NBA 2K16

NBA 2K16

162 ratings
NBA 2k16 Defense Lockdown Guide (New & Updated)
By AGP-Team
This guide will help you become a better defender and help you figure out what you are doing wrong. Some of this should straight forward & nothing new however it is amazing to see how many people are great on offense, can dribble, shoot, and get around their opponent without any problem but the moment they are on defense, the game is over.
Keep in mind 50% of this game is.... DEFENSE!
There is one statistic that is NOT written down for you, and that is simply how many possible turnovers you create.
In other words, How Many Times You Make Your Opponent Miss.
The best place to learn to be a good defender is on a 2v2 court.
Preferably, i use a SF simply because as a Center you can't really chase down the some fast pgs, and as a pg you are just going to get dunked on as a Center. The SF is the most highly underappreciated position this year.
In addition i have added an official 2k email (one of many) telling you straight up, The BADGES do work in MyPark!
If your defense keeps breaking down, this should help you figure out what you are doing wrong and how to imporove.
Personallly, I like the focus you attain while being on defense. Quietly watching your opponent, locking down and doing your best to create an opportunity for a defensive rebound. It brings me peace of mind.
Most of all..... Have Fun with It!
Options, set them correctly
This is really simple but really very effective;

Go to your opions settings in MyCareer or elsewhere and pay attention to the following 3 settings;

Defensive Assist Strength:
This setting helps you on defense by contesting and raising the arms to defend. You do not want to set this too high or you will find yourself automatically putting up your hands or contesting shots when you rather be using your own defensive control. Adjust it as required.

Boxout Assist Strength:
I can not see any reason you should not keep this on the highest possible setting. It helps you get into the perfect position to box out your opponent when a ball goes up and you want to get the rebound, boxout by holding the bottom left trigger which will keep your opponent at a distance leaving you plenty of space to grab a rebound.

Automatic Shot Contest:
There are 3 settings you can set this to. Manual, Intense-D and Always which are all self explanitory and here is the reason to leave it on Always. If you were really playing basketball and you are marking a player who jumps up to take a shot, you would naturally jump and try to block that shot in most cases.
You wouldn't just stand there like a lemon scratiching your head. Setting this to Always makes sure that even if you are at quite a distance, you player will attempt to contest shots and sometimes get a "Good Defense" call or even cause the player to miss.
Although from time to time it goes to contest a shot i rather be holding back for, it is definatly helpful in the grand scheme of things.

Badges. There IS a reason for them!
OK, so at the end of this section you will see an email direct from a mate at 2K support, who regardless of what you think are very helpful and proffesional but to sum it up quickly.

A: Badges DO work in MyPark
B: Wearing MyPark Swag does NOT level you up quicker

Here is a rundown of the badges you will want to get playing MyCareer to be an effective defender.
I would also like to add that unless you are a Center playing against another Center, there is really not much use in upgrading your Rebound column. In fact there are 3 badges which seem to do way more than maxing out your Rebound upgrades.

Defensive Crasher - Get 200 Defensive Rebounds in a Single Season
Offensive Crasher - Get 150 Offensive Rebounds in a single season
This one i admit is really not easy to get. The link below might help you attain it but it sure take a lot of patience
Hustle Points - Score 30 times within 2.5 seconds of grabbing an Offensive Rebound.
The following link my prove helpful in figuring out how to get Offensive Crasher & Hustle Points
Defensive Anchor - Upgrade your Defense to level 18 or more and play at least 30 MyCareer games.

Other badges which can turn a game completly around are as follows;
1. Pickpocket; Poke the ball free from your opponent's hands 50 times. If you haven't got it already......just quit. :P
2. Interceptor; This one does take time but all you have to do is keep tipping passes to unlock this badge. Tip loose 50 passes in a season.
3. Eraser; 80 Blocks in my career and this will increase your chances of blocking an opponent's shot. This is especially effective when your opponent has managed to slip by on the way to the basket, pulls up to shoot , and you can swat the ball to kingdom come.
4.Perimiter Lockdown Defender; I beleive you need to simply upgrade your Defense to 18 or max it out and this will unlock after or within 30 games
5. Post Lockdown Defender; This Badge can only be attained by Centers, Power Forwards and Small Forwards. Simply upgrade your Defense to 18 or max it out and this will unlock after or within 30 Career games.
Here is the complete rundown of all the badges;

For more Detailed information on Defensive Badges refer to the section of this guide titled, Centers and Post Play

The Following is the content of an Email received from 2k Support. The Name and date have been left out due to 2K not approving of any detailed information of any user being released publicly. However the content below does not contain any personal information and can not cause any harm to any individual & thus I have found it in compliance with 2K's policies.

Dear _________
Once again, our apologies on the wait! The holidays had us mixed up a bit however we are now back on track. As a of today, your rep has been noted and we would need you to continue playing. That way we would be able to compare the two reps and see what is going on. (However please note that rep takes thousands of games to move once you've hit legend). Also the myths about park swag are completely false. They do not help your rep in anyway. They just give me headaches. Lastly, badges do help you in the park as well, You will see a prime example of this with the limitless range badge. Those people that pull up at half court all have that badge.

Should you have any other questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask!

Kind Regards,
2K Support
LOCKDOWN! (the left Trigger)
Hold your bottom left trigger......

Let me repeat this so you get it.........

Hold..... Down.... The Bottom Left Trigger.... yes that one...... the one that you spread your arms or box out....
Still not got it?

HOLD DOWN YOUR LEFT TRIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't stress this enough.
There is no point in even bothering if your fingers arent glued to that button.
Are you too slow, and your opponent getting away from you?...... let go? NO!!!!!!!!!!
Hold it down and hold down your Run button at the same time to speed up.
The only time you should not be holding it down is when he/she has completly gotten away from you and you need to chase or attempt a block from behind.

Pick the ball?? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just hold down that trigger and be patient! its only a matter of 24 seconds.

Jump to block when they pull up to shoot?
Just hold down that trigger like your life depends on it.
Like you are walking a vicious dog on a leash....
Like your Mum is gonna give you hell and yell at you if you don't
and.... Like.... I will personally call up your family to tell them, He aint holding down that trigger!!!!!!!

Its essential. And its almost all you need.
Attempting to pick the ball does create opportunities however it will most likely give the person you are defending just enough time to slip by you.

And when they pull up for a shot, even if they are close to the basket.... Your arms will automatically go up in the air & create that one thing 50% of this game is all about.
Not a full turnover.....
But the Chance for a turnover.
A rebound, A loose Ball, anything really. Just don't give away easy baskets
Stay Inside & Box Out (Obviously)
Re-read the last section if need be to understand this.
Any position you play, the moment your opponent gets on the inside of you, chances are, you lost a good chance at creating a turnover.

Although it sounds quite obvious, this is only going to work if you keep that bottom left trigger held down tight! And don't start picking for the ball off the first pass unless you really know what you are doing.

You want to hold the inside of the court.
Even a short little PG up against a 7.3 Center is entirely capable of doing this.
If they try running to the inside, if you got that trigger help, you will end up in a post out position, hold your man on the outside.
Also, watch the feet.
It is often the matter of one step they need to get that foot inside to Dunk on you.
The more you practice the more you will learn where these magic steps are located on the court.

So You are keeping them on the outside, and they go up for a shot,
Your hands are in the air but you DONT jump (good)
That ball has a high chance for a rebound, and since you are already holding that trigger,
you will automatically go into a box out position, which sets you up perfectly to grab that rebound,

This all might seem elementry and something you already know, yet it is something you rarely see done correctly.

One little extra tip; if you got feedback vibration on your controller it really helps you to feel when you are smothering and got a hold of your opponent. It is quite effective for offense too. Sure helps you to know when you are about to get into a sticky position and when it is time to pass the ball out to be safe or draw a foul.

Which Leads to the next part.

Foul the F**k out of your opponent if you just can't get it.
In your typical 2v2 matchup, there will be a weak spot.
It might be your teammates ability to dunk on a smaller, less experienced player,
Or it simply might be a very difficult matchup for you but your teammate has the advantage.
Your Job in this case is to make sure they get as little in as possible, which may lead to one last resort. Fouling.

Soon enough with practice you will know when is a good time for a hard foul and when it is wise Not To Foul because you are likey to get that all important chance for a turnover.
The sat that doesn't really exist. But it is however 50% of the game and is theoretically one of the most important unwritten stats.
Learn your Opponent
Learn your Opponent is an important factor.
It only takes a few attempts to see what your opponent is most likely to do.
A good player will mix things up, throw in some spin layins, some floaters, crossovers....
That type of player is going to take you a little more time to figure out but your avarage player will typically stick to several moves.

Once you have a total lockdown on your player, that ball is going to be passed off to your teammate.....
Then what happens??????????

Oh ffs!!! he/she can't defend!!!!?

Hence THIS GUIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Send them here
2. Play 1v1 in your court to find out what works and what doesn't,
3. Help them by example :)

One of the best way you and others improve is simply by watching other people play.
Needless to say, doubling up, picking and both of you jumping like crazy to block shots where your opponent has gotten inside your defnse will yeild results.
The Center and Post Play
As a Center it is your responsibility to hold the inside of the court and grab anything coming off the paint.
Another player, even another Center should NOT have a chance to get inside and dunk on you.

So here is a typical scenario.
The player you are marking takes some distance and you are scared if you step out a little too far it leaves the perfect opportunity for them to get past you. However trun this might be, you need to step out a little but not too far. Practice will help you figure out what gives u enough time to get back in position and once again i will stress this;
DONT let go of that left trigger but hold the Run button at the same time to speed up while holding your defensive stance.

And if they are going for a 3 pointer..... well personally, I let them have it and hope they miss because if you leave that much space you will become too open for a player or your teammates opponent to slip by you.


Post Defender is of coure a must, simply max out your Defensive upgrades and play 30 career games or less.
But Post offense, that is a whole other story.
2K has been quite brilliant this your to provide what could be a boring defensive Center lots and lots of moves. I take my hat off to them, 2k Nba team you rock!

(note, Attempt means you do not need to actually score but simply try the move and you will eventually unlock the disired badge)


Hop Stepper - Attempt 40 Hopstep Layups in a single season
Drop Stepper - Drop Step Out of the Post 30 times in a single season
Post Stepback Pro - Attempt 20 Post Stepback shots in a Season (not only easy to get but Very Effective)
Post Hopperater - Attempt 20 hop steppers out of the post in a sason (super easy)
Drop stepper,
Post Spin Technician - In a single season, Spin or Drive out of the post 100 times.
Dream Like Up & Under - LEATHAL!!!! One of the best moves in the game for any position
For Dream like up and under attempt 50 up and under shots in a season. This one does take a little time to get the timing right, but once you have the timing right it is a smooth cool move to keep planting that ball in the basket and not leaving your opponent much way to defend it.
Break Starter - For this you need your Center or PF to have a pass accuracy of 60 or more. This is really only useful when playing for example 3v3 and you got that rebound, and you want to throw the ball downcourt accuratly to your teammate without your ball completly missing and going out of bounds.
Post Hook Specialist - Attempt 75 Post Hook shots in a season. I found with my Center and SF that the majority of Hook Shots were not going in however after getting this badge, many did but it was still frustrating that many didn't. Now this is where an often overlooked badge comes in handy and that is the Bank is Open Badge.

Bank is Open
Now this badge is over looked but if find essential. Whenever the ball goes up and hits the paint before going to the basket your chances of it going in are not winderful, but with this badge which is easy to get but normally people don't even bother trying is very effective for all types of post moves and especially the hook shot. Simply get 30 shot in off the backboard in a season. To do so, when going up for a shot hold BOTH your right stick and shot stick towards the basket. You will also find it will unlock from simply trying to get the Hook Shoot Specialist badge after a while.


Defensive Crasher - Get 200 defensive rebounds in a single season. 200 might sound like a lot but for any position, even a pg, this is actually very easy to get.

Offensive Crasher - Get 150 Offensive Rebounds in a single Season
Now this is one of the hardest badges i have ever tried to get and take a lot of patience.
One method is to wait till the shot clock is running out, pass to a teammate you know often misses, and run in and box out to get that offensive rebound. This link also might help you with some ideas to get this badge and the following badge which is...... o.O

Hustle Points - Score 30 times within 2.5 seconds of an offensive rebound. Basically you should earn this badge while attempting to get offensive crasher.
Note; Standing under the basket out of bounds sometimes works so you do not get called out for the 3 seconds however it usually just leads to your opponent who is trying to mark you getting a 3 second call. Worth giving it a try.

Defensive Anchor - Upgrade your Defense Column to 18 and Play at least 30 games in a season
Erasor - Block 80 shots in a single season. This is quite an easy one. simply learn to give the player you are marking just a little "too much" space so he gets passed the ball and then jump on him for that all important block.

Post Lockdown Defender - As a center or PF upgrade your Defense to level 16 and as an SF to a level 18 and play a minimum of 30 career games. You cannot get this badge as a Point Guard or SG.
Chasdown Artist - For a PF or Center you need to have speed 58+ Vetrtical at 70 and block at 75 and then chase down 25 blocks from behind when your opposing team is on a fast break. Not all that easy to get for a Center but very useful in 3v3 games.
Bruiser - This badge helps to drain energy from the player against you. For exact height and weight references refer to this link and jump to 12:00 minutes in.

So, as you can see, 2K really outdid themselves in NBA 2k16. There is so much you can do as a Center or PF, it is amazing
Getting Stuck with a player Timed out running into the Corner
All too often on of you gets an error or disconnected for some reason.
Your teammate who is now a bot runs to the far corner and if you pass it theres a big chance you lose the ball.

Well just think like you are playing a Career Game.

Hold the B button for your bot to come and take the ball from you.
Call for a screen holding the top left button and Bottom right trigger (i know this is visa-versa on xbox, you will figure it out)
Holding the Y button brings the bot tells your bot to make a cut to the basket

But best off all, the bot has great Defense!

Obviously if you want the ball tap pass, and if you want him to shoot press the shoot button.

The first time i saw a bot go to a corner i thought, wow maybe this is some type of special move, and i would run to the corner for a pass and see what i could do from there lol. silly me. well, you live & learn.
Accessories - Customizations
THIS PART IS TOTALLY FALSE! Why they p[ut those descriptions with addidas logos and higher prices i have no idea! My Appologies and I am a bumhole and i know it, SORRY![/i]

When you are choosing what you player wears, pay close attention to anything with a description.
To save time you will see a small "+" sign next to anything that has a description. Click on them and read them.
Since many of you will doubt this is all true or makes any difference i will try to get official confimation from the buddies at 2K Support.
However, meanwhile consider this. Do you trust there is a point in selecting the right Shoe? Some are disigned to make you fly and others help your feet lock down on the floor and do great dribble moves. Well, then the same counts for the following.
There are 2 types of sleeves worth paying attention to. Read the description carefully to understand them. Both cost 5,000.

This compression sleeve improves you muscle output. Great for your Dunk and blocks.

All Bollocks, My Mistake!!!!

Wait, I can say Bumhole but i can't say _____? hmmm, fascinating

Form and Posture!!!!
This is clearly trying to tell you if you wear this, your form and posture when pulling up for a jumpshot is going to be slightly better.
Personally I keep a Posture Sleeve on my shooting hand and a Muscle Output Sleeve on the other.
Once again i will try to get confirmation that these really do make a difference.
Note also that these usually have the Addidas Logo attached to them.

I'm Lying, this isn't True!!!!!

Simply put, in the same way the sleeves make a differences simply read the description and make a choice.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Hey I didn't know, at least i got some answers out of 2K
Finally, Ankle Breaking protection.
I have tested this 1v1 with a friend & the sizeups that usually break my ankles do NOT seem to do so when these are equipped. I could be wrong, It may just be luck. I would advise testing it out for yourself and please post a comment at the end of this guide.

Damn, i suck, i suck real bad :/

It was Raining, there was a storm, an earthquake, i had a flat tire, i lost my keys!!!! damn, im sorrrrrrry!

There are many many more Costomizations worth looking into. Most of all the shoes.
I still couldn't decide which type of shoes i wanted. Ones that give you some speed and help keep your feet on the ground or those that give you Air Time. Eventually I just went with the most expensive ones i could find lol. Go Figure :P

On the upside... time for some flashy looking shoes i suppose o.O

actually maybe this game doesn't even exist and this is some alternate multiverse where plain obvious descriptions about boosts and posture, or anything written down in a description of something you should assume right up it is nonsense and just a marketing idea. ARGHHHHH!!!!
Tips - The Dude's Tips
So here are just a few things I think you just got to have or do to be a good playmaker and improve your game.

Reduce Your Dunk PackagesIf you find yourself going in for Dunks and either find it bouncing off the rim or end up with the animation where your player simply can't dunk on your opponent then you have a dunk package or more that are only giving you troubles.
Each Dunk package is a "package" and therefor has a whole selection of dunks when just selecting that one dunk package.
Dunks worth using for a PG/SG - SF - PF/C are completely different.

For My SF I kept slowly reducing my dunk packages and now,somehow i am on the leaderboard for Total Dunks.
I do not have any Tomahawk's equipped except the cockback tommahawk, A few Reverse Dunks. Quick Drops and the good old Switcheroo.
To get the Switcheroo working you need to change your Dunk hand in mid Air. And to do so Spam your shoot Button in mid air or simply change direction with your Right Control Stick.
Which Leads me to the next one.

Acrobat! An Awesome badge!
You can have so much fun with this badge. It helps you Change your shot in mid air plus, when you get fouled, it will most likely still sink in the basket it you have it equipped.
Changing your shot or layup in mid air still never fails to surprise me with the animations i have never seen befere.
Even funnier, Go for your typical floater and change it at the last miute and you can get the realy amazing fun animations.
This is all about having fun after all!

DIMER, DIMER, DIMER!!!!! Dropping Dimes!
Shocks me how many people overlook this one. Chill out. I don't have a big head for being on the leaderboard for Dunks.....
..... o.O
...... Did i mention i am on the leaderboard for Dunks?
Fine, it feels good so what!!!!!
Here is the point of Dimer.
When you pass the ball and IMMEDIATELY your teamate shoots...... and misses...... It Could be Your Fault!!!
Dimer gives your passes accuracy and a higher perecntage of your teammate when he shoots directly off your pass. It is an essential badge to have if you want to be a good playmaker and get some winning streaks going.

Now here you got to get serious. Theres no reason you shouldn't have this badge. you just need to grind in my career for a while on a higher setting. There are lots and lots of online tutorials for deadeye online and 90% of them are simply WRONG. The link below will help I hope but here is the basics.
1. Change your game settings to All Star at least. The reason you are doing this is so the opposing team is better and defending and really smothers you before shooting.
2. Go for your distant 2 point shot and Pump Fake, and Wait....and Wait... Wait for it!3. When you see the player marking you is completly smothering you to the extreeme, Shoooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Stores and Clothing
I know most of you know this stuff but i took me a while to figure it out.

First of all there are three custom store you can only access via the Park. Each Park has their own unique clothing and when you are wondering "hmmm where that hat come from?" etc, then check out these stores.

Sunset Store

Flyers Store

Rough Riders Store in Rivets

Now the part that took me a while to figure out was that there are several settings to many of the clothing items. For example to swivel a hat Click on Equip once, Twice for a Reverse Cap and so on.

This is really nice when using it for the trousers. There are 3 settings for many of the trousers. Just keep clicking and you will see the possible ways of wearing them.

In MyCareer you can also unlock other unique items to wear such as Goggles or Custom Signed T-shirts. To unlock them use your connections on your off-days and see what you can get. One thing i'm trying to get through MyCareer is the custom Mycourt Terminal 23. Looks really nice.
Have Fun and get Flashy!!!
Theres nothing like a nice play.
A flashy behind the back pass leading to Screening for your player as he pump fakes, does a few spins, leading to some funky Alley oop!
Playing 3v3 and everyone flops to the floor on a nice play, supporting your team!
So many things players have come up with that aren't part of the game but really are US, the players themselves.

A quick hint for the Alley Oop badges which really helps not missing them all the time,...
On a fast break in MyCareer double tap B towards the Backboard to give yourself an Ally Oop.
This counts towards both an Alley Opp Pass, and Finish. Makes it a lot easier to unlock the badge.
And don't bother doing it off the pass, most likely you will miss.

Sizeups! Breaking Ankles.
You know how satisfying it is to see your marker fall on their face and get that "Broken Ankle" Accolade.
2K once again has done some awesome work here!!!! Brilliant stuff.
You got your 4 Sizeup moves you can use at any time! Plus as you level up you can unlock some mad crazy cool sizeups that are custom for MyPark only.
Some of my favourites that really seem to work are 32 for the custom Mypark front Sizeup.
Crawford Crawford Crawford for the inside out! Its quick and works like a charm time and time again.
The ISO Cross Sizeups are better i find for making space for a nice jumpshot. Then again you got Wall & Teague and some others that are very effective.
The Stepback Sizeups are really nice for stepping back into a corner for a 3 pointer without going out of bounds, or making space before running some nasty crossovers and spins.

Check out Spin 5 and 7. These are unique in the way you can do a reverse double spin which creates good space for some extra follow through dribble moves.

Don't Neglect the noobs!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't tell you how many times i just want to play for fun, team up with a level one player and find out he knows how to play and although might make a few mistakes its really nice finding untapped raw talent that you can help along the way with tips and hasn't got used to doing the same old thing like many players get used to doing. I am guilty of that too.
Come on! You were a noob too and you just wanted to play.
It takes no time at all to help them get through the first few phases and level up.
And as for all of you that leave a 3v3 game when a noob joins, you are taking the game way too seriously! after all lets face it, when your team starts to lose a little bit on a 3v3 game all hell breaks loose and its all for one and 1 for all. A smart Careful Noob who doesn't want to mess up is just what you need actually.

Ok so theres a ton of them thats true. People really like 22 especially PG/SG players. 70 and 54 are pretty reliable too It does make a difference which position you play as to which jumpshot will work for you and some are left handed and others right depending on the player mentioned in the jumpshot. However after trying so so many i have come to a conclusion that is simple. You pay for the Custom Player Jumpshots, and those are the most reliable. Go with whatever you feel is natural.

Check out Hop Jumper 14, The Curry Layup of course everyone really digs, although for larger players i would use crawford or Wall or some that use the backboard before going in the basket.

Please leave some of your favourite moves and sizeups, corsses and moves that you find are unique or effective in your comments!

Any tips on a Good Hook Shot thats reliable or a good layup for SF/PF/C players that doesn't keep going out on a floater would be really nice if anyone has ideas.
MyCareer, MyTeam Defense Settings
MyCareer / MyTeam Defense - Settings & Positioning

There is a wealth of settings you can adjust while playing MyCareer to adjust your Defese for various situations.
You Team Manager will tell you how he would like the Team to Defende during Timeouts. There are many different Calls the manager will ask of you depending on the game score and remainding time left. You want to get a good teammate grade and Manager Grade by the end of your game to maximize your overall statistics and worth as a player, plus having a higher Teammate / Manager Grade results in a larger VC Payout at the end of the game. Usually the Manager calls for one of the following Defense plays:

Swarm the Paint - Don't let any inside shots close to the basket
Perimiter Lockdown - Prevent all 3 pointers and outside 2 point shots from the opposing team.

Defensive Aggression:
Neutral Aggression - here you are being asked to simply mark with some Hedge distance between you & the player you are marking off-the-ball.
Intense Aggression - here you are being asked you leave no hedge room, Smother the player you are marking tas much as possible, leaning on your mark, leaving no room, Tight Hedge. Prevent them from moving, receiving a pass & Hard Fouling
Man Marking & Zone Defense
At any time during the game while on defense press the Left Arrow Button to bring up you Defense Layout options and then press the Top Right Button RT to display your Defensive Press / Trap options.
From there use your Right Analog stick to select the Defense formation you want to run.

Man Marking: Each Individual player on your team marks each opposing player seperately. This is the Default Defensive Structure.

Zone Defensve instructs your team to each mark a specific area of the court and not each player seperately.

Zone Defense 2-3
This brings your Center and PF to hold the inside, and anyone getting to the post while your remainding SF, SG and PG guard the perimiter. This can be good for holding the paint however it may leave you open on the corners.
Zone Defense 3-2
This Zone setting calls for your Center, PF and SF to Guard the inside and Corners while your PG and SG hold the perimiter.

Note: While in each of these settings, if you are part of the 3 person Zone layout, you can choose when you want to stand and area to cover. Very handy when you have a weakness that is being exploited by the other team and you want to personally guard that area.

Man Marking - Study Your Mark
Each time a new Sub is brought in & the man you are marking is Changed you should get a nice in-game quick display of what that players strengths and weaknesses are. For the few seconds it takes for you to read it, it is worth just taking a peek.
The All Important Double Team
Double Team is one of the most important Defense plays you can call at anytime during a game. At the same time, if you are having a particurly good game you will often find the opposing team calling a double team on your offense. 2 Players will come out to get the ball from you however this leaves someone else open for you to pass the ball off to. The same counts for when you Call a double Team play on Defense. You will leave a player open while 2 Players go out to Trap, Pick and Defend a single player, So choose wisely when to do it and who to leave open on the opposing team for the best results.

To call for a Double Team play simply hold the Top Left Button LT.
- If you are already defending the player with the ball a player will come out to help you Defend, Pick or Trap the opposing player.
- If you are Marking a player offball, 2 of your team mates will go out tomeet the opposing player with the ball

This can yeild some good results and you will get a "Successful Double Team" Play popup in the top right hand corner accolade. When done correctly the results will lead to the following possible outcomes:

- The player trying to pass the ball out but missing the pass and throwing the ball out of bounds.
- A pick that will lead to a nice quick transition & fast break.
- A Jump Ball

If you want to call a specific player on your team to join you on a double team play:
1. Tap the Press the Top Left Button; this will then show an icon above each player on your team and their respecting button.
2. Hold the Button displayed in the icon above the player you wish to use for the Double Play.

In Depth Defensive Play - Hedges
To bring up the following Defense options:
1. Call for a double play by holding the top left button LT
2. Press the Arrow controller to the left.
3. Use the Right Analog Stick to select the Hedge setting.

Smother - Very Hard Aggression Setting. Leaning on your mark, perventing them from receiving the ball and hard fouling when needed.
Gap - Very Loose Man Marking leaving space inbetween the offensive and defensive players. This is the type of distance to Moderate when you want to get a good block but make sure the player you are marking gets passed the ball.
Tight - Close aggression, each player tightly marking their man
Moderate - A middle Hedge setting.
Auto - Defualt or pre-determined setting before the game starts
Defensive Court Pressing and Traps
These defese layouts can be selected any time whlie playing defense during a game. They each have their own purposes.

Half Court Press
Half Court Trap
Use this setting to attempt to get a step back violation leading to a turnover. Also A double Team play, called at the right tie, can lead to a nice trap on the edges of the court and forcing the opposing player to step backwards into a backcourt violation
Full Court Press
Full Court Trap
Typically used when you are trailing behind in points and need to put a lot of pressure on the opposition. Also used for last minute/ Second turnovers.

Fair Play & Words of Wisdom from The Dude & Friends (with a touch of Sillyness...ness)
To write this guide without mentioning the following i found eventually impossible to avoid.
It is a huge topic and is not a secret so we might as well address it properly.

Let me stress however I am NOT in Any Way Telling You How To Play!

You will face opponents that are much quicker, trickier to Defend, or bigger and just keeps Dunking on you - and there is always someone better than you.
Lets add to that sometimes you are playing with a teammate you find friendly and you miss a few shots and the next thing you know, they are calling you a bad player and don't even want to play with you anymore.
Or.... how about when you lose a good game, and it felt like it was all done with a "good sport" feeling and then they win and you find them coming over to the side of the court and doing kick animations or just using disrespectful nasty taunts. (btw yes, we are still talking about a form of Defense technically speaking.... in a way)

Is Any Of The Sounding Familiar??!?!

How about when you have been playing decently, sticking to your guns and then find someone is accusing you of cheating!!!! Or the reverse, where you are pretty sure an All Round Superstar must be a cheater and are getting annoyed they keep coming to your court and disrupting your winning streaks? It happens in both MyPark and Pro Am and is unavoidable thus, it needs to be addressed here. I am guilty of this just as much as anyone else. We are human after all.

First of all, All Star Players are not necissarily cheating or hacking the game. Think of it this way. If when you were new to the game you found that you were losing a lot and have a lower Park Player Descriptions. Something like Two Way Wing or Dependable Playmaker. Then you create a new player when you have leanred how to play very well and lose only from time to time. That new player will likely have a high rating like All Round Superstar.
My SF which i enjoy playing with the most is just a Two Way Wing while My Center is an All Round Superstar, and thats simply because my SF which i prefer playing with is that player i used from the very beginning and took a lot of losses.
So don't start accusing so quickly. Most likely you are wrong.
With that being said, there sure are a lot of people cheating and it is no secret.
The only Rating you can be positive of that indicates a cheater is when you read that they have a "One Of A Kind" rating.
Ofcourse if you see a player with 7,7 height when the height limit is 7,3 theres something wrong but otherwise it is not worth stressing over.
The people you think are cheating are usually not and the ones that are cheating but in a smart way you would just think are good players possibly and wouldn't give another thought.
Well here is what is worth keeping in mind at all times and comes from playing often and from friends i play with too that i should write here:

1. Don't take the game so seriously! if someone starts swearing at you for playing bad or accuses you of cheating just brush it off your shoulder like your Avitar does in so many animations
2. It doesn't feel nice when they taunt you and try to use kicking or other undignified taunts on you after you lose a game. Well, guess what?! They are preventing themselves from leveling up quicker. 2K gives rep boosts for wearing the Christmas gear and not dancing all over your opponent since it is all about spreading cheer for one thing. Aside from that, it is probably some kid somewhere who is less wiser and unfortunate than you and finds the only way to let it out is to use those silly taunts and kicks etc. etc. When it happens to me i have learnt to simply just laugh at it.
3. The Cheaters - They are not having as much fun as you are!!!!! Remember that!
When you are playing a good game and limited with what your player can do - and it gets to be a close game - 20,21 near the end and you get hyped and feel more alert and strive to get that winning point or turnover, its a good feeling if you win it and its a good feeling if you lose too if you aren't cheating. Most likely you will feel like "wow! close game but was awesome, bummer we lost, lets get them again!!!"
Sure, sometimes you lose it too and get fruustrated. They must be cheating you think. Ashley Madison has nothing on this game you think (borrowed that:P).
I'm gonna write to 2K and get them banned you think! I tried that! In fact we have a cheater's List Group going for only the ones we can proove 100% are cheating but 2K Support can't deal with every single time someone finds another way to cheat! it isn't their fault. They keep releasing updates to change codes which is better than nothing for sure.And once in a while someone will get banned.

Here is something a wise friend wrote and i entirely feel the same way:
Some kid out in the middle of nowhere who really doesn't have much else to do and isn't as fortunate as you.... do you really want to get them banned? Really? Heck this game might be the one thing good going for him/her. Or consider you find yourself getting enfuriated over people cheating, you are sure of it!!!
Damn, it sucks! ....but when you think about who is on the other side, if that kid was really sitting next to you - you would probably let them win on purpose ;)
Did you just figure out how much stress and frustration you have been feeling sometimes when actually it was overa kid with nothing else to do who actually you would probably protect and act like a big brother to?
Those are the people that cheat, no others. You can hear it in their voices on youtube.
So relax, be chill, calm down, and go have a good game with some players, or help a noob level up. Play some nice moves and get over it!
Play for fun and nothing else!!

You don't have to haave a 99 over all player with amazing stats to be good. in fact, the cheaters are the ones that can't play at all. Fact, Not Fiction - pity them and get on with your life.
Its all good ;)

I personally can admit at one point i wanted my freaking money back from 2K! How dare they not control every....single....player.... o.O......hmmmm
I was a fool!

I have no trouble at all missing my shots now! in fact, i am bloody good at it!!!!
I can miss a shot like no one else. Heck, you meet me on the court and try to miss as bad as me, and you will see. My missing animations are smooth and full of class man!
Bring your Game!
And those fun games i like the most is playing 2v2 when everything is going off an missing on both teams. It starts to get funny and then next thing you know, both teams are taking the most distant crazy shots, the other team grabs it and take it even further away from the basket for a shot!
It so much fun to play this way and happens more and more often with fun players. Who cares if you loose even to noobs! And Rescpect to them noobs that keep coming back for more when you just spent 3 games dunking on them! yeah! Respect Bro!

Here is what me and some friends do for a bit more fun - "ok this game only flashy passes and reverse layups or floaters" - and then your friend adds in another rule to your next game "Miss and you need we need to both flop to the ground for 2 rounds (that way the opposing team knows we are playing just for fun)

Keep it fresh and add your own genius to the game.

After all..... it is just a Game

Hopefully this will give you some comfort and tolerance while playing and prevent you from leaving what is a very good game and a lot of fun playing with the right attitude.

See you on the Court ;)

Dude out!

(Fyi, please go watch The Big Lebowski - cause thats The Dude)

juggernaut 30 Nov, 2016 @ 10:44am 
if i find some time ill maybe be able to do it
AGP-Team  [author] 30 Nov, 2016 @ 9:02am 
oh and so far its in Russian and English. If anyone is fluent in Polish, French, German, Serbian, Hebrew, Italian or any others, it would be helpful is you could translate the words and send me a document with the translations and i will make another one in a different language unless u know how to do it, also it will level up your steam guide.
AGP-Team  [author] 30 Nov, 2016 @ 8:58am 
Juggernought bro, set what to your Fav shortcut?.....oooh i get it Thanks nice comment i appreciate it. Please give it a thumbs up, I really want it to get 5 stars already, so everyone playing will see and find it easily

And El Thunder, you are great man, thank you again for poosting it in the 2k16 Discussion board.
The Modertors of the Discussion group have many rules, one is that if i post a new Discussion too soon, they block me from writing on the Discussion boards.
I think there needs to be many other posts before u can again. but thanks to youu already many people have seen it and got messages about it too . thanks!
juggernaut 29 Nov, 2016 @ 3:12pm 
favourite (fav) shortcut
AGP-Team  [author] 29 Nov, 2016 @ 2:15pm 
set to my what?
juggernaut 29 Nov, 2016 @ 12:10pm 
set to my fav
AGP-Team  [author] 29 Nov, 2016 @ 11:46am 
I would post it every day to the NBA 2k16 Discussion board but the mods dont like the same person many posts as i do, so if anyone would like to post it in the 2K16 Discussion wall it would help a lot of people! thanks The Thuunder
Lemen 29 Nov, 2016 @ 11:37am 
Great Guide! You should definetly share this with your friends, this is the best guide for NBA 2k16 out there
AGP-Team  [author] 29 Nov, 2016 @ 11:26am 
thanks i'd like also.... u know how you see using park cards for NO REASON! like they dont know what it means. in other languages is it not clear? i'll write the English very Park cards if enough people are willing to translate it. actually i'll post that in the 2kDiscussion Board. Please anyone who can contribute in other languages pay attention to the 2k16 Discussions Community
juggernaut 29 Nov, 2016 @ 11:18am 
great idea :)