YAY! New handheld console :)
"New Nintendo 3DS"
InsertCookiesHere 16 May, 2016 @ 6:15pm 
My spanish is plenty good enough to read that, but always a word in progress. lol

Not sure what happens with your friend code/friends list after you change NNID's... but I guess your about to find out.
chasquit  [author] 15 May, 2016 @ 9:06pm 
Already added you Nicole. Thinking twice, not sure what will happen with my friend list once I format the device to swtich accounts...but something tells me that I'll lost everything. Hope I can decide wtf to do and stick to one account soon. Hating Nintendo right now, not really a nice first experience with them

Que tengas buen día! Saludos :) (how's the Spanish going?)
chasquit  [author] 15 May, 2016 @ 9:06pm 
LOL true Nicole. I have spoke to multiple Nintendo representatives and anyone has something to do with my issue, they cannot transfer the games from one account to another. Funny thing is that one representative told me that he could do the transfer as soon as I have created another account (yeah he was encouraging me to create an US account, lying about my region yayyy). But when I get back to him next day he told me that the transfer was not possible and unexpectedly disconnected the chat session haha. I guess he/she get fired that day...

But yeah, they do not really want to sell anything. Not sure yet if I understood their **** policy, so weird. I'll stick to physical games for now and will see what end up doing later. Meanwhile I have two NNIDs and have to format the device to switch between them in order to have access to all my games, quite annoying :rfacepalm:
InsertCookiesHere 15 May, 2016 @ 7:11pm 
I have no suggestions except to say Nintendo's region locking and all of their online policies are horribly anti consumer. I try to avoid their eshop as much as I can except stuff that just can't be bought physically. (Curse you Capcom and Phoenix Wright)

On the other hand I do have a friend code, and you should add me because I'm special and you are undoubtedly desperate to have me on your 3DS.
chasquit  [author] 15 May, 2016 @ 12:12pm 
Yeah Lavagen, you're right! Unfortunately I have initially created an Uruguayan NNID and reedemed all the games from the last Humble Friends of Nintendo bundle (including SFIV) on that account, without realizing that I have no access to the eShop and Miiverse because of the region-locking crappy Nintendo policy :rfacepalm: Now I have created a new US NNID with access to the eShop and all stuff but I have lost all the games from the bundle, pretty annoying. Nintendo support couldn't give a solution for this, so meh, I gave up on trying to recover them. If anyone has some tips on this just let me know please!

My Friend Code is 1607-6117-6519. Kristian, ya te agregué :happymeat:
Lavachan 15 May, 2016 @ 4:04am 
There are many enjoyeable games avaiable in 3DS. I recommend Super Street Fighter 4 and Resident Evil Revelations. Enjoy it :)
Neo CraK Fu$$ioN 15 May, 2016 @ 2:39am 
Friend code 3DS 1907-7930-1235 :happy_creep: