Table Top Racing: World Tour

Table Top Racing: World Tour

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How to Drift and control it.
By cuvee
This will be my first ever guide to any game on steam. So, with that out of the way, lets start drifting shall we?
-gif not representative of you in later years-
Getting the car.
All cars can drift, some might be hard to, like the "Vulcano JB9".
But what works best for drifting are the vehicles that are ranked: good or above.
For example: Here's my AE86- COUGH COUGH I mean Apex GT85, which is ranked at Legendary for it's drift ability (Legendary is a specific rank made for the Apex and the best in the game).

If you do not have the Supercharged DLC Pack which you need to buy this car, I suggest using the Rally's Cool 72 for its Fantastic drifting ability.
The tires and the stats.
Now it's the logical option for drifting is that you want to use the Drift tires. And if you think that......
You'd be right. You CAN drift without it but it'll become harder to do so. The stats also matter too. For this type of scenario, you want to keep your acceleration and top speed pretty high. Not maxed out, but near there. The handiling is important. Since you want your car to drift, you don't want to have high amounts of grip. Plus, this will give you more points if you get a good angle.

Intiating the Drift/ Controlling it
Well the first thing you want to do is go on a map. That's how you're gonna drift in the first place. I prefer the 80s map on route A as it is more easier to go around.

Ok here's the part you've been waiting for. HOW TO DRIFT. Ok, you're racing down the track and your opponent is right behind you. A sharp corner is coming right towards you! You're at full speed and braking is what you gotta do to get around. But if you brake, he'll pass you. So what do you do? You drift.

When you are about to enter the turn, (aka 2 sec before) quickly swerve left (or right depending on where you're going) then enter the turn through the right.

Good! You entered the turn! Now to control it. While drifting quickly tap the left and right keys while holding or tapping forward; not at the same time, to maintain that drift. The next corner is coming up. On the left this time. Now do the intiation opposite of what you did before.

If tapping the keys didn't work, try just tapping forward and the key your car's pointing at slowly or fastly.
Congrats. You drifted.
Look you did it.
i think

I'm open to constructive criticism or helpful tips so I can further improve on how my guides are made in the future. Thanks for reading!
Lexer 15 Mar @ 1:46am 
спасибо, очень полезно, только как мне научится не врезатся?
남자난입 12 Jun, 2020 @ 12:05am 
So there's no need to brake key when drifting, right?
Dembafan13 26 Jan, 2020 @ 7:13am 
Excellent guide :thumbs_up: as far as i know Drifting in TTR World tour is like drifting in the original Mobile game TTR, Still this guide is good for beginner Drifters (not in real life)
Vithor14 28 Dec, 2018 @ 7:05pm 
great guide, but why i should drift? theres any advantage other than being cool?
cob 9 Sep, 2016 @ 4:07pm 
Thanks. I appreciate the input and the details!
cuvee  [author] 9 Sep, 2016 @ 3:53pm 
I have tested what you're saying for racing and I can conclude that it cannot keep up. Like I said before, this build is built for drifting, not so much of racing. Since the 86 is part of the Street Racer tier, I don't think it would be able to keep up despite having maxxed out. The Supercars do have their tiers own which outclass the lower tiers.

But either:
A: You should probably buy a new car to keep up (That is in a the Supercar Tier)
B: Change the wheels on the 86 to normal if you haven't already and try to take to find the best line on the track. (aka The Apex)

extra: Or if you're on a budget, go for a car in the Street Racer tier that isn't quite good at drifting which'll make you understeer; making it better suited for Option B. An example of this is the Widowmaker or the Treemaster. Pick whichever one you want, the Porsche might be a good option.
cob 9 Sep, 2016 @ 3:36pm 
Racing against multiple AI on the track. @Spawned says that it's good to use the 86 even in the Supercar cups, but I find that really hard to believe, I'm getting owned with max stats and these custom stats.

In drift-events, wow, this is a great set-up. Thanks for it, by the way. A lot better than just using maxed out stats.
cuvee  [author] 9 Sep, 2016 @ 3:29pm 
Are you talking about racing against multiple AI on the track? If so, the idea for this guide is geared towards drift events; not so much of racing against them.

Now if you're talking about actual Drifting, the stats should work. But the way the car handles changes on every car, even with the same upgrades. I haven't played the game in a while so I'm making a rough estimate.
cob 9 Sep, 2016 @ 3:21pm 
Are having the specific stats like this better than having them maxed out? I've been racing on maxed out stats against the Supercar cups and I've been having a hard time.
Reshy 2 Jun, 2016 @ 7:46pm 
If you dont have the "APEX GT8-6" you can still use the "Rallys Cool 72" which has a fantastic drift ability. That may be your problem if not im not exactly sure what your problem may be.