Idle Civilization

Idle Civilization

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Idle Civilization Deity Guide
By milknorf1469
A guide to all the abilities of the deities.
How to use this guide
This is my first guide, so any advice or help would be appreciated.

Each deity is listed along whith their 5 abilities and descriptions. In parenthesis next to the ability name Ive listed the total faith needed to charge it, the minium charge time, and the number of charges you can store of that ability.

To charge an ability you need to pay the faith cost and also wait the minium amount of time to charge it. Any charges you have stored are not lost if you turn the game off, but abilities do not gain any faith if the game is not on and idiling. (this is something that will change before the end of early access, you will need to do a quest to do this once it is added)

If there is an ability you do not want to spend faith on to charge, just click the smal lightning symbol next to the ability symbol to turn off charging of that ability. If an ablilty is fully charged, it will turn it self off so faith is not wasted.
Conflux Abilities
Conflux abilities are something I have not had happen to me yet, so I am only reporting what I have gained from others so far. If anybody find any mistakes in this, or any more info on Conflux please let me know so I can update the guide.

Conflux abilities first require the Conflux wonder to be build, and are then triggered when you use 3 deity abilities in a row. Each Conflux appears to have a normal outcome or a rare outcome. I will list all Conflux abilites with the deity they belong to.

Info for Conflux taken from here[]
Markeeth, Herald of Equilibrium
Markeeth, Herald of Equilibrium

Blessed Hammers (240 faith / 2 min / 3 charges) 75% discount on your next building

Not of the Meek (1800 faith / 10 min / 3 charges) 3x production for 5 min on wood, stone, metal.

Resolute (9000 faith / 15 min/ 3 charges) 1 random production building (I found this to be useless as I would often get tier 1 and tier 2 buildings when I currently have 60+ tier 4 building)

Worker Hymn (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 charges) 50% off wages paid for next 5 min

High Spirits (900k faith / 1 hour / 2 charges) permanent +10% production to a randomly-chosen resource

Conflux abilities

Normal: 1 charge of High Spirts

Rare: Your next building cost no resources
Kaamos, Paragon of War
Kaamos, Paragon of War

Call to Arms (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 charges) Gain solders equal to 20% of your population.

Bloodlust (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 charges) Increase your armys damage by 10% for the next battle.

Alacrity (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 Charges) Your army attacks first.

Glory of Kaamos (900,000 faith / 1 hour / 3 Charges) Doubles the glory you gain in the next battle.

Decimate (900,000 faith / 1 hr / 3 charges) Instantly killes 10% of your opponents army in the next battle.

Conflux abilities

Normal: Arma gains a +1% bonus to health and strength until new colony.

Rare: Loot Crate
Danaya, Flame of the Hearth
Danaya, Flame of the Hearth

Fertility (240 faith / 2 min/ 3 charges) 75% discount on food cost for your next citizen

Love and Peace (1800 faith / 10 min/ 3 charges) Raise your max population by 10 (only raises your population cap, does not give you the citizens)

Abundance (9000 faith / 15 min / 3 charges) 4x food production for 5 minutes

Lust (900,000 faith / 1 hr / 2 charges) Raises your population by 3% (minimum 1, maximum 10k)

Bounty of the Gods (900,000 faith / 1 hour / 3 charges) Each resource is boosted as if your entire population is assigned to it for 10 minutes.

Conflux abilities

Normal: Food stores doubled.

Rare: +1 birth rate
Astasia, Prophetess of the Dawn
Astasia, Prophetess of the Dawn

Inevitability (240 faith / 4 min / 3 charges) Get a good event.

Passage of Time (1800 faith / 10 min / 3 charges) Events occure twice as often for the next 15 minutes. (I found this to be almost useless, some times going 15 minutes without an event occuring at all)

Touch the Future (9000 faith / 15 min / 3 charges) Gain 10 minutes worth of production.

Timelapse (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 charges) Permanently Increase game production by 1% (50% maxium)

Favored of Astasia (900,000 faith / 1 hour / 3 charges) Triggers a special event available only to Astasia. (all the events I got for this were very helpful)

Conflux abilities

Normal: Raid timer reset.

Rare: All heroes complete their adventures.
Chrysantema, Eternal Bloom
Chrysantema, Eternal Bloom

Repopulate (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 charges) Your next colony starts with 250 people and +1 birth rate (stacks 10 times) after that +1 birth rate to your current colony.

Resurrect (9000 faith / 15 min / 3 charges) 10% increased health to your army in the next battle.

Reinvent (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 charges) Your next colony starts with one of your current researched technologys (picked at random, no cap)

Rapture (900,000 faith / 1 hour / 3 charges) A number of solders of the town you are attacking in your next battle will join your army.

Rebirth (900,000 faith / 1 hour / 3 charges) Your next colony gains a 10% to the number of colony points you earn (stackable 10 times for 100% bonus) after that you will slowly gain population to your colony.

Conflux abilities

Normal: +10 approval from other kingdoms

Rare: Next cultural event doubles happiness and cost 50%
Keisin, Avatar of Progress
Keisin, Avatar of Progress

Clear Mind (1800 faith / 10 min / 3 charges) Cost of next research reduced by 5% per use, stackable with no limit

Sons of the Avatar (1800 faith / 10 min / 3 charges) Small population increase without affecting your food cost (looks to be about 2-6 populaton per charge)

Strength of the Mind (9000 faith / 15 min / 3 charges) 1% increase per recsearch to production for 5 minutes.

Scions of the Keisin (180,000 faith / 30 min / 3 charges) Each research adds one extra point to your civilizaton score. (stackable)

Forsight (900,000 faith / 1 hour / 1 charge) One free research given at random

Conflux abilities

Normal: Nest adventure is guaranteed successful

Rare: 20 experiance points
James with the Games 30 Apr, 2017 @ 7:04am 
Also if anyone is interested I just bought the cathedral and I have info on how the templar system works. This is what I have so far:

No matter your deity for every battle you win you'll gain 1 divinity stack.

Kaamos: for every 10 divinity stacks you can pray to gain 1 loot crate

Chrysanthema: Each divinity stack will gain a small percentage to find an enchanted shard no matter what you are attacking! And if you have 100 stacks you can pray to change deity.

This is all I've gotten so far.
James with the Games 28 Apr, 2017 @ 7:48am 
Amazing guide! This has helped quite a bit. Though to me it seems Keisin and Chrysanthema are a bit overpowered. It's even funnier seeing as how I chose Keisen as my first, and Markeeth as my second. And good grief Markeeth is painful to do! I'm just trying to do all of them once for the achieve.
liosalpha 29 Jun, 2016 @ 12:17am 
Great guide!
Just some personal experiance with Keisin, Avatar of Progress

"Sons of the Avatar (1800 faith / 10 min / 3 charges) Small population increase without affecting your food cost (looks to be about 2-6 populaton per charge)"
The amound of people you get seems to scale (thou still random) with the amound of people you have or can have. The text keeps saying 7 but in the numbers jump up with 88 when i have about 3K population and housing space.

"Forsight (900,000 faith / 1 hour / 1 charge) One free research given at random"
With the new update you can select one you wanne have, no more random techs.

.Eqho 2 Jan, 2016 @ 5:01am 
Thanks you for this guide !
milknorf1469  [author] 3 Dec, 2015 @ 8:14am 
Always good to see the Dev likes the guide :hee: I don't think I could do a Wiki for the game, this is the first guide I have ever done, and the idea of starting a Wiki is just intimidating. Good game though :D
KeySer 2 Dec, 2015 @ 4:05am 
I've intrested in helping with a wiki, just not starting it, if anyone start one, I'll glady help update it with tips, info etc.
VSI Studio  [developer] 1 Dec, 2015 @ 11:17am 
This is a pretty good guide! I see a few of you are into writing and correcting these guides.
If any of you want to start up a wiki for the game I will give you my full support and data/numbers.
I plan to do a wiki (I've been planning for MONTHS) but I never found the time... so here's an incentive :)
milknorf1469  [author] 30 Nov, 2015 @ 10:01am 
Guide has been updated. Thanks for all the help:hee: If anybody gets more information or finds any mistakes please let me know.
Jasmine Psiidmon 29 Nov, 2015 @ 9:08pm 
Oh, I forgot to mention, Foresight will only give you researches you have the prerequisite researches for.
Jasmine Psiidmon 29 Nov, 2015 @ 8:59pm 
Usefully enough I'm actually running Keisin right now!

Clear Mind (3 charges, 10 minutes, 1800 faith): Stackable, reduces the cost of the next research by 5%, persists when offline (useful for my 'laptop loves to overheat and die' self)

Sons of the Avatar (3 charges, 10 minutes, 1800 faith): Has a small number of people added to your population, I've only seen as many as 6 at my current pop cap of 3600. Not worth it IMO.

Strength of the Mind (3 charges, 15 minutes, 9000 faith): You gain 1% production per research for 5 minutes. There are 66 researches total so this can add up to 66%.

Scions of Keisin (3 charges, 30 minutes, 18000 faith): Every research you have adds 1 to your civilization score, stackable, persists when offline.

Foresight (1 charge, 60 minutes, 900K faith): Gain a random research. Very useful! The art shows it has 3 charges for some reason but it only has 1 charge. This is going to help me get a maxed out inn before I make a new colony.

Hope this helps!