One Way Heroics

One Way Heroics

[OWH+] Killing The Vault Keeper
Super Senor Gojo  [author] 16 Jun, 2016 @ 5:32am 
Well, thanks rudew on calling it a good stragegy... however you might be right on the on someone likely killing it before me... Also counting the fact it would take 50,000 hits in OHW it was likely done in Plus. Because someone might of gotten the same idea ;-;
rudew 16 Jun, 2016 @ 2:43am 
Im sure someone else has done this before, because Im pretty sure the wiki has information on what happens when it dies, plus the game has been out forever, But this is the first time ive seen it myself, and thats def a good strategy for doing it :P
Super Senor Gojo  [author] 15 Jun, 2016 @ 11:04pm 
:3 have I set a new record? I thought of this theory and it worked after eating the blasphemous gel by mistake as hero. Seeing it could do 10k damage in 50 turns... Deceasing Accuracy to 40% and speed... It made it possible in theory, so I faced the challenge on how to hit it? Well I found out if in tile range the vault guard took poison damage... and that the story :3