NBA 2K16

NBA 2K16

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How to fix "account has expired" problem
By Romanian Troller
This is a guide explaining how to fix a common problem happening to players of the game NBA 2k16. The common problem is that "your account has expired" so you need to start a new My Career account which results in playing the career over again and eventually losing the MyPark account too. Here is how to fix this problem.
So you are playing NBA 2k16 and then you go to sleep. The next day, you wake up, and see this message comming:

Here is how to fix that.
Fix 1/prevention
Usually when you have registered your account on NBA 2k16's website you will get a verifaction e-mail. You'll need to verify your account so this never happens again. Please click the link provided in the e-mail. Once you have clicked the link, your account should now be verified.

If you had the game open the whole time, you will have to restart it for your account to be restored to its former self. However, if you restarted NBA 2k16 and it still does not work, then you will have to restart Steam by quitting it and log in again.
Fix 2
If you cannot see your verification e-mail from NBA 2k16's website do the following.

Go to your e-mail account and go to spam, it will usually lay there. Especially if you have a g-mail account since g-mail recognizes this e-mail as a spam. If it is not in the spam folder, check other sections of your e-mail. Lastly, if you still haven't found the e-mail please check that you are on the right e-mail account. You can do this by checking it on the NBA 2k16's website (by logging in).
- Guide Release
- Fixed the description
It was containing the whole guide itself
- Changed the first paragraph's title from "How to fix "account has expired" problem" to "Background"
simba 27 Dec, 2016 @ 12:59am 
Romanian Troller  [author] 26 Dec, 2016 @ 2:29pm 
mori 26 Dec, 2016 @ 7:08am 
Romanian Troller  [author] 11 Aug, 2016 @ 6:41am 
@kiksonfly go make a discussion on that, not here. This is a guy for expired account problem
kiksonfly 10 Aug, 2016 @ 4:42pm 
it wont let me play the game like it says sync everytime
Romanian Troller  [author] 6 Aug, 2016 @ 9:25pm 
@Famouz_Dexx I didn't know anyone would even read this guide, and why I even wrote it.
JoshSZN 6 Aug, 2016 @ 8:43pm 
Thnx , it was in Spam the whole time lol