Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

41 ratings
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak - All Achievements
By Banri and 1 collaborators
The one and only Achievement Guide for Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak!
Complete listing of All Achievements, both Standard and Hidden Achievements.
Welcome to the Achievement Guide for Homeworld: Deserts Of Kharak!

The purpose of this guide is to give a clear overview of the requirements for earning all 51 achievements in the game and reaching that perfect 100% completion. Here are some important things to cover before discussing the individual achievements:

  • Almost all achievements can be obtained in single player (Skirmishes), but some of them can easily be obtained in multiplayer mode with a friend.
  • Many achievements (especially the automatch ones) can be quite time-consuming, so it’s advisable to keep patience!

Note: If you have any requests of what you wish to see in this guide, please leave your comments below. Or if you see an error in any of the listed achievements do leave me a message about it in the comments!

Enjoy this Guide!

With that out of the way, let's begin!
Standard Achievements
Skirmish/Multplayer Achievements:
Multiplayer: Artifact Retrieval Coalition
Won 10 Artifact Retrieval games as Coalition

Multiplayer: Artifact Retrieval Master Coalition
Won 100 Artifact Retrieval games as Coalition

Multiplayer: Artifact Retrieval Gaalsien
Won 10 Artifact Retrieval games as Gaalsien

Multiplayer: Artifact Retrieval Master Gaalsien
Won 100 Artifact Retrieval games as Gaalsien

Multiplayer: Annihilation Coalition
Won 10 Annihilation games as Coalition

Multiplayer: Annihilation Master Coalition
Won 100 Annihilation games as Coalition

Multiplayer: Annihilation Gaalsien
Won 10 Annihilation games as Gaalsien

Multiplayer: Annihilation Master Gaalsien
Won 100 Annihilation games as Gaalsien

Multiplayer: Carrier Annihilation Coalition
Won 10 Carrier Annihilation games as Coalition

Multiplayer: Carrier Annihilation Master Coalition
Won 100 Carrier Annihilation games as Coalition

Multiplayer: Carrier Annihilation Gaalsien
Won 10 Carrier Annihilation games as Gaalsien

Multiplayer: Carrier Annihilation Master Gaalsien
Won 100 Carrier Annihilation games as Gaalsien

Multiplayer: Artifact Hunter 50 Coalition
Retrieved 50 Artifacts as Coalition

Multiplayer: Artifact Hunter 500 Coalition
Retrieved 500 Artifacts as Coalition

Multiplayer: Artifact Hunter 50 Gaalsien
Retrieved 50 Artifacts as Gaalsien

Multiplayer: Artifact Hunter 500 Gaalsien
Retrieved 500 Artifacts as Gaalsien

Ranked Automatch Achievements:

1v1 Ranked Achievements:
Multiplayer: 1v1 - Bronze
Achieved Bronze in 1v1 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 1v1 - Silver
Achieved Silver in 1v1 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 1v1 - Gold
Achieved Gold in 1v1 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 1v1 - Platinum
Achieved Platinum in 1v1 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 1v1 - Diamond
Achieved Diamond in 1v1 Ranked Automatch

2v2 Ranked Achievements:
Multiplayer: 2v2 - Bronze
Achieved Bronze in 2v2 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 2v2 - Silver
Achieved Silver in 2v2 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 2v2 - Gold
Achieved Gold in 2v2 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 2v2 - Platinum
Achieved Platinum in 2v2 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 2v2 - Diamond
Achieved Diamond in 2v2 Ranked Automatch

3v3 Ranked Achievements:
Multiplayer: 3v3 - Bronze
Achieved Bronze in 3v3 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 3v3 - Silver
Achieved Silver in 3v3 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 3v3 - Gold
Achieved Gold in 3v3 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 3v3 - Platinum
Achieved Platinum in 3v3 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 3v3 - Diamond
Achieved Diamond in 3v3 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 1v1 - 5 Stars
Achieved 5 Stars in 1v1 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 2v2 - 5 Stars
Achieved 5 Stars in 2v2 Ranked Automatch

Multiplayer: 3v3 - 5 Stars
Achieved 5 Stars in 3v3 Ranked Automatch
Hidden Achievements
Expedition Campaign Achievements

Campaign Tutorial
Complete The Tutorial Mission

Epsilon Base
Complete Mission 1

The Boneyard
Complete Mission 2

Cape Wrath
Complete Mission 3

Kalash Site
Complete Mission 4

Kalash Wreck
Complete Mission 5

Beladin Dune Sea
Complete Mission 6

Gaalsien Base
Complete Mission 7

Tombs Of The Ancients
Complete Mission 8

The Whispering Gallery
Complete Mission 9

Khashar Approach
Complete Mission 10

Khashar Plateau
Complete Mission 11

Torin Crater
Complete Mission 12

Khar-Toba Site
Complete Mission 13

100% Campaign Completion Achievements
Expedition Complete - Easy
Completed the Expedition Campaign on Easy (One Star) Difficulty

Expedition Complete - Medium
Completed the Expedition Campaign on Medium (Two Star) Difficulty

Are you classified as human?
Completed the Expedition Campaign on Classic (Three Star) Difficulty
That's it for the Guide! I hope this guide has been useful.

Thanks to all whom have read it!

Good luck and have fun playing Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak!
Rockbuddy9 30 Oct, 2024 @ 10:27pm 
I can confirm that the achievements are broken. Tried to win 10 Coalition artefact extractions with no pop up, went to 13 total games with nothing.
Uchiha_Murilo 22 Dec, 2022 @ 9:41am 
game didn't give me the achievement for completing the campaign, great
ItsDaKoolaidDude 9 Sep, 2022 @ 1:02am 
Thats a lot of multiplayer achievements...
Sir_Sephy 8 Sep, 2022 @ 3:51pm 
I supposed I can't earn automatch achievements as solo, right?
Lt. Aldo Raine 14 Apr, 2022 @ 1:31pm 
Just adding an additional confirmation that Skirmish does not work for the various wins. However, you can do it via a private multiplayer game with AI. Again, Skirmish does not count. It has to be a multiplayer game.
Altomar 14 May, 2021 @ 6:03pm 
Multiplayer achivements can be done solo in Multiplayer private games with ai.

The achievements that require wins can be done fast with the help of a 2nd player. If the booster forfeit the game (quit) the remaining player get the win. You can get 40 to 50 wins per hour.

The artifact runs are faster solo but they are borring since you have to wait until they are ready to capture them. With 3 captures for victory per game you need 4min 20sec for each game.

For the automatch achievements they removed everything except the 3 bronze ones. In order to get them all you need a party of 6 players. Let one team get 5 wins. You dont have to play the games normaly if you dont want to. The first team who boost can forfeit the game by quiting and after 5 wins everyone who participated in these 5 games will also get the bronze medal and achievement (even those who lose the games, bugged??)
Shait 5 Jan, 2021 @ 8:24am 
I do not own this game, but I have read that you need to setup custom mp game and add AI as enemy, this way you can grind these annying achievements. Not via skirmish.
eXe 8 Aug, 2020 @ 8:31pm 
Did some skirmish "Artifact Retrieval" games as Coalition, but neither got Progress in
"Won 10 Artifact Retrieval games as Coalition"
nor in
"Multiplayer: Artifact Hunter 50 Coalition Retrieved 50 Artifacts as Coalition"........

Skirmish seems really not to count for "Skirmish/Multplayer Achievements:"!
SirWally123 12 Sep, 2017 @ 5:59am 
Pretty basic but thanks for laying it all out there.
LoTeK_ 22 Jul, 2017 @ 4:36am 
Multiplayer non ranked achievements can really be obtained in skirmish? Are you sure? 'Cause my counter isn't going up here. Could you confirm that?