Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered

Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered

459 ratings
I am a noob, what should I do in a Session Mode?
By gray
Collection of youtube videos (mostly) which will help a complete noob like myself to do something meaningfull in the Session Mode.
While being a complete noob in guitar I still recognize the great power of Session Mode as a learning tool to improve my skills. The problem is, that I really don't know how to use it properly and my "improvization" skills are limited by my overall skill (basically none).

To adress this issue I decided to create a guide, which is basically a collection of links, and videos of different cool things I can try while in session mode.

The intended way to use it is to Shift+Tab while in Session Mode, then view a bit of some video and try to repeat while in Session mode. Each piece of video comes with description of minimum skills required for it as well as with very basic advise about Session Mode settings (fill free to change those and experiment with them).

All materials here are sorted by ascending complexity. Materials mainly cover following topics:
- Daily exercises which every guitar player can benefit from (great for metronome in Session mode)
- Leaks and riffs to extend your guitar "vocabulary"
- General advise on how to combine chords and riffs into nice and cool stuff

This guide doesn't teach you how to use Session Mode and how to configure band, tempo and all the other stuff. For that please refer to the following official video below.

Overall, this is a work in progress. Please fill free to suggest corrections and/or links to new interesting materials in the comments.
Daily Routines and Metronome Exercises
One of the most underrated features by noobs like myself is Metronome in Session Mode. Still almost all professional guitar players say that its essential training tool, especially for beginners.

Here is very simple and cool video with three exrcises which use metronome and should be practiced daily.

Licks for Anyone
This section contains collection of leaks which can be played by literally anyone. Even if you are holding guitar first time in your life you should be able to play those. Now all you have to do is to learn those and try to throw them in the middle of your session from time to time, and already your Session Mode experience becomes much more cool and satisfying.

1. Three really simple but impressive licks.

Required skills/knowledge:
- Minor Pentatonic
- Slides
- Bends

Session Settings:

Minor Pentatonic A

2. Two really simple Power Chords and you are playing like AC/DC in no time

Required skills/knowledge:
- Power Chords (E, A)

Session Settings:

3. Just one string is enough

I hesitated about this one. But still decided to include it into a mix.

4. Just make one bend, and here is a new Rock Star

This may look complicated but it really is just one bend done right.

Required skills/knowledge:
- Bend

Session Settings:

5. More advanced bend, than previous one, for bigger score and real glory

Required skills/knowledge:
- Bend
- Pull off

Session Settings:

General Lead Techniques
Videos in this section are not leaks but rather describe generic approach to lead guitar improvisation techniques and tricks.

Let's open this section with a really cool video which still requires only the A chord for you to know:

maddy.madox 6 Feb, 2023 @ 1:29pm 
Great Video
bmail 6 Jun, 2021 @ 4:10pm 
I'm gonna be very tired tomorrow at work... :o) Thanks!
Fyren 26 May, 2021 @ 4:45am 
Thanks for the guide my dude, this is super helpful. <3
MyGuy 14 Sep, 2020 @ 5:43am 
I found that season mode works well with some arcade games like scale warrior or scale racer to help you understand the key you are to be playing in. So like if you are on a A major scale in scale warrior and you are having troubles you can take that into season mode and practice it until your fingers bleed.
Spanton 29 Aug, 2020 @ 3:16pm 
This is so helpful, thank you for taking the time to put this together for us all...very much appreciated. =)
Projector Bach 3 May, 2020 @ 5:07pm 
You can avoid what I have alwaysa thought to be the only small downside of Rocksmith... the guitar's output level compared to backing. It also doesn't require the cord.... in place I use an audio unit like a Komplete Audio 6. A lot more expensive, but the game can recognize it with a few other workarounds. Then you can mute the in game guitr so that it is only recognizing what you play while you make any sort of sound you want within a DAW. PM me if interested. I love rocksmith for amusement and practice. They make those go hand in hand. But I use guitar rig and a couple other VSTs from Native Instruments to make the guitar sounds. Also fun to remake tones you really dig.
MyGuy 27 Oct, 2019 @ 1:26pm 
As for session mode you can practice any arcade game theory over in session mode. You don't have to be in Arcade mode to have fun with learning.
MyGuy 27 Oct, 2019 @ 1:11pm 
Once you got your set up dial in you can now run rocksmith on a house stereo or head phones. I would stay away from guitar amps or bass amps due to their tone stacks. You can jack in effect pedals what ever you like or you can use the digital crap rocksmith comes programmed with.

extra info for console people :

My rocksmith set up is:
Guitar (Les Paul Jr) with normal 1/4 guitar patch cables into
Vox wha pedal into
Fuzz Face into
Vox ToneLab Se (set to ultra clean for analog sound) Now my Rocksmith tone cable is jacked out from my tonelab into my PC's USB port.
Now I jack out the sound from my PC to my house stereo. You can now tweak your house stereo to sound good with your rocksmith..
MyGuy 27 Oct, 2019 @ 1:10pm 
Rocksmith does work with windows 10 very well. Older tone cables like the first generation that came with rocksmith 2012 will have issues with windows 10 and USB 3.0 As soon as I bought a new tone cable off amazon last year all my USB 3.0 problems went away. Rocksmith has been flawless ever since cheers! Oh ya the rocksmith tone cables are all Xbox/PS/PC compatible.

Here is how to reinstall your new tone cable :

Here is how to set up PC configuration for rocksmith 2014 :

mpgprieto 22 Apr, 2019 @ 12:54pm 
Hola, podriais subtitular estas clases en castellano. un saludo para todos los guitarristas que aprenden con Rocksmith