Blues and Bullets

Blues and Bullets

84 ratings
100% Achievements - Episode 2
As requested, a guide to obtain 100% completion in episode 2..
As requested, I decided to make a guide for Episode 2: Shaking the Hive, where I listed all the clues and Items of interest that you need to interact with in order to achieve 100% completion.
You can find episode 1 achievements in my other guide..
The DLC contains 5 chapters, 13 scenes and 78 Red Eyes. I will describe accurately where the red eyes locations are because some items can be easily missed.
  • Warning - Some items can trigger cutscenes which could cause you to miss other clues, and you will have to restart the chapter to collect them.
  • You can replay chapters and obtain missing items after you finished the game as long as you COMPLETELY finish the chapter in order to register newly found items.
  • CLUES & ITEMS are denoted by the RED EYE symbol appearing on the screen, which I will refer to with "RE #x".
► Scene 1 - PREVIOUSLY: No collectables

► Scene 2 - Market Street / Pier: 7 Red Eyes (7 MISSABLE)

   Walking ANY further down the pier past RE #5 will trigger the cut scene
   and prevent obtaining RE #1 - #7 without further playthroughs.

RE #1 (MISSABLE) - Palm Reading Sign on the left side of screen.
RE #2 (MISSABLE) - "Visit the Brand new harbor of Santa Esperanza" Poster on back of doors that open after further walking down street past Fortune Teller.
RE #3 (MISSABLE) - Christmas Shop (On right side after passing through doors with Harbor poster).
RE #4 (MISSABLE) - Claire's Bakery (to the left of Christmas Shop kiosk).
RE #5 (MISSABLE) - Fisherman sitting on edge of wharf (to left of Pier before walking down).
RE #6 (MISSABLE) - Fresh Juice Kiosk.
RE #7 (MISSABLE) - Restaurant Matre De.
Walking down the Pier will trigger Cut Scene.
 The Date 
 Complete the first chapter of episode 2 
► Scene 3 - Submarine (On Board / Interior): No collectables

► Scene 4 - Railed Shooting Scene #1: No collectables

► Scene 5 - Submarine (Investigation): 52 Red Eyes (7 MISSABLE)
RE #8 (MISSABLE) - Milton (Big Guy Sitting on Body) GO through both prompts (HELP, GUN)

RE #9 - Clipboard (on Entrance to Fight Club Floor wall).
RE #10 - Blood pool in middle of room and activates clue mode
   - Clue mode RE #11 - Bloody paw prints from dogs (left side) 1/3
   - Clue mode RE #12 - Bloody boot prints (further left) 2/3
   - Clue mode RE #13 - Bloody bare foot prints stain (to the right) 3/3

RE #14 - Daily Rounds "Score Board"
RE #15 - Score Board APOLLO WINNER Tournament Board (to left of RE #14)
RE #16 - Barrels & Boxing Glove (to the left of RE #15 further) and activates clue mode
   - Clue mode RE #17 - Fist of Glove 1/2
   - Clue mode RE #18 - Outter Wrist of Glove 2/2

RE #19 - Dog Cages (on left of room) and activates clue mode
   - Clue mode RE #20 - Above Cage #1 1/5
   - Clue mode RE #21 - Cage #3 (on the #3) 2/5
   - Clue mode RE #22 - Cage #3 (inside Cage) 3/5
   - Clue mode RE #23 - Bullet Casings (at base of Cage #2) 4/5
   - Clue mode RE #24 - Base of Cage #6 "powerful cleaning product" 5/5

RE #25 - Butcher Table with Chainsaw and activates clue mode
   - Clue mode RE #26 - Chainsaw itself 1/4
   - Clue mode RE #27 - Fresh blood at base of chainsaw 2/4
   - Clue mode RE #28 - Dried blood at tip of chainsaw blade 3/4
   - Clue mode RE #29 - Scratch marks from chainsaw on the right side of table top 4/4

RE #30 - 1st Cell doors (to the right of Chainsaw table) and activates clue mode
   - Clue mode RE #31 - Cross painted by hand in blood 1/4
   - Clue mode RE #32 - Sickening Smelling Toilet Bucket 2/4
   - Clue mode RE #33 - Shackles for wrist or ankles 3/4
   - Clue mode RE #34 - Nearly dried out food plate 4/4

RE #35 (MISSABLE) - Cell Door #2
RE #36 - Cell Door #3 "3 K's, holy christ"
RE #37 - Trap Door Lever (at end of Prison Cells room)

RE #38 - Stack of boxes in room at the top of the Stair Case and activates clue mode
   - Clue mode RE #39 - Open Folder 1/3
   - Clue mode RE #40 - Front of Paper you remove from folder 2/3
   - Clue mode RE #41 - Back of Paper you remove from folder 3/3

RE #42 - Desk with Empty bottles and typewriter and activates clue mode
   - Clue mode RE #43 - Empty bottles 1/4
   - Clue mode RE #44 - Typewriter 2/4
   - Clue mode RE #45 - Guide Collumbo ID Card 3/4
   - Clue mode RE #46 - Receipt for MC Fields 4/4

RE #47 (MISSABLE) - Sugar Kid Milton Boxing Poster on right side on a desk with a lamp
RE #48 - Safe in corner past Rocky Poster / Magazine and activates zoom-in mode
RE #49 (MISSABLE) - Zoom-in mode - sign on left of safe "Changed combo to last night's winner"
RE #50 - Zoom-in mode - Combination Lock 3 digits: 209

RE #51 - Stack of towels in showers (near Lock RE #55) and activates clue mode
    - Clue mode RE #52 - Towel "It's still damp" 1/2
    - Clue mode RE #53 - Shampoo for Kids 2/2

RE #54 (MISSABLE) - Contrasting showers "Cleaner than your shower at home"
RE #55 - Cargo Container that we skipped a moment ago. Lock that "needs a key"

Inside Cargo Container, only accessible once you obtain key we got from the safe.
RE #56 (MISSABLE) - "Prisoners'" a.k.a Kids' Crayon Drawings (on table to the left)
RE #57 - Boxes on the right side of entrance of cargo container and activates clue mode
    - Clue mode RE #58 - Boys Underwear Dirty 1/2
    - Clue mode RE #59 - Dress Sofia was wearing 2/2

RE #60 (MISSABLE)- Teddy Bear on mattress on the left further into cargo container
RE #61 - Giant mural on the back wall of cargo container

Make sure you have all the missable ones before you solve case as Completing Case Files triggers Cutscene.
 Sunkin Coffin 
 Complete the second chapter of episode 2 
► Scene 6 - Woods: 5 Red Eyes (4 MISSABLE)
RE #62 (MISSABLE) - Bridge over river
RE #63 (MISSABLE) - Burnt out pile "weeks I guess"
RE #64 (MISSABLE) - Bear Trap
RE #65 (MISSABLE) - Severed Arm

   Clicking RE #66 up the hill from the severed arm on the left side will trigger
   the cut scene and progress story making #62 - #65 unobtainable.

RE #66 - Sign for Rosewood Chapel - TRIGGERS CUT SCENE

► Scene 7 - Church: 4 Red Eyes (3 MISSABLE)
RE #67 (MISSABLE) - Birdbath on right of entrance.
RE #68 (MISSABLE) - Dead rats on left side of aisle.
RE #69 (MISSABLE) - Alter at front of church "Mary Magdalene".

   Clicking RE#70 the inside of the confessional booth will progress story.

RE #70 - Confessional to the right of altar - TRIGGERS CUT SCENE
 The Traitor 
 Complete the third chapter of episode 2 
► Scene 8 - The Untouchables Office (Precinct): 10 Red Eyes (2 MISSABLE)
RE #71 - Door #1 out of small office
RE #72 - Door #2 below "Untouchables Office" sign
RE #73 - Door #3 at end of long narrow hallway
RE #74 - Door #4 inside room with all the cops
RE #75 (MISSABLE) - Ringing tellephone #1: Right side halfway down next long narrow hallway
RE #76 (MISSABLE) - Ringing tellephone #2: Left side across from RE #75 Telephone #1

   Clicking on the door at the end of the long hallway with a dozen ringing
   telephones will progress story.

RE #77 - Door #5 at end of telephone hallway
RE #78 - Door #6 at the end of long appearing bridge (past morgue, past flaming wheel chairs)
 Bitter Dreams 
 Complete the fourth chapter of episode 2 
► Scene 9 - Theatre: No collectables

► Scene 10 - 'Railed' Shooting Scene #2 (Air Hotel Escape): No collectables

► Scene 11 - 'Railed' Shooting Scene #3 (Cable Car Escape): No collectables

 Complete the fifth chapter of episode 2 

► Scene 12 - Diner: (Cutscene)

Interact with all the clues and items of interest of episode 2

Unskippable Credits #1

► Scene 13: Interactive Cut Scene

Unskippable Credits #2

 Complete the second episode 

Final Note
If my guide happened to have any holes and flaws, feel free to leave a comment and I will immediately look into it. Thank you.
MoeDe |•ω•)っ 8 Jun, 2023 @ 8:45pm 
:cute: :BR_Heart:
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶ 21 Sep, 2020 @ 6:08am 
oof, I own the game but apparently I need to 'buy' Episode 2, which the store page doesn't have an option for. rip, so much for even getting ep2 running, looks like this one won't happen for me.
Bunny 14 Jul, 2019 @ 1:12am 
Thank you so much for both these amazing guides Venus, helped me get it so easily! :puppylove:
So easy to follow along!
Tali 7 Apr, 2018 @ 12:35am 
thank you for both guides :heartp:
Storm_at_Sea 19 May, 2017 @ 3:30am 
#67 (searching inside chapel) that isn't a birdbath. :guardian:
Le Chat Noir 23 Mar, 2017 @ 1:30am 
RE #69 (MISSABLE) - 【Alter 】
RE #70 - Confessional to the right of 【altar】
【Alter 】->【Altar】
paul 29 Dec, 2016 @ 4:04pm 
Awesome guide, thanks
aubri 11 Sep, 2016 @ 11:19am 
Actually in-love with the design of this guide. You worked really hard on it and it shows.
Thanks so much Venus! :skybornhappy:
Frank12 26 Jun, 2016 @ 8:44pm 
Amazing guide really helped getting the achivements for my friend