Fallout 4

Fallout 4

6,446 ratings
Unlock Frame Rate, Change FOV, Skip Intro Video, Unlock Console, 21:9 Support and Remove Mouse Smoothing + Other Fixes
By Gabi
Currently this tweak guide to fallout 4 covers the following:
* changing the FOV in first person, the FOV in third person and the view model FOV.
* How to unlock the frame rate (may help if you have stuttering or you find you game capped at 30fps for some unkown reason).
* How to remove mouse acceleration.
* How to match vertical and horizontal mouse sensitivity.
* How to change sensitivity when ads.
* How to remove gamepad acceleration.
* How to add 21:9 support.
* How to add 4:3 support.
* How to skip the intro when loading the game.
* What to do if your mouse isn't visible at the menu/how to permanently disable your gamepad for Fallout 4.
* How to unlck the in game console.
* Various fixes for the invisible lockpicking bug.
* How to add SLI support.
* How to disable Depth of Field.
* How to skip the game launcher.

If you have some tweaks you want added to this guide, just let me know below and i'll test and add them. Want to share the tweaks here elsewhere, feel free to. Thankyou to all who have said/messaged thankyou to me. Also a thankyou to Kotaku, Rock Paper Shotgun, Pc Gamer and more for crediting me in there articles. A big thankyou to everyone who has contributed, in particular carboard man who has helped with numerous tweaks below. I have tried to give a thankyou and credit to everyone who has helped in making this guide thus far. If I missed you I apologise I really didn't mean to.

If you have any issues having any of the below tweaks hold. Once you have made all the changes you want to make to the .ini files, make them read only. If that alone doesn't work when in game load up the console (for me I press ~) then type refreshini then press enter. Next press ~ and everything should be as you want.

Most people reporting issues with having the FOV hold are simply not changing all the files that need to be changed, not making them read only after making the changes, or not using refreshini in the command line after changing the gun model/pipboy model fov then saving the game and loading games from then onwards. Please make sure you have done all this and double read/checked the changes before asking for more help.I am happy to help, but the number of people asking is quite high and for most the answer is already here in this guide. :)

Also Please Note:
All these tweaks are used at your own behest, if they cause any problems I do not take any responsibility for that. If you are not happy with that, simply don't use the below tweaks. :)
Fallout 76 "Warning"
Whilst I hope this proves to be unnecessary I feel the need to suggest that people wait and see regarding Fallout 76. This is something many recommend in general, but in this case I feel it is of particular importance. Fallout 76 will hopefully turn out fantastic and have a high quality pc release. It however remains important to keep in the mind the number of issues Fallout 4 has had since launch that have never been fixed along with the man missing options one would expect from a pc release. This includes basic things such as an fov slider, raw input, to even something as basic as a brightness slider and so on.

The is especially a problem for Fallout 76 as it is entirely possible that the game will have many of the same issues that vanilla Fallout 4 still has to this very day. But as a result of being a multiplayer only game, the end user may not be able to fix the many issues the game may have, as we have been able to with many of the issues Fallout 4 has. Or one may risk a ban for modifying there files. We simply don't know at this point.

To reiterate, I very much so hope that Fallout 76 has a fantastic pc release. I would however caution those who may still stumble upon this guide to consider Bethesdas lack of support when it comes to pc and recommending waiting to see if Fallout 76 on pc is worth your time and money.
How to change the game fov.
Unlike how you may have changed the fov in Skyrim, Fallout 4 requires a little more work. Note it requies changes to three files, there are two files called Fallout4Prefs.ini in two different locations and one called Fallout4.ini, all three need to be changed as below. Please not whilst the fov changes don't have to be a multiple of 10 if you have issues with the low working try making it a multiple of 10 as some have reported this helping.

Option One:
Firstly go to your Fallout4.ini (loacted at C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and under [Display] put the below:

* where XX is you desired fov in third person.
* where YY is the desired fov in first person.
I feel 90 is what will probably be best for most, but tweak away. :)

Your FOV should now be changed for both first and third person. :)

Note the above is all that should be needed, however some have reported the fov reseting at random times with just the above, if you you find for whatever reason the settings don't hold also try adding the below:

Next go to the Fallout4Prefs.ini and do the same directory as above (C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\), under [Display] put:

* where XX is you desired fov in third person.
* where YY is the desired fov in first person.
I feel 90 is what will probably be best for most, but tweak away. :)

Next go to where you installed steam then open steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4 (a folder called Fallout 4 is in another folder called Fallout4, how many levels deep does this go ;) ). Next open the Fallout4Prefs.ini here and once again under [Display] add the below:

* where XX is you desired fov in third person.
* where YY is the desired fov in first person.
I feel 90 is what will probably be best for most, but tweak away. :)

Default game fov (80):

Game fov when set to 110:

Finally to change you view model fov (your size of your gun model and pipboy) do the below.
If you find your pipboy to be to small, press ~, the type fov XX, where XX is a smallish number if you want it to be larger on screen and vice versa. This will take same trial and error like the fov to get what you like. Next type in refreshini, doing so will make it so your game will not revert to the default 80 fov. Next press ~ save your game and from that point on you should be good to go. :)

Default game fov (80) and view model fov (80):

Default game fov(80) and view model fov set to 110:

Game fov when set to 110 and view model fov set to 110:

Personally I like all my fov options being set to 90. But this is something you will have to play around with yourself to know what you like best.
Unlock Frame Rate (This may also help if you are having microstutter).
Some such as myself by default are finding the game locked to 30fps, which is bizzare as for other it appears to be locked at 60. Likewise this has removed some miucrostutter some have been reporting. The below is how to unlock your frame rate if you have this 30fps cap issue like me, or want to go beyond 60. Note: I wouldn't recommend unlocking it above 60 based on what happend in skyrim when you did (the game became unstable).

To unlock frame rate open Fallout4Pref.ini (located at C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\).

Search for the line iPresentInterval=1, and change it to iPresentInterval=0

Next to use vsync got to the nvidia control panel or amd equivelant and apply vysnc here to avoid nasty screen tearing, as the above completely removes any frame rate cap.

[edit: another possibly simpler solution that may work for you is to play in a bordeless window mode.] A thankyou to renegade_sock for posting this last piece of info below.
Remove Mouse Smoothing
Mouse smoothing is sadly present by default in Fallout 4. To remove it we simply open Fallout4.ini (C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and under [Controls] add:


Next go to the second Fallout4.ini located at wherever you installed steam then open steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4, and under [Controls] once again add:


Note: this will not remove it from menus or similar, but it removes it from 'within' the game. Plase note adding bForceIgnoreSmoothness=1, will simply change your lighting quality to medium and does not seem to effect your mouse like it did in Skyrim.
Vertical and Horizontal Mouse Movement Different
If you do not like that the horizontal and vertical mouse movement is different in Fallout 4 there is a quick and easy way to fix it. Simply open Fallout4.ini (located in C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and change the below:


Where XXXX replace with:
.03738 if you have a 16:9 monitor.
.042 if you have a 21:9 monitor.
.028 if you have a 4:3 monitor.
.0336 if you have a 16:10 monitor.

For any other aspect ratio, simply multiply your aspect ratio by .021.
How to change ADS sensitivity
To change your sensitivity when you are aiming down sites in game (ads) firstly open Falout4Prefs.ini (loacted at C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and under [Main] put the below:

where X.XX is you're desired sensitivity when aiming down sights.

If you are playing in 16:9 the value you want to put for XX.XX is: 2.136363636
I have not yet confirmed that this is the rate number for other aspect ratios.

Next do the same for the Fallout4Prefs.ini which is located where you installed steam then open steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4

A thankyou for Jwam to bringing this to my attention. If you have time and want to show your appreciation head over to his guide and give him a thankyou/like or similar. :)
Remove controller acceleration
Dislike controller acceleration and want it gone. Doing so is simple enough and is the same as it was in Skyrim. Simply go to your Fallout4.ini (located in C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\), then scroll down to [Controls] and add the below:

How to add 21:9 (ultrawide) support.
To have this game run in 21:9 without issue simply open Fallout4Prefs.ini in your documents (C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\), and change the following lines to how they are below:

For borderless windowed mode:
bFull Screen=0
iSize H=XXXX
iSize W=YYYY

Where XXXX is whatever your vertical resolution is aand YYYY is whatever your horizontal resolution is.

For fullscreen mode:
bFull Screen=1
iSize H=1080
iSize W=2560

Where XXXX is whatever your vertical resolution is aand YYYY is whatever your horizontal resolution is.

Next do the same for the second Fallout4Prefs.ini located in wherever you insalled steam then steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4.

Currently the hud will stretch, another person is likely to soon to release a fix for the hud.

If you are finding your image has this odd dark rectangle bug in your Fallout4Pref.ini file change:

An example of this odd dark rectangle bug is as below:

UIltrawide below in all it's wide glory:

Thankyou John Kimble for taking these two pictures of this ultrawide tweak in action. :)

How to add 4:3 support.
Note: this is essentially the same fix as is present for 21:9. But just so it is explicit I have put it in its own section.

To have this game run in 4:3 simply open Fallout4Prefs.ini in your documents (C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\), and change the following lines to how they are below:

For borderless windowed mode:
bFull Screen=0
iSize H=XXXX
iSize W=YYYY

Where XXXX is whatever your vertical resolution is aand YYYY is whatever your horizontal resolution is.

For fullscreen mode:
bFull Screen=1
iSize H=XXXX
iSize W=YYYY

Where XXXX is whatever your vertical resolution is aand YYYY is whatever your horizontal resolution is.

Next do the same for the second Fallout4Prefs.ini located in wherever you insalled steam then steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4.

Currently the hud will not work correctly, but this is a good start and hopefully the hud can be fixed (i'll look into it).
How to skip intro when loading game.
Option 1:
First go to C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\ and open up Fallout4.ini and under [General] add:

Now you should have no more pesky intro video.
How to skip the Fallout 4's launcher
Skipping the game launcher is a rather simple process. Simply go to where you installed Fallout 4 (typicaly go to where you installed steam then open steamapps\common\Fallout 4\). When in this folder you should see several files and folders. One should be called Fallout4.exe and another Fallout4Launcher.exe

Firstly change Fallout4Launcher.exe to Fallout4LauncherOriginal.exe (it can be renamed to anything but I feel this make it clear).

Next rename Fallout4.exe to Fallout4Launcher.exe

Now whenever you click play in Steam your game will go straight into the game and skip the launcher.
Mouse not visible at menu.
The most common solution to this is if you have a gamepade plugged in is to unplug it., If you know you don't want to use a gamepad and don't want to unplug your controller everytime you load up the game the below will help. Likewise if you don't have a controller plugged in and have no cursor at the menu the game may think you do so disabling controller as below will help.

To solve this simply open Fallout4Prefs.ini (located in C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\), then scroll down to:
and change it to:

Thankyou D4rkKr1s for posting this fix in the forums.
Adding Sli Support
Please note: this sli fix may not work for everyone, so you may wish to look at others solutions to see if they work for you if this doesn't.

Unfortunately SLI support is no where to be seen by default in Fallout 4. Thankfuly there is a work around, firstly you will need to download Nvidia inspector. Which you can get from the below link.


Once you have nvidia inspect open the program and click the button with the red box around it below.

Next search for Fallout 4 in the are with the red box as shown below.

Next make the following changes as shown in the red boxes (note the SLI section for myself was found further down and I have edited the two parts together) and then press Apply changes

That is all there should be to it, SLI should be be active for Fallout 4.
Unlock Console
Some users have reported that be default there console doesn't work (i.e. pressing ~ does nothing). If it works for you the below isn't necessary. To solve this issue simply in windows go to control panel, then go to languages and set you keyboard layout to US.

Another solution that you can try that I myself can't test as I only have a US keyboard is to try using the '@ key. Thankyou Tharsghaard for this tweak.

This isn't a great long term fix if you don't want the US layout but it works for now.
Invisible Lockpicking Bug
If you are having the invisible lockpicking bug the solution is quite simple, open Fallout4Prefs.ini in your documents (C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and under [Display] change:

iSize W=XXXX
iSize H=YYYY
iSize W=XXXX-1
iSize H=YYYY-1

For example:
iSize W=1920
iSize H=1080
would be changed to
iSize W=1919
iSize H= 1079

Next do the some for the second Fallout4Prefs.ini located in wherever you insalled steam then steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout 4.

This is a bug that seems to be quite common if you unlock the frame rate and do not vsync it. A thankyou to Vhailor for figuring this one out.

Note: Numerous people are reporting this is not fixing the problem when they play on a 4:3 screen. I sadly can't test this further as I myself don't own or have access to such a monitor anymore. It however has been reported by several players below that lowering the resolution and/or increasing the fov may help (this last part is unconfirmed by myself as I have no way of doing so).

Lockpicking Fix for those with 5:4 screens:
First ser your resolution as per normal and next open your Fallout4.ini file (located in C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and under [Interface] add:


To fix issues related to Power Armor at this resolution in the same file as before and under [Interface} again add:


Remove Depth of Field
To remove depth of field, load up the Fallout4Prefs.ini (located in C:\Users\[name]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\) and under [Imagespace] change:


Voila, you should have no more depth of field in your game.

Depth of Field On:

Depth of Field Disabled:
My other guides
Interested in taking some screenshoots in Fallout 4. Consider having a look at my guide for taking some nice screenshoots in Fallout 4. :)

Want to deblur Skyrim in VR, this guide may help you along the way. :)
Other usefull links
It has been noted by many that the performance tweaks one could do for Fallout 3 work here in Fallout 4 (which isn't that suprising given it is essentially the same skeleton engine wise with significant updates made to it).

Try the information found at the below link to try for better performance:
matj1 5 Sep @ 1:43pm 
How do the settings like “fLookGraph__” work? They seem to be used to calculate the camera curve, but how exactly? Why are the values specifically 0.1?
Angel_Flower 21 Aug @ 7:12am 
Thank you very much, you are just the best, the fps block is nonsense.
It is impossible to play at 20 fps even in the ancient Ninja Blade lock at 30fps, but this is an ancient game that also has a console port. And here is a fallout, which, thanks to your leadership, is now not 20 fps, but 340. Once again, many thanks to you and your management!
NoxerTheBoyFailure 20 Aug @ 6:11am 
the sadness that fills my heart opening up this guide and seeing people be hopeful about fallout 76
TheSewerDog 21 Jul @ 1:59am 
Hey since this guide hasn't been updated in 6 years, I recommend following the The Midnight Ride [themidnightride.moddinglinked.com] guide if you want to improve preformance. When you get to the MO2 section where you install BethINI [themidnightride.moddinglinked.com], it should be able to change all the FOV sliders you need.
Sabaoth 23 May @ 5:49am 
any ways to change view weapon model in fov at survival mode (no console)?
Paroxy 19 May @ 11:52am 
I reverted Fallout 4 to stock (w/o mods) for the first time in years for the latest updates. This article was very helpful! I think you should note that disabling iPresentInterval also cut my loading times in half, especially when loading between interior and exterior cells.
RichardTheRangerTV 10 May @ 10:04pm 
2024 Update: I spent way too long figuring this out.

For 2024 Update:


YY is your pipboy FOV, default is 85
XX is your world FOV, default is 70?

Do like

FOV 85 90 if you want to increase your FOV

(If it resets after closing console, type saveini after inputting your desired fov, game will freeze for a moment and then it'll save.)
Scp04902 7 May @ 7:24am 
I have problem with delay mouse movement :(
Lunch-b0x 22 Apr @ 5:56pm 
Do you have multiple monitors? Do you ALT-TAB a lot? Do you play in Windowed Fullscreen?

If yes to ANY of those...Stop doing that..lol
Punkdog 22 Apr @ 5:44am 
Got a guide for getting the game to capture/lock the mouse properly? Having no luck finding a workable solution so far :(