Renowned Explorers: International Society

Renowned Explorers: International Society

"Challenge #17 Bountifull Highlands"
Flamestalker  [author] 8 Apr, 2016 @ 8:22am 
I did this one as my 5th expedition (for challenge #17) so the bonus tokens you get from Adventure-rolls is really high thanks to all the entourages and research papers you have at that point, I believe Hildegard got like 8-10 bonus tokens per roll that she did.

Another neat thing about the Highlands is that if you gather all the sheep from the three events then empty nodes start giving you big tokens (Secret, Discovery, Treasure-hunt) every time you visit a new one, and when you pair that with buying supplies in the village you can pretty much explore the whole map and get all of them.
Flamestalker  [author] 8 Apr, 2016 @ 8:22am 
Getting six treasures was just lucky that there were that many on the map, which does not always happen. I believe the average is 4 so I got lucky here. I also had the Engineering Tree finished so I got 6 treasure-hunts from treasures as well, and with Captain Harry they are worth quite alot.

I wouldn't recommend this strategy to new players though, it relies heavily on you keeping your resolve high before you go to the Highlands so you can buy supplies and being able to continue with low resolve without dying. You also need a good ammount of map knowledge to pull it off to the effect I managed to do here.
zzzwlagga 8 Apr, 2016 @ 7:50am 
how the f did you accomplish that?!?