Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

77 ratings
3D Illusion using projections
By de puiseau
Walkthrough of the steps to create a 3D popout effect on your skin.

Bonus files for AK47
Cleaned for Sculpting in Zbrush (.OBJ) -
Projection Camera position file (Maya file) -
Matching the Ingame Camera FOV & Location
This Guide is made for Maya specifically but principles can be applied to other software as well.

1.Create a camera and change the Focal lenght to about 30 or Angle of view to about 60.
2. Turn resolution gate on to be able to see what is going to be rendered.
3.Take a screenshot from ingame and try to match the camera position as close as possible in maya (put render on top of screenshot in photoshop and iterate until your camera pos is roughly correct).
4. Lock your camera settings so you don't accidentally move it.
Creating the 3D effect Image
1.Model 3D effect.
When modeling the 3D effect, keep in mind to keep inside of the borders of the original model looking through the projectioncamera. Since it's a projection if it goes outside it will project on to nothing.
2. Render the 3d effect.
Use your renderer of choice. I recommend using a soft lighting slightly from above. Avoid harsh shadows and highlights in your render, it will ruin the illusion in-game.
Projection Mapping
1. Create a new material with a projection (important that render settings is set to same resolution as your rendered image) If you have problems with creating a projection, follow the youtube tutorial on the bottom of this page.

2. transfer maps from mesh with projection material to a copy with original UV's. This will transfer the projected image to your original models uv's.

3. Erase projection from unwanted areas of your texture.
4. Test ingame!
Basic projection mapping tutorial by Johnny Pope
Example files
Creating the normal map
To create a normal map you will have to render an additional image containing a world space normal.(make sure there is no tonemapping like srgb applied, should be just linear image)
- Project this image the same way as you did with the diffuse projection.
- Open up xnormal. Under tools you can find a tool where you load in the lowpoly mesh + the world space normal you just created, and it will return a tangent space normal. If all went well that tangent space normal should be ready to use in-game.
de puiseau  [author] 27 Oct, 2022 @ 1:35pm 
just updated with how to generate normal map too
XOLODNO🧊 27 Oct, 2022 @ 7:52am 
gdreamer (THANKS YOU VALVO!) 4 Sep, 2021 @ 12:43pm 
how to bake normal map from camera?
VᴀGɪNᴀL/DɪSᴄHᴀRɢᴇ 15 Nov, 2020 @ 3:37pm 
Âme 11 May, 2020 @ 12:29pm 
2Minds 10 Jan, 2020 @ 10:16am 
thank you so much for this ♥
Hexeth 2 Oct, 2019 @ 4:00am 
you are great master
Nos 7 May, 2016 @ 6:29am 
I will definitely share this guide to my 3D loving friends as well haha.

Thanks for the hard work!!

I am still looking forward to any future guides and I am staying up to date with your workshop designs :)
de puiseau  [author] 7 May, 2016 @ 12:52am 
Enjoy and share it!
Nos 6 May, 2016 @ 8:26pm 
yes the downloads worked!! sorry i didnt see your comment sooner, i did not get notif >__<

Thank you for the share!!