Axiom Verge

Axiom Verge

243 ratings
Axiom Verge [Achievements Guide]
By Jordi
This is a guide to help you unlonck all of the achievements in Axiom Verge.
"Defeat the Xedur variant."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the third boss of the game. Area: Eribu

There are two blocks in the middle of the room that can be used as cover throughout the fight. The player will need to dodge Xedur's volleys of red energy orbs while firing upward or diagonally whenever possible. When Xedur moves to one side of the room, its very effective to go to the opposite side and fire diagonally at him.
"Defeat the Telal variant."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the second boss of the game. Area: Absu

Upon entering the room, immediately go to the right straight through Telal. You'll probably take two hits, but the invulnerability period should ensure you make it behind him.
"Defeat the Uruku variant."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the third boss of the game. Area: Zi

The most straightforward strategy is to stand at the room's entrance, using the blocks for cover and slowly wittling away at the bomb-launchers on Uruku's lower body. After doing so, you can take shots at Uruku's mouth during openings in the barrages.
"Defeat the Gir-Tab variant."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the fourth boss of the game. Area: Kur

The most straightforward strategy to this battle is to crouch low and use either the Nova or Voranj to hit Gir-Tab's underbelly. Watch for Gir-Tab to get low to the ground and use short hops to jump over his low shots. Pay attention to the height of the oncoming fire because he will sometimes switch it up with a third shot at medium level. There's not much to say about his flamethrower attack. Keep your distance and wait it to end. Repeat, and repeat, and repeat and he will eventually go down.
"Be defeated by yourself."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the fifth boss of the game. In this battle you control the boss which can shoot and kill your character. If you kill your character then it's like you've died. What you must do is to let Trace kill you.
"Defeat one of Athetos' aborted clones."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the sixth boss of the game. If you let it die you will get the achievement "Pacifist".
"Defeat the Ukhu Variant."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the seventh boss of the game. Area: Edin

The obvious strategy is repeatedly shooting diagonally upward at Ukhu's mouth, such that when the creature opens it, your line of fire is already hitting it. You will need to jump up or dodge away when Ukhu spits and also jump up when it stabs with its stinger. Try to anticipate the stinger stab in order to avoid it.
"Defeat Sentinel."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the
eighth boss of the game. Area: Mar-Uru
"Defeat Athetos."

This achievement is part of the history and is obtained by defeating the final boss of the game.

You can use the Flamethrower to devastate both the Beholders and the Breach Attractor at the same time. Stay inline with the Breach Attractor and jump while aiming the Flamethrower upward to attack damage it.
"Bypass Athetos' aborted clone wihout damaging it."

In the fight with the clone (the sixth boss) you shouldn't shoot, just let him die alone and have the achievement.
"Spare the Xedur Hul variant."

On way to the final boss you will encounter with the first boss of the game, if you want the achievement ignore it and go to the final battle.

Note: this achievement is obtained when you defeat the final boss.
"Use the Passcode Tool for the first time."

For this achievement you will have to use the Passcode Tool, found in the bottom-right corner of Zi, behind Veruska. The first passcode that I found was: "REVEAL-SUDRAN"
Hack & Hacker
"Glitch your first enemy."

You need to glitch one enemy with the Disruptor.

"Glitch every enemy type at least once."

One of the most difficult achievement of the game. You need to glitch all the enemies excluding the bosses.
  • In E-Kur-Mah the golden ships, they need to be gltich with the bomb.
  • The bees relased by Ukhu are necessary for the achievement.
  • Athetos has three drone, they are also necessary.
Bubble Breaker & Brick Breaker
"Destroy 2000 regenerating blocks."

You just have to destroy 2000 regenerative blocks, this should come naturally while going for 100%.

"Destroy 2000 bricks."

You just have to destroy 2000 brick blocks, this should come naturally while going for 100%.
Secret World
"Discover your first secret world."

100% Map
"Uncover 100% of the game map."

100% Items
"Acquire 100% of all weapons, tools, upgrades, and notes."

Obviously these achievements are required for the previous:

"Complete the game in Hard difficulty."

You need to complete the game in Hard difficulty, in this difficulty the enemies endure more and do more damage, but with good weapons it isn't very hard.
Speedrunner & Low % & Overclocked
"Complete the game once in Speedrun Mode."

Low %
"Complete the game with under 40% of all items."

"Complete the entire game in under 4 hours."

Mostly Invincible
"Complete the game without dying more than once."

It's an "easy" achievement, if you die you close the game and death will not count.
Thanks to:
Axiom Verge Wikia[]
两刀杀了发牌员。 4 Jul, 2018 @ 5:08am 
Thanks a lot! this guide is so concise and explicit~
Tak 28 May, 2018 @ 5:03am 
Never mind, I found it at last in the last section of the elevator.
Tak 28 May, 2018 @ 2:07am 
Actually, it's for my second playthrough. I found it only for my first and third playthrough but I really can't find anything for my second. :avdrone:
Tak 28 May, 2018 @ 2:00am 
Are you not missing a spot for a hard secret entrance ? I checked already 3 times every hard spots but I can't find it.
That Guy 20 Jan, 2018 @ 3:42pm 
if you're having trouble finding secret worlds, there is a way to tell if you are near one. the closer you get to the entrance of the secret world, a very subtle filter fades over the game. it creates grains and lines sort of like old TVs and monitors from the 80s. the filter is still visible if you open the menu, making it even easier to see. sort of hard to see at first, but once you notice it, it should help you find others.
GiantGeemer 18 Aug, 2017 @ 6:08pm 
How are you supposed to disrupt the Green Silk Pupae with the disruptor lvl1 while the only way to access it is with the disruptor lvl 2 ??
vilantobe 28 Sep, 2016 @ 4:43pm 
I'm almost done 100 % by myself, but missing some stuff. So thanks for this guid.:stein:
James with the Games 27 Jul, 2016 @ 4:09pm 
And now... I can't even do anything where I was able to glitch through the wall with the trenchcoat WHAT THE DRECK?
James with the Games 27 Jul, 2016 @ 3:41pm 
This is a great guide... but I give up on 100% this game. This is due to I have spent 4 HOURS trying to find the 2 normal hidden worlds and I (think) I have tried every sport in Indi, Erribu and Ukkin na. And yet I've yet to glitch dash through a single wall, or drill a single nook into finding them.

Can someone give a little guidance? Am I doing something wrong?

Also I think my game decided to give me the most FRUSTRATING hard hidden to get to, it's the one in E Kur Mah, in the northen section (its the one against the eastern wall next to the only non-map space in Ekur mah surrounded by map tiles) Maybe it was just I was trying to enter it without the red coat.
游成海 26 Jun, 2016 @ 2:55am 
it's great! thanks