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Skill Card List
By エメベアー
A list with all abilities and skill cards
This list is not complete, as it was made as I went unlocking them. Anyway, I'm making this into 2 lists:

A list of Skills and their effects
A list of cards and their Skills

Unfortunately the UI is pretty bad when you want to check for what each ability mean.
How to get Skill Cards
1 - Skill Cards are usually random drops from generals. Also, it's easier to get common cards by playing as the character, so if you want Arslan Cards, play as Arslan, and so on.

2 - Another way to get specific ones is to complete missions in a high rank. These are usually cards related to the mission.

3 - Synthesis, where you can discard your repeated cards to try to get a new one. You need to select a minimum of 5 cards (up to 10), and while the result may be better when using higher rank cards, I already got A rank cards with 5 random C Cards. I have no idea if there is a way to control the result.

4 - Limited Skill Cards: You can find them by pressing "Switch info" when selecting a Scenario, or you can find them in the gallery in case you haven't unlocked it yet. But you need to play on Hard or higher for them.
How do they work
Skill Cards have the following Ranks and characteristics:

Rank C - Cost 2 - Only the first Skill, skill will have 1 or 2 points.
Rank B - Cost 5 - Has the first 2 Skills, skills will have 2 or 3 points.
Rank A - Cost 12 - Has all 3 Skills, skills will have 3 or 4 points.
Rank S - Cost 33 - Has all 3 Skills, skills will have 4 or 5 points.

Mardän fu Mardän
C Rank Skills:
- Ailment Predator 2
(That's the best C Rank of this card you can get, since it has 2 on its only ability.)

A Rank Skills:
- Ailment Predator 3
- Almighty Focus 4
- Sniping Skills 3
The best A Rank of this card would have all skills on 4. Remember, that they are random, so chose the best abilities you want to keep when you are using duplicates for selling or synthesizing.

Bonus Sets seems to force all skills on a card to their Maximum, though a few may get boosted (10~15 points, for example).


You will notice that a few Sets will have a few gray status (Not all, which happens when you do not have all cards of the set), that means that gray ability is from a card that you do not have in Rank A or S (That would be the third ability), or B (in the case of second ability too).

I'm not really sure how they work though, on my "The Battle for Nasus" set, my "Attack increase" ability is grayed because of a B card, and it seems I do get the boost. Meanwhile, when there are 2 cards with the same ability, and you have only one of them, then you get only that one.
- Attack Skills
Skill Name
Ailment Predator
Boosts damage to enemies with status ailments
Almighty Focus
Increases damage caused by Special Moves
Attack Increase
Increases Attack
Barrage of Attacks
Increases the properties of Normal Attacks
Bleeding Frenzy
Damage caused increases as Health decreases
Chain of Power
Higher CHAIN increases damage caused
Evade attacks to briefly boost Attack
Elemental Charge
Horse ram attacks have an Element when mounted
Enhanced Elements
Increases the effectof Elements
Increases Attack, but lowers Defense
Hooves of Thunder
Increases Attack of steed when mounted
Karmic Force
Greatly increases Attack but lowers max Health
Meditative Breathing
Reduces consumption of Special Move Gauge
Mental Focus
Special Move Gauge increases easily
Officer Hunter
Increase damage to enemy officers
Sage's Insight
All attacks have an Element when Health is full
Sniping Skills
Increases damage caused by long range attacks
- Defense Skills
Skill Name
Harder to be defeated in a single attack
Defense Formation
Briefly boosts Defense after every 100 K.O.s.
Defense Increase
Increases Defense
Elemental Resistance
Reduces effect of Elements from enemies
Increase Defense, but lowers Attack
Full Block
Block in all directions, less block damage
Will stand firm if hit during a Power Attack
Healer's Hands
Increases Health healed by healing items
Healing Fortune
Healing items may also give Special Move Gauge
Health Increase
Increases Health
Iron Wall
Block all attack types, less block damage
Officer Resistance
Reduces damage from enemy officers
Physically Fit
Increases invincibility on evade and recover
- Speed Skills
Skill Name
Sturdy Steed
Reduces flinching from attacks when mounted
Swift Formation
Briefly boosts movement after every 100K.O.s.
- Effect Skills
Skill Name
Increases the value of all money collected
Better Boost
Temporary status boosts last for longer
Eagle Eyed
Nearby treasure chests appear on the map
Extra Luck
Boosts chances of getting higher rank Skill Card
Highwayman's Pride
Enemy soldiers will sometimes drop items
Mardän's Song
Plays special music during a Mardän Rush
Procurement Master
Battlefield items will reappear ater a time
Retak's Song
Plays special music during a Mardän Rush
Shimmering Soul
Increases all stats when Health is full
Undaunted Advance
Increases length of time in a Mardän Rush
Skill Card List:
The lists are ordered by Character
- Main Characters
Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
Crown Prince's Maiden Battle
Chain of Power
Eagle Eyed
Hooves of Thunder
Future Shah and Liberator
Defense Increase
Elemental Resistance
Health Increase
With a Winged Comrade
Defense Formation
Barrage of Attacks
Defense Increase
Mardän fu Mardän
Ailment Predator
Almighty Focus
Sniping Skills
Young Marzbän
Attack Increase
Elemental Charge
Health Increase
Narsus, Pessimistic Sttrategist
Sage's Insight
Defense Formation
Almighty Focus
Sher Senani
Swift Formation
Sturdy Steed
Mardän's Motivation
Mardän's Song
Undaunted Advance
Attack Increase
Recluse Skilled in Strategy
Healer's Hands
Defense Formation
Full Block
Future Court Painter
Defense Increase
Health Increase
Excellent Educator
Extra Luck
Officer Hunter
Defense Increase
Wandering Musician
Officer Resistance
Iron Wall
Arrow of Rescue
Defense Increase
Aloof Tactician
Healing Fortune
Attack Increase
Graceful Divine Skills
Healer's Hands
Mental Focus
Enhanced Elements
Exquisite Beauty
Health Increase
Elemental Resistance
Defense Increase
Beautiful Guardian
Sniping Skills
Chain of Power
Attack Increase
- Support Characters
Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
The Earnest Marzbän
Officer Resistance
Chain of Power
The Walking Fortress
Defense Increase
Sturdy Steed
Attack Increase
Dragon Slayer
Attack Formation
Elemental Charge
Kubard the Braggart
Karmic Force
Better Boost
Attack Increase
The Sindhuran Leopard
Eagle Eyed
Ailment Predator
Almighty Warrior
Physically Fit
Barrage of Attacks
Zot Clan Chief's Daughter
Highwayman's Pride
Sturdy Steed
Dreaming to Be the Court Painter's Wife
Procurement Master
Almighty Focus
The Crown Prince's Friend
Swift Formation
Full Block
Sniping Skills
The Ultimate Chef
Barrage of Attacks
Shimmering Souls
Health Increase
Retak's Motivation
Retak's Song
Undaunted Advance
Health Increase
- Antagonists
Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
Lord Silver Mask
Elemental Resistance
Mental Focus
The Other Prince
Defense Increase
Bleeding Frenzy
Attack Increase
True Justice
Barrage of Attacks
Hooves of Thunder
Attack Increase
Will of the Father
Enhanced Elements
The Power to Crush All
Elemental Charge
Hooves of Thunder
Attack Increase
- Pars Characters
Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
Guardian of the Continental Highway
Attack Increase
Sturdy Steed
Defense Increase
The Shah's Right Hand
Defense Increase
Healing Fortune
Health Increase
Veteran Tactician
Health Increase
Better Boost
Defense Increase
Betraying Hero
Attack Increase
Almighty Focus
Loyal Disciple
Health Increase
Healer's Hands
Attack Increase
- Sindurah Brothers

Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
Spear Master
Defense Increase
Full Block
Health Increase
Bold Man of Ambition
Attack Increase
Ailment Predator
Health Increase
- Marzbän 1

Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
Location of Loyalty
Health Increase
Healer's Hands
Proud Warrior
Defense Increase
Elemental Charge
Marzbän Shapur
Elemental Resistance
- Lusitania Characters

Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
A Foolish Ruler
Extra Luck
Guiscard, Capable Brother of the King
Meditative Breathing
Swift Formation
Archpriest Bodin
Bleeding Frenzy
Karmic Force
- Story Characters

Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
Devilish Beauty
Shimmering Soul
Eagle Eyed
Hooves of Thunder
The Chained Beast
Attack Formation
Officer Resistance
Sorcerer Arzang
Elemental Resistance
Enhanced Elements
Marzbän Garshasph
Hooves of Thunder
Defense Increase
Marzbän Khurp
Karmic Force
Defense Increase
Raja Karikala II
Full Block
Health Increase
Ailment Predator
Marzbän Khayr
Defense Increase
Healer's Hands
Count Barcacion
Iron Wall
Defense Increase
Sniping Skills
Zot Clan Chief Haltash
Mental Focus
Attack Increase
Hodir, Master of Kashan Fortress
Officer Hunter
Defense Increase
Elemental Charge
Marzbän Manüchurch
Almighty Focus
Meditative Breathing
Karmic Force
Hereditary Grand Vizier Mahendra
Health Increase
Defense Increase
- Past

Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
The Delicate Prince
Swift Formation
Attack Formation
Young Crown Prince Arslan
Eagle Eyed
Extra Luck
Captured Lusitanian Soldier
Better Boost
Attack Increase
Étoile the Fugitive
Chain of Power
Highwayman's Pride
Swift Formation
- Generals

Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
General Govind
Defense Increase
Iron Wall
General Pradalata
Enhanced Elements
Bleeding Frenzy
Mental Focus
- Locations, Pets, random

Card Name
1st Skill (C)
2nd Skill (B)
3rd Skill (A/S)
Healing Fortune
Almighty Focus
Chain of Power
Elemental Resistance
Beneath the Royal Palace
Shimmering Soul
Ailment Predator
Mt. Bashur
Officer Resistance
Physically Fit
Pars - Mauntain Path
Pars - Fortress
Ailment Predator
Physically Fit
Defense Increase
Marzbän Khshaeta
Meditative Breathing
Health Increase
Mental Focus
Attack Increase
Defense Increase
Health Increase
Eagle Eyed
Officer Hunter
Physically Fit
Health Increase
Elemental Charge
Grand Vizier Husrab
Healer's Hands
Waiting Woman
Procurement Master
Health Increase
Parsian Soldier
Sturdy Steed
Sniping Skills
Physically Fit
Lusitanian Soldier
Mental Focus
Elemental Resistance
Sindhuran Soldier
Hooves of Thunder
Shimmering Soul
Enhanced Elements
The Zot Clan
Highwayman's Pride
Swift Formation
Bleeding Frenzy
Health Increase
Procurement Master
Pars - Village
Procurement Master
Peshawar Fortress
Defense Increase
Defense Formation
Health Increase
Defense Increase
Zabul Fortres
Bleeding Frenzy
Attack Increase
Full Block
Keep of Saint Emmanuel
Chain of Power
Attack Formation
Enhanced Elements
Attack Increase
Defense Increase
Health Increase
Gujarat Fortress
Defense Formation
Health Increase
Enhanced Elements
Attack Formation
Final Words
So, as mentioned, I will update this list as I go through things, though considering the lack of content in this game, I haven't really been insterested in playing it anymore... Well, I also accept help from anyone interested.

I thought about also doing a list with the Bonus Sets and what you can get with them, but right now I go with only "The Battle for Narsus", for highest Attack Increase, and "A Childhood Encounter", for tons of meat drops from normal enemies when I'm low on HP. So if you are playing on a higher difficulty, I believe these 2 are the best sets for you to go with.

But if someone has more experience, or tips or whatever related to skill cards, I can add a section here, and of course, always giving the proper credits.
エメベアー  [author] 17 Jun, 2016 @ 5:02pm 
You're welcome. :)
Julian 17 Jun, 2016 @ 1:53pm 
very thx information. i wear 50 hours playing and i must do very things here. Up level personagges.Weapons elements.Of all.....thx help.