where you want. Get in the boat and "sail" to the north until you get to a shed with an oil can next to it. Take it and follow the stream further until you get to the geiser. Use it to get back up and "sail" north to get back to land.

The minecart
Now you have the oil, follow the left path and you'll meet a minecart named King. His wheels are rusted so he can't drive anymore. Use the oil on him and he'll be as new again, ready to take you where you want. When you drive with him, sometimes you'll go fast like you can't do anything, but you can often still choose which way you want to go, you gotta be fast to click the right direction. Get in the minecart and follow the tracks until you get to a meter on the wall. Look at it and you'll see a number, remember this number to open the doors in the treehouse. Continue and you'll see a pickaxe. Pick it up and continue again. Go to the cave with "GOLD!" above it, then follow the tracks to the left and then the tracks to the right and you'll get to the gold. Use your pickaxe on it and you'll get a clump of gold.

Get back and go in the cave with "GOLD!" above it again, but now go straight ahead, then to the right and then to the far track, to Sam's left. Here you'll find a machine on which you can play a game which is basically snake.

The treehouse
Now go back and follow the middle path to the treehouse. Get in the big basket and click on the rocks, you'll pick one up. Now click on the little basket and you'll throw the rock in it. It's not enough to get you up though so repeat this twice. Once you're up, you can get up and down without having to do this everytime.

The doors
Go up the stairs, there you will meet two doors who start a quiz show with you. You have to answer four questions right before you can get through them. Three questions are random and fairly easy, but the fourth one asks about the meter in the mines, so you'll have to answer with the number you saw there. You have to have looked at the meter by clicking on it to be able to answer correctly, otherwise your only options to answer are like "I don't know". When you answered all four questions right, you can pass.

The bookcase
Go through the doors and then to the right and through the door on the floor, you'll get to a small library. There will be a book on the table, if you read it, it will mention a colour (the book itself is the same colour). Click on the bookcase and Sam will say something. Then click all the books of the colour mentioned in the book and the bookcase will turn. Now everytime you click on the bookcase, you'll go through it like a door. If you go down the stairs and click on the knob next to the lower doors you'll open them and you get to King the minecart.

MINIGAME: Cheese and crackers

Go to Otto the boat and "sail" to the north, to the bridge. Talk to the bridge and he'll want a clump of gold before you can pass. Give him the gold and you can pass and play cheese and crackers with a toaster.

The Other Side of the River
Use Otto the boat to go to the part of the river where there are two parts of land you can get to. Get to the land to the north and follow the path. You'll get to trees who won't let you pass because you're not a tree. Go back to the shore and click on the log. You'll get your head stuck in it and you can walk past the trees because they think you're a tree now.
The Lunch Box
Option 1: Under the Waterfall
The lunch box can be in the water down the waterfall. If you click on it, Sam will conclude that he can't reach it. Go in the treehouse, up the stairs and through the doors. Go to the right, through the door on the floor, and through the bookcase. You'll see a magnet on the other side of the bookcase. Go down the stairs and through the lower doors. Use King the minecart to get back to the paths and go back to the treehouse. Go back to the little library and now you can pick up the magnet. Now go down the waterfall and use the magnet on the lunch box and you'll get it.

Option 2: At the Well
The lunch box can also be at the well, but it's blocked off by thorns, so you'll have to get there through the well. If you go down the waterfall with Otto the boat, you can see the bucket from the well go down in the water and back up.
Otto will say the current is too strong though, so he can't get to it. Go to the treehouse and through the quiz doors. Now go through the blue door to the left, you'll see oars hanging on the wall. You can't reach them though, so first click on the piano chair and then on the piano to climb on top of it. Now click on the lamp so you'll jump onto it.
You'll have to swing towards the oars, so click on the oars every time you're closest to them, when you're most right. Eventually you'll be able to get them. Go down the waterfall with Otto again to get to the well and use the oars on the bucket. Now you can go up with the bucket and take the lunch box.
The Flashlight
Option 1: In The Shed
Go in the treehouse up the stairs and through the doors. Click on the golden doorknob to the right and it'll fall off the door so you can take it. Go to Otto the boat and "sail" to the shed without a doorknob. Use the doorknob on the door, it'll still be too rusty to open so use the oil on the hinges. Now you can go inside and you'll see the flashlight on a plank, but it's too high to reach. Click on the barrel and you'll be able to reach it.

Option 2: In the Mines
Use Otto the boat to get to the shed the oil was next to. Use the oil on the hinges of the shed door and you can go inside. You'll find a hammer there, pick it up. Now go back once and go over the bridge where you can play cheese and crackers. There'll be a pencil sitting on the bench.
Talk to him and he'll join you. Go to King the minecart and ride him to the tunnel that's blocked off by planks (just one click from the beginning). Use the hammer on them to open the tunnel. Ride through the tunnel and you'll see a game of connect the dot on the wall. Use the pencil on the wall and finish the game (you'll have to go by twos, so 2, 4, 6, etc. or bij tens, so 10, 20, 30, etc.), then the wall will be broken down. If you ride through the tunnel you won't be able to see anything because it's dark, but you will see your flashlight.
You'll get to a halt on the left side of a U-shaped track, above which is a switch you can't reach. Click on the other side of the U-shape so King wil ride and you'll jump out, then quickly click on the switch to grab it (King will catch you when you fall). Now the lights are turned on, so go to the left and into the tunnel again. This time you'll stop near the flashlight. You need to gain speed to get to it. Go up the track and you'll get to a winch, but it doesn't work, you need to go back to the treehouse now. Go behind the quiz doors in the treehouse and then to the right, and you'll see a grandfather clock that doesn't know the time.
Go back through the doors and down the stairs. Go into the right door where the furniture is dancing, click to make them stop, and click on the clock to see the time. Go back to the grandfather clock and set the time right, you'll get one of his cogs as a reward. Take the one that looks most similar to the cogs on the winch in the mine, then go back to the mine. Take the hook from the floor and attach it to King. Use the cog on the winch and turn it so King is pulled up. Get in the minecart and detach the hook. Now you'll be able to take the flashlight.
The Mask
Option 1: Carrots
Use Otto the boat to go to the other side of the river and get past the trees by using the log. Click on the carrot with a mask and he'll explain that the other carrots are caught and you need to free them, then he'll give you back your mask. Go to the treehouse and go through the door with cutlery above it, into the kitchen. Click on the fridge and he'll sing about not letting the carrots go. Use the masked carrot on the fridge and you'll start a song during which you free the carrots and eventually the carrot will give your mask back.

Option 2: The Music Room
If you go into the music room in the treehouse where the furniture is dancing, you'll see the mask on the floor. If you try to pick it up, the furniture will stop moving and the couch will stand on the mask so you can't pick it up. Go into the kitchen and click on the button next to the elevator. Go upstairs, through the doors and through the secret door to the room with potions. You'll need the blue potion to make yourself invisible, but it's on the bookcase. Click on the chair until it's in front of the bookcase and click on the potion. Sam will try to get it by standing on the chair, but its leg will break. Go through the mines and back into the treehouse to get the magnet from the secret door. Go into the mines and near the water meter you'll see a nail, but you can't get to it. Use the magnet on it. Now go to Otto the boat and "sail" him to the little shed. Use the oil on the door hinges and go inside to find a hammer. Go back to the room with potions and the broken chair and use the nail or the hammer on it. Click on the blue potion and you'll be able to get it this time. Use the purple potion, then the green one and then the blue one and you'll turn invisible. Click on the elevator to sit inside it and then on the button to go upstairs. Go outside the kitchen and into the music room and take the mask.
The Ending and Socks
When you have all the items again, go in the treehouse and up all the stairs to the creepy door. Click on it and you'll get into a room that looks like your own, but the closet is locked. Click on the cupboard to the right and a mountain of keys will fall out. You can click on it all you want but the right key isn't there, it's the only one still in the cupboard. So click on the cupboard and then on the key and Sam will open the closet. Click on the closet and you'll see how Sam goes in to defeat Darkness. However, he learns that Darkness is alone and simply wants to play with someone. Sam suggests they play cheese and crackers together and he isn't afraid of the dark anymore.

Throughout the game you can collect socks. Every time you play, they will be in a different spot and there will be socks of different colours. I made screenshots and drew circles around the socks so you can see them.


Right Path (Otto the Boat):

Left Path (Mines):

Forward Path (Treehouse):

SPOILER: When you've collected all the socks Sam will say that his mother will be proud and the socks go into the washing machine.
Marjolein  [author] 17 Jan @ 4:27am 
@Dr Oma Thank you for your comment and correction!
Dr Oma 14 Jan @ 10:26am 
Excellent walk through. I have just one correction. The code on the water meter is different each time so the number you gave is unlikely to be correct. You must get the code from the water meter in the mine for that play. I originally got this game for my now adult children when they were preschoolers and am enjoying the nostalgia of playing on steam.
Skibidibrezel | Robin 31 Jul, 2021 @ 5:39am 
Thank you. This is my childhood game and I played it with my mum. I really love this guide because I speedrun this game for 3 times now :)
weddersinnes 13 Nov, 2017 @ 4:24am 
Great walkthrough! My son (5 years old) and I just finished it, and I didn't realize there were multiple different solutions per play through. Now we can play it a few more times!