Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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How much will my next steam level cost?
By Ben
This will help newer people and maybe even some more experianced people to figure out how much their next steam level will cost.

If you come to leveling up your steam account then one of the main things for you will "How much will it cost to get from level X to level Y?"

In this guide I will show you some simple calculations to help figure that out and it will be 100% accurate assuming you don't change the price you're buying cards at but if you do then ensure you make appropriate change to the rest of the calculations.

To show an example of how this works I will show how much it would cost for me to get from level 80 to 90 and I will put everything together in the last step

P.S. I'm not sure if I posted this in the correct section but I was unable to find a section relating specifically to steam or "not game specific" and if someone could point me in the right direction that would be helpful

Step 1
Step #1

Firstly you will need to find your current steam XP and this can be found by clicking on the steam level see on your profile or by clicking on your badges as seen in the photos below

As you can see my level is 80 but that doesn't matter it's the XP that matters which is 36,054 obviously it is likely that your XP will be different to mine so you will have to find out your own.
Step 2
Step #2

For the next step we will need to find out the XP of the level you want to get to and in this case it is level 90.
To find this out you can use this XP table guide made by TheTECHBONE & IllTec
For level 90 the XP needed is 45,000

The last section of this guide could provide help with this provided you read the rest of the guide to ensure your understanding and that you don't make a mistake
Step 3
Step #3

This step will show how to work out the cost of one badge
when leveling up your account you generally want cheap because you don't gain too much from it so when I do this I generally try to stick buying badges that cost £0.30 which will I usually make sure consist of 5 cards at £0.06 each so 0.06 x 5 = 0.3 = 100 XP and that will be the cost of one level for me but this could be different for you depending on what price you're buying your cards at and how many cards there are.

An easy way to find out card prices would be to use SteamTradingCard Set Prices[]

this site will show on average how much sets cost but it is also accurate so make sure you check before you buy

So for my example each badge I buy will be bought sticking to a price of £0.06 per card and a set of 5 cards which again is £0.30
Step 4
Step #4

For this step you will need to work out how much XP you need to get to the level you want and for this you will need to make sure you have the information from step #1 and step #2

this will be done by taking away the XP of the level you are from the level you want as shown below

45,000XP (level 90) - 36,054XP (my current XP) = 8946 XP needed to reach level 90
Step 5
Step #5

Now we need to work out how many badges you will need to make reach your target steam level and for this you will need the information from step #4

8946XP (the XP you need to reach your target level)

You will then take this and divide it by 100 (XP given by each badge)

8946 ÷ 100 = 89.46 = badge levels needed (you'll have to round this up every time because you can't get XP for part of a badge) = 90 badge levels needed

Step 6
Step #6

In this step I will show you work out how much your steam target level will cost to get to using information from steps #3 & #6.

You simply multiply badge level cost X badge levels needed = Total cost of the steam level you want

e.g. £0.30 x 90 = £27 this means that for me to get from my current steam XP to level 90 it would cost £27

Full Example
Full Example:

Current XP = 36054 xp
Target level & XP = level 90 @ 45000xp

badge level cost = £0.06 (cost of trading card) X £0.30 (cost for set of 5 cards)

XP need for target level = 45000xp (target level XP) - 36054XP (current XP) = 8946XP (XP needed for target level)

Badge levels needed = 8946 (XP needed for target level) ÷ 100 (XP of one badge level) = 89.46 =90 badge levels needed !!!REMEMBER TO ROUND UP IF NEEDED!!!

Total cost = £0.30 (cost for set of 5 cards) X 90 (badge levels needed)

Thank you for reading

Commenting any mistakes or problems you're having would be appreciated

Hope this was able to help you
Join my steam group for giveaways -

Try not to waste too much money

Marcosdonalt 9 Dec, 2023 @ 3:28pm 
It takes 300.000$ to reach 4000+
Youvaifu 21 Oct, 2021 @ 2:30am 
наградите профиль, пожалуйста
взаимно <3 <3 <3
в друзья заявку киньте, что бы я знал кому награду кидать
Seba 16 Aug, 2021 @ 5:48am 
hello i need level 90
Explosion 4 Jul, 2021 @ 5:48am 
To add on to my previous message. If I was to follow this guide, and level myself up from 45 (My current level) all the way up to lvl 999. Then I would have to spend (according to this guide) roughly £15.1k. However, if I choose to go a different route, and let's say use Heaven's Level Service (Bot). Then I'd buy tf2 keys (for example) trade them for sets, and end up spending €4.4k. So why would I follow this guide and end up nearly spending 4x the amount of money? lol.
Explosion 4 Jul, 2021 @ 5:40am 
This method does not seem efficient what so ever. I spent €5 going from lvl 10 to 45. And according to your method, I'd have to spend another £127,5 to get from lvl 45 to 100. That doesn't add up, my friend.
MNoya 6 Mar, 2021 @ 4:14pm 
Selling steam card sets for 15 cents each! Ready to craft
Mr. Potato Man™ 30 Jan, 2021 @ 7:54pm 
@JAGDTIGER, Same level of retard you have spending time like, writing stupid things that nobody cares :P
GL HF fam, make your life a bit better <3
SHITTY FLOOR 3 26 Dec, 2020 @ 3:16am 
spending real money on the most useless trash (steam level) is one of the most retarded things ever. smh
Пьянчуга Бен 9 May, 2020 @ 3:35pm 
+rep Good player
+rep Amazing Tactics
+rep Clutchmeister
+rep Killing Machine
+rep Best Awper i´ve ever seen
+rep Insane Skills
+rep Top Player
Amazing profile
Love u ❤️😘
MoonC A T 20 Feb, 2020 @ 11:05am 
Only idiots pay £0.30/badge