

280 ratings
Achievement guide (How to Antenna)
By Trash and 2 collaborators
(Just so people stop asking: THE NAME OF THE GAME IS "ANTENNA")

You booted up the game and got an achievement. Sweet! :D

If you're reading this, then you're confused as to what's going on on the first puzzle. Here's what you gotta do.

SIGNAL 1: BOOT UP THE GAME and scroll up on your mouse wheel. (U R MLG PRO!!!!)

SIGNAL 2: Button prompts come up, press and hold them as they appear. X, S, O. Now you'll get a sound puzzle. Press Z for your sample sound to match. Search for the sound if you'd like....or go to 300 and press ?.

SIGNAL 3: Shift, S, Left Click, Scroll down. Congrats. You're a robot now. Walk all the way to the right, ignore the elevator and proceed right.

HIDDEN ACHIEVEMENT!!!!! After the field of radio towers, you'll find a lone radio tower (and it's big). If you find a powerless area, you've gone too far. Stand at this lone tower for a few minutes and you'll get the hidden achievement. (Achievement credit to Zaraki Snakenoman) (Pic credit to Spookymcslave. Even after posting this picture, I'm shocked to see people are still asking about it. Just stand at this tower for a few minutes. Walk away from the computer and make a sandwich. By the time you come back, you should have the achievement.)

SIGNAL 3 continued: Ignore the powerless spot and continue right. Scroll up and power up the generator. Turn on the powerless spot you just passed with the prompts required (I forgot them already, but it's straight forward)

SIGNAL 4: Time for the final signal. Proceed back to the elevator and turn on the lights. Walk right and you'll find a sound puzzle. 2 sounds you can change. On Sound 2, mark around the middle (or lower middle. Around 50% up). (Note: This is what it was for me twice. I realize that it's unique for everyone. So PLEASE stop sending me a massive quantity of questions about this puzzle. Turn on your volume to max or put on your headphones. Subtly adjust the sounds so they're the same. Tweak it here and there.)

SIGNAL 4 continued: On Sound 3, Mark about 75% up. Proceed right. Now for another puzzle. A password!!! Don't worry, think of an ascending sound. "B, H , U, Y, T, G". Press the necessary sound prompts and you'll have your 2nd frequency puzzle. Your Sample is available with Z....but the answer is at 450. Press ? at 450.

You just won Antenna. :D

Hope you enjoyed. ^_^
GuiGuiTo 17 Mar, 2023 @ 4:26pm 
On the sound one, you gotta match the sounds, guide made me overthink it lol.
Jedo 4 May, 2022 @ 10:04pm 
I uploaded a short video if anyone's having trouble visualizing the matching sound part
Asque 6 Oct, 2021 @ 9:21pm 
Btw, you can only get the hidden achievement if you didn't get the third signal yet, I've literally wasted an hour waiting for it and nothing happened, than I did everything again and by just waiting 3 minutes (before going for the third signal) I got the achievement. Really annoying.
Asque 6 Oct, 2021 @ 8:49pm 
Why is there an achievement to literally idle in the game, who the fuck thought this was a good idea, Jesus Christ.
Scrungles 2 Mar, 2021 @ 10:53am 
lmao game is shit
keoskey 9 Nov, 2020 @ 2:27pm 
if you go to 450 and nothing i went to about 445 to get it to work
dorkenstein 29 Sep, 2020 @ 12:05pm 
wow so I have to press the literal question mark button. I thought I had to guess what button to push. I push almost every button on my keyboard except the alt characters. What a crock of shit!
twicth/holy_faith 8 Sep, 2020 @ 2:06pm 
no do igualar o som, você percebe que está fazendo certo quando um dos dois começa a tipo ficar sem som. o barulho fica mais grave, enquanto estiver ouvindo o som alto dos controles, significa que você precisa baixar mais o som. para mim deu certo assim. e a posição ficou bem diferente da imagem, portanto, acredito que não seja igual para todos.
Red 8 Apr, 2020 @ 3:06pm 
Worked all (had the same solves for the riddles xd)

couldn't do the first riddle on my own because i'm dump i think? xd
Mei 23 Sep, 2018 @ 2:17am 
Good guide. Thanks. :OkaySir: :steamhappy:
[quote=Guide]Turn on the powerless spot you just passed with the prompts required (I forgot them already, but it's straight forward)[/quote]
It is Shift + LMB