Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

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Trigger2 Constants Program
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351.274 KB
2016년 5월 13일 오전 11시 10분
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Trigger2 Constants Program

As requested in:
This little program will create a "constants.xs" file that can be included when writing code in the xs files in the "trigger2" folder. This program is especially useful because it examines the specified proto/techtree files to make sure all the "cUnitTypeXX" and "cTechXXX" constants accurately reflect tha game's database. Read-me with instructions included.
댓글 2
nate_e  [작성자] 2019년 3월 10일 오전 11시 58분 
I've found it's great if you do scripting, because using these constants is just a must (hence why I made it). But it's of no use you otherwise.
Zeus 2019년 3월 10일 오전 12시 53분 
Good stuff let me try this later on