LEGO® MARVEL's Avengers

LEGO® MARVEL's Avengers

162 ratings
Broden's LEGO Videogame Help-LEGO Marvel's Avengers
By legogamesguy
This guide covers a complete walkthrough for LEGO Marvel's Avengers. It covers all levels in Story and Free Play, as well as a complete guide to Hub exploration. I hope you enjoy this guide. Check out more just like it at
Struck Off The List-Story Mode
Enemies: Hydra Soldier
Starting Characters: Hawkeye (A:AOU), Black Widow (A:AOU)
Added Characters: Hulk (A:AOU), Iron Man (Mk43), Captain America (A:AOU), Thor (A:AOU)
True Avenger: 150,000

1. Use Hawkeye to destroy the silver boxes, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then use Black Widow to charge it, destroying part of the tower. Use Black Widow to scan, revealing a grapple point. Use Hawkeye to shoot a rope at it, allowing you to cross the gap. Head to the right, then defeat the enemies (you can use the technology panel to charge up the cannon if you want). Use Hawkeye to destroy the gold part of the truck, revealing a Team-Up spot. Use the panel as Hawkeye to reach the next area.

2. You are now in control of Hulk (A:AOU) and Iron Man (Mk43). Head right, then cut through the gold chains holding up the logs. This will cover the electrified bridge, allowing both characters to cross. Use the super strength handle on the gate panel to reveal gold objects. Cut through both gears to lower the barrier. Continue on down the path.

3. You are now in control of Captain America (A:AOU) and Thor (A:AOU). Hit the Hydra goon flying on the right to reveal a cracked block. Hit it with Mjolnir (Thor's hammer) to reveal an opening. Hop into it, then continue right down the path. Extinguish the fires and destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a drill, then hop in to reveal a cracked block. Smash it, then continue along the path. Head through the trench, extinguishing the fires in your way, then destroy the glowing jeep to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then hit it to lower the lasers. Continue right, then team up Captain America with Thor to destroy the Hydra truck.

4. You are in control of Captain America (A:AOU). Change characters.

5. You are in control of Iron Man (Mk43). Fly around and defeat 10 enemies, then switch back to Cap.

4. You have to eliminate three turrets. Start by extinguishing all of the fires in the center of the area. Build the LEGO pieces Iron Man gave you into a rotary handle, then turn it to power the lever to your right. Pull it to remove the debris on the stairs, then climb up. Head left and destroy the first turret, then drop down into the hole. Build the LEGO pieces into a ladder so you can return to the ledge, then head left and destroy the second turret. Head back right and climb the ladder, then head right and destroy the glowing boxes. Build the LEGO pieces into bars, then hop up and head right. Drop down, then follow the path down to the final turret. Destroy it, then head through the open door in front of you to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Black Widow (A:AOU)
Bruce Banner (A:AOU)
Captain America (A:AOU)
Hawkeye (A:AOU)
Hulk (A:AOU)
Iron Man (Mk43)
Thor (A:AOU)
Tony Stark (A:AOU)
After Struck Off The List
You are in control of Maria Hill and Nick Fury. First, to help Coulson. Head left and use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to reveal a wall. Hop up it, then destroy the glowing bow to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ladder, allowing your partner to join you. Turn invisible, then use the technology panel to open the garage, adding Agent Coulson to your party. Head back down and to the right, then destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a ramp, then head left to the jeep. Scan to reveal a silver lock. Destroy it, then hop in the jeep. Turn invisible, then head right and step on the button. Switch to another character, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the door. Head inside to start A Loki Entrance.

Unlocked Characters: Maria Hill
Nick Fury
Agent Coulson
A Loki Entrance-Story Mode
Enemies: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
Starting Characters: Hawkeye, Nick Fury
Added Characters: Maria Hill, Agent Williams
True Avenger: 105,000

1. Destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to reveal a gold object. Shoot an arrow at it to destroy it, causing Loki to retreat further in the building. Destroy the glowing objects on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to reveal a glass panel on the right. Shoot an arrow at it to shatter it, then grab the bar to destroy the computer terminals, pushing Loki back. Follow him, then defeat 12 enemies.

2. You are now in control of Maria Hill and Agent Williams. Hit the target where the fire alarm was to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to extinguish the fires around the jeep, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them onto the jeep, then head left and use the technology panel to open the garage. Head right and build the LEGO pieces onto the jeep, then hop inside.

3. Simply shoot down the vehicles. Switch to Agent Williams to shoot the gun, but Maria's missiles are more effective.

Unlocked Characters: Agent Williams
After A Loki Entrance
You are in control of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. Head right, then scan to reveal a phone. Pick it up to reveal Agent Coulson. Switch to him, then destroy the silver box on the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to reveal a broken robot. Repair it and it will cut down the door, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to reveal a technology panel. Use it to start Rail Hydra.

Unlocked Characters: Tony Stark
Pepper Potts
Rail Hydra-Story Mode
Enemies: Hydra Soldier
Starting Characters: Steve Rogers (Boxing Gloves), Nick Fury
Added Characters: Captain America (Classic), Bucky Barnes
True Avenger: 200,000

1. You are going to have to build and punch three punching bags. Hop into the boxing ring on the left, then destroy the table inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a punching bag, then hop in the circle and follow the button prompts to hit it. Build the LEGO pieces that appear into a technology panel, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces for later. Head back right, then destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into another punching bag, then hit the target. Hop in the circle and follow the button prompts to hit it. Destroying the two punching bags will reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the third punching bag, then hop in the circle and follow the button prompts.

2. You are now in control of Captain America (Classic) and Bucky Barnes. Defeat the enemies that come at you. After defeating three groups of enemies, a cannon will appear. Put out the fires that appear to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reveal silver parts. Destroy them to destroy the cannon. For the next two cannons, avoid their attacks until their shields are lowered, then grapple them and destroy the silver parts to destroy them. After destroying the three cannons, build the LEGO pieces into a lift, then hop on to reach the top ledge. Head right, then destroy the silver object above the shields. Use the shield switch to deactivate the shield, then defeat the enemies. You can defeat the beam shooting enemy by using your shield to deflect the beam until he stops firing, allowing you to hit him. Step on the buttons on the lift to head up, then head right. Use the grapple point to reveal a ladder, then climb up and destroy the silver hatch to reveal an opening. Step inside.

3. Time to take on Red Skull. Walk up to Red Skull, using your shield to block his attacks. When you get close enough, follow the button prompts to attack him. He will then push you back and drop silver rubble in your path. Destroy the silver rubble, then build the LEGO pieces into a diving board. Use it to reach the poles above you, then swing across them to land on the Red Skull.

4. Head to the right, then hit the electrical tower to disable the barrier. Continue to the right, disabling the electrical barriers as necessary. Eventually, you will fall inside the train. Extinguish the fires, then build the LEGO pieces into a valve. Turn it to reveal a bar, then hop up to the upper ledge. Smack the object behind the Hydra soldier to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then push it to the left, allowing Bucky to join you. Destroy the silver barriers around the electrical barrier, then destroy it, allowing you to continue to the right. You will then reach a large gold cannon. Build the LEGO pieces that are revealed into a beam deflection panel, then use it to reflect the beam back into the cannon, destroying it. Extinguish the fires, then drop down into the train. Defeat the enemies to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Bucky Barnes
Captain America (Classic)
Steve Rogers (Boxing Gloves)
After Rail Hydra
You are in control of Steve Rogers (Gym) and Agent Coulson. Follow the ghost studs to the Quinjet, then hop in to start Shakespeare in the Park.

Unlocked Characters: Steve Rogers (Civilian)
Steve Rogers (Gym)
Shakespeare in the Park-Story Mode
Enemies: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
Boss: Loki
Starting Characters: Black Widow, Bruce Banner
Added Characters: Steve Rogers (Civilian), Captain America, Iron Man (Mk6)
True Avenger: 150,000

1. You are going to have to prepare the landing strip for the Quinjet containing Captain America. Hop on top of the boxes in the oil, then scan to reveal a lift. Shoot the targets to lower it, then hop on. Step on the buttons to head to the upper ledge. Head left, then destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to connect the plugs, opening the garage below you. Hop in the street sweeper, then use it to clean up the oil spills. Talk to the Damage Control that exited the garage and he will ask you for the signal flag. Return to the upper ledge, then scan to reveal poles. Swing up them to reach the flag, then pick it up and give it to the Damage Control. Continue left, then turn invisible and pull the lever to turn on the runway lights. When the Quinjet lands, head left to add Steve Rogers (Civilian) to your party. Head right, then use the shield switch to reveal a lever. Pull it to enter the Helicarrier.

2. You are in control of Captain America and Iron Man (Mk6). Defeat the enemies, then head over to Loki and smack him. Switch to your partner when prompted, then smack him some more. Defeat the enemies, then repeat this process until he creates a line of holograms. Scan to reveal the real Loki, then take out his last few hearts.

3. Head to the right and destroy the silver rocks, then destroy the trees and continue right. Scan to reveal Thor, then follow the button prompts to knock back Thor. Build the LEGO pieces Thor reveals into a chainsaw with a generator, then use Iron Man to cut Thor down. Follow the button prompts to knock him back, then head up the path. Scan to reveal a silver rock, then destroy it to knock down the trees. Smash through them, then cross the log. Build the LEGO pieces into a technology panel, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a cannon, then use the shield switch to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Black Widow
Bruce Banner
Captain America
Iron Man (Mk6)
After Shakespeare in the Park
You are in control of Captain America (No Helmet) and Agent Williams. Time to find out what Fury is hiding. Follow the ghost studs out of the room, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to reveal a box. Break through the lock to find nothing inside. Follow the ghost studs into the prison to witness Black Widow talking to Loki. Head to the right and swing up the poles to knock down the second box. Destroy the lock to find nothing inside. Follow the ghost studs back out into the hall, then head into the medical bay. Hit the shield switch above the stairs to open the door, then head inside the path and break the lock on the box to be disappointed yet again. Follow the ghost studs to the hangar, then head down the stairs and climb the ladder on the right. Destroy the boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to lower the fourth box. Smack the lock to find nothing inside, then head left. Hit the targets on the back of the Quinjet, then smack the lock to find a Phase 2 weapon. Pick it up, then follow the ghost studs back to the lab to start Helicarrier Havoc.
Helicarrier Havoc-Story Mode
Enemies: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
Boss: Hawkeye
Starting Characters: Black Widow, Agent Williams
Added Characters: Thor, Nick Fury, Maria Hill
True Avenger: 140,000

1. Head towards the screen, then avoid the obstacles in your way to avoid the Hulk. Continue this way for two more chases, being careful to avoid the moving platforms and to jump over the gaps. After the third chase, you will be in control of Thor. Follow the button prompts to smack Hulk around.

2. You are now in control of Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Defeat the enemies that attack you, then shoot Hawkeye when he is in the windows above the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo. After taking out three hearts, fires will appear on the ledges on the left and right. Head left, then build the LEGO pieces into poles. Use them to swing over the fires, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to put out the fires, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to match the images, revealing a lever. Head to the right, then turn invisible and use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to put out the fires, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to match the images, revealing another lever. Pull the levers to open the windows, allowing you to shoot Hawkeye and take out his last heart.

3. You are now in control of Captain America (No Helmet) and Iron Man (Mk6). Destroy the silver rubble to your right, allowing you to continue across the gap. Continue to the right, then drop down. Build the LEGO pieces into poles, then swing up the,. Destroy the gold rubble, then cross the bridge that appears. Extinguish the fires, then build the LEGO pieces into a lever. Pull it to reveal a gold panel. Cut through it, then fly down into the alcove. Destroy the objects inside, then build the LEGO pieces into a panel, repairing the lift and allowing Cap to join you. Destroy the silver object to the right side of the lower alcove to reveal a shield switch, then use it to open the door. Continue right, then destroy the silver rubble to reveal a wall. Hop or fly to the above ledge, then head right and drop down. Build the LEGO pieces into bars, then hop up them. Destroy the objects on the ledge to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a bar, then grab both hanging bars to reveal a shield switch. Use it to open a door. Fly over to it, then head inside to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Agent Coulson (Destroyer Gun)
Captain America (No Helmet)
After Helicarrier Havoc
You are in control of Iron Man (Mk6) and Captain America. Follow the ghost studs to the Medical Bay, then talk to Black Widow and Hawkeye. Scan along the back wall to reveal a silver panel, then destroy it to reveal Hawkeye's bow. Pick it up and give it to him. You are now in control of Black Widow and Hawkeye. Follow the ghost studs to the lift in the Helicarrier Control Room, then pull the lever to head up to the flight deck. Follow the ghost studs to the Quinjet, then hop in to start Avengers Assemble.
Avengers Assemble-Story Mode
Enemies: Chitauri
Boss: Loki
Starting Characters: Thor, Black Widow
Added Characters: Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, Bruce Banner, Iron Man (Mk7)
True Avenger: 160,000

1. Head over to Loki, dodging his attacks. Smack him a few times to knock him down, then dodge his attacks while approaching him. Follow the button prompts when you approach him to clear the holograms, then follow the button prompts to shock Loki. Follow the button prompts to subdue him, then throw him into one of the Chitauri chariots. Switch to your partner.

2. Fly around and destroy 20 Chitauri chariots, then grab a missile and use it to blast Loki out of the sky. Switch back to Thor.

1. Dodge the items that Loki throws at you, then walk up to him and smack him.

3. You are in control of Captain America, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. You are going to have to rescue 5 groups of civilians. Head left, then scan to reveal a grapple point. Use it to free the civilians from the rubble. Loki will then fly in and destroy the rubble in front of you. Extinguish the fires, then defeat the waves of enemies to rescue the civilians. Head back out of the alcove, then destroy the silver rubble under the building to rescue another group of civilians. Team up Captain America with Black Widow to reach the upper ledge, then head right. Use the poles to swing across the gaps, then head right on the bus. Follow the button prompts to destroy the Chitauri chariot, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a jack, then scan near the car on the right to reveal a gold panel. Destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to right the bus. Smash the glowing panel on the bus to reveal a grapple point, then use it to rescue the fourth group of civilians. Shatter the glass window on the left to rescue the final civilian.

4. You are in control of Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye. Head to the right, then smash the cracked block to reveal a silver object. Destroy it to clear the path. Continue to the right, then team up Captain America with Thor by the fire truck, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to reveal put out the fires. Destroy the glowing blocks to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy eight Chitauri chariots. You will then drop down. Head to the right and scan to reveal a cracked block. Smash it to reveal bars. Hop up them, then continue right. Destroy the wrecked Chitauri chariots, including the gold piece, to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rocket, then charge the generator on it to send it crashing through the fuel tanker. Watch the cutscene, then follow the button prompts to turn into the Hulk. After taking a few selfies, switch to Iron Man (Mk7) and destroy the glowing parts of the Leviathan to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Iron Man (Mk7)
After Avengers Assemble
You are in control of Captain America and Black Widow. Defeat 8 enemies, then defeat the next wave. Walk along the edge of the crater, then extinguish the fires. Team up Captain America with Black Widow to start Earth's Mightiest.
Earth's Mightiest-Story Mode
Enemies: Chitauri
Starting Characters: Thor, Hulk
Added Characters: Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow
True Avenger: 150,000

1. Head to the right, then smash the glowing parts of the Leviathan to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it up to reveal a cracked block on the right. Smash it, then continue right. Smash the objects by the barrier to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a super strength handle. Use it to tear through the barrier, then continue right. Smash through the cracked block, then team up Hulk with Thor.

2. You are now in control of Captain America and Hawkeye. Destroy the silver car bottom on the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to reveal a gold object. Destroy it to reveal a wall, then hop up and head right. Extinguish the fires, then build the LEGO pieces into a socket. Shoot arrows into the sockets, allowing you to swing across the gap. Destroy the golden object, then build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to create a bridge. Cross it.

3. You are now in control of Captain America and Thor. Smash through the cracked block, then defeat the enemy. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a generator. Charge it to defeat the second Chitauri. Extinguish the fires, then continue right. Destroy the glowing objects, then build the LEGO pieces into a shield switch. Use it to create a bridge. Cross it, using your shield to deflect the shots, then defeat the final Chitauri.

4. You are now in control of Hulk and Black Widow. Switch to Black Widow, then shoot the targets. Use the technology panel to select all of the Lokis, then switch to Hulk. Follow the button prompts to smack Loki into submission, then switch to Black Widow. Turn invisible, then climb the ladder. Build the LEGO pieces into a fan, then ride the current up to the ledge. Stand in the circle and follow the button prompts to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Hulk
Nick Fury (Bazooka)
Loki (125,000)
After Earth's Mightiest
You are in control of Baron Strucker and Doctor List. While you could dive back into the Age of Ultron, I have decided to progress in chronological order. Bring up the pause menu and select the option "Go to Space". Move the ship to the image of Tony Stark's head, then select it to start Ready, A.I.M., Fire.

Unlocked Characters: Baron Strucker
Doctor List
Ready, A.I.M., Fire-Story Mode
Enemies: Extremis Soldier
Boss: Ellen Brandt, Aldrich Killian
Starting Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts (Mk42)
Added Characters: Iron Man (Mk42), Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Harley Keener, Iron Patriot
True Avenger: 115,000

1. Repair the large pile of wreckage to repair a robot. It will then reveal a gold panel. Use Pepper to cut through it, then switch back to Tony. Use the technology panel to take control of the robot, extinguishing the fires. Destroy the silver rubble, then head over to Maya Hansen to help her out. You will now be in control of Iron Man (Mk42) and Pepper Potts. Bounce on the rabbit's stomach to reach the poles, allowing you to cross the fires, then scan by the Christmas tree to reveal gold ornaments. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a bar, then use Pepper to reach it, revealing a broken drone. Repair it to reveal helicopter parts. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a cannon, then use it to shoot down 5 helicopters.

2. You are in control of Tony Stark and Harley Keener. Head left, then hit the target to reveal LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to open the garage. Head inside the shop, then repair the robot. Hop on it as Harley to get a ride to the roof, then destroy the transformer. Drop down, then head right and scan to reveal a target. Shoot it to reveal a broken vehicle. Repair it, then hop in to reveal the second transformer. Destroy it to shut off the electrical barrier. Smash through the debris, then continue towards Brandt. Walk up to her, then switch characters and smack her to take out a heart. She will then retreat onto a ledge. Shoot her to take out a heart, causing her to drop down. Approach her and switch to your partner, then smack her to take out a third heart. She will then retreat into the diner. Follow her inside.

3. Avoid her attacks, then build the LEGO pieces into a chicken oven, defeating her.

4. You are in control of Iron Man (Mk42) and Iron Patriot. Head up the steps and to the right through the shipping container, then defeat the enemies bothering Igor. He (it?) will then clear the path to your right, so head right fly over the gap. Climb the ladder, then head down the stairs and cut through the gold panel. Head to the back left corner, then fly up into the room above. Use the technology panel to reveal a gap. Fly across it, then destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to raise the lift. Destroy the silver boxes on the ledge, then destroy the gold Roxxon sign above you, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a crane and a button, then step on the button to clear the path. Head right to face Killian. Avoid his attacks until he hops down, then smack him to take out his hearts. When he's down to one heart, you will be downgraded to Tony Stark. Repair the technology panel, then use it to summon the Mark 42 and end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Harley Keener
Iron Man (Mk42)
Iron Patriot
Pepper Potts (Mk42)
After Ready, A.I.M., Fire
Head to space, then select the icon for Lost in the Aether to start it.
Lost in the Aether-Story Mode
Enemies: Dark Elf
Boss: Kurse, Malekith
Starting Characters: Thor (A:AOU), Volstagg, Fandral
Added Characters: Sif, Loki (No Helmet), Jane Foster, Eric Selvig, Tohr (A:AOU)
True Avenger: 360,000

1. Head to the back of the room, then smash the cracked block to reveal LEGO pieces. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal more LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then turn it to reveal a generator. Charge it up to open the door, then continue up the stairs to the left. Smash your way to the top, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal a cracked block. Smash through it, then head up the stairs and into the clearing. Switch to Sif, then defeat 25 Dark Elves. The door in the back will then be destroyed. Head inside, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into part of a battering ram, then build the next two sets of revealed LEGO pieces into the rest of the battering ram. Use it to crash through the door.

2. You are now in control of Thor (A:AOU) and Loki (No Helmet). Build the LEGO pieces into a chisel, then use magic on it to create a statue of Loki. Smash the cracked block to knock Kurse down, then follow the button prompts to stay on the ground. Build the LEGO pieces on the left into a shovel, then use magic on it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a rocket. Charge the generator on the back to launch it at Kurse, then follow the button prompts to defeat him.

3. You are now in control of Jane Foster and Eric Selvig. Head to the right and destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a pipe, then use the technology panel to extinguish the fires. Destroy the helicopter to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a gravity spike, then pull the lever to activate it. Head left, then scan to reveal Thor (A:AOU). Walk up to Malekith and smack him to take out two hearts. Defeat the enemies, then walk up to Malekith and smack him again. Build the LEGO pieces that appear on the left into a gravity spike, then turn the rotary handle to raise it up. Scan to reveal Thor (A:AOU), then defeat the enemies. Follow the button prompts to defeat him and end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Eric Selvig
Eric Selvig (Untidy)
Jane Foster
Loki (No Helmet)

Unlocked Vehicles: Dark Elf Ship
After Lost in the Aether
Head to space, then select the icon for Lack of Insight to start it.
Lack of Insight-Story Mode
Enemies: Mercenary
Boss: Winter Soldier
Starting Characters: Captain America (No Helmet), Brock Rumlow
Added Characters: Black Widow, Captain America, Falcon
True Avenger: 80,000

1. Shoot the nearby target, lowering a ladder and allowing Captain America to join you. Head left and hop up the wall, then build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to lower an anchor. Drop down the ladder, then cross the gap using the ladder. Climb up, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. switch to deactivate the barrier. Head to the right, then destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to clear the path. Continue to the right, then grab onto the bar to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy the gold turret. Extinguish the fires, then pull the lever to move the crate to the left. Grab onto it as Brock Rumlow, then switch to your other character and pull the other lever. Switch to Brock, then use the technology panel to select the panels, raising them up and allowing Cap to join you. Hop onto the lift, then step on the buttons to head up. Head to the right, then destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into rotary handles. Turn them to raise up the poles, then use them to swing up to the ledge. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the door.

2. You are now in control of Black Widow and Captain America (No Helmet). Defeat the enemies, then build the LEGO pieces on the right into a technology panel. Use it to reveal a box, then destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy the gold fuel container in the car. Defeat the enemies, then head to the right and team up Captain America and Black Widow to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a glider, then hop inside. Shoot at the Winter Soldier.

3. You are in control of Captain America and Falcon. Head down the stairs on the left and right, then destroy the objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into grapple points, then use them to reveal shield switches. Use them to reveal levers on the upper ledges. Hop up the wall on the left, then fly up to the ledge on the right. Pull the levers, then head into the circle. Follow the button prompts to place the card in the console.

4. Time to fight the Winter Soldier. Attack Winter Soldier, then switch to your partner. Hit Winter Soldier until he hops away, then defeat the enemies so he hops down again. Repeat this process to defeat him and end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Brock Rumlow
After Lack of Insight
Time to continue on to Ultron. You are in control of Baron Strucker and Doctor List. You are going to have to prep the base. Head left and back to reach the crystal, then step on the buttons in the correct order (red, blue, blue, red) to prepare the crystal. Shoot the target in the back to reveal a technology panel. Use it to open the gate to the ladder, then climb up. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel open the door, then use the Hydra panel to open the door on the right. Head inside and destroy the glowing objects, then build the LEGO pieces into a bar. Grab onto it to reveal a rotary handle and LEGO pieces below. Continue to the right, then use the technology panel to prep Loki's scepter. Drop down, then build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle. Turn both handles to place the twins into their chambers, starting No Strings On Me.
No Strings On Me-Story Mode
Enemies: Iron Legion
Starting Characters: Bruce Banner (A:AOU), Tony Stark (A:AOU)
Added Characters: Captain America (A:AOU No Helmet), Maria Hill (A:AOU), Thor (A:AOU), Hawkeye (A:AOU), Iron Man (Mk43)
True Avenger: 170,000

1. Repair the robot on the left. Head to the back, then destroy the desk on the right of the door to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to open the door. Use the technology panel to take control of it. Follow the studs to the right, then head in the circle and open the case. Build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to reveal buttons. Step on them to reveal JARVIS, then grab him and head left. Place him in the circle, then head left and use the technology panel. Grab the blue card, then place it in the slot.

2. Time to liven up this party. Destroy the glowing objects by you, then build the LEGO pieces into a technology panel. Use it to reveal a piano, then charge the generator to start it playing. Head to the right by the bar, then smash the back case to reveal a gold wall. Use Tony Stark to call in an Iron Man suit, then cut through the gold wall. Build the LEGO pieces into a drink dispenser, then head over by Falcon and scan to reveal silver boxes. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a pool table.

3. Destroy the glass display cases and the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a robot arm, then use the grapple point to launch the shield to Captain America, adding him to your party. Head left, then use the shield switch to reveal sockets. Shoot an arrow into one, then head down into the area with Ultron. Build the LEGO pieces into a trampoline, then use them to reach the poles. Swing to the ledge on the left, then destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to rescue Tony. Iron Man (Mk43) is now added to your party. Thor will then be in trouble. Switch to him, then defeat some enemies to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Captain America (A:AOU No Helmet)
Maria Hill (A:AOU)
After No Strings On Me
You are in control of Black Widow (A:AOU), Thor (A:AOU), Hawkeye (A:AOU), Iron Man (Mk43) and Captain America (A:AOU). Follow the ghost studs, then cut through the gold panel, revealing LEGO pieces. Head right, then scan to reveal a silver box. Destroy it, then build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle. Push it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a fan, then build the LEGO pieces you revealed on the left into a generator. Charge it up, then follow the ghost studs. Hop up the walls, then scan to reveal silver objects. Destroy them, build the LEGO pieces into a beam, allowing your partners to join you. Cross the beam, then head right. Turn invisible, then use the technology panel to open the door. Head inside to start Anger Management.
Anger Management-Story Mode
Enemies: Mercenary
Boss: Quicksilver
Starting Characters: Captain America (A:AOU), Black Widow (A:AOU), Thor (A:AOU)
Added Characters: Madame B., Agent Carter, Captain America (A:AOU No Helmet), Hulkbuster
True Avenger: 80,000

1. Head to the right, then destroy the cracked block to stun Quicksilver. Hit him to take out a heart, then drop down and build the LEGO pieces into a generator, then charge it to reveal a wall. Hop up it, then scan to reveal a cracked block. Smash it to stun Quicksilver, then hit him to take out a heart, then head to the lower level and scan to reveal a shield switch. Use it to reveal a cracked block. Smash it to stun Quicksilver, then smack him again. Scarlet Witch will then show up. Build the LEGO pieces into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy the gold object.

2. You are now in control of Black Widow (A:AOU) and Madame B. Head over to the dancers, then hit the targets.

3. You are now in control of Agent Carter and Captain America (A:AOU No Helmet). Walk over to Steve, then follow the button prompts to dance.

4. You are now in control of Thor (A:AOU) and Heimdall. Head over to the fire, then follow the button prompts.

5. You are in control of Veronica and Hulkbuster. Select Iron Man to send in the Hulkbuster. Follow the button prompts, then destroy the gold object Hulk is standing on. Switch to Veronica and send in the cage, then follow the button prompts. Switch to Veronica and repair the Hulkbuster's arm, then follow the button prompts. Follow the button prompts on the roof, then switch to Veronica and start pelting the Hulk with gas canisters. Switch to Hulkbuster, then walk up to Hulk and follow the button prompts to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Agent Carter
Madame B.
After Anger Management
You are in control of Tony Stark (A:AOU) and Steve Rogers (Gym). Follow the ghost studs, then swing up the poles on the tree. Smash the tire swing to reveal an axe. Follow the ghost studs to the wood blocks, then follow the button prompts to chop the wood. Follow the ghost studs to the barn, then scan to reveal a silver lock. Use Tony to summon an Iron Man suit, then use it to destroy the silver lock. Head inside, then repair the tractor. Destroy the glowing objects, then build the LEGO pieces into a tire and a pump. Hop on the pump a few times to repair the tractor, starting Korea Prospects.
Korea Prospects-Story Mode
Enemies: Ultron Drone
Boss: Ultron
Starting Characters: Black Widow (A:AOU), Captain America (A:AOU)
Added Characters: Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver
True Avenger: 140,000

1. Switch to Captain America, then defeat the enemies. Ultron will then come down. Smack him until his hearts are depleted, then avoid his attacks. Black Widow will then throw you your shield. Smack Ultron to take out his hearts, then defeat the enemies. Smack Ultron when he drops down, taking out his hearts. Follow the button prompts to fight Ultron. Build the LEGO pieces that appear into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to send in a Quinjet.

2. You are now in control of Captain America (A:AOU) and Scarlet Witch. Head to the right and use telekinesis to remove the debris. Continue right, then extinguish the fires. Use telekinesis to remove the debris. Continue to the right, then build the LEGO pieces into a beam. Cross it, then extinguish the fires. Use telekinesis on the brakes to stop the train.

3. You are in control of Captain America (A:AOU), Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Destroy the glowing objects, then use mind control on the person inside the train. Pull the lever to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into part of a satellite, then head left. Use telekinesis on the car to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them onto the satellite. Head left and build the LEGO pieces into a shield switch. Use it to reveal boxes. Smash them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reach the roof. Hop onto the train, then smash the power line. Build the LEGO pieces into a ladder, allowing your partners to join you. Climb up the ladder, then use telekinesis on the electrical panel. Drop down, then build the LEGO pieces onto the satellite. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to end the level.

Unlocked Characters: Quicksilver
Scarlet Witch
After Korea Prospects
You are in control of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Follow the ghost studs to the landing pad, then hop in the Quinjet to start Rise of Ultron.
Rise of Ultron-Story Mode
Enemies: Ultron Drone
Starting Characters: Hulk (A:AOU), Black Widow (A:AOU)
Added Characters: Hawkeye (A:AOU), Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Captain America (A:AOU No Helmet), Thor (A:AOU)
True Avenger: 120,000

1. Climb up, then hop onto the ledge. Continue climbing, then pick up a rock and throw it at the cracked block. Build the LEGO pieces into bars, then hop up. Grab the bar at the top to clear the path, then climb up and hit the target, revealing a bar. Shimmy up, then continue right. Continue climbing, then hit the targets to clear the path. Climb up to the city.

2. You are in control of Hawkeye (A:AOU) and Scarlet Witch. Head right, then use telekinesis on the car, revealing a glass window. Shatter the glass, then build the LEGO pieces into a chisel. Use telekinesis on it to reveal silver supports, then destroy them to reveal bars. Use them to cross the gap, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use telekinesis to place it above the opening in the building. Climb the rope, then hop into the building. Destroy the glowing objects to reveal a platform, then use telekinesis on it while standing on it to raise up. Destroy the objects to reveal a gold panel. Destroy it, then head through it and continue right. Drop down into the clearing to add Quicksilver to your party. Defeat the enemies, then defeat 25 more.

3. You are in control of Captain America (A:AOU No Helmet) and Thor (A:AOU). Head right, then extinguish the fires to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it up to destroy part of the train. Continue right, then destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to fill in the gap. Continue right, then extinguish the fires. Smash through the cracked block, then head right through the truck trailer. Team up Captain America with Thor to end the level.
After Rise of Ultron
You are in control of Captain America (A:AOU), Black Widow (A:AOU) and Quicksilver. Defeat the enemies, then follow the ghost studs to find the first set of trapped civilians. Extinguish the flames, then destroy the rubble to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost pad, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to open the door, rescuing the first group of civilians. Follow the ghost studs to find the second group of trapped citizens. Destroy the glowing carts, then build the LEGO pieces into a speed boost panel. Use it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy the vehicle shooting at you. Build the LEGO pieces into a trampoline, rescuing the second group. Follow the ghost studs to the third group, then hop up on top of the market stall. Head right, then hop up the wall and use the shield switch to rescue the final group of civilians. Time to finish this!
Ultron Undone-Story Mode
Enemies: Ultron Sentry
Boss: Ultimate Ultron
Starting Characters: Iron Man (Mk45), War Machine
Added Characters: Thor (A:AOU), Vision, Hawkeye (A:AOU), Black Widow (A:AOU), Quicksilver, Iron Man (Mk45), Captain America (A:AOU), Hulk (A:AOU)
True Avenger: 260,000

1. Fly over to the lifeboat, then follow the button prompts to fly it to the helicarrier deck. Do this for four more lifeboats.

2. You are in control of Thor (A:AOU) and Vision. Avoid Ultron's attacks, then follow the button prompts to avoid his laser. Avoid his attacks again and your viewpoint will change. Smash through the cracked block, then destroy the silver objects to reveal a bell. Use telekinesis on it to hit Ultron, then smack him a few times, taking out three hearts. Repeat the above process until your viewpoint changes again. Cut through the gold panel, then build the LEGO pieces into an organ. Charge the generator on it, then use telekinesis on it to damage Ultron. Smack him around, then follow the button prompts. When Ultron grabs Thor, grab Mjolnir.

3. Time to have some fun. You are in control of Hawkeye (A:AOU), Quicksilver, and Black Widow (A:AOU). Fight off the enemies until prompted to switch to Scarlet Witch. Follow the button prompts, then team up Hawkeye and Quicksilver. You are now in control of Quicksilver, Iron Man (Mk45) and Thor (A:AOU). Repeat the same process as above, then team up Iron Man and Thor. You are now in control of Captain America (A:AOU), Hulk (A:AOU), and Iron Man (Mk45). Repeat the process, then follow the button prompts to end the level and defeat Ultron.

Unlocked Characters: Iron Man (Mk45)
War Machine
Ultimate Ultron (500,000)
Struck Off The List-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: After destroying the first tower, take a look in the river below to see an ice block float by. Use a laser to melt it. Don't worry if you miss it, as it keeps floating by.

Canister 2: Destroy 5 silver mines to reveal this. 1 will not be visible until after you destroy the truck.

Area 2: Canister 3: Smash the yellow truck to reveal a grapple point. Use it to open the mine shaft, then use cosmic power to clear the boulders. Use telekinesis on the mine cart to reveal this.

Canister 4: After crossing the log bridge, team up Captain America and Thor to reveal this.

Character Token 1: Hop onto the ledge to the right of the barrier, then smash the Hydra panel to reveal a generator. Power it up to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 5: Destroy the silver barrier, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to raise the crane, revealing this.

Canister 6: Turn invisible, then head out of the trench and pull the lever to shut off the turret. Use mind control on the person inside to reach this.

Character Token 2: Outside the trench, dig up three dirt piles to find this in the final hole.

Area 4: Canister 7: Travel through the grate, then cut through the gold panel, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo, revealing this.

Red Power Brick: After collecting Canister 7, head right and use the technology panel to input the correct code (it flashes green on the top). This will open a garage. Head inside, then smash the objects inside to find a magnifying glass. Pick it up, then fly up to The Collector in the top right. Give it to him to receive this.

Canister 8: After grabbing the magnifying glass for the Red Power Brick, head right and smash the booth at the end of the path, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reach this.

Canister 9: Scan on the right side of the main area to reveal poles. Swing up them to reach this Canister.

Stan Lee in Peril: Extinguish the fires on the right side of the right cannon, then destroy all of the objects to power the lift, rescuing Stan Lee.

Area 5: Canister 10: After defeating the 10 enemies, fly around and destroy 5 mini Quinjets to receive this.

Character Token 3: See Canister 10.

Token Characters: Sentry (500,000)
Crossbones (Classic) (50,000)
Captain Universe (75,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x2 (1,000,000)
A Loki Entrance-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Drop down from your starting point, then use the super strength handle to remove the cage around this canister.

Character Token 1: On the same ledge as Canister 1, use the shield switch to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to the Collector on the same ledge as Canister 1 and he will ask you for a rocket. Head back to the main area, then climb the ladder on the left. Head right on the catwalk, then use mind control on the scientist. Pull the lever to reveal the rocket, then give it to The Collector to receive this.

Canister 2: On the same ledge as the rocket, charge the generator on the left to reveal this.

Canister 3: While in front of the scientist on the catwalk, shoot the target to the right to reveal this.

Canister 4: Use cosmic power on the rock in the yellow rings to reveal this.

Canister 5: After kicking Loki out of the first location, head into the path towards the back of the screen, then head right. Repair the satellite to reveal this.

Character Token 2: In the final area, use the speed boost panel on the right to reach this.

Area 2: Canister 6: Use the shield switch in the back left to reveal a key, then use telekinesis on it to reveal this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Smash the cracked block on a car in the lot to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 7: Travel through the grate by the exit to reach the alcove with this inside.

Character Token 3: Shatter the glass container on the right to reveal this.

Canister 8: After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel underneath the fire alarm, use the Hydra panel to reveal this.

Canister 9: After opening the garage on the left, cut through the gold panel to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 10: This is in plain sight during the chase. It is very easy to collect, as it moves around in front of you for a long time.

Token Characters: Absorbing Man (5,000)
Leader (50,000)
S.H.I.E.L.D. Scientist (10,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x4 (2,000,000)
Rail Hydra-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Use telekinesis on the basketball to place it in the hoop, revealing this.

Canister 2: Destroy 5 posters of Captain America. All 5 are in this area.

Character Token 1: Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the door on your right, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 3: After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, use the Hydra panel to reveal a sweeper. Use it to clean up the 5 dirt piles, revealing this.

Stan Lee in Peril: After using the technology panel to destroy the treadmills, scan to reveal a vending machine. Use cosmic power to destroy it, revealing a drink. Use telekinesis to give it to Stan Lee.

Area 2: Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you for Red Skull's mask. Use the technology panel below you to reveal a Hydra soldier. Use mind control on him and pull the lever, revealing a box. Use cosmic power on it to reveal the mask. Give it to The Collector to receive this.

Canister 4: Destroy the gold object to the right of The Collector, then build the LEGO pieces into a speed boost panel. Use it to reach this.

Canister 5: This is above the shield switch by the elevator.

Character Token 2: Fly up to a ledge on the left, then destroy the objects to reveal a grate. Travel through it to reach this.

Canister 6: After exiting the lift on the upper ledge, destroy the boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into bars, then shimmy across to the left. Hop onto the catwalk, then head left to reach this.

Area 3: Canister 7: Turn invisible to get past the camera, allowing you to reach this.

Area 4: Canister 8: Head left then drop down the bars to reach this.

Character Token 3: Use telekinesis on the wire to reveal this.

Canister 9: Destroy the two gold covers, then build the LEGO pieces into a glider. Hop on to collect this.

Canister 10: After falling into part of the train (the part where you build the valve and the bar), scan to reveal a target. Hit it to reveal this.

Token Characters: Dum Dum Dugan (5,000)
Red Skull (25,000)
Arnim Zola (90,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x6 (4,000,000)
Shakespeare in the Park-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Stan Lee in Peril: Fly to the top of the helicarrier, then destroy the silver vendor cart to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to destroy the boxes. Scan to reveal a drone, rescuing Stan Lee.

Canister 1: This is towards the top of the helicarrier, and is below Stan Lee on a small fin.

Canister 2: Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the nearby door, revealing this.

Area 2: Canister 3: Destroy the silver chains holding a bicycle in place, then hop in and ride it, following the stud trail. Collect all of the studs to reveal this.

Canister 4: Destroy a pink flower bed on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grate, then travel through it to reach this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you for a hot dog. Head to the hot dog stand on the right, then use mind control on the worker. Follow the button prompts to cook the hot dog, then give it to The Collector to receive this.

Canister 5: Fly up to the clock on the building, then use telekinesis on it to reveal this.

Character Token 1: Fly over to the building, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to reveal a S.H.I.E.L.D. banner. Use the Hydra panel to reveal a Hydra banner, revealing this.

Canister 6: Use cosmic powers on a car on the right to destroy it, revealing this.

Area 3: Canister 7: Destroy 5 large spider webs. 1 is in the first part, 2 are in the second part, and the final 2 are in the third part.

Character Token 2: After scanning to reveal Thor, step on the mushroom in the background three times to reveal another mushroom. Step on it three times, then three times on the mushroom that appears, to reveal this.

Canister 8: After heading into the second part of the fight, head back left and dig up a miniature jungle cutter. Hop in and ride it to the right, then complete the race with it to reveal this.

Canister 9: Smash the cracked block in the second part of the fight to reveal this.

Canister 10: Use telekinesis on a plant on the right side of the second part of the fight to reveal this.

Character Token 3: You will see this Character Token trapped in a log in the second part of the fight. Travel through the nearby dirt pile to reach it.

Token Characters: Loki (Suit) (125,000)
Ares (40,000)
Viper (60,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x8 (6,000,000)
Helicarrier Havoc-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: This is behind a box by your starting point.

Character Token 1: In the first stop, use the shield switch to reveal this.

Canister 2: In the second stop, scan to reveal a bar. Grab it to reveal this.

Canister 3: In the second stop, charge the generator to open the box, then turn invisible to grab it.

Canister 4: During the third leg of the chase, hop to the top of the second wall to reach this.

Area 2: Canister 5: Destroy 5 silver computers to reveal this.

Canister 6: Destroy the glass case on the upper left, then enter the alcove with this inside.

Canister 7: After using both S.H.I.E.L.D. panels, use the Hydra panels to create a Hydra banner, revealing this.

Character Token 2: Use the grapple point on a cabinet on the right to reveal this.

Canister 8: After taking Hawkeye down to one heart, use telekinesis to repair the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo in the back.

Area 3: Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you for a Captain America trading card. Use cosmic power on the nearby rubble to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a drone. The drone will grab the card from an engine. Give the card to The Collector to receive this.

Canister 9: Head left from the start, then scan to reveal a generator. Charge it to reveal this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Travel through the grate, then destroy the silver rubble to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 10: While crossing the bridge, use mind control on the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, then start smashing the lockers to reveal this.

Character Token 3: Smash the cracked block above the lift to reveal this.

Token Characters: Red Hulk (70,000)
Hawkeye (Classic) (55,000)
Skaar (50,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Studs x10 (8,000,000)
Avengers Assemble-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Fly up to the top of Stark Tower, then charge the generator to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 2: This is inside of a stud ring.

Area 3: Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector on top of the building in the center and he will ask you for a wig. Head to the right and use telekinesis to remove the debris from the store, allowing you to go inside and grab the wig. Give the wig to The Collector to receive this.

Canister 3: Repair the police car by your starting point, then hop in. Follow the stud trail to reach this.

Canister 4: Use cosmic powers on the Roxxon truck on top of the building to reveal a box. Destroy it to reveal this canister.

Canister 5: Put out the fires on the left, then build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to open the doors, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 6: Destroy 3 silver fire hydrants to reveal this.

Character Token 1: Smash the cracked block on the right to reveal this.

Canister 7: Destroy a blue car to reveal a grate, then travel through it to reach this.

Area 4: Canister 8: Destroy the green car by your starting point to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then use cosmic powers to reveal a dig site. Dig up three statues, then use telekinesis to place them on the clock, revealing this.

Canister 9: Use telekinesis on 3 flowerpots.

Character Token 2: After teaming up Captain America and Thor near the fire truck, shatter the glass window on it to reveal this.

Canister 10: While deflecting Iron Man's laser, destroy 3 ships in a row.

Stan Lee in Peril: After falling down, scan to reveal a grapple point. Use it to clear the rubble, then destroy the car to rescue Stan Lee.

Character Token 3: After falling down, head towards the screen and use telekinesis on the bathtub to reveal this.

Token Characters: Detroit Steel (350,000)
America Chavez (70,000)
Abomination (75,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Unlimited Avengers Team-Up Moves (500,000)
Earth's Mightiest-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Character Token 1: Head left, then head to the right behind the spines to reach this.

Canister 1: Destroy 6 small blue objects to reveal this.

Canister 2: Scan by the super strength handle to reveal a hatch. Use telekinesis on it to reveal this.

Canister 3: Destroy the silver cage on the Leviathan's head to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 4: Smash the cracked block on the left to reveal this.

Character Token 2: Destroy the blue car on the right, then build the LEGO pieces into a grapple point. Use it to open the mailbox, revealing this.

Canister 5: After clearing out the elevator shaft, fly straight up inside it to reach this.

Area 3: Canister 6: Shatter the glass window in the back, then hop inside and head right to reach this.

Area 4: Canister 7: Use the technology panel inside the building to input the pattern, revealing this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to the Collector and he will ask you to find him JARVIS. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the door inside, then head inside and head right. Use cosmic powers on the wall to reveal JARVIS, then give him to The Collector to receive this.

Character Token 3: This appears when you use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel.

Canister 8: After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, use the Hydra panel to assemble this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Fly onto the back ledge of Stark Tower, then defeat the Chitauri to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 9: On the same ledge as Stan Lee, destroy the gold vents, then use the shield switch to reveal this.

Canister 10: Drop down the bars on the side of Stark Tower to reach this.

Token Characters: Chitauri Tourist (20,000)
Captain America (Bucky) (150,000)
Quasar (100,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Fast Fix (600,000)
Ready, A.I.M., Fire-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 3 TV screens with the Mandarin logo to reveal this.

Canister 2: Shatter the glass case on the left to reveal flowers. Use the grapple point on the center one to reveal this.

Canister 3: Destroy the gold containers underneath the grill on the right to reveal this.

Character Token 1: After rescuing Maya Hansen, destroy the picture of Iron Man to the left of the rabbit, revealing a safe. Use the technology panel to open it, revealing this.

Area 2: Stan Lee in Peril: Destroy the objects on the left, revealing a crowbar. Use telekinesis on it to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 4: Destroy the silver object on the left roof, then build the LEGO pieces into a generator. Charge it up to reveal this.

Canister 5: Destroy the dumpsters to the right of the second transformer to reveal this.

Character Token 2: Destroy the gold bars on a door, then head inside and store and head up to reach this.

Canister 6: After de-electrifying the barrier, destroy the cars to reveal a box. Use cosmic power on it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reveal this.

Canister 7: Use the super strength handle on the van to destroy it, revealing a grate. Travel through it to reach this.

Area 3: Character Token 3: This is behind the blue wheel by your starting point.

Canister 8: After passing through the large shipping crate, break the glass to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to pry open the container. Hop inside to collect this.

Canister 9: Destroy the gold barrier by Canister 8, then head inside the alcove. Fly up to reach this.

Canister 10: Smash the cracked block on the large yellow vat to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you for Iron Man's mask. Fly to the ledge above you, then turn invisible. Enter the alcove, then destroy the silver box to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to open the door. Head inside to be transported to a ledge. Destroy the gold barrier, then extinguish the fires. head right to reach the mask. Give it to The Collector to receive this.

Token Characters: Aldrich Killian (85,000)
Ellen Brandt (50,000)
Maya Hansen (100,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Gold Brick Detector (1,000,000)
Lost in the Aether-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Stan Lee in Peril: Destroy the gold steps by your starting point to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then destroy the silver object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a button, then step on it to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 1: Use mind control on the person in the left cell, then stand on the button. This will destroy the statue, revealing another button. Step on it to lower the shields, then destroy the silver toilet to reveal this.

Canister 2: After exiting the jail, destroy the silver objects on the left and right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this canister.

Canister 3: In the second small room, fly up to the left of the exit to see this tucked away.

Canister 4: In the clearing with Sif, destroy the gold box, then scan to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy the Dark Elf ship, revealing this.

Character Token 1: Extinguish the fires on the left side of the final room, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 5: Scan on the right side of the final room to reveal a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel. Use it to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into this canister.

Area 2: Character Token 2: Shatter the glass cockpit on the right to reveal this.

Canister 6: Use cosmic power on the rocks in the back to reveal this.

Canister 7: Destroy the gold rocks on the left to reveal this.

Canister 8: Scan on the right to reveal a dig site. Dig this up.

Area 3: Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you to find him a tea cup. Head right and use telekinesis on the car to reveal it, then give it to him to receive this Power Brick.

Canister 9: Use the grapple point on the phone booth on the left to reveal this.

Canister 10: Destroy the silver rock on the right to reveal this.

Character Token 3: After putting out the fires around the helicopter, flowers will appear. Destroy the 3 sunflowers to reveal this.

Token Characters: Hogun (30,000)
Kurse (80,000)
Malekith (150,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Minikit Detector (500,000)
Lack of Insight-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Freeze the puddle of water near your starting point to create a diving board, then jump off of it to reach this.

Canister 2: After hopping up the first wall, destroy the blue-and-whites pipes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reach this.

Canister 3: After dropping two boats in the water, hop onto them, then use telekinesis to rescue 3 S.H.I.E.L.D. workers, revealing this.

Canister 4: After destroying the gold turret, head right and drop down. Use cosmic power on the box on the right to reveal a jeep. Hop in, then follow the stud trail to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you for Arnim Zola's glasses. After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel by the exit, use the Hydra panel to reveal them. Give them to The Collector to receive this Power Brick.

Canister 5: On the ledge with The Collector, use mind control on the person to the left, then pull the lever to open the door. Head left on the catwalk and extinguish the fires, allowing you to collect this.

Character Token 1: Repair the winch on the right side of the boat to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 6: In the park on the right side of the area, destroy the acorns in the trees to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into an acorn, then destroy it to reveal this.

Character Token 2: Shatter the glass on the left to reveal this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Use the super strength handles on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rocket, rescuing Stan Lee.

Canister 7: Destroy 4 silver road barricades. 2 are on the ground and 2 are up near the Winter Soldier.

Canister 8: Destroy the gold Captain America statue to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 9: Travel through the grate on the left, then destroy the gold object to reveal the LEGO pieces for this.

Area 4: Character Token 3: Use telekinesis on the center object twice to reveal this.

Canister 10: Scan on the left to reveal rubble, then destroy it to reveal this.

Token Characters: Batroc (10,000)
Winter Soldier (40,000)
Falcon (Classic) (60,000)
Red Power Brick Extras: Character Token Detector (500,000)
No Strings On Me-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy the silver vent shaft on the right to reveal this.

Character Token 1: You are going to have to create 3 Iron Legion soldiers. The first can be found by opening the box on the left with the robot (it can go up stairs). The second can be found in the room on the right. See below for how to enter. Smash the potted plant, then dig up the pieces for the second Iron Legion. The third can be found in the room with the technology panel. Use telekinesis on the left to reveal a gold panel. Cut through it to reveal the third Iron Legion. Assemble all 3 to collect the Character Token.

Canister 2: Use cosmic power on the door on the right, then build the LEGO pieces into a shield switch. Use it to open the door. Head inside, then shatter the glass to reveal a vent. Travel through it, then use telekinesis on the cranes to build this Canister.

Canister 3: After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, use the Hydra panel to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 4: Step on 3 pumps to inflate balloons. Inflate all 3 to reveal this.

Stan Lee In Peril: After building and activating the drink machine, Stan Lee will feel a bit sick. Melt the ice sculpture, then use telekinesis on the bucket to rescue him.

Canister 5: Shoot the targets on the bar on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you to find him a record. Use cosmic power on the record played on the center ledge to reveal it. Give it to him to receive this Power Brick.

Character Token 2: Scan on the right side of the upper ledge to reveal a broken box. Repair it to reveal this.

Canister 6: Use the super strength handles on the ledge to reveal a generator. Charge it to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 7: Shatter the glass barrier on the left, then repair the machine to reveal this.

Canister 8: Destroy the purple chairs on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grate, then travel through it. Head right, then dig this up.

Character Token 3: Extinguish the fires around this Character Token.

Canister 9: Use telekinesis on a chair, then bounce up to this.

Canister 10: Use the grapple point on the left ledge to reveal this.

Token Characters: Iron Legion (25,000)
Ultron (Mk1) (100,000)
Iron Man (Mk16) (16,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Stan Lee in Peril Detector (250,000)
Anger Management-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Drop down into the lower level, then repair the forklift. Hop in and follow the button prompts to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you to get him some vibranium. Head right and destroy the silver panel to reveal some, then give it to him to receive this.

Canister 2: Shatter the glass up on the right, then fly inside the room. Use telekinesis to reveal this.

Canister 3: After charging the generator to raise the lift, cut through the gold panel that appears to reveal this.

Character Token 1: After Scarlet Witch hops out, head into the room where she was and use the S.H.I.E.L.D., then Hydra panel to reveal the Hydra logo. Smash it to reveal this.

Canister 4: After hitting the cracked block on the left box, smash it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reach the upper ledge. Head left on it to reach this.

Area 2: Character Token 2: Head to the back left corner of the building, then charge the generator to open a door. Head inside, then use telekinesis on the flower pot to reveal water. Freeze it to reveal this.

Canister 5: Destroy the objects on the right side of the main area, revealing a grate. Travel through it, then use telekinesis on the piano to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 6: Use cosmic power on the box on the box on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a camera to reveal this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Use the super strength handle on the right to rescue Stan Lee.

Character Token 3: Use the grapple point on the stage to reveal a banner, then destroy it to reveal this.

Canister 7: Use mind control on the drummer, then follow the button prompts to reveal this.

Area 4: Canister 8: Smash the tables on the left, then smash the small cracked block to reveal this.

Area 5: Canister 9: In the first part of the fight, destroy the silver traffic light to reveal this.

Canister 10: While playing as Veronica, use the Warn Citizens option to warn 6 groups of citizens. There are 3 in the first part of the fight and 3 in the second part.

Token Characters: Hulk-Killer (950,000)
Count Nefaria (500,000)
Ravage (50,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Quest Detector (300,000)
Korea Prospects-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Hop down inside the truck to reach this.

Area 2: Character Token 1: Destroy the silver objects on the left to reveal this.

Canister 2: Use telekinesis to destroy 5 objects.

Canister 3: After destroying the silver object on the left, build the LEGO pieces into a speed boost panel, then use it to reach a new train car. Head left to reach this.

Canister 4: After collecting Canister 3, head left and destroy the glass barrier, then continue left to reach this.

Character Token 2: Scan to reveal a case, then destroy the silver clasp to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 5: Hop on top of the blue-and-white awning on the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it to reveal a broken vehicle. Repair it, then hop in and drive it over the 3 manholes to reveal this.

Canister 6: This is on a ledge on the right.

Canister 7: After opening the garage on the left, destroy the box in the shadows to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you for a fish. Head right and hop on the cart to bury the fish, then dig it up. Give it to The Collector to receive this.

Character Token 3: Scan by a box on the left to reveal a gold clasp, then destroy it to reveal this.

Canister 8: After opening the train car, extinguish the fires on the inside, then build the LEGO pieces into this.

Canister 9: Smash the cracked block on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grate, then travel through it to reach this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Extinguish the fires around Stan Lee to rescue him.

Canister 10: After using telekinesis on the object on the right ledge, fly up and enter the room. Destroy the objects inside to reveal this.

Token Characters: Ultron Prime (200,000)
Komodo (60,000)
The Mandarin (Classic) (60,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Fast Build (1,000,000)
Rise of Ultron-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Climb straight up from the start to reach this.

Canister 2: After hopping over to the right side of the train, scan to reveal a target. Shoot it to reveal this.

Character Token 1: Destroy the cars on the final ledge to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 3: Use telekinesis to clean up 5 patches of graffiti.

Canister 4: Scan near the statue to reveal a silver sword and a gold shield. Destroy them to reveal this.

Canister 5: Destroy the silver cart near the beginning, then build the LEGO pieces into a speed boost panel, then use it to reach this.

Character Token 2: After entering the building, destroy the door and enter the alcove to reach this.

Canister 6: Smash the cracked block in the building to reveal a generator, then charge it to reveal this.

Canister 7: Use the super strength handles in the back of the final area to release 5 birds. Destroy them to receive this.

Canister 8: Use mind control on a person on the right, then pull the lever to open the door. Head inside, then use the grate to reach this.

Area 3: Red Power Brick: Talk to The Collector and he will ask you to get him a Sokovian flag. Scan the nearby truck to reveal super strength handles, then use them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reveal this. Give it to The Collector to receive this.

Canister 9: Smash the cracked block on the left to reveal this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Shatter the glass train car to rescue him.

Character Token 3: Scan the left side of the train car to reveal a grapple point. Use it to pull open the train car, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 10: Scan near the right to reveal a gold panel. Cut through it, then use telekinesis to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this canister.

Token Characters: Klaue Henchman (60,000)
Ultron Sentry (20,000)
Thunderstrike (40,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Fast Dig (500,000)
Ultron Undone-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: This is inside a stud ring.

Canister 2: Destroy 3 gold vehicles to receive this.

Canister 3: After rescuing the second wave of life boats, destroy a floating box to receive this.

Area 2: Canister 4: Use the super strength handles on the left to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this.

Character Token 1: Use the grapple point to the right of the gold objects to reveal this.

Character Token 2: Destroy the small gold object to reveal this.

Canister 5: Travel through the dirt pile on the right to reveal this.

Canister 6: Fly up above the cracked block to reach this.

Canister 7: Use cosmic powers to reveal this.

Area 3: Canister 8: Dig up 3 chests, then destroy them. There is 1 in each area of the fight.

Canister 9: In the first part of the fight, scan on the right to reveal a grapple point. Use it to reveal this.

Red Power Brick: In the second part of the fight, travel through the dirt pile, then talk to The Collector. He will ask you to give him a skull. Extinguish the fires, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a crowbar, then use telekinesis on it to reveal the skull. Give it to The Collector to receive this.

Canister 10: This is by the dirt pile after you travel through it.

Stan Lee in Peril: In the third part of the fight, head left, then extinguish the fires. Shatter the glass to rescue Stan Lee.

Character Token 3: Destroy the blue-and-white wall on the right side of the third part, then build the LEGO pieces into a speed boost panel. Use it to reach this.

Token Characters: Thanos (2,500,000)
Ultron Sentry Drone (60,000)
Wasp (Classic) (150,000)
Red Power Brick Extra: Collect Ghost Studs (250,000)
Exploring the Hubs
This section will cover the exploration of the eight hub worlds in the game. Items are split up according to what type of item they are.
Barton's Farm
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy a box to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a speed boost panel. Use it to rearrange the wires, then pull the lever to power the lever by the Gold Brick. Pull the lever when the spinner is in the green part to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Dig up a chest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 3: Use two grapple points on the barn to reveal targets. Hit them, then head inside and barn and scan to reveal a grapple point. Use it to reveal a target, then shoot it. Shoot all three targets to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Destroy a gold panel, then destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to open the chest with this inside.

Gold Brick 5: Destroy 6 cobwebs inside the barn to receive this.

Gold Brick 6: Climb up the ladder on the side of the Barton house, then head right along the ledge. Shoot arrows into the targets to activate a camera, then turn invisible and pull the lever to reveal this.

Gold Brick 7: Shatter the glass entrance to a greenhouse, then enter and travel through the dirt pile. Repair the lever, then pull it to reveal this.

Character Tokens

Squirrel Girl (Unbeatable): Talk to her under a tree and she will ask you to find 5 squirrels. Use the markers on the map to find them, then return them to her to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Egghead: Destroy a cluster of rocks to reveal a cracked block. Smash it to reveal a crate. Use cosmic power on it to reveal this. You can purchase him for 40,000 studs.

Devil Dinosaur & Moon Boy: Talk to Moon Boy and he will ask you to protect Devil Dinosaur as he escorts him to safety. Follow Moon boy and defeat the three waves of enemies to unlock both Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy, who you can purchase for 150,000 and 5,000 studs, respectively.

Gorilla Girl: Talk to Gorilla Girl and she will ask you to find her clothes. Fly to the markers on the map and collect the clothes (you will have to use telekinesis to reveal one), then return them to her to unlock her. You can purchase her for 120,000 studs.

Butterball: Talk to Butterball outside the house and he will ask you to find his cat. Head to the marker to find the cat, who will run away. Follow him to a tree, then use Hulk to take a selfie. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

Laura Barton: Charge a generator in a shed to destroy an engine, engulfing it in flames. Extinguish the flames, then rebuild the engine. Charge the generator again to reveal this. You can purchase her for 5,000 studs.

Cottonmouth: Head into the circle to start a boss fight. Take out all of his hearts to defeat him, allowing you to purchase him for 75,000 studs.

Hawkeye (Kate Bishop): Destroy the pipes by the chimney of the house, revealing water puddles. Freeze both of them to reveal this. You can purchase her for 75,000 studs.

Mantis: Talk to Mantis and she will ask you to help her defeat some plants. Head over to the markers and destroy the plants (there are 4 in total) to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 70,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Pickup Truck: Complete the race by the barn to unlock this. You can purchase it for 50,000 studs.

Hawkeye's Tractor: Complete a race that begins in the air above the jet to collect this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Stan Lee In Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Use mind control on the chickens surrounding Stan Lee, leading them into the coop. Coop up the four chickens to rescue Stan Lee.
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Use telekinesis on a chest by your starting point to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy a gold statue on a roof, then team up Captain America and Thor to destroy the rocks, revealing this.

Gold Brick 3: Hop in a turret, then shoot the 30 targets to collect this.

Gold Brick 4: Destroy some objects on the outside of a building to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then destroy the silver chest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 5: Charge the two generators, revealing buttons. Step on both of them at the same time to reveal this.

Gold Brick 6: Use the shield switch to activate lasers, then use the beam deflection panel to destroy the 5 blue power sources, revealing this.

Character Tokens

Dark Elf: Talk to Malekith and he will tell you that you are going to be destroyed. Defeat 20 enemies to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Lorelei: Talk to Fandral and he will ask you to collect food. Fly to the markers on the map and grab the food, then return them to him to complete this quest. You can purchase her for 60,000 studs.

Thor Girl: Talk to Thor Girl and she will ask you to defeat Ragnarok. Defeat him to complete this quest. You can purchase her for 30,000 studs.

Arkon: Turn the valve inside a building to disable the shield, revealing LEGO pieces. Send Thor to build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to shut off the shield. Repair the lever, then pull it to shut off the shield on the left and right. Hop up the wall on the left, then turn invisible to sneak past the camera. Pull the lever to start the platforms on the right moving. Hop up them and pull the other lever to reveal this. You can purchase him for 55,000 studs.

Valkyrie: Talk to Valkyrie and she will ask you to recruit soldiers for her. Fly to the markers on the map to find Asgardians itching for a fight. Bring them to Valkyrie to complete this quest. You can purchase her for 85,000 studs.

Mighty Destroyer: Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to deactivate the lasers, then smash the cracked blocks to reveal this. You can purchase him for 500,000 studs.

Laufey: Inside the library, pull the lever to turn on lights. Step on the buttons by the lights quickly to reveal this. Laufey will then grab it, so defeat him to collect this. You can purchase him for 30,000 studs.

Beta-Ray Bill: Talk to Beta-Ray Bill and he will ask you to lead him to 4 groups of people. Fly to the markers and he will meet the people. Meet all 4 groups of people to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 25,000 studs.

Odin: Talk to Odin and he will tell you that you will not be able to take selfie with the throne. Hit the three gongs in the room to distract the people guarding the throne, then quickly take the selfie to unlock him. You can purchase him for 75,000 studs.

Thor (Jane Foster): Use mind control on an Asgardian in the palace, then hop up the blocks and press the buttons. When a timer appears, head left and climb the ladder, then head right and press the other button to activate the technology panel. Use it to complete the image, revealing this. You can purchase her for 20,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Loki's Chariot: Complete a race that begins in the air to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Malekith's Ship (Mini): Complete a race that starts on the ground to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Stan Lee In Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Stan Lee will be trapped inside a room. Dig to the left of the statues to reveal a box. Use cosmic powers on it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to shut off the shield. Head inside the building, then extinguish the fires to rescue Stan Lee.
Gold Bricks
Gold Brick 1: Smash the cracked block in a pit to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy a glowing white car to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a beam deflection panel, then use it to destroy the gold object, revealing this.

Gold Brick 3: Head inside a building, then step on a button to retract some bars surrounding a button. Switch to your partner, then step on the button to retract the bars around a lever. Switch to your partner, then pull it to retract the bars around a broken panel. Repair the technology panel, then use it to input the correct pattern, revealing this. To collect it, step on the button which frees up your partner, then step on the button to remove the bars from the Gold Brick. Switch to your partner to collect it.

Gold Brick 4: Pull the lever inside the toxic goo, then extinguish the flames on the right. Pull the lever to open the door, revealing a box. Use cosmic powers on it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 5: Use the shield switch to a building to turn off the electricity, then use mind control on the citizen inside. Climb the ladder and pull the lever, then hop up the bars and enter the building. Destroy the floor to reach this. You must reach the Gold Brick in 30 seconds, otherwise you will have to start over.

Gold Brick 6: Hit the two targets on a box on a roof, then build the LEGO pieces inside into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel. Use it, then use the Hydra panel to open the door. Pull the lever to shut off the lasers, then destroy the glass case to reveal this.

Character Tokens

A-Bomb: Talk to A-Bomb and he will ask you to protect him. Follow him around the defeat the enemies, then take a Hulk selfie to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 80,000 studs.

Hulkling: Talk to Wiccan and he will ask you to defeat Jack of Hearts. Defeat him to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 75,000 studs.

Bengal: Destroy the silver barrier, then melt the ice sculpture, allowing you to collect this. You can purchase him for 500,000 studs.

Crimson Dynamo: Talk to Crimson Dynamo and he will ask you to collect paint cans. Fly to the markers to find them. For one, destroy a glowing bin on a roof to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to open the door. Head inside to reach one of the buckets. Return the buckets to him to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

X-Ray: Head to the circle, then defeat X-Ray to collect him. You can purchase him for 175,000 studs.

Extremis Soldier: Talk to a Damage Control and he will ask you to guard him while he clears up the debris. Fly to the markers on the map and defend the Damage Control to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Ronin (Blade): Swing on two poles to activate electricity, revealing this on a roof. You can purchase him for 55,000 studs.

Gargoyle: Talk to a woman and she will ask you to round up 3 people. Head to the markers on the map and lead the people back to her to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 50,000 studs.

Spitfire: Pull the lever on a ledge to reveal a chest on the ground. Drop down and use telekinesis on it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reveal this. You can purchase her for 30,000 studs.

Demolition Man: You need to rescue eight citizens. Cut through the gold panel to rescue some, then smash the cracked block to rescue more. Travel through the grate and press the button to rescue the last group. They will then pull the levers, revealing this. You can purchase him for 80,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Helicarrier Lifeboat: Complete a ground race to collect this. You can purchase this for 5,000 studs.

Hover-Bath: Complete a ground race to collect this. You can purchase this for 1,000 studs.

Stan Lee In Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Team up Captain America and Thor to rescue him.
South Africa
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Quickly destroy 7 small barrels to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Quickly shoot 5 targets around oil tanks to lower the bars inside a crate. Head inside, then destroy the boxes to reveal a gold chest. Destroy it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 3: Destroy the glowing barrels inside a ship, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into levers, then pull them in the correct order to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Swing on four poles to turn on lights. Turn on all four lights to reveal this Gold Brick.

Gold Brick 5: Scan inside a ship to reveal a shield switch. Use it to shut off the electricity, then turn invisible and pull the lever, revealing this.

Gold Brick 6: Destroy a glass case inside a ship to reveal this.

Character Tokens

Nebula: Pull the lever on a ship at the right time to activate a laser. Use the beam deflection panel to power the four nodes, revealing this. You can purchase her for 25,000 studs.

Black Goliath: Destroy 12 silver statues to receive this. You can purchase him for 125,000 studs.

Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan): Talk to Ms. Marvel and she will ask you to lead her to a ship to take a Hulk selfie. Follow her and defeat the enemies, then take the selfie to unlock her. You can purchase her for 60,000 studs.

Moondragon: Destroy a silver chest on a boat to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to lower the shields. Use the technology panel to open a door, revealing this. You can purchase her for 80,000 studs.

Tigra: Repair an engine, then shoot arrows into the sockets. Repair the generator on the right, then charge it up to reveal a grapple point. Use it to destroy the phone booth, allowing you to collect this. You can purchase her for 60,000 studs.

Grandmaster: Step on a button, then input the pattern three times to reveal this. You can purchase him for 500,000 studs.

Ulysses Klaue: Talk to Klaue and he will ask you to defeat cuttlefish. Defeat 20 to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 25,000 studs.

White Tiger: Talk to White Tiger and she will ask you to gather her amulets. Fly to the markers on the map and defeat the enemies to reveal the amulets. Return the amulets to White Tiger to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 95,000 studs.

The Other: Talk to The Other and he will ask you to find 5 Chitauri deserters. Fly to the markers on the map, then lead them back to The Other to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Echo: Talk to Echo and she will ask you to dance with her. Copy the patterns she shows to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 70,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Bulldozer: Complete a ground race to collect this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Quinjet (Avengers): Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 25,000 studs.

Stan Lee In Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Dig up a box, then destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to rescue him.
Gold Bricks
Gold Brick 1: Pull a lever to flash lights above three buttons. Step on them in the order of the lights to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Destroy a glowing cart to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to shut off the lasers. Destroy the glass case around this.

Gold Brick 3: Use cosmic powers on a box to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Scan to reveal a generator, then charge it up to partly power a door. Repair the generator to the right of the door, then charge it up to open it, revealing this.

Gold Brick 5: After collecting Gold Brick 4, head down the path, then use the shield switch to reveal this.

Gold Brick 6: Quickly destroy 5 Iron Man helmets to reveal this.

Character Tokens

Happy Hogan: Talk to Happy Hogan and he will ask you to round up 15 security badges. Fly to the markers on the map and collect all 15. Return them to Happy Hogan to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 25,000 studs.

Mandarin (Trevor Slattery): Talk to The Mandarin on a beach and he will ask you to defeat some Extremis soldiers. Defeat 20 of them to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 3,000 studs.

Iron Monger: Dig up a computer monitor, then destroy it to reveal this. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Iron Man (Mk1): Use telekinesis on a bin to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to open the case with this inside. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Amadeus Cho: Talk to Amadeus Cho and he will ask you to help him defeat Iron Man suits. Follow him around and defeat the enemies to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 150,000 studs.

Rescue: Talk to Pepper Potts and she will ask you to take a selfie. Scan by the rabbit to reveal rotary handles. Turn them to fix the rabbit, then take the selfie to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 60,000 studs.

Iron Man (Mk5): In the same room as Gold Brick 5, pull the lever to reveal a pattern of colors. Step on the buttons in the right order to reveal this. You can purchase him for 50,000 studs.

A.I.M. Agent: Smash a cracked block on the beach, then continue into the alcove to reach this. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Justin Hammer: Talk to Justin Hammer inside Stark's house and he will ask you to dance. Copy the patterns he gives to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 20,000 studs.

Iron Man (Mk17 - Heartbreaker): Destroy some boxes inside Stark's house to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then pull the lever to reveal this. You can purchase it for 17,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

Mandarin's Helicopter: Complete a ground race to receive this. You can purchase it for 20,000 studs.

Stark's Sportscar: Complete an air race to collect this. You can purchase it for 50,000 studs.

Stan Lee In Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Dig up a computer screen, then destroy it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to rescue Stan Lee.
Washington DC
Gold Bricks
Gold Brick 1: Use a grapple point to open a booth, then destroy the racks to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Use mind control on a person inside a booth, then pull the lever to open the door. Destroy the glass case to reveal this.

Gold Brick 3: Charge up the generator behind the Lincoln Memorial to open a door behind it. Head inside and turn invisible, then step on the button to reveal a target above the entrance. Shoot it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Repair a lever, then pull it to reveal buttons. Step on all of them without touching the grass to open the booth with this.

Gold Brick 5: In the Hydra base, smash the cracked block, then enter the room. Destroy the pipes to reveal a puddle, then freeze it to open the door on the left. Pull the lever at the right time to shut off the lasers, allowing you to collect this.

Gold Brick 6: Destroy a glowing box inside the Hydra base to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then use cosmic powers on the box to reveal this.

Character Tokens

Blazing Skull: Talk to Blazing Skull and he will ask you to extinguish some fires. Head to the markers and extinguish the fires to complete the quest. You can purchase him for

Captain Britain: Talk to Captain Britain and he will ask you to find 5 flasks. Fly to the markers and collect the flasks, then return them to Captain Britain to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

Diamondback: Hop up the walls inside the Lincoln Memorial, then shoot an arrow into the socket. Swing on the poles to reveal a button. Step on it, then quickly press the button on the platform above you to reveal this. You can purchase her 60,000 studs.

Captain America (Sam Wilson): Destroy 4 gold statues to reveal this. 2 of them are in plain sight, and the other 2 are behind gates. Use the super strength handle to reach one, and a shield switch to reach the other. Destroy all four to reveal this. You can purchase him for 150,000 studs.

Crystal: Talk to Crystal and she will ask you to activate the fountains. Turn all of the valves once from left to right to turn them all on, then take the selfie to complete this quest. You can purchase her for 30,000 studs.

Arnim Zola (Classic): Smack the 25 flags surrounding the Washington Monument to open a booth. Head inside, then destroy the objects inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it. Use the Hydra panel to open the door by the monument. Head inside, then talk to Arnim Zola and he will challenge you to shut down the computer. Destroy the glowing objects nearby to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it. In the first part, press the buttons. In the second part, press the blanks to reveal a color. Select the text on the right to reveal its color and place the correct colors in the blanks. In the third part, complete the Hydra logo. For the fourth part, select the buttons. Complete all four challenges to destroy the computer. You can purchase him for 150,000 studs.

Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers): In the Hydra base, scan to reveal a beam deflection panel. Use it to deflect the beams into the node above the lasers, allowing you to collect this. You can purchase her for 200,000 studs.

Bucky Barnes (Classic): Talk to Winter Soldier and he will ask you to help him defeat enemies. Defeat the waves of enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 50,000 studs.

Nova: Talk to Nova and he will ask you to defeat superhero impostors. Defeat the three impostors to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 125,000 studs.

Wizard: Walk up to the circle in the middle of the street, then defeat Wizard to unlock him. You can purchase him for 25,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

News Helicopter: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 10,000 studs.

Gyrocopter: Complete a ground race to receive this. You can purchase it for 60,000 studs.

Stan Lee In Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Destroy the silver boxes in the reflecting pool to allow Stan Lee to hop back to land, rescuing him.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Base
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Use cosmic powers on a box to reveal this.

Gold Brick 2: Freeze the water in front of an engine on a roof to reveal this.

Gold Brick 3: Pull two levers at the right time to open the booth, allowing you to collect this.

Gold Brick 4: Turn invisible, then enter a room and shoot the target, lowering the lasers around a lever. Pull it to deactivate the camera, then use the shield switch to lower the lasers around a lever. Pull it to lower the lasers around this.

Gold Brick 5: Charge 3 generators. 1 needs to be repaired, 1 is behind some boxes, and 1 can be built by destroying a gold object. Charge all 3 to reveal this.

Gold Brick 6: Use a shield switch to lower the bars around a box, then destroy it to reveal this.

Character Tokens

Human Torch (Original): Talk to Human Torch and he will ask you to help him defeat enemies. Defeat 20 enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

Chase: Travel through the toxic goo and pull the lever, revealing this. You can purchase her for 30,000 studs.

Union Jack: Step on two buttons, then turn invisible and press the other two to reveal this. You can purchase him for 75,000 studs.

Damage Control: Talk to the Damage Control and he will ask you to lead him to the debris. Head to the markers to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

M.O.D.O.K.: Talk to M.O.D.O.K. and he will ask you to lead him to Ultron. Follow him to the marker, then use mind control on the agent to press the button, shutting off the lasers. Use the technology panel to partly power the crate, then head to the roof of the room. Use telekinesis on the crate to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to fully open the crate. Take a Hulk Selfie to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Ragnarok: Destroy a gold panel, then destroy the glass case inside to reveal this. You can purchase him for

Agent Sitwell: Talk to Agent Sitwell and he will ask you to round up four agents. Two of them are in plain sight. For one, scan to reveal a button. Step on it to reveal him. For another, use the grapple points to destroy the boxes. Find all four agents to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 25,000 studs.

Korvac: Step in the circle to start a fight, then defeat him to unlock him. You can purchase him for 100,000 studs.

Hazmat: Dig up a button, then press it to lower the lasers. Talk to the Agent and he will ask you to find some items. Fly to the markers on the map, then collect the items. Return them to the agent to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 90,000 studs.

Firebird: Use the super strength handles to reveal this. You can purchase her for 150,000 studs.

Vehicle Tokens

S.H.I.E.L.D. 4x4: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicopter: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 60,000 studs.

Stan Lee In Peril

Stan Lee in Peril 1: Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the door, rescuing him.
Manhattan - Gold Bricks 1-58
Gold Bricks

Gold Brick 1: Destroy a glowing blue tank to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to open the booth with this inside.

Gold Brick 2: Repair an engine to shut off the electricity, then use the beam deflection panel to power the node, revealing this.

Gold Brick 3: Quickly destroy 5 white cameras on the Helicarrier to reveal this.

Gold Brick 4: Scan to reveal chains, then turn invisible and use the chains to reach this Gold Brick.

Gold Brick 5: Repair a generator, then charge both to reveal this.

Gold Brick 6: Use mind control on an agent, then pull the lever to shut off the lasers. Destroy the boxes, then build the LEGO pieces into a technology panel. Use it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 7: Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel inside the helicarrier to reveal a technology panel. Use it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 8: Use the beam deflection panel in the helicarrier to power the nodes, revealing this.

Gold Brick 9: Cut through the gold panel in the med centre in the helicarrier, then head right, extinguishing the flames as you go. Swing on the pole at the end to reveal this.

Gold Brick 10: Destroy the glowing boxes in the helicarrier prison to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then scan to reveal a silver box. Destroy it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 11: Destroy a silver chest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 12: Swing on three poles to power open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 13: Extinguish two fires in tar to reveal a button and a lever. Step on the button and pull the lever to reveal this.

Gold Brick 14: Dig up a chest under a bridge, then smash it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 15: Use telekinesis on a chest on a fire escape to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to open the hatch below you. Drop down, then use the shield switch to open the hatch below you. Drop down, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the hatch below you. Drop down to this Gold Brick.

Gold Brick 16: Quickly step on 5 buttons to reveal this.

Gold Brick 17: Turn invisible, then pull the lever to partly power the container. Destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a rotary handle. Turn it to reveal a lever, then pull it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 18: Charge four generators on the side of a building to power open the container, revealing this.

Gold Brick 19: Quickly step on 4 buttons in the water to open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 20: Destroy the plants surrounding a chest, then destroy the silver lock to reveal this.

Gold Brick 21: Repair an engine, then hop up the pillars and scan to reveal a target. Shoot it to lower the bars around the shield switch. Use the shield switch to reveal this.

Gold Brick 22: Quickly destroy 5 tents in the field outside the Avenger's Facility to reveal this.

Gold Brick 23: Dig up a box, then smash it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to open the garage. Head inside, thee use mind control on the scientist. Pull the lever to lower the lasers around this.

Gold Brick 24: Shatter the glass top on a chimney on the Raft, then drop inside to reach this.

Gold Brick 25: Smash a cracked block on the Raft to reveal a lever. Pull it to lower the lasers around this.

Gold Brick 26: Destroy the sandcastles in the sandbox to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a large sandcastle, revealing this.

Gold Brick 27: Smash a cracked block in Central Park to reveal this.

Gold Brick 28: Travel through a grate in a fountain, then use the technology panel to complete the puzzle. Pull the levers to send power to the chest with this inside.

Gold Brick 29: Destroy the glowing phone booths underneath an overpass to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a shield switch, then use it to open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 30: Use the grapple point to move some platforms, then climb the rope and hit the button. Shoot arrows into the sockets, then swing on them to open the chest with this inside.

Gold Brick 31: Smash a panel on a dock, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 32: Step on buttons in a workyard to reveal targets. Hit all 11 to reveal this.

Gold Brick 33: Use mind control on a person in a booth, then pull the lever to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then smash the pipes inside to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 34: Shoot 10 targets in the water to reveal this.

Gold Brick 35: Cut through a gold panel, then extinguish the flames. Pull the lever inside to reveal this.

Gold Brick 36: Charge the generator on the side of a building to extend some platforms. Hop up them and swing across the poles to reach a platform. Shoot an arrow into the socket, then swing on it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 37: Smash the cracked block in a parking lot, then drop inside to reach this.

Gold Brick 38: Repair the technology panel, then use it to open the gate. Head down the path, then pull the lever to power the bars. Turn the valves to power the lights (not all have to be powered at once) to reveal this.

Gold Brick 39: Shoot some targets to raise up pillars, then hop up them. Swing on the pole to open the booth with this inside.

Gold Brick 40: Swing on 10 poles on a rooftop to open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 41: Pull the bottom lever to open the gate, then use mind control on the citizen. Head through the gate, then end mind control. Pull the top lever to open the gate, then use mind control and pull the lever to open the final gate. Head through the gates and pull the lever to lower the bars around this.

Gold Brick 42: Smash two cracked blocks to reveal a container and a phone booth. Destroy the phone booth to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 43: Step on eight buttons on the side of a building to open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 44: Smash a silver panel in the ground, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 45: Use telekinesis on debris, then enter the room. Use telekinesis on the objects inside to reveal this.

Gold Brick 46: Use the shield switch in a building to lower the bars around a box. Smash it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 47: Scan to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a generator. Charge it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 48: Dig up a lever in Central Park, then pull it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 49: Hop up a wall, then time your jumps across the moving platforms. Swing across the poles, then continue along the platform. Swing on the pole at the end to reveal this.

Gold Brick 50: Quickly destroy 11 blue power objects to reveal this.

Gold Brick 51: Scan to reveal a dumpster, then shoot arrows into the sockets. Bounce from the dumpster to the poles, then swing to the right. Press the button, then shoot arrows into the sockets. Swing across them, then hop across the gap, landing on the platform. Hop to the button, then press it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 52: Smash through a panel in the road to reach this.

Gold Brick 53: Scan on a basketball court to reveal a beam deflection panel. Use it to power the 3 nodes, revealing this.

Gold Brick 54: Step on a pillar to be raised up, then swing on the pole to power a lever. Pull it to extend a platform, then hop up and scan to reveal a target. Shoot it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 55: Charge a generator to reveal a button pattern. Step on the buttons in the correct order to reveal this.

Gold Brick 56: Step on a button inside a subway station to reveal a pattern. Step on the buttons in the correct order to reveal this.

Gold Brick 57: Swing up the poles above a tunnel to open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 58: Use mind control on a citizen inside a building (you might have to go to the alley behind it to reach them), then pull the lever to turn on the power. Use the shield switches to power the container with this inside.
Manhattan - Gold Bricks 59-119
Gold Brick 59: Use the shield switch by the gas station to extend a platform. Hop up and swing across the poles to open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 60: Shatter a glass case to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then destroy the gold chest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 61: Use cosmic powers on a panel in the road, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 62: Smash a cracked block near the water, then scan to reveal some LEGO pieces. Use telekinesis on it to construct a chest, then smack it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 63: Destroy a dumpster on a roof to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to lower the bars around a generator. Charge it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 64: Scan to reveal a gold chest, then destroy it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 65: Turn invisible on a platform to deactivate the lasers, then hop up the wall. Climb the ladder, then swing on the pole to reveal this.

Gold Brick 66: Quickly destroy 5 silver Loki statues to reveal this.

Gold Brick 67: Use a shield switch in an alley to reveal 3 targets. Quickly hit them to reveal this.

Gold Brick 68: Pull three levers at the right time to open the container with this inside.

Gold Brick 69: Quickly use three speed boost pads to step on 3 buttons, revealing this.

Gold Brick 70: Turn invisible, then pull the lever to reveal this.

Gold Brick 71: Destroy a glowing dumpster to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a technology panel. Use it to reveal this. To get to it, scan to the left to reveal a broken technology panel. Use it to retract the bars.

Gold Brick 72: Destroy a gold panel in the road, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 73: Destroy some silver boxes to reveal a grate. Travel through it, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to reveal this.

Gold Brick 74: Cut through a gold panel, then press the button to deactivate the lasers. Cut through the gold panels to reach this.

Gold Brick 75: Scan to reveal a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel. Use it, then use the Hydra panel to reveal this.

Gold Brick 76: Smash two cracked blocks in an alley, revealing a lever and a container. Pull the lever to open the container, revealing this.

Gold Brick 77: Travel through a dirt pile, then use cosmic powers on the box to reveal this.

Gold Brick 78: Quickly step on the 25 turtles in the lake in Central Park to reveal this.

Gold Brick 79: Turn invisible on a platform in the lake, then shatter the glass case to reveal this.

Gold Brick 80: Extinguish some fires, then repair the engine to reveal this.

Gold Brick 81: Pull a lever to power a laser, then use the beam deflection panel to destroy the gold object. Head inside and pull the lever on the left to reveal this.

Gold Brick 82: Shatter a glass panel on a roof, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 83: Travel through a grate on the street, then use the technology panel to solve the puzzle, allowing you to reach this.

Gold Brick 84: Pull a lever in Central Park to remove the electricity from the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, then use it to reveal this. Pull the lever again to remove the electricity, allowing you to collect it.

Gold Brick 85: Destroy a gold panel on a building, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 86: On the side of a building, charge the top, middle, and bottom generators to reveal this.

Gold Brick 87: In an alley, use telekinesis on a dumpster to reveal LEGO pieces. Use telekinesis to build a chest, then smack it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 88: Travel through a dirt pile, then dig this up.

Gold Brick 89: Use three super strength handles on a roof to reveal generators, then charge them up to reveal this.

Gold Brick 90: Quickly shoot 15 targets to reveal this.

Gold Brick 91: Press a button to lower some bars, then climb the ladder and travel through the dirt pile. Press the button to reveal this.

Gold Brick 92: Use telekinesis on a panel in a park, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 93: Pull a lever to shut off lasers, then turn invisible. Hop up the wall and platforms to reach this.

Gold Brick 94: Head underneath a statue in Central Park, then repair the lever and pull it to shut off the lasers. Continue pulling and repairing levers to reveal this.

Gold Brick 95: Use telekinesis on a chess game in Central Park to reveal this.

Gold Brick 96: Hit 5 targets in a sand pit in Central Park to reveal this.

Gold Brick 97: Shatter two glass cases to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into levers, then pull them to lower the bars. Destroy the silver chest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 98: Travel through a dirt pile, then pull the lever to reveal a cracked block. Smash it, then head inside to reach this.

Gold Brick 99: Scan to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a speed boost panel. Use it to step on 10 buttons, revealing this.

Gold Brick 100: Use the super strength handles to tear down the door, then head inside the alcove. Repair one generator, then charge both to reveal this.

Gold Brick 101: Destroy a silver water tank to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to lower the bars around the gold panels. Cut through them, then destroy the gold chest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 102: Destroy a gold object on a building to reveal a grate, then travel through it. Step on the button to shut off the lasers around a chest. Destroy the gold lock, then smack the chest to reveal this.

Gold Brick 103: Scan to reveal a grapple point, then use it to reveal a technology panel. Use it to input the pattern, revealing this.

Gold Brick 104: Charge three generators on a building in Times Square to reveal this.

Gold Brick 105: Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel on a building to lower the lasers around a wall. Turn invisible, then hop up and wall and platforms. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to lower the lasers around a lever. Swing across the poles to reach it, then pull it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 106: Travel through a grate on the road, then pull the lever to shut off the lasers. Cut through the gold panel to reveal this.

Gold Brick 107: Pull a lever to reveal a button pattern. Step on the buttons in the correct order, then pull the lever to reveal another pattern. Input three patterns correctly to reveal this.

Gold Brick 108: Use cosmic powers on a box in a pizza restaurant, then build the LEGO pieces into a rotary handle, then turn it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 109: Destroy a panel on a dock, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 110: Use a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel on a dock, then use the Hydra panel to reveal this.

Gold Brick 111: Shatter a glass case on a roof to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it to start sending power through the wires. Shoot arrows into the sockets to reveal this.

Gold Brick 112: Use mind control on a citizen underground, then hop up the platforms and step on the button. This will lower the lasers, allowing you to enter the next room. Hop up the platforms onto the button, shutting off the lasers. Use cosmic powers on the box to reveal this.

Gold Brick 113: Destroy a silver container to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to shut off the lasers. Destroy the silver case to reveal this.

Gold Brick 114: Hop up a wall, then shimmy across the bars. Turn invisible, then shoot the targets to power a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel. Use it to reveal this.

Gold Brick 115: Extinguish the fires in a building, then press the button to reveal this.

Gold Brick 116: Scan to reveal a broken lever, then repair it. Pull it to open the door, then pull the levers to reveal this.

Gold Brick 117: Smash a dumpster to reveal a dirt pile, then travel through it to reach this.

Gold Brick 118: Travel through a dirt pile, then pull the lever to reveal this.

Gold Brick 119: Destroy a silver panel on Liberty Island, then drop down to collect this.
Manhattan - Gold Bricks 120-126
Gold Brick 120: Use the beam deflection panel on Liberty Island to power the two nodes, opening the door. Head down the stairs, then pull the lever to power the laser. Use the beam deflection panel to power the node, then pull the lever to power the other laser. Use it to power the other node, revealing this.

Gold Brick 121: Shatter the glass between some shipping crates, allowing you to collect this.

Gold Brick 122: Use the speed boost panels on a bridge to quickly step on the 4 buttons, revealing this.

Gold Brick 123: Use telekinesis on a panel in the ground, then drop down to reach this.

Gold Brick 124: Turn invisible, then pull the lever to open the door to the building. Head inside, then build the LEGO pieces into a shield switch. Use it, allowing you to reach this.

Gold Brick 125: Destroy an AC vent on the roof of a building to reveal a dig site. Dig up a lever, then use it to retract the barrier in front of the gold panel. Cut through it, allowing you reach this.

Gold Brick 126: Destroy a silver object on a roof to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to lower the lasers around a grate. Travel through it, then fly up to reach this.
Manhattan - Character Tokens - Part 1
Iron Man (Mk25): Talk to a scientist inside the helicarrier and she will ask you to repair the cradle. Pull the lever to reveal a generator, then charge it to activate the technology panels. Use the panel to activate the other panel, then use it to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 25,000 studs.

Doctor Helen Cho: Talk to a scientist inside the helicarrier and she will ask you to round up objects. Head to the markers to find them. Charge the generator to find one, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel in the prison to reveal another. Shatter the glass panel in the control room to reveal one, then use the super strength handle to reveal the last item. Return the items to the scientist to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 20,000 studs.

The Protector: Talk to an agent inside the helicarrier and he will ask you to round up 10 blueberries. Head to the markers on the map to find them, then return them to the agent to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 85,000 studs.

Wendigo: Talk to Lou Ferrigno and he will ask you to give him a ride. Grab a vehicle and drive him to the marker to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 125,000 studs.

Destroyer (Minifigure): Walk into the circle to start a fight with him, then defeat him to unlock him. You can purchase him for 5,000 studs.

Grim Reaper: Step into the circle to start a fight with him. Defeat him to unlock him. You can purchase him for 30,000 studs.

Superior Iron Man: Use cosmic powers on a part of the parking lot of the Avengers Facility, then drop down into the hole to reach this. You can purchase him for 50,000 studs.

Swordsman: Talk to a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and he will ask you to follow the stud arrows. Follow the gold arrows to reach the treasure, completing this quest. You can purchase him for 60,000 studs.

Wiccan: Talk to Wiccan and he will ask you to get rid of some Dark Elves. Defeat 20 Dark Elves to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 150,000 studs.

Veil: Talk to a scientist and she will ask you to find cats. Head to the markers to find the cats, then lead them back to the scientist to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 40,000 studs.

Taskmaster: Talk to Taskmaster and he will ask you to dance with him. Copy the patterns he gives to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 75,000 studs.

Daredevil: Talk to Daredevil and he will ask you to help him defeat some enemies. Defeat 20 enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

Jack of Hearts: Talk to Agent Sitwell and he will ask you to round up some criminals. Head to the markers and fight Malekith, Arnim Zola (Classic), Crimson Dynamo, and The Other. Defeat all of the enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 120,000 studs.

Doctor Strange: Talk to Doctor Strange and he will ask you to round up 4 mental patients. Head to the markers on the map and lead the people back to Doctor Strange to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 450,000 studs.

Iron Man (Mk40): Talk to Agent Coulson and he will ask you to go on a road trip with him. Hop inside Lola and drive to the gas station, then defeat 20 enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 40,000 studs.

Death Locket: Talk to Agent Sitwell and he will ask you to round up Chitauri weapons. Head to the markers on the map and defeat the enemies to reveal the weapons, then collect them and return them to Agent Sitwell to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 150,000 studs.

Moon Knight: Talk to Moon Knight and he will ask you to follow him to his informant. Follow him and defeat the enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 75,000 studs.

Luke Cage: Talk to Luke Cage and he will ask you to rescue some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Head to the markers, then defeat the enemies and lead the agents back to him to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 55,000 studs.

Reptil: Talk to Kamala Khan and she will ask you to help her defeat some crocodiles. Defeat 15 enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 40,000 studs.

Iron Man (Mk33 - Silver Centurion): Talk to Agent Coulson and he will ask you to help him find the perfect spot for a Hulk Selfie. Follow him around and defeat the enemies, then take the selfie to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 33,000 studs.

Squirrel Girl (Classic): Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you to lead her to a cafe. Follow her to the cafe, then scan to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a jukebox, then smack it to clear the door. Repair it, then head inside to complete the mission. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Finesse: Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you to escort her to a hotel. Follow her and defeat the enemies to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 690,000 studs.

Jewel (Jessica Jones): Talk to Jewel and she will ask you to find 4 job applicants. Head to the markers and defeat the enemies, then lead the heroines to Jewel to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 40,000 studs.

Ant-Man (Classic): Talk to Lou Ferrigno and he will ask you to find four jurors. Head to the markers on the map, then find them and bring them back to Lou to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

Iron Fist: Talk to Iron Fist and he will ask you to help him defeat dragons. Head to the markers on the map and destroy the three dragons to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 75,000 studs.

Speed: Talk to Lou Ferrigno and he will ask you to pick up 10 shirts. Head to the markers and collect them, then return them to him to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 120,000 studs.

Beth the Watiress: Talk to Beth the Waitress and she will ask you to find four coffee shop regulars. Head to the markers on the map, then lead the people back to Beth to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 10,000 studs.

Ronan the Accuser: Step into the circle on a roof to start a fight. Defeat him to unlock him. You can purchase him for 80,000 studs.

Fin Fang Foom: Talk to Fin Fang Foom and he will ask you to gather ingredients. Head to the markers on the map, then gather the ingredients and return them to him to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 250,000 studs.

She-Hulk: Talk to She-Hulk and she will ask you to find a secret hideout. Follow her to reach the hideout, completing the quest. You can purchase her for 60,000 studs.

Cloud 9: Talk to Cloud 9 and she will ask you to help people hop across clouds. Mind control 3 civilians and make them hop across the clouds. Control all of them until they hit the roof to complete the quest. You can purchase her for 100,000 studs.

Lou Ferrigno: Talk to Lou Ferrigno in Central Park and he will ask you for a Hulk selfie with a bear. Smack the bear into submission, then take the selfie to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 10,000 studs.

Trauma: Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you to help her follow a suspicious character. Follow the Hydra agent to complete this quest. You can purchase 20,000 studs.

Blue Marvel: Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you to help her search a Dairy Farm. Follow her to the farm, then destroy the glowing car to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it. Turn invisible, then pull the lever on top of the cage to retract the bars. Destroy the red glowing car to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 175,000 studs.

Hellcat: Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you for a ride. Drive a vehicle up to her and she will hop in. Follow the ghost studs to reach her destination, completing this quest. You can purchase her for 45,000 studs.
Manhattan - Character Tokens - Part 2
Lightspeed: Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you to retract keys from the well. Repair the gears, then destroy the glowing trash cans and dumpsters to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a hook and a rotary handle. Turn the rotary handle to reveal the keys, completing the quest. You can purchase her for 75,000 studs.

Iron Man (Mk38): Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you to help her search a building. Follow her, then defeat 20 enemies to complete this quest. You can purchase him for 38,000 studs.

Red She-Hulk: Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you for a ride. Grab a car and drive it up to her, then follow the ghost studs to reach her destination, completing the quest. You can purchase her for 60,000 studs.

Striker: Talk to Agent Carter and she will ask you to help her clear a billboard. You will need to pull six levers. Some are in plain sight, some need to be repaired, and another can be found by scanning. Pull all six levers to complete the quest. You can purchase him for 30,000 studs.

Agent Carter (Retired): Talk to Agent Carter and she will want you to break up three fights. Cut through the gold panel, then destroy the gas tanks to break up one fight. Scan on the right to reveal more gas tanks. Destroy them to break up the second fight. Head to a roof on the left, then repair the lever. Pull it to open the booth, then smash the gas tanks inside to break up the final fight, completing the quest. You can purchase her for 45,000 studs.

Mockingbird: After entering the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, head left of the lift to reach this. You can purchase her for 200,000 studs.
Manhattan - Vehicle Tokens
S.H.I.E.L.D. Jetfighter: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 50,000 studs.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Minicarrier: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 100,000 studs.

Ultron Ship: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 40,000 studs.

Bruce Banner's Motorcycle: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 35,000 studs.

Avengers 4x4: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 25,000 studs.

Hawkeye's Skycycle: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 100,000 studs.

Mooncopter: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 40,000 studs.

Taco Truck: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 10,000 studs.

Thanos Copter: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 250,000 studs.

Quinjet (Mini): Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 15,000 studs.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Car: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Black Widow's Motorcycle: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 45,000 studs.

Lola: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 75,000 studs.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Truck: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 20,000 studs.

Car (1940s): Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

VTOL Helicopter: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 20,000 studs.

Avenging Cycle: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 65,000 studs.

Squirrel-a-gig: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Quinjet (Space): Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 70,000 studs.

Hydra Tank: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 100,000 studs.

Ice Cream Truck: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.

Chitauri Chariot: Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 60,000 studs.

Quinjet (S.H.I.E.L.D.) Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 25,000 studs.

Captain America Monster Truck: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 80,000 studs.

Hydra Quinjet (Mini): Complete an air race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 80,000 studs.

Roxxon Van: Complete a ground race to unlock this. You can purchase it for 5,000 studs.
Manhattan - Stan Lee in Peril
Stan Lee in Peril 1: Extinguish the flames on top of a chimney to rescue Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 2: Destroy a silver lock to open a gate, rescuing Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 3: Scan to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a lever. Pull it to partly extend a platform, then dig up a lever. Pull it to fully extend the platform, rescuing Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 4: Pull two levers on the helicarrier at the right time to reveal targets. Shoot them to deactivate the lasers, rescuing Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 5: Destroy the car Stan Lee is trapped under to rescue him.

Stan Lee in Peril 6: Extinguish the fires surrounding Stan Lee to rescue him.

Stan Lee in Peril 7: Scan to reveal three gold panels. Destroy them to rescue Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 8: Travel through a grate, then destroy the glowing boxes to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a lever, then pull it to open the greenhouse, rescuing Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 9: Smash a glowing car on the ground to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to destroy the rock. Use telekinesis on the remains to rescue Stan Lee.

Stan Lee in Peril 10: Use telekinesis to destroy the rock Stan Lee is trapped under, rescuing him.

Stan Lee in Peril 11: Extinguish the fires in Stan Lee's campsite to rescue him.

Stan Lee in Peril 12: Stan Lee is stuck in a tree. Destroy the glowing plants and benches to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into three rotary handles, then turn them to raise platforms, allowing Stan Lee to hop down.

Stan Lee in Peril 13: Stan Lee is hanging from a platform. Use the grapple point to clear the generator, then charge it to rescue him.
DLC Levels
This section will cover the DLC levels in both Story and Free Play Modes.
Classic Captain Marvel-Story Mode
Enemies: Yon-Rogg Goon
Boss: Poundcakes, Yon-Rogg
Starting Characters: Captain Marvel, Captain America (A:AOU)
True Avenger: 70,000

1. Time to take on Poundcakes. Head to the right and cut through the gold panel, then use the super strength handles to clear the shield switch. Use it to reveal a fountain, causing Poundcakes to hop in the water. Head to the left and use the Team-Up panel to lure Poundcakes into charging into the fuse box, taking off one heart. This will stun her, so head up to her and smack her, taking off another heart. You will then head up to Poundcakes for a 1 on 1 fight. Follow the button prompts to defeat her.

2. Time to take on Yon-Rogg. Head up the stairs and defeat the enemies to stun Yon-Rogg. Hit him to take out a heart. He will then take control of you. Switch to your partner and smack him, causing him to retreat. Build the LEGO piece that appear into a satellite dish, then use the technology panel to summon Captain Marvel's Skycycle. Hop on to reach the next roof, then defeat the enemies to stun Yon-Rogg. Smack him to take out a heart, and when he controls you, switch to your partner and hit him again. He will then retreat to another roof. Destroy the greenhouse to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a trampoline, then use it to reach the ledge above you. Destroy the object on the roof to reveal LEGO pieces, then build them into a beam deflection panel. Use it to deflect the beam back to Yon-Rogg, allowing you to reach the final roof. Switch to Captain Marvel and attack Yon-Rogg to destroy him, ending the level.
Classic Captain Marvel-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: There are 5 moles that you need to destroy. You will need to be a short distance away from them to get them to appear. One is to the right of the gold panel, in the area behind it. The second is in the far back right, partially hidden behind the tree. The third is in the back left towards the left cement mixer. The fourth is on the left by the crowd. The fifth is is the front left. Destroy all 5 to reveal this.

Canister 2: Use telekinesis on the plants in the back right to reveal this.

Canister 3: Use cosmic powers in the back right to reveal a generator. Charge it to power the sprinkler, revealing this.

Canister 4: Destroy the flags on the arch in the back, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed boost panel, then use it to reach this.

Canister 5: Hop on the swing on the left, eventually revealing this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Scan on the left to reveal a grapple point, then use it to reveal this.

Canister 6: Head left from your starting point, then dig up a lawnmower. Repair it to mow down the flowers, revealing this.

Area 2: Canister 7: Destroy 3 gold satellite dishes to reveal this. One is right of your starting point, another is visible behind the greenhouse, and the third is on the right side of the final rooftop.

Canister 8: This is hidden behind the ventilation shaft to the right of the first set of stairs. Simply fly over the shaft to reach it.

Canister 9: Use the technology panel on the satellite on the second rooftop to reveal this.

Canister 10: Destroy a glass window on a building to the right. This can be done by taking a long shot from the first rooftop. Destroying the window will open up the room, allowing you to fly inside and claim this.
The Masters of Evil-Story Mode
Enemies: Policeman
Boss: Iron Man (Classic), Thor (Classic)
Starting Characters: Baron Zemo, Radioactive Man, Melter, Black Knight (Nathan Garrett)
True Avenger: 55,000

1. You are going to have to set off four glue bombs. Head to the right and destroy the glowing cars to reveal a metal plate. Destroy it, revealing the first bomb. Use the technology panel to activate it. Destroy the gold "Clothes" sign in the back to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then use it to extend the awning. Hop up the boxes and onto the awning, using it as a boost to reach the ledge to the right. Climb the ladder to reach the second bomb, then use the technology panel to activate it. Iron Man (Classic) will then show up. Hit him to take out a heart, causing him to retreat. Dodge his attacks, then hit him to take out another heart. He will then destroy the car by you, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a cannon, defeating him. Head over to the phone booth and scan to reveal a grapple point. Use it to reveal a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel. Use it to reveal silver clasps above you. Destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into fans, allowing you to reach the above ledge. Use the technology panel to activate the third bomb. Head to the right and smash the cracked block on the scaffolding, then climb the ladder and pull the lever to lower a lift. Hop up, then destroy the silver panel to reveal a grapple point. Use it to destroy the barrier on the left. Head over to the fourth bomb, then use the technology panel to activate it. Time to face Thor (Classic). Hit him to knock off a heart, then dodge his attacks when he's in the air. He will then drop to the ground and summon lightning. Dodge it, then hit him again. Chase him to the right, then follow the button prompts to defeat him, ending the level.
The Masters of Evil-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy the ice cream cone on top of the ice cream truck on the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a grapple point, then use it to reveal this.

Canister 2: Destroy 5 yellow barriers. The first can be found directly in front of Canister 3. The second can be found on the far left by a green car. The third is by the dumpster used in collecting Canister 5. The fourth can be found towards the front of the screen on the left (by the roadblocks). The fifth is on the right, in front of the pizza shop.

Canister 3: Charge the generator on the left, revealing a woman. Use mind control to take control of her, allowing you to collect this.

Canister 4: Dig in the dig spot on the left, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a grate, then travel through it to reach this.

Canister 5: Use telekinesis on a dumpster on the left to reveal this.

Canister 6: Destroy the gold Captain America statue to reveal this.

Canister 7: Shatter the glass phone booth on the right, allowing you to collect this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Freeze the fire hydrant spout on the right to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 8: After activating the second bomb, use the super strength handles to the left to reveal this.

Canister 9: After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel, use the Hydra panel to reveal this.

Canister 10: Charge the generator by the final bomb to reveal this.
Classic Black Panther-Story Mode
Enemies: Klaue Henchman
Boss: Black Knight (Augustine du Lac), Klaw (Classic)
Starting Characters: Black Panther, Shuri
True Avenger: 70,000

1. We need to head through the door on the right. Head up the stairs and destroy the glowing plants in the center to raise up the flower. Destroy it to reveal a dig site, then dig up LEGO pieces. Build them into a rotary handle, then push it to align one of the statue's paws. Destroy the tapestry on the left to reveal LEGO pieces for another rotary handle. Push it to align the other paw, revealing a cracked wall. Smash it to reveal a technology panel. Use it to align the three purple symbols in the center, opening the door to the right. Continue right, then double jump onto the two bars to switch the turbines, allowing you to continue. If you want to head back left, you can grab the bars again to reverse them. Continue right, then hop on the moving platforms. Continue right, then head up the stairs to the back. Smash through the cracked wall to reveal a wall we'll use later. Destroy the glowing plants to the right to reveal sockets. Use Shuri to throw spears into them, then hop up the wall on the left and swing across the poles to reach the opposite platform. Turn the valve to shut off the waterfall, revealing a dig site below. Dig up LEGO pieces, then build them into a technology panel. Use it and select the Black Panther symbol, then select the pipes to rotate them. Arrange them so the green reaches the Black Panther symbol on the right. This will power the monorail, allowing you to continue.

2. Time to take on the Black Knight. Avoid his ground pounds until he flees, calling in enemies. Defeat the enemies and Black Knight will hop out again. Avoid his spin attacks until he drops his sword, then smack him to take out a heart. Repeat this process to take out two more hearts, defeating him. He will be thrown through the force field in the back, allowing you to continue. Head to the back and head up the left stairs. Grab the bar to partly power the statue, then destroy the boxes by the base of the right stairs. Destroying the boxes will reveal a button. Step on it to raise up the third socket on the right. Throw spears into the three sockets, then swing up the poles to grab the other bar. Grabbing both bars will open the panther's mouth, allowing you to continue. Continue along the path to reach Klaw (Classic). Klaw is a pretty easy fight. Smack him twice and he will flee behind the force field. Avoid his laser and sonic attacks and he will entangle you in a rope. Follow the button prompts to escape and take out another heart. He will then hop back into the force field, sending in enemies. Defeat them and Klaw will engage you again. Repeat this process twice more to defeat him and end the level.
Classic Black Panther-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Head left and destroy the computers to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a generator, then charge it up to reveal this.

Canister 2: Use Power Cosmic to destroy 3 pillars. The first is to the left of the panther statue. The second is to the right of the turbine. The third is below the valve on the platform.

Canister 3: When using the first technology panel, align all of the orange symbols in the center to reveal this to the left.

Canister 4: This is above the panther statue. Fly up to get it.

Canister 5: After crossing the moving platforms, destroy the gold statue on the left to reveal a dig spot. Dig up the LEGO pieces for this canister.

Canister 6: Fly to the platform by the waterfall, then use telekinesis on the flower to reveal this.

Canister 7: After turning the valve on the platform, scan to reveal a glass case. Shatter it to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 8: Put out the fires to the left of your starting point to reveal a cracked block. Smash through it to reveal this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Destroy the metal beams to the right of your starting point to rescue Stan.

Canister 9: You need to build 5 Wakanda banners. The first two can be found in boxes on the left and right sides of the Black Knight fight. The third can be found by destroying the boxes hidden in the trees to the right of Stan Lee. The fourth and fifth are on the left and right sides of the Klaw fight.

Canister 10: During the Klaw fight, use telekinesis on the two Black Panther statues to reveal buttons. Have your partner stand on one, then stand on the other to reveal this.
All-New All-Different Doctor Strange-Story Mode
Enemies: Baron Mordo Minion
Boss: Baron Mordo
Starting Characters: Doctor Strange (ANAD), Clea
True Avenger: 70,000

1. You'll start in control of Doctor Strange. There's nothing we can do here at the moment, so switch to your partner.

2. Head to the right and use telekinesis to place the two batteries in the remote. The remote will then move out, turning into a platform. Hop on the glowing button to shut off the TV, distracting Dormammu.

1. Head over to the recently revealed vent and travel through it. Defeat the enemies, then smack Mordo around to knock off three hearts.

2. Some bookcases have appeared to aid you on your journey. Hop up the platforms to the right, then target the glowing plant across the gap to destroy it. This will create a bridge for you. Cross the gap, then use telekinesis to unplug the cord, distracting Dormammu.

1. The chandelier will fall to the ground, revealing LEGO pieces. Build them into a rocking horse, then use telekinesis to ride it through the door on the left. Defeat the enemies, then use telekinesis to throw the rubber duck at Mordo. He will then shoot a laser at you. Target the people shooting you to knock off more hearts.

2. Destroy the bathtubs to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a rollercoaster, then hop in to reach the next platform. Continue to the right and hop across the platforms, then destroy the glowing plant and gear. Use telekinesis to place the gears in the slots, then turn the rotary handle to release the Mindless Ones. This will distract Dormammu, allowing you to take on Mordo.

1. Head into the main room and use telekinesis on the rope to reveal a ladder. Climb up, then defeat the enemies. Use telekinesis to throw the rabbit back at Mordo, then follow the button prompts to defeat him, ending the level.
All-New All-Different Doctor Strange-Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Use telekinesis to straighten 4 pictures. The first is in the back of the first room. The second is on the right wall of the second room, revealed after the portal sucks the bookshelves away. The third is in the same area as Canister 7. The fourth is on the left side of the final room.

Canister 2: Scan on the left of the first room to reveal a generator. Charge it up to reveal this.

Area 2: Canister 3: Head to the left from the start and dig up LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed pad, then use it to reach this.

Canister 4: Destroy the large green plant on the first platform, then smash the cracked wall to reveal this.

Area 1: Canister 5: Destroy the silver sarcophagus during the first boss fight to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a stool, then press the indicated button to play the piano, revealing this.

Area 2: Canister 6: After hopping up the bookshelves, use Power Cosmic to free this Canister.

Area 1: Canister 7: During the second boss fight, use the grapple point on the toilet on the right to reveal this.

Canister 8: After the portal sucks away the bathroom fixtures, fly up through the hole in the ceiling, then destroy the glass hourglass to reveal this.

Area 2: Stan Lee in Peril: Use the shield switch on the green crane to pull up Stan's cage, then use Power Cosmic to destroy it, freeing him.

Area 1: Canister 9: In the final room, jump on the bed on the left a few times to reveal this.

Canister 10: Destroy the gold chest on the right to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a vent, then travel through it. Repair the power saw, then grab onto the bar on the left to reveal this.
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Story Mode
Starting Characters: Agent Melinda May, Agent Jemma Simmons
Added Characters: Agent Daisy Johnson, Agent Leo Fitz, Agent Coulson
True Avenger: 180,000

1. Your way forward is blocked by a door. Head towards the stairs, then use the bar to reach the next level. Head up the stairs, then destroy the glowing statues to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into rotary handles, then turn them to reveal walls. Have each character hop up one, then step on the button at the top. Step on both buttons to open the door, allowing you to continue. Enter the next room, then follow the button prompts to battle Skye. After defeating her, you are going to have to rescue three agents. Head left and scan to reveal a technology panel, then use it to rescue the first agent. Head to the right and destroy the glowing objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel and a claw, then use the panel to rescue the second agents. After rescuing those two agents, a ladder will be lowered on the left. Climb up, then head across the tightrope to reach Lincoln. Smack him to clear the path ahead. Head down the stairs and to the left, then destroy the glowing rocks to reveal a S.H.I.E.L.D. panel. Use it to extend poles, then swing up them to reach the upper ledge. Head right towards Skye.

2. You are now in control of Agent Daisy Johnson and Agent Leo Fitz. You will need to assemble three quantum entanglement machines. Head to the right and destroy the glowing table to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into the first machine, then shoot the target on the right to lower a rope. Climb up, then use the technology panel. Use the up arrow on the first battery and the down arrow on the second and third to power the first machine. Head down and to the back, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to reveal the second machine. Repair it, then head left. Hold the special attack button to shatter the glass, revealing a generator. Build the LEGO pieces into the final machine, trapping Gordon and releasing Terragen Mists. Use Daisy to hop inside and smack Gordon to subdue him. Agent Coulson will then enter your party, replacing Agent Daisy Johnson. Enter the containment cell, then avoid Mr. Hyde's attacks. The objects he throws at you will eventually reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a containment cell, which Mr. Hyde will hop into. Scan to reveal a slot, then follow the button prompts to seal the cell, ending the level.
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Dig up three objects by the Quinjet to the right of your starting point, then destroy them to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this Canister.

Canister 2: Hit 5 targets. The first is high up on your right in the area where you rescue the agents (near the starting point of that section). The second is on the left side of the same area, by the ladder. The third is in the same building as the silver objects used in collecting Canister 4. The fourth is to the left of the pavilion with the vent, high on the wall. The fifth is in the same room as Canister 6. Shoot all 5 to receive this Canister.

Canister 3: After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to rescue the trapped agent, use the Hydra panel to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this Canister.

Canister 4: After rescuing the three agents, head down the upper path and destroy the silver objects to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a speed panel, then use it to reach this.

Canister 5: In the building with the silver statues, use telekinesis to reveal this.

Canister 6: After using the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to extend the poles, use the Hydra panel to uncover a vent in the pavilion. Travel through it, then destroy the glowing lamp and gold chest (the chest is to the left of the fireplace, and while it does not look gold, it is). Build the LEGO pieces that are revealed into a chimney sweep, then use telekinesis on it to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into this Canister.

Area 2: Canister 7: To the left of your starting point, there is a box hanging from the ceiling. Use the grapple point on it to reveal this.

Stan Lee in Peril: Use Power Cosmic to the left of the glass house to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 8: Cut through the gold panel on the right, then use telekinesis to destroy the computer, revealing this.

Canister 9: After entering the containment cell with Mr. Hyde, head left immediately to grab this.

Canister 10: After Mr. Hyde smashed through his containment area, head inside and head right. Use telekinesis on the oven to reveal this.
Ant-Man - Story Mode
Enemies: Security Guard
Starting Characters: Ant-Man (Scott Lang), Luis
True Avenger: 70,000

1. Head to the right and use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to lower the lasers. Continue to the right and shrink down, then head through the opening. Head through the grate, then smash the glowing objects to shut off the lasers. Continue to the right, then use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to lower the barrier around the grate. Travel through it, then head left and destroy the glowing object to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into a technology panel, then use it to destroy the machine, allowing your partner to join you. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to open the door, then continue to the right. Pull the lever to shut off the fan, then shrink down and head through the vent. Continue right, then build the LEGO pieces into a platform, allowing your partner to join you. Shoot the target to reveal a ladder, then climb up. Shoot the target on the right to to reveal LEGO pieces. Build them into bars, then grab onto them to reveal a vent. Shrink down and head through it, then push the blocks into the order: red, green, blue. This will lower a lift. Hop on it, then step on the buttons to go up. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. panel to reveal targets. Shoot the targets so they point up and left, then hop in. Shoot the other target so it points down, allowing you to enter the other room. Smash the glowing objects to lower the lasers, then head down the path. Follow the button prompts to complete the level.
Ant-Man - Free Play Mode
Area 1: Canister 1: Destroy 5 yellow computer terminals. The first is right by your starting point. The second is towards the screen after the first set of lasers. The third is in the area with the technology panel and the spinning machine in the center. The fourth is after climbing the ladder. The fifth is on the right side of the room after the lift.

Canister 2: Destroy the silver vent up and to the left of your starting point to reveal this.

Canister 3: After passing through the first set of lasers, use Power Cosmic to destroy the door, allowing you to head inside and grab this.

Canister 4: After passing through the first set of lasers, fly up to the ledge where Cross was, then turn invisible to raise the barrier around the technology panel. Use it to open the door, allowing you to reach this.

Canister 5: Head to the far right of the first vent to reach this.

Canister 6: After climbing the ladder, use mind control to take control of the person in the room. Pull the lever to open the door, allowing you to enter. Head inside, then cut through the gold panel to reveal this.

Canister 7: After climbing the ladder, fly up to the top of the lift to reach this.

Stan Lee in Peril: After climbing the ladder, fly to the right ledge, then use telekinesis to rescue Stan Lee.

Canister 8: After climbing the ladder, shatter the glass door on the right, then head inside and use the shield switch to reveal this.

Canister 9: After riding the lift, charge the generator on the right to remove the barrier around the grate. Travel through it to reach this.

Canister 10: After opening the door to Cross, scan to reveal this Canister. Use the vents to reach it.
MacRaeBRB 2 Feb, 2021 @ 12:37pm 
For the Odin Character Token in Asgard, there are only two gongs, not three. Spent forever trying to find the third one. ;) Thanks for the guides!
The 1st Pixel 12 Jun, 2019 @ 9:47pm 
Solid Guide Mate! But I think one of your explanations for how to get a canister is wrong. "Canister 10" on Avengers Assemble. I got 3 ships in a row and didn't get it. So I restarted the level, and I hit 2 missed one and got the fourth and ended up getting the canister. So either my game did something weird or the Canister is for hitting a total of 7 or something like that rather than hitting three in a row.
Fauxfire76 23 Nov, 2017 @ 5:40pm 
Going back and replaying this game after having just got 100% on Lego Marvel 2. I found this bit for Sokovia to be slightly incomplete...
"Gold Brick 4: Pull the lever inside the toxic goo, then extinguish the flames on the right. Pull the lever to open the door, revealing a box. Use cosmic powers on it to reveal this."

You also have to put together the statue on the pedestal a few feet away in front of the building to make the bars in front of the door go away.
The Game Godness 5 Jun, 2017 @ 3:51am 
Well......I don't think you need to done story mode to change character.You must finish Shakespeare in the park,then enter next mission,then go in to the space and choose manhattan and done it.
legogamesguy  [author] 31 Jan, 2017 @ 5:39pm 
Collect his Character Token in A Loki Entrance.
Zachary 28 Jan, 2017 @ 5:48am 
how do you get leader??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
theFlyingKahoon 1 Oct, 2016 @ 12:15am 
Nice :D
legogamesguy  [author] 30 Sep, 2016 @ 9:26pm 
Yes. I have done a guide for every LEGO game.
theFlyingKahoon 30 Sep, 2016 @ 9:36am 
Broden, have you done a lego guide for literally every superheroe lego game!? I ave seen your guides on at least 3
legogamesguy  [author] 15 Jun, 2016 @ 8:03pm 
DLC does not count towards the percentage. Make sure you have purchased everything.