Deus Ex: Revision

Deus Ex: Revision

605 ratings
Complete Revision Achievement Guide
By Hawk
Official achievement guide containing the requirements of all achievements.
List of Achievements:
Super Computer Manipulator: Master the computer skill
Small Explosive, Powerful Punch: Master the demolitions skill
Use Your Head: Master the environmental training skill
Safecracker: Master the lockpicking skill
White Hat: Master the tech skill
War Doctor: Master the medicine skill
Swift as a Dolphin: Master the swimming skill
Mobile Tank: Master the heavy weapons skill
Up Close and Personal: Master the low tech skill
Master of Discretion : Master the pistol skill
Professional Soldier: Master the rifle skill
Jack of All Trades: When starting at Area 51, have every skill at trained or advanced, but none at master
Licensed Agent: Have 3 mastered skills at once
Best of the Best: Have 5 mastered skills at once
Scrooge: Accumulate 10,000 unused skillpoints

That’s New: Steal an Elite Assault Rifle

Weapons Through the Ages: Carry a sword, nanosword, and ancient sword
Decked Out: Have a weapon with a scope, laser, and silencer

Getting an Upgrade: Install your first augmentation on Liberty Island
Purity First: Trigger an ending without any custom augmentations installed
My Body is Augmented: Fully upgrade an aug
Fully Loaded: Add an augmentation to every slot
Upgrades, Versions, Functionality: Have 4 or more level 4 augmentations
Ghost is the Machine: Install both the cloak and radar transparency augmentations
Muscle Man: Fully upgrade the microfibal muscle augmentation
Sonic Boom: Fully upgrade the speed enhancement augmentation
Amphibiously Augmented Agent: Fully upgrade the aqualung augmentation
Impermeable Skin: Fully upgrade the ballistic protection augmentation
The Invisible Man: Fully upgrade the cloak augmentation
Warlock Punch: Fully upgrade the combat strength augmentation
Matrix Mode: Fully upgrade the aggressive defensive system augmentation
Mind-Controlled UCAV: Fully upgrade thespydrone augmentation
Mr. Faraday, I Presume?: Fully upgrade the EMP shield augmentation
Leaded Keratin: Fully upgrade the environmental resistance augmentation
Quid Pro Quo: Fully upgrade the regeneration augmentation
Economic Energy: Fully upgrade the power recirculator augmentation
Digital Ghost: Fully upgrade the radar transparency augmentation
One with the Elements: Fully upgrade the energy shield augmentation
Ninja: Fully upgrade the run silent augmentation
In My Sights: Fully upgrade the targetting/tracking augmentation
My Vision is Augmented: Fully upgrade the vision enhancement augmentation

Always Something New: Successfully trigger Revision cheat code “saxbomb”
Unsecure Data : Complete the game without using multitools
Explosive Intrusion: Complete the game without using lockpicks
Unlimited Knowledge: Complete the game without hacking any computers
Low-Tech Augmentations: Use every form of charged pickup at once
But Still Overskilled: Beat the game with all skills untrained
Emergency Extinguisher: Extinguisher someone or something (including yourself) using a fire extinguisher
Sign Him Up: Score a basketball goal at any basketball hoop.
Forget it, Denton: Leave Hong Kong without carrying a Dragon's Tooth Sword.
Tunnel Vision: Beat the game in under 10 hours.
Camp Fire: Have six people or more on fire at once.
A New Age: Kill Anna Navarre, Jorden Shea, and Gunther Hermann.

Self Sufficient: Beat the game without healing using a medbot or restoring energy from a repair bot
The Unavoidable Sacrifice: Beat the game killing only Anna
I Spill My Drink: Destroy a drink bottle
Eye for an Eye: Kill an enemy at the same time they kill you
That Familiar Tune: Play the Deus Ex theme on a piano
Deus Executioner Machina: Have one bot destroy another
Duel of the Fates: Kill Simons with the DTS while he is wielding the DTS
High Tech War: While in Area 51, fire your plasma rifle at the same time as Simons
List of Achievements (2):
All I have is a Candy Bar: Find the hidden candy bar in the tutorial.
Don’t Let It Go To Your Head: Find the secret location in the tutorial
Off to a Great Start: Kill Private Winslow in training, use a melee weapon on his body
AM I BEING DETAINED: Knock out every terrorist on Liberty Island
No Regard For Authority: Knockout or kill the trooper at the top of the statue
As Ordered: Capture the NSF Commander
Over the Line: Kill the NSF Commander
Change of Heart: Capture the NSF commander, then kill him
All Bark, No Bite: Let the NSF Commander escape
Primary Objective Focus: Beat the first level in under 3 minutes.
0451: Visit the UNATCO COMVAN all 4 times.
Practice Makes Perfect: Destroy all shooting range targets in UNATCO each time.
Indiscriminate Surveillance: Barge in on Shannon in the bathroom
Soda Stealer: Buy a soda from the vending machine.
Backdoor: Visit Alex’s hidden compartment
How Unprofessional : Kill Shannon within her own HQ pre-chapter 5
Catch the Train: Bypass the ambrosia and hostages and immediately take the train to Hell's Kitchen
Off Duty Terrorism: Shoot down the plane in Hell’s Kitchen
Guardian Angel: Save Sandra from Jonny and stop JoJo / have Gilbert Renton stop JoJo
What a Rotten Way to Die: Take Ford Schick’s dead body to Smuggler
Genetics Work: Save Ford Shick
Deus Express Delivery: Bring pizza to Smuggler or Jock/Shea
Whack-a-Mole: Kill Curly with a crowbar
Underground Secrets: Read the mole book
Heh-heh: Make JC laugh
Against all Protocols: Buy zyme from Rock
Supply and Demand: Buy drugs in chapter 3, sell drugs in chapter 10
Civil Soldier: Tell El Rey to go to school, tell Cassandra to get a job
No Unnecessary Risks: Complete the level without injuring any NSF
Wiretapper: Listen on Lebedev and Tong’s phone call
A Game of Darts: Find the secret location at the airfield
Nonbeliever: Kill the NSF and anger Paul
Breaking the Rules: Have a meaningful conversation with Juan Lebedev
Company Man: Execute Juan Lebedev
Not Quite Convinced: Knock Juan Lebedev Unconscious
I'm No Coward!: Have Anna kill Lebedev
Didn’t Blink an Eye: Kill Anna in the 747 then talk to Alex at HQ
Get the Hell Out of Here, Denton: Talk to the prisoners at UNATCO HQ
Jesus Christ, Denton: Execute the prisoners in front of Simons and then talk to him
Home Sweet Home: Have Sandra stay at the Ton
What a Shame: Self-explanatory
Company First: Talk to a UNATCO troop at the NSF HQ, then go back and talk to Paul
Family First: Wipe out all UNATCO forces after the raid
Forward Thinker: Kill or knock out almost all of the soldiers at the NSF HQ before sending the signal
Overwhelmed: Surrender to Gunther in Battery Park
Overconfident: Attempt to take on Gunther in Battery Park
Solo Mission: Find Paul Dead
Brothers in Arms: Find Paul Alive
Copper Wiring: Kill Anna with her killphrase
Brutal Argument: Kill an agent with a killphrase.
A Real Hardass: Kill / Knock out Manderley after he tries to shoot you
No Excuses: Kill Manderley before giving him a chance to talk.
Places to Go, Things to Do: Let Manderley live, for now
Unsuspected Agent: Discover the thief at UNATCO.
Helping Hand: Help Miguel escape
Fresh Start: Leave 05 UNATCO Island without having gone to the MJ12 armory.
Everybody Panic!: Release the greasels at Versalife
Pre-planned Escape: Disable or destroy both bots before releasing the weapon lock
Nothing to See Here: Intrude on the police investigation
Customized Kill: Steal Jock’s stealth pistol
Truth is Seldom Visible: Kill Maggie in her apartment
Cutting Corners: Kill Maggie before she even talks
Year of the Vulture: Find the aug upgrade in the Canal Road Tunnel
Pancaked: Kill Louis Pan
Safe Haven: Meet with Jaime and Alex
In and Out: Destroy the UC and exit without killing or knocking out any enemies
Cover Charge: Knock out the door girl with a prod and take her cash
The Anonymous Gangbanger of the 21st Century: On realistic, kill every UNATCO and MJ12 troop.
Recent Memories: Revisit Paul's hidden closet
Precaution: Warn Smuggler of the incoming raid
Where’s Your Tux?: Confront Joe Greene
Mmm, Delicious: Drink the ambrosia vial
Saboteur: Reprogram all bots
My Biggest Fan!: Destroy the giant fan
Infiltration Work: Sneak into the below decks without killing or knocking out anyone
A Good Deed: Give Dowd the ambrosia vial
I'm the Captain Now: Use the ship's wheel
Drug of the Mind: Kill the gatekeeper before talking to Dowd
Unearthed Horrors: Find the ancient sword
Grave Digger: Kill the maximum amount of human enemies at the Graveyard
Call to Arms: Receive the phone call from Icarus
Arbitrary Laws: Break into the Paris rooms (the one that gives this infolink)
Harpy: Knock out or kill Agent Hela
Rusty Bones in the Junkyard: Kill Gunther with his killphrase
Private Memoirs: Confront Joseph about his stealing and tell him that you reported him to the police
A Humble Request: Request that deBeer’s temperature is raised
A Bomb!: Discover the fatal bomb
Replaced: Kill deBeers
Voltaire: Listen to all of Morpheus’ conversation
Loss of Trust: Confront Everett about Echelon and then kill DeBeers
Sniping’s a Good Job: Destroy all bots before entering the main complex
Contamination and Mutants: Drops a MiB’s body in one of the vats.
Desperate but Pushing: Meet Sandra in California
Smooth Operator: Save Tiffany
Killing Machine: Personally kill Tiffany
The More Advanced Model: Kill Walton Simons
Hall of Mirrors: Evade Walton Simons at every opportunity.
Counter-Sneak-Attack: Injure or defeat the sneak attack before it starts
Lack of Respect: Throw Walton Simon's carcass in the giant pit
Fully Prepared: Enter Page’s bunker with full health and bioenergy.
Another Kind of Question : Talk to Paul or Savage before entering Area 51 Sector 4.
So Let It Be Written: Trigger one of the endings.
Indecisive Preparations: Setup all endings before choosing one
Lock Down: Shut down every UC
Denton, J.C. Denton: Buy something from every bar at every occasion
Regrettable Actions: Let Gilbert Renton die while under the effect of zyme
Reporting for Duty Free: Be completely drunk while reporting to Manderley in chapter 3 UNATCO HQ.
Deus Ex: Complete the game with Helios' ending.
Invisible War: Kill Walton Simons while both of you are cloaked.
Human Revolution: Stand on the giant fan at the shipyard.
The Fall: Drop a body off a building until it's destroyed.
Mankind Divided: Destroy a human body using dragon's tooth sword.
Laughing Contest: Make El Rey laugh. Kill the dealer downstairs, have no room to take the LAM he gives, then talk to him again.
Smash The State: Kill everyone in 05 UNATCO
Laid to Rest: Bury Paul's body in the graveyard (in the ancient tomb)
Vive la France: Kill all MJ12 troops and robots on the metro streets and destroy their carcasses
Black Hawk Down: Lose Jock to the bomb.
The One Augmented Man: Steal the one free crowbar.
Tough Love: Steal the prototype assault heartgun.
Boomstick: Modify a sawed-off shotgun to have 9 shells.
Complete Collection: Own one of each weapon mod in your inventory.
Factory Reset: Successfully knock out Walton Simons using tranq darts.
Goliath: Disable a military bot using a PS20.
Bail Out!: Kill an enemy by causing a helicopter to crash into them.
Muscle Man: Fully upgrade the microfibal muscle aug

Fully upgrade the microfibal muscle augmentation. It can be found at the top of the statue of liberty at chapter 1.


Sonic Boom: Fully upgrade the speed enhancement aug

Fully upgrade the speed enhancement augmentation. It can be found in a safe under the generator in chapter 2, inside the medical closet in UNATCO in chapter 4, and at the UC beneath Versalife in Chapter 6.


Amphibiously Augmented Agent: Fully upgrade the aqualung augmentation

Fully upgrade the aqualung augmentation. It can be found in the safe beside the computer under Castle Clinton at Battery Park in chapter 2. It can also be found in the universal constructor at Versalife in chapter 6 and base commander's safe at the dockyard in chapter 9.


Impermeable Skin: Fully upgrade the ballistic protection augmentation

Fully upgrade the ballistic protection augmentation. It can be found in the storage part of the 747 in a container in chapter 3, use the code 9905. It can also be found in Everett's home next to him in chapter 11, use the codes 6426 and 2384.


The Invisible Man: Fully upgrade the cloak augmentation

Fully upgrade the cloak augmentation. It can be found at the Versalife UC in chapter 6. It can also be found in the ship in chapter 9, by jumping onto the ledge in the bilge valve room and in the flooded room in the Vandenberg command building in chapter 12.


Warlock Punch: Fully upgrade the combat strength augmentation

Fully upgrade the combat strength augmentation. It can be found at the top of the statue of liberty at chapter 1.


Matrix Mode: Fully upgrade the aggressive defensive system augmentation

Fully upgrade the aggressive defensive system augmentation. It can be found at the nanotech lab in the MJ12 lab in chapter 5, the magnetic chamber in the MJ12 lab at chapter 6, and in the duClare chateau near the main computer in chapter 10.


Mind-Controlled UCAV: Fully upgrade the spydrone augmentation

Fully upgrade the spy drone augmentation. It can be found at the nanotech lab in the MJ12 lab in chapter 5, the magnetic chamber in the MJ12 lab at chapter 6, and in the duClare chateau near the main computer in chapter 10.


Mr. Faraday, I Presume?: Fully upgrade the EMP shield augmentation

Fully upgrade the EMP shield augmentation. It can be found in the storage part of the 747 in a container in chapter 3, use the code 9905. It can also be found in Everett's home next to him in chapter 11, use the codes 6426 and 2384.


Leaded Keratin: Fully upgrade the environmental resistance augmentation

Fully upgrade the environmental resistance augmentation. It can be found in the safe beside the computer under Castle Clinton at Battery Park in chapter 2. It can also be found in the universal constructor at Versalife in chapter 6 and base commander's safe at the dockyard in chapter 9.


Quid Pro Quo: Fully upgrade the regeneration augmentation

Fully upgrade the regeneration augmentation, it can be found in medlab in UNATCO on chapter 5, and in the barracks bed at Area 51's Sector 2 in chapter 15.


Economic Energy: Fully upgrade the power recirculator augmentation

Fully upgrade the power recirculator augmentation, it can be found in the Versalife UC in chapter 6.


Digital Ghost: Fully upgrade the radar transparency augmentation

Fully upgrade the radar transparency augmentation. It can be found at the Versalife UC in chapter 6. It can also be found in the ship in chapter 9, by jumping onto the ledge in the bilge valve room and in the flooded room in the Vandenberg command building in chapter 12.


One with the Elements: Fully upgrade the energy shield augmentation

Fully upgrade the energy shield augmentation, it can be found in medlab in UNATCO on chapter 5, and in the barracks bed at Area 51's Sector 2 in chapter 15.


Ninja: Fully upgrade the run silent augmentation

Fully upgrade the run silent augmentation. It can be found in a safe under the generator in chapter 2, inside the medical closet in UNATCO in chapter 4, and at the UC beneath Versalife in Chapter 6.


In my Sights: Fully upgrade the targeting/tracking augmentation

Fully upgrade the targeting augmentation. It can be found in the magnetic chamber in the MJ12 labs in chapter 6 and in Everett's home near Everett in chapter 11.


My Vision is Augmented: Fully upgrade the vision enhancement augmentation

Fully upgrade the targeting augmentation. It can be found in the magnetic chamber in the MJ12 labs in chapter 6 and in Everett's home near Everett in chapter 11.

Augmentations (2):
Getting an Upgrade: Install your first augmentation on Liberty Island

Install an aug using either the medical bots on the island or inside UNATCO. This achievement is awarded on the arrival at Battery Park


Purity First: Trigger an ending without any custom augmentations installed

Simply beat the game without installing any augmentations. Using your light augmentation is allowed.


My Body is Augmented: Fully upgrade an aug

Simply install an augmentation and install it to max level. Check the Augmentation Canister Locations guide for more information on where to find the upgrades.


Fully Loaded: Add an augmentation to every slot

Simply install the maximum amount of augmentations. Check the Augmentation Canister Locations guide for more information on where to find the canisters. It is easy to gain this achievement if you explore Versalife.


Upgrades, Versions, Functionality: Have 4 or more level 4 augmentations

Simply install four augmentations and install them to max level. Check the Augmentation Canister Locations guide for more information on where to find the upgrades.


Ghost is the Machine: Install both the cloak and radar transparency augmentations

Install both the cloak and radar transparency augmentations, they can both be found at the MJ12 lab within the magnetic augmentation chamber at chapter 6, within the ship's lower decks in a room that is accessible by jumping on the bilge pumps in chapter 9, and in the flooded room with electricity at Vandenberg Command.
In order to gain this achievement you must NOT install the ballistic protection or EMP shield augmentations.


Creature of the Sea: Fully upgrade aqualung augmentation and swimming skill.

Fully upgrade the aqualung augmentation. It can be found in the safe beside the computer under Castle Clinton at Battery Park in chapter 2. It can also be found in the universal constructor at Versalife in chapter 6 and base commander's safe at the dockyard in chapter 9.
The swimming skill costs 4,275 skillpoints to master.


Premature Celebration: Kill something/someone by detonating their rockets or grenades

Fully upgrade the aggressive defensive system augmentation, then kill an enemy by having it destroy their rockets too close to them. Examples are MJ12 commandos, military bots, GEP gunners, LAM/LAW users.


My Vision is Too Augmentated: Gain 10 kills with the AimBot augmentation.

Enable cheats by pressing T, deleting 'say' on the lower left of the screen, typing 'set human bcheatsenabled true'.
After doing this, use the command 'AugAdd AugAimbot'. This will give level 1 Aimbot. Use the command 'AllAugs' to make it the maximum level. Use the command 'Set Human Energy 10000000' (etc) to give yourself unlimited energy to run it. Use the command 'AllSkills' to make it easier to shoot enemies.
After this allow it to kill 10 enemies.


Emergency Shields: Survive an attack due to the energy shield augmentation.

Use the energy shield augmentation to survive an energy attack (explosion/plasma/flame).


Emergency Protection: Survive an attack due to the ballistic protection augmentation.

Use the ballistic protection augmentation to survive an attack (bullets or melee).

Super Computer Manipulator: Master the computer skill.

Required skillpoints: 7,125.


Small Explosive, Powerful Punch: Master the demolitions skill.

Required skillpoints: 5,700.


Use Your Head: Master the environmental training skill.

Required skillpoints: 4,275.


Safecracker: Master the lockpicking skill.

Required skillpoints: 11,400.


White Hat: Master the electronics skill.

Required skillpoints: 11,400.


War Doctor: Master the medicine skill.

Required skillpoints: 5,700.

Swift as a Dolphin: Master the swimming skill.

Required skillpoints: 4,275.

Mobile Tank: Master the heavy weapons skill.

Required skillpoints: 8,550.

Up Close and Personal: Master the low tech skill.

Required skillpoints: 8,550.


Master of Discretion: Master the pistol skill.

Required skillpoints: 9,975.


Professional Soldier: Master the rifle skill.

Required skillpoints: 9,975.


Licensed Agent: Master three skills at once.

Train: Swimming, demolitions, medicine.
Required skillpoints: 15,675.


Best of the Best: Master five skills at once.

Train: Swimming, demolitions, medicine, environmental training, computers.
Required skillpoints: 27,075. (29,400 on Biomod)


Scrooge: Obtain 10,000 unused skillpoints.

This achievement will come over time if not spending skillpoints, especially if trying to obtain "But Still Overskilled" achievement.


Petty Theft: With master computer skill, use a vending machine.

Use a vending machine with master computer skill to hack it and obtain free items.

Always Something New: Successfully trigger Revision cheat code “saxbomb”

Use the code 'saxbomb' when on the main menu or at the Paris Streets (Near Champs-Elysees) and using the Revision soundtrack. This will enable an alternate sax version of the music for these areas.


Low-Tech Augmentations: Use every form of charged pickup at once

Use the ballistic armour, thermoptic camo, tech goggles, rebreather, and hazmat suit at the same time.


Emergency Extinguisher: Extinguisher someone or something (including yourself) using a fire extinguisher

Use a fire extinguisher to extinguish yourself, an ally, an enemy, or a prop.


Camp Fire: Set six enemies on fire at once.

Have six or more enemies on fire at once, preferably using the flamethrower but WP rockets also count.


Invisible War: Kill Walton Simons while both are cloaked.

Damage Walton Simons until he enables his cloak augmentation, then activate yours and kill him.


The Fall: Destroy a body using fall damage.

Throw a body from a high height so it explodes on contact with the ground.


Mankind Divided: Destroy a body with the DTS.

Destroy a dead body with the dragon's tooth sword until it explodes.


That's New: Pick up an elite assault rifle.

Kill an elite MJ12 trooper at chapter 9 or 15 and steal their elite assault rifle.


Violent Habit: Smoke to death.

"Normal" game mode only. Smoke up to 10 packs of cigarettes at once so you die.


Ready for Action: Hold max amount of biocells and medkits at once.

Hold 15 medkits and 30 biocells at the same time.


Infiltrator: Hold max amount of multitools and lockpicks at once.

Hold 20 multitools and 20 lockpicks at once.


Heavy Weapons Platform: Hold all the non-disposable heavy weapons at once.

Hold the flamethrower, GEP gun, and plasma rifle at the same time. All three can be found at the MJ12 lab in chapter 6.


Inventory Priorities: Hold every type of alcohol at once.

Hold a forty, liquor, and wine at the same time.


Critic: Eat, drank, and smoke one of everything.

Use a candybar, soyfood, soda, forty, liquor, wine, cigarettes, and zyme.


Show me the Money: Hold 10,000 credits at once.

Hoard your money and don't spend it. 2,600 credits can be found in the captain's room on the ship in chapter 9.


Bibliophile: Read one chapter of the following books: Jacob's Shadow, The Man Who Was Thursday, Petals of Twilight, Insurgent, Vishnu's Fall, Art of War, Universal Constructor: Theory, Principles and Practice.

Read one chapter of the following books, each can be found at these maps:

Jacob's Shadow:
  • Hell’s Kitchen Sewers (Chapter 2)
  • LaGuardia Airfield (Helibase)
  • Ton Hotel (Chapter 4)
  • Wan Chai Market (Compound area)
  • PRCS Wall Cloud
  • DuClare Chateau
  • Vandenberg Air Force Base
  • Vandenberg Air Force Base (Control Room)
  • Area 51 (Exterior Bunker)
  • Area 51 (Sector 2)
  • Area 51 (Sector 3)
The Man Who was Thursday:
  • Ton Hotel (Chapter 2)
  • Hell’s Kitchen Sewers (Chapter 2)
  • LaGuardia Airfield (Helibase)
  • Ton Hotel (Chapter 4)
  • Paris High-Rise near Denfert-Rochereau
  • Vandenberg Air Force Base
  • Pasadena Ocean Lab
  • Area 51 (Sector 2)
Petals of Twilight:
  • Paris Streets (Near Denfert-Rochereau)
  • Paris Streets (Near Champs-Elysees)
  • Tonnochi Road
Vishnu's Fall:
  • Ton Hotel (Chapter 2)
  • Ton Hotel (Chapter 4)
Art of War:
  • LaGuardia Airfield (Helibase)
  • UNATCO HQ (Chapter 3)
  • UNATCO HQ (Chapter 4)
  • UNATCO HQ (Chapter 5)
Universal Constructor: Theory, Principles and Practice
  • Pasadena Ocean Lab

I Spill My Drink: Destroy a bottle.

Destroy any bottle, this can be gained at the very start of the game with the first forty on the bench.
Either shoot it, blow it up, or throw it to smash it.


That Familiar Tune: Play the Deus Ex theme on a piano.

Use a piano and this has a 50% chance of being awarded on each use.
Piano locations:
Maggie Chow's apartment
Paris Café (where Jaime is)
DuClare chateau


Decked Out: Have a weapon with a scope, laser, and silencer

Have a weapon with a scope, laser, and silencer.
Most easily done with the elite assault rifle, as a silencer can be found on the same level they are first found.

Does not apply to mini-crossbows (unless playing on patch 1.1.1).
Applies to stealth pistols on patch 1.1.2 or above.


Weapons Through the Ages: Carry a sword, nanosword, and ancient sword

Carry a sword, Dragon's Tooth Sword, and the ancient sword at the same time. See "Unearthed Horrors".

Silence of the LAMs: Detonate a LAM by shooting it.

Detonate a LAM by shooting it.


How Loyal is a Hungry Turret: Have a turret kill someone.

Easily done by hacking a control panel and setting the turrets to attack enemies, or by having a turret try to shoot you but hit an enemy until they're dead.


Friendly Fire: Have an enemy kill another on their side.

Will easily happen with time. If you have trouble with this then try to get enemies into corridors or coax enemies to shoot you with flamethrowers or explosives while others are nearby.


Spectre: Kill an enemy while cloaked.

The cloak augmentation or thermoptic camo counts. Radar transparency does not.


Obsidian: Knock out a commando.

Easily done in Biomod with a baton or to the back of the neck otherwise.


Delicate Touch: Knock out a WiB or MiB.

Easily done with a prod to stuck lock them. A good place for this is the start of UNATCO in chapter 5.


The Gray Death: Die to a gray.

The first place you can do this is the MJ12 labs in chapter 6.


Scrambled Circuits: Use a scrambler grenade on any robot.

Any robot counts, even a cleaner bot. You can purchase a scrambler grenade from Shannon in chapter 5 and then use it on the medical bot or repair bot on the level.


Death From Above: Stand on something until it dies.

Crush something, easiest to do this by crouch jumping on a dog.


Unintended Use: Kill someone by throwing an EMP or Scrambler grenade at them.

"Normal" game mode only, throw a grenade at someone until it kills them, headshots still do more damage.


Fire in the Hole: Throw a grenade through a window and have it kill an enemy.

"Normal" game mode only. Throw a LAM through any destructible window or weak door and have it kill an enemy.


Rules of Nature: Melee kill a military bot.

The bot must not be disabled. It is easiest to do this with the Dragon's Tooth Sword or Ancient Sword and get behind the bot, then melee until destroyed.


Disarmed: Make someone drop their weapons.

Damage someone's arms enough until they drop their weapons, a master level sniper rifle can do this with one shot.


UNATCO Order 99009: Lose both arms and legs but live.

Easiest to do this by just standing on a burning barrel until both legs are gone, then pushing each arm against it until they're gone too.


Iron Body: Heal 300hp from a medical bot.

Equals 50% hp on each body part, burning barrels or radiation can be used to control your health.


Too Close for Comfort: Knock out a gray with a baton.

The first place to do this is the MJ12 labs in chapter 6. Grays give off radiation which will hurt you if close. Use combat strength aug if needed.


Electronics Tinkerer: Permanently disable a camera, turret, alarm panel, or laser with an EMP grenade or the spydrone.

Master your demolitions skill then use an EMP attack on any of the above devices.


Expert Usage: Destroy a camera, turret, or alarm panel using a sniper rifle or a sword.

Either master the rifle skill for the sniper rifle or master low tech and combat strength for the Dragon's Tooth Sword, then hit any of the above devices.


Anarchy: Riot prod a riot cop.

Riot prod any riot cop, the cop does not need to be knocked out for it to be awarded.


Hot Dog: Set a dog on fire.

Can be done on chapter 2 using a flamethrower or WP grenade.


Deus Executioner Machina: Have one bot destroy another.

Most easily done with a scrambler grenade in an area where there are two robots.
Can also be easily done in Vandenberg when you release the two friendly bots.


Eye for an Eye: Kill an enemy at the same time they kill you

Checked when the player dies, the enemy must be in the dying state when this check happens. Can be done in a melee fight, especially on higher difficulties.
Most easily done with the Woman in Black wielding the Dragon's Tooth Sword in the Hong Kong MJ12 labs. Or if trying to melee kill Walton Simons.

Combat (2):
Goliath: Disable a military bot using a PS20.

Can only be done on "Normal" gamemode. This is most easily done on the MJ12 prison in chapter 5. A PS20 can be found in the prison cell with the medbot. Fight your way to the armoury and obtain the plasma rifle, save and hit the military bot with enough plasma for the PS20 to disable it in one hit.


Factory Reset: Successfully knock out Walton Simons using tranq darts.

Damage Simons enough until he activates his cloak, then finish him off with tranquilizer darts. This is more easily done with the targeting aug to tell you exactly how much health he has left.


Complete Collection: Own one of each weapon mod in your inventory

Carry each of the following weapon modifications: accuracy, clip, laser, range, recoil, reload, scope, silencer. Biomod and Shifter players will also require an auto mod.


Boomstick: Modify a sawed-off shotgun to have 9 shells.

Apply five clip mods to a sawed-off shotgun.


Caught Dead Handed: Get noticed by the enemy while carrying a body.

Kill or knock out someone, pick up their body, run to another enemy.


Heavy Duty: Use a big weapon on a big enemy.

Use the LAW on an adult karkian.


Out Sniped: Kill a sniper with your own sniper.

Snipe someone with a sniper rifle equipped.


Post-Mortem Revenge: Kill an enemy with your grenade after you've already died.

Throw a LAM, die, have that LAM kill an enemy.


Different Intentions: Kill an enemy using a mini-crossbow with a mini-crossbow.

Kill an enemy using a mini-crossbow with darts or flare darts.


Surprising Performance: Kill an enemy while highly drugged.

Kill an enemy while high on zyme or very drunk.


Foxhole: Kill five enemies with a single 20mm HE grenade.

Using 20mm ammo for the assault rifle, kill 5 enemies with one grenade. Easiest on the final visit to Hell's Kitchen, after Dowd.


Last Bullet, Last Chance: Kill someone using the last bullet in your weapon.

Must be the absolute last bullet, as in no other ammo of that type left. Works for pistols, rifles, and shotguns.


Clone Wars: Kill a copy of yourself (survival or Hall of Mirrors mode)

Use either Hall of Mirrors mode or survival mode to kill a copy of yourself.

Training Achievements
Training 1


Off to a Great Start: Kill Private Winslow in training.

Pick up the Private Winslow's body and backtrack with it to where you were given the crowbar and knife. Stab him with these weapons until he dies.
Alternatively if you lost these weapons you can continue and either kill him using fall damage, by drowning him, or waiting until you get more weapons.


All I Have is a Candybar: Find the candybar in training.

Pick up the candybar in the pipe at the ladder tutorial.


Training 3


Don't Let It Go To Your Head: Find the secret room in training.

Right at the end of the training at the holograms, look at the left of the room to find a brick. Push the brick in to open up a room on the right. Enter the room and enable the communicator to earn the achievement.

Chapter 1
Liberty Island


AM I BEING DETAINED: Knock out every terrorist on Liberty Island

Knock out every terrorist on the island using the baton, prod, or mini-crossbow and then capture the commander alive. There are 6 mercenary thugs on hard and realistic, 5 on normal and easy. There are 39 terrorists on hard and realistic, 37 on normal and easy.


No Regard For Authority: Obtain the assault rifle at the earliest possible opportunity.

After dealing with the commander at the top of the statue, kill / knock out / injure the UNATCO trooper enough at the top of the statue and pick up his assault rifle.


As Ordered: Capture the NSF Commander

Tell the commander you will take him in as a prisoner instead of a corpse.


Over the Line: Kill the NSF Commander

Self explanatory.


Change of Heart: Capture the NSF commander, then kill him

'As Ordered' achievement, then the 'Over the Line' achievement afterwards.


All Bark, No Bite: Let the NSF Commander escape.

Threaten the commander so that he shoots you, then run to UNATCO and talk to Paul.


Primary Objective Focus: Capture or kill the commander in under three minutes.

Either go right when leaving the docks and then go up the crates to beat it in approximately 2.5 minutes or use the security console outside the main doors and then go upstairs to beat it in about 1.8 minutes.


Orbital Cannon: Eliminate an enemy from far above.

While at the top of the statue with the commander, go outside and kill one of the terrorists standing on the north dock. Easiest to do this with either the GEP gun or sniper rifle.


Not So Fast, J.C.: Beat Liberty Island without talking to Paul.

Run past Paul at the start and run to the terrorist commander. Using the back route can delay Paul. Jumping can also delay him.


Preparations Required:

0451: Visit the UNATCO COMVAN all 4 times.

Enter the COMVAN near the helipad using the code 0451.




Indiscriminate Surveillance: Barge in on Shannon in the bathroom

Enter the women's restroom on level 3 so that Shannon berates you, then receive the briefing from Manderley while she's alive.


Soda Stealer: Buy a soda from the vending machine.

Buy a soda from the soda machine next to Gunther in the break room.


Backdoor: Visit Alex’s hidden compartment

Enter the secret compartment under Alex's floor opposite his cupboard.


How Unprofessional: Kill Shannon within her own HQ pre-chapter 5

Simply kill Shannon.


Preperations Required:

Practice Makes Perfect: Destroy all four targets on the shooting range each time you're at UNATCO.

Go to the shooting range and activate the buttons to bring the targets towards you. Destroy all four.

Chapter 2
Battery Park:

Catch the Train: Bypass the ambrosia and hostages and immediately take the train to Hell's Kitchen

Get on the train to Hell's Kitchen without completing any objectives. You must not find the ambrosia, kill the subway terrorists, get involved at the fight in Castle Clinton. You ensure that the hostages are alive when you get on the train, but that they didn't get on the train themselves.


Unconventional Euthanasia: Kill the sick bum at Battery Park

Kill the man that begs you to kill him at the monuments.


Hell's Kitchen:


Sign Him Up: Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.

Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.


Preparations Required:

Guardian Angel: Save Sandra from Jonny and stop JoJo / have Gilbert Renton stop JoJo.

Kill or scare Johnny in the alleyway near the underworld tavern.


NYC Sewers:

Genetics Work: Save Ford Schick

Obtain the key to the sewers from either Smuggler or the dead bum, then enter the sewers and kill all the troops, while making sure Schick survives. Tell him to make a break for it, when he says he's alright you should get the achievement.


Preparations Required:

What a Rotten Way to Die: Take Ford Schick’s dead body to Smuggler

Pick up Schick's body and take it to Smuggler, then drop it in the room.


Smuggler's Lair:

What a Rotten Way to Die: Take Ford Schick’s dead body to Smuggler

Pick up Schick's body and take it to Smuggler, then drop it in the room.


Deus Express Delivery: Bring Pizza to Smuggler, Shea, or Jock.

Bring back the pizza from the warehouse and throw it at Smuggler's feet.


Underworld Tavern:

Tipsy Flying: Buy Jock beers and talk to him.

Buy or steal Jock two forties and then repeatedly talk to him each time you can.


Deus Express Delivery: Bring Pizza to Smuggler, Shea, or Jock.

Bring back the pizza from the warehouse and throw it at Shea or Jock.


Preparations Required:

Denton, J.C. Denton: Buy a beer at every bar at every opportunity.

Buy a beer from Shea.


A New Age: Kill Jordan Shea, Anna Navarre, and Gunther Hermann.

Kill Shea.


NSF Warehouse:
Preparations Required:

Deus Express Delivery: Bring Pizza to Smuggler, Shea, or Jock.

Steal the pizza from the breakroom of the warehouse, then backtrack with it to the tavern or Smuggler. The pizza is delicate so be careful not to break it with fall damage. You will need to stack crates in order to return.
This is best done after the generator has been destroyed.

Chapter 3


Get the Hell Out of Here, Denton: Talk to the prisoners at UNATCO HQ

Enter the interrogation room at HQ using the code 31173, then talk to the prisoners multiple times.


Jesus Christ, Denton: Execute the prisoners in front of Simons and then talk to him

Enter the interrogation room and kill the prisoners while Simons is interrogating them, talk to Simons to hear this line and earn the achievement.


Reporting for Duty Free: Be on zyme while talking to Manderley.

Drink 10 bottles of alcohol or a vial of zyme and then talk to Manderley.


How Unprofessional: Kill Shannon within her own HQ pre-chapter 5

Simply kill Shannon.


Preparations Required:

Practice Makes Perfect: Destroy all four targets on the shooting range each time you're at UNATCO.

Go to the shooting range and activate the buttons to bring the targets towards you. Destroy all four.


Liberty Island:

Preparations Required:

0451: Visit the UNATCO COMVAN all 4 times.

Enter the COMVAN near the helipad using the code 0451.


Battery Park:


Whack-a-Mole: Kill Curly with a crowbar

At the start of Battery Park find the bum that asks you for the password to gain access to the Mole People near the subway. Kill him with a crowbar.


Underground Secrets: Read the mole book

Enter the maintenance area near the subway, after going down the hatch immediately look up and to the left, there should be a book on top of some machinery. Read it to gain the achievement.


Brooklyn Bridge Station:


Heh Heh: Make JC laugh

Kill all of the Rook gang except El Rey, talk to him and he will offer a LAM. Tell him to give the LAM (do not demand more) and he will give it over. Have either max LAMs or no space to carry LAMs to make JC laugh and gain the achievement.


Laughing Contest: Make El Rey laugh.

Kill the dealer downstairs, have no room to take the LAM El Rey gives as a reward, then talk to him again.


Against Protocol: Buy zyme from Rock

When at the subway look for the drug dealer in the corner, buy zyme from him to earn the achievement.


Preparations Required:

Supply and Demand: Buy drugs in chapter 3, sell drugs in chapter 10.

Buy zyme from Rock at the corner.


Civil Soldier: Tell El Rey to go to school, tell Cassandra to get a job

Kill all the rooks in the upper level of the subway, then talk to El Rey and force him to give you his LAM, don't ask for more.




No Unnecessary Risks: Complete the level without injuring any NSF

After the train station, at the tunnels. Sneak to the NSF commander and talk to him to make all NSF surrender. Enter the men's bathroom without any NSF being injured or knocked out to earn the achievement.


Airfield Helibase:


Wiretapper: Listen on Lebedev and Tong’s phone call

When at the airfield's helibase find the first barrel of ambrosia, when it's found turn left and enter the first room on the ground floor. Use the computer using the login 'etodd' and password 'saintmary'. Decrypt the code for the phone and use it, listen to the conversation to earn the achievement.




A Game of Darts: Find the secret location at the airfield

Right before entering the hangar find the dart board in the barracks. Look to the left of it to find a brick that can be pushed to reveal a hidden compartment. Enter it the compartment to earn the achievement.

Chapter 3 (2)


Nonbeliever: Kill the NSF and anger Paul

At the hangar kill any amount of NSF terrorists and then talk to Paul.




Breaking the Rules: Have a meaningful conversation with Juan Lebedev

Kill Anna and then talk to Lebedev on the 747.


Company Man: Execute Juan Lebedev

Kill Lebedev without knocking him out.


Not Quite Convinced: Knock Juan Lebedev Unconscious

Knock out Lebedev.


I'm No Coward!: Have Anna kill Lebedev.

Have Anna kill Lebedev either by walking away or talking to him too many times.


Preperations Required:

Didn’t Blink an Eye: Kill Anna in the 747 then talk to Alex at HQ

Kill Anna.

Chapter 4


Didn’t Blink an Eye: Kill Anna in the 747 then talk to Alex at HQ

Talk to Alex after killing Anna.


How Unprofessional: Kill Shannon within her own HQ pre-chapter 5

Simply kill Shannon.


Preparations Required:

Practice Makes Perfect: Destroy all four targets on the shooting range each time you're at UNATCO.

Go to the shooting range and activate the buttons to bring the targets towards you. Destroy all four.


Liberty Island:

Preparations Required:

0451: Visit the UNATCO COMVAN all 4 times.

Enter the COMVAN near the helipad using the code 0451.


NYC Streets:


Family First: Wipe out all UNATCO forces after the raid

Knock out or kill all UNATCO troopers on the streets and disable or destroy all bots. One enemy may be left alive in order to gain this achievement as there is a hard to see sniper on a balcony. Killing the enemies in the hotel or NSF HQ does not matter, only the ones in the Hell's Kitchen streets.


Sign Him Up: Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.

Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.


Ton Hotel:


Guardian Angel: Save Sandra from Jonny and stop JoJo / have Gilbert Renton stop JoJo.

Kill or knock out JoJo after dealing with Johnny in chapter 2.


Home Sweet Home: Have Sandra stay at the Ton

Arm Gilbert Renton with a gun and then have him kill JoJo, have the family talk to each other and Sandra should stay and you will earn the achievement.


What a Shame: Self-explanatory

Have JoJo kill Gibert Renton, then kill JoJo, talk to Sandra.


Regrettable Actions: Be drugged out of your mind while an innocent man dies.

Be drugged on zyme while Gilbert Renton dies.


Company First: Talk to a UNATCO troop at the NSF HQ, then go back and talk to Paul

After asking Paul about the killswitch for the first time go to the NSF HQ. Talk to a UNATCO trooper so they ask "Thought they were shipping you off to Hong Kong". Go back to Paul and talk to him to assert that you're not a terrorist.


Preparations Required:

Solo Mission (and Laid to Rest): Find Paul Dead

After returning to Paul after sending the signal, either die or leave the hotel without fighting.


Brothers in Arms: Find Paul Alive

After returning to Paul after sending the signal, fight the enemies in the hotel. Any enemies that are injured too much to fight are not a threat. Two UNATCO troopers or one MiB may survive in order for Paul to live.


Desperate but Pushing: Meet Sandra in California

Kill Jojo and then talk to the Rentons, Sandra should then leave the hotel and go to California.


Underworld Tavern

Preparations Required:

Denton, J.C. Denton: Buy a beer at every bar every time.

Buy a beer from Shea.


A New Age: Kill Jordan Shea, Anna Navarre, and Gunther Hermann.

Kill Shea.




Forward Thinker: Kill or knock out almost all of the soldiers at the NSF HQ before sending the signal

Before transmitting the NSF signal, knock out or kill all but two or less of the UNATCO troopers. Bots do not matter. You will get a different infolink from Walton Simons if done correctly.


Battery Park:


Overwhelmed: Surrender to Gunther in Battery Park

After reaching Gunther in Battery Park, select "I surrender".


Overconfident: Attempt to take on Gunther in Battery Park

After reaching Gunther in Battery Park, select "Here comes your chance to be a hero".

Chapter 5
MJ12 Prison


Solo Mission: Find Paul Dead

After meeting the requirements in the hotel, find Paul's body.


Laid to Rest: Bury Paul's body in the graveyard (in the ancient tomb).

After finding's Paul's dead body, pick it up and drag it out of the level, carry it until the end of chapter 9.


Brothers in Arms: Find Paul Alive

After meeting the requirements in the hotel, find Paul and talk to him.


Everybody Panic!: Release the greasels

Use the button or computer to release the greasels in the nanotech lab.


Preparations Required:

Fresh Start: Leave 05 UNATCO Island without having gone to the MJ12 armory.

Do NOT go into the MJ12 armoury to regain your equipment.


Helping Hand: Help Miguel escape

Help Miguel escape with you from the facility.




Copper Wiring: Kill Anna with her killphrase

Login or hack Manderley and Anna's computer to obtain Anna's killphrase, then talk to her to use it.


Brutal Argument: Kill an agent with a killphrase.

Obtained with 'Copper Wiring' achievement.


A Real Hardass: Kill / Knock out Manderley after he tries to shoot you

Talk to Manderley and then try to leave the room, he will start to attack. Knock out or kill him at this point to earn the achievement.


No Excuses: Kill Manderley before giving him a chance to talk.

Kill Manderley immediately before talking to him or Simons.


The Most Silent Way: Kill Manderley with a GEP gun.

Use a rocket to kill Manderley.


Places to Go, Things to Do: Let Manderley live, for now

Completely bypass Manderley and head straight to Hong Kong.


Unsuspected Agent: Discover the thief at UNATCO.

Talk to Shannon.


Practice Makes Perfect: Destroy all four targets on the shooting range each time you're at UNATCO.

Go to the shooting range and activate the buttons to bring the targets towards you. Destroy all four.


Smash The State: Kill everyone in 05 UNATCO.

Kill Anna, Manderley, and all UNATCO troopers. If there are any unconscious, kill them.


Preparations Required:

Safe Haven: Meet with Jaime and Alex

Tell Jaime to follow you to Hong Kong.


Rusty Bones in the Junkyard: Kill Gunther with his killphrase

Tell Jaime to stay in UNATCO or don't talk to him at all.


Liberty Island


0451: Visit the UNATCO COMVAN all 4 times.

Enter the COMVAN near the helipad using the code 0451.


Helping Hand: Help Miguel escape

Help Miguel escape with you from the facility.


Fresh Start: Leave 05 UNATCO Island without having gone to the MJ12 armory.

Do NOT go into the MJ12 armoury to regain your equipment.

Chapter 6
Hong Kong Majestic 12 Helibase


Pre-planned Escape: Disable or destroy both bots before releasing the weapon lock

Enter the vents and follow them to the North East and South East. The bots will be in blue containers facing away from you. Destroy or disable both robots before allowing Jock to fire his missiles to gain this achievement.


Sign Him Up: Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.

Throw a basketball in the hoop on the roof.


Wan Chai Market


The One Augmented Man: Steal the one free crowbar.

Enter the raised room in the building in the south east of the market using the speed aug (or stacking props). The crowbar can be found in the wardrobe.


Wan Chai Market (Compound area)


Pancaked: Kill Louis Pan

Kill Louis Pan who should be outside the compound or inside the nearby shop. He must be killed, knocking out does not count. Knocking out and then killing also does not count.


Preparations Required:

Forget it, Denton.: Leave Hong Kong without a Dragon's Tooth Sword.

Drop any Dragons Tooth Swords you were carrying before leaving.


Tong's Lab

Safe Haven: Meet with Jaime and Alex

Requires that the player told Jaime to follow the player to Hong Kong. After completing all missions in Hong Kong Jock will arrive to take you to New York. Before going to New York go to the infirmary below Tong's room to talk to Jaime and Alex, talk to both to get the achievement and an augmentation upgrade canister.


Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money


Cover Charge: Knock out the door girl with a prod and take her cash

Enter the Lucky Money club and take the stairs on the left. Break through the locked door to find the door girl. Knock her out with a prod to gain the achievement, looting her body is not required.


Escort Mission: Hire an escort.

Hire an escort from the Mamasan on the left for 200 credits when entering the club.


Preparations Required:

Denton, J.C. Denton: Buy a beer at every bar at every opportunity.

Buy a beer from the Lucky Money bar.


Canal Road near Wan Chai Market


Nothing to See Here: Intrude on the police investigation

Before going into Versalife and gaining the ROM module go into the tunnel to where the police are standing at the crash. Either jump over the barricade or take out the police and stand near the dead bodies to gain the achievement.


Canals near Wan Chai Market


Year of the Vulture: Find the aug upgrade in the Canal Road Tunnel

Go to the Old China Hand bar at the South East part of the canal. Enter and go into the freezer at the back, climb on the crates and into the vents. Enter the water and go left in the tunnel, kill or bypass the three baby karkians there and loot the dead scientist's body to find the augmentation upgrade canister and achievement.


Preparations Required:

Denton, J.C. Denton: Buy a beer at every bar at every opportunity.

Buy a beer from the Old China Hand bar.

Chapter 6 (2)
Tonnochi Road


Customized Kill: Steal Jock’s stealth pistol

Go into Maggie Chow's apartment and then into the living room. Smash the windows and jump across the street onto the balcony. Break the windows and enter Jock's apartment, at the front door on a table will be his pistol, pick it up to obtain the achievement.


Truth is Seldom Visible: Kill Maggie Chow in her apartment

Go into Maggie Chow's apartment and simply kill her at any point before she escapes.


Cutting Corners: Kill Maggie before she even talks

Go into Maggie Chow's apartment and kill her immediately before she can speak to you.


Versalife Advanced R&D (Level 1)


Everybody Panic!: Release the greasels at Versalife

Go past the computer containing the ROM module and progress past the barracks and into the labs. Find the key to the greasel cage beside the dead gray, open the greasel cage and obtain the achievement.


Preparations Required:

Arachnophobia: Destroy three giant spiderbots.

Return to this level after speaking to Tong when you've got the sword's ROM, a spiderbot will be under the giant hand statue. Destroy it.


Versalife Advanced R&D (Level 2)


In and Out: Destroy the UC and exit without killing or knocking out any enemies

Destroy the UC and exit without killing, knocking out or disabling any enemies. Everything on this map must survive, including the both commandos, all three security bots, both spiderbots, Maggie Chow (if alive), the medical bot, the karkian, and the scientist.

Chapter 8
Hell’s Kitchen


The Anonymous Gangbanger of the 21st Century:
On realistic, kill every UNATCO and MJ12 troop.

On realistic kill or knock out every UNATCO and MJ12 trooper. This is only possible after talking to Smuggler or Dowd. In order to gain this achievement the riot cops must also be knocked out or killed. There is one riot cop on the roof of a skyscraper that needs to be dealt with too.


Forget it, Denton.:
Leave Hong Kong without a Dragon's Tooth Sword.

Start the level without a Dragon's Tooth Sword.


Sign Him Up:
Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.

Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.


'Ton Hotel


Recent Memories:
Revisit Paul's hidden closet

In Paul's apartment open his secret compartment using the keypad behind the painting and the code 4321. Enter the compartment to earn the achievement.


Smuggler's Lair


Warn Smuggler of the incoming raid

After talking to Dowd go to Smuggler and warn him of the possible raid.


Free Clinic


Where’s Your Tux?:
Confront Joe Greene

After talking to Harley Filben at the Underworld Tavern, go to the Free Clinic and confront Joe Greene, accuse him of working for UNATCO.


Preparations Required:

Grave Digger:
Kill the maximum amount of human enemies at the Graveyard

If playing on Realistic, do not accuse Joe Greene of being a spy, instead ask him if he knows about Dowd.


Underworld Tavern

Preparations Required:

Denton, J.C. Denton:
Buy a beer at every bar at every opportunity.

Buy a beer from Shea.


A New Age:
Kill Jordan Shea, Anna Navarre, and Gunther Hermann.

Kill Shea.

Chapter 9


Reprogram all bots at the shipyard.

This can be done using two computer terminals. Both can be accessed using the login "Walton" and password "Simons". The first one is in the building directly infront of the main gate, when entering the building look at the left for a room with a camera in it. When in this room enter the room on the right using the code 2249, the first computer is in this room.
The second computer is in the small security tower in the left of the ammunition storage room.


Upon arriving at the dockyard, sink the ship and leave within 15 (real time) minutes.

Upon arriving at the dockyard, sink the ship and leave to Jock within 15 minutes. This timer counts while the game is closed and does not reset from loading. I managed to do this in 7 minutes first try.


Shipyard Fan


My Biggest Fan:
Destroy the big fan.

Either use explosives on the giant fan to destroy it, or if underneith then go into the small room beside it and press the button on the control panel to blow it up.


Human Revolution:
Stand on the big fan.

Simply stand on the big fan, any part of it counts, though the middle part of it won't kill you.


Shipyard (Internal)


Infiltration Work:
Enter the lower decks without killing/knocking anyone out.

Simply get past the locked door to enter the lower decks of the ship. If you have the speed aug then it is suggested to enter via the fan level and then jump across the grate to get to the ship. If you don't have this aug then take the ladder down to the dock, then take the elevator up to the crane control to activate the crane. Go back up the ladder to the grate and take the beam across to the ship.
When on the ship go upstairs to the sickbay, open the cabinet to get the key, then sneak back down and open the locked door to the lower decks and enter.


Mmm, Delicious:
Drink the ambrosia vial.

Pick up the ambrosia vial on the ship in the room with the locked safe with the augmentation upgrade canister in it and then drink it.


I'm the Captain Now:
Use the ship wheel.

Use the ship's wheel at the top.


Preparations Required:

A Good Deed:
Give the ambrosia vial to Dowd.

Pick up the ambrosia vial on the ship in the room with the locked safe with the augmentation upgrade canister in it.




Drug of the Mind:
Kill the gatekeeper before talking to Dowd.

Kill the gatekeeper then talk to Dowd.


A Good Deed:
Give the ambrosia vial to Dowd.

Talk to Dowd while you have the ambrosia vial.


Unearthed Horrors:
Escape the underground crypt.

Find the key to the chapel at the dumpster on the surface. Enter and use the beam to the left of the doors. Look to the right on the ground and enter the hatch. Take the elevator down and then go forward. Take the fallen pillar upwards and then use the glowing cross on the left, this will open the door to the ancient sword. Pick up the sword and then use the small wooden beam at the top left of the room to escape.
When in the tomb take a ladder up. If you fall into the water with the karkians then look for the area where you can climb ledges to go up, at the bottom of there should be a switch you can pull. Pull the lever and climb to the top. When at the top go left to find the gas chamber, a brick on the left can be pushed to open the door to escape.


Grave Digger:
Defeat every possible human enemy on realistic.

Requires that you're playing on realistic and asked Joe Greene about Dowd in chapter 8. Doing this will allow the most enemies and for commandos to spawn. Kill them all after destroying the EMP device to gain the achievement.


Laid to Rest:
Bury Paul's body in the graveyard (in the ancient tomb)

Follow the instructions for "Unearthed Horrors", but drop Paul's body inside the tomb where the ancient sword is located.


You're a Complete Jackass:
Drink the ambrosia in front of Dowd

Stand within 16ft of Dowd and drink the ambrosia from the ship.

Chapter 10
Paris Streets (Near Denfert-Rochereau)


Call to Arms: Recieve the phone call from Icarus

In the building opposite the entrance to the catacombs is a room with a phone, break in and answer the phone to recieve a call and gain this achievement.


Catacombs Tunnels


Harpy: Kill or knock out Agent Hela.

The key to the exit door is guarded by a Woman in Black named Agent Hela, kill or knock her out to gain this achievement.


Paris Streets (Near Champs-Elysees)


Arbitrary Laws: Break into the empty room at the hostel.

Go to the hostel where the drug deals are at the bar. Go upstairs and then around the corner to find a nanokey on a cart, pick it up and go back. Use the key on the locked door and enter to recieve an infolink from Icarus.


Supply and Demand: Buy drugs in chapter 3, sell drugs in chapter 10.

Break into the bakery and steal the zyme there, then return to Renault in the hostel bar, talk to him about selling the zyme and successfully sell it (you can barter the price up to 65c/vial, but no higher). If you bought the zyme from Rock in chapter 3, you will be awarded with the achievement.


Denton, J.C. Denton: Buy a beer at every bar at every opportunity.

Buy wine from the hostel bar.


Vive la France: Kill all MJ12 troops and robots on the metro streets and destroy their carcasses.

As above, kill all MJ12 enemies, destroy their bodies, and destroy the two robots.


Preparations Required:

Rusty Bones in the Junkyard: Kill Gunther with his killphrase

Talk to Jaime at the café to gain Gunther's killphrase if you didn't tell Jaime to go to Hong Kong with you.


La Porte de l’Enfer


Denton, J.C. Denton: Buy a beer at every bar at every opportunity.

Buy wine from either club bar.


Civil Soldier: Tell El Rey to go to school, tell Cassandra to get a job

Break into the club storage either using the vent or the keypad (code: 1966). Then talk to Cassandra about the code, you will tell her to get a job instead, awarding this achievement if you told El Rey to go to school earlier.

Chapter 11
Cathedral du Paynes


Rusty Bones in the Junkyard: Kill Gunther with his killphrase

After gaining Gunther's killphrase in Paris from Jaime, talk to Gunther and select his first conversation option.


Brutal Argument: Kill an agent with a killphrase.

Obtained with 'Rusty Bones in the Junkyard' achievement.


A Gentleman's Agreement: Successfully knock out Gunther Hermann.

Damage Gunther with normal weapons and then finish him off with the mini-crossbow. Using the killphrase on him and then knocking him out does not count.


Pity Upon Pity: Knock out Adept 34501

Knock out the woman in black, near the top of the cathedral.


Metro Station near Cathedral du Paynes


Private Memoirs: Report and confront the mechanic in the metro station.

Find the mechanic standing with the repairbot, opposite the café. Break into the café and read the book. Talk to one of the police men and report the mechanic, nothing will happen from it. Go to the mechanic and state that you turned him in to gain the achievement.


Morgan Everett’s Home


Loss of Trust: Confront Everett about Morpheus, then kill deBeers.

Ensure that you don't talk to deBeers. First, meet Morpheus using the code 8001, then talk to Everett until you confront him about Morpheus. After this go to deBeers behind the mirror and then hack his security console to kill him.


Voltaire: Listen to all of Morpheus' conversations.

Find Morpheus and talk to him each time. This includes all of the 1st person conversations, ensure that you don't walk away to cancel a conversation while doing it.


A Humble Request: Talk to deBeers and then Everett

Talk to deBeers, he will request that his temperature be raised. Talk to Everett until J.C. asks this to gain the achievement.


Replaced: Kill deBeers.

Find deBeers behind the mirror in the bedroom's bathroom. The key can be found in Morpheus' room if needed. When there use the security console beside deBeers and shut down his bio-support systems to gain the achievement.


A Bomb!: Find the bomb in Jock's helicopter.

Knock out or kill the mechanic at the helipad, then talk to Jock.


Preparations Required:

Black Hawk Down: Lose Jock to the bomb.

Do not confront or kill the mechanic, just leave.

Chapter 12
Vandenberg Air Force Base


Sniping's a Good Job: Destroy all robots before entering the main building.

Destroy/disable all of the bots before you enter the main building. This can easily be done by destroying them with the GEP gun while on the roof, or you can slide off the building and go around on foot, as long as you don't enter the building.


Preparations Required:

Contamination and Mutants: Drop an MiB’s body in one of the vats.

In the main building, knock out the MiB instead of killing him, then take his body to the tunnels.


Tunnels under Vandenberg Air Force Base


Contamination and Mutants: Drop an MiB’s body in one of the vats.

Take the unconcious MiB's body and jump into one of the green vats, try not to die from the spinning part. While in the green liquid drop the body to gain the achievement.


California Gas Station


Desperate but Pushing: Meet Sandra in California

After Sandra left the hotel in chapter 4, meet her in the valley under the bridge with the bums.


Unleaded Destruction: Destroy the gas pumps

Destroy the gas pumps near the gas station, preferably using explosives.


Smooth Operator: Save Tiffany.

Safely guide Tiffany to the helicopter and then leave the level.


Killing Machine: Personally kill Tiffany.

Kill Tiffany yourself, this can easily be done if you take the ladder to the gas station's roof, then cross the wires to the building where she's being held. From here you can drop down to where she is and kill her before the AI gets there.

Chapter 14
Pasadena Ocean Lab


The More Advanced Model: Kill Walton Simons.

Kill Walton Simons on the return trip from the Ocean Lab.


Duel of the Fates: Kill Simons with the DTS while he is wielding the DTS.

Damage Walton Simons until he activates his cloak (not needed, but makes it easier), then kill him with the Dragon's Tooth Sword while he also has his Dragon's Tooth Sword equipped.
Must be the DTS, cannot be the ancient sword.


Preparations Required:

Hall of Mirrors: Don't kill Walton Simons.

Instead of killing Walton Simons, bypass him and run away. It's easier to do this with a cloak and the regeneration augmentation (or the energy shield augmentation if you chose that).


Pasadena Ocean Lab (UC Module)

Go: Get the schematic from the Ocean Lab UC within 20 (real time) minutes from landing at the base

Upon arriving at the Ocean Lab surface, go to the lab, download the UC schematics. This timer counts while the game is closed and does not reset from loading. I managed to do this in 7 minutes first try.


Preparations Required:

Arachnophobia: Destroy three giant spiderbots.

Destroy the giant spiderbot on the ground floor, near the elevator/armoury.


Missile Silo near Pasadena


Counter-Sneak-Attack: Injure the ambush at the missile silo.

Before triggering Page's trap at the hallway to the missile, shoot a LAW rocket or WP rocket down the hallway to injure the troops.

Chapter 15
Area 51 Bunker


Black Hawk Down: Lose Jock to the bomb.

Obtained at the start of the chapter if the bomb in Jock's helicopter wasn't found.


Lack of Respect: Throw Walton Simons' body into the giant pit.

Find Simons in the storage building behind the hangar, kill him and then throw his body in the giant pit, then wait a few seconds.


Duel of the Fates: Kill Simons with the DTS while he is wielding the DTS.

Damage Walton Simons until he activates his cloak (not needed, but makes it easier), then kill him with the Dragon's Tooth Sword while he also has his Dragon's Tooth Sword equipped.
Must be the DTS, cannot be the ancient sword.


High Tech War: While in Area 51, fire your plasma rifle at the same time as Simons.

Shoot your plasma rifle at the same time that Walton Simons shoots his plasma rifle.
Only awarded at Area 51.


Preparations Required:

Hall of Mirrors: Don't kill Walton Simons.

Instead of killing Walton Simons, bypass him and run away. It's easier to do this with a cloak and the regeneration augmentation (or the energy shield augmentation if you chose that).


Area 51 Sector 2


Fully Prepared: Enter Page's bunker with full health and energy.

Enter this map with full health and bioenergy.


Jack of All Trades: Train all skills but master none.

Enter this map and have every skill at trained or advanced, but none at master.


Sign Him Up: Throw a basketball in the hoop at the basketball court.

Throw a basketball in either hoop at the basketball court.


Duel of the Fates: Kill Simons with the DTS while he is wielding the DTS.

Damage Walton Simons until he activates his cloak (not needed, but makes it easier), then kill him with the Dragon's Tooth Sword while he also has his Dragon's Tooth Sword equipped.
Must be the DTS, cannot be the ancient sword.


High Tech War: While in Area 51, fire your plasma rifle at the same time as Simons.

Shoot your plasma rifle at the same time that Walton Simons shoots his plasma rifle.
Only awarded at Area 51.


Preparations Required:

Hall of Mirrors: Don't kill Walton Simons.

Instead of killing Walton Simons, bypass him and run away. It's easier to do this with a cloak and the regeneration augmentation (or the energy shield augmentation if you chose that).


Area 51 Sector 3


Hall of Mirrors: Don't kill Walton Simons.

Obtained after talking to Tracer Tong if Walton Simons wasn't killed.


Arachnophobia: Destroy three giant spiderbots.

Destroy the giant spiderbot on the ground floor, near the entrance to sector 4.


Another Kind of Question: Talk to Paul or Savage

Talk to Paul or Savage at the holoprojector at the end of the map.


Tough Love: Steal the prototype assault heartgun.

Make sure that both Walton Simons and Gunther Hermann aren't dead when doing this.
When entering the aquinas hub destroy the windows by the medical bot and on the other side. Use the speed aug to reach the room on the other side of the gap (or stack things). Find the heartgun in the container using the code *51*.


Area 51 Sector 4


Indecisive Preparations: Setup the requirements for each ending

Shut down all four blue fusion reactors using the code 7243.
Cut the coolant to the reactors at the coolant control room.
Open the wideband and ultrawhite controls and then engage the primary router at the Aquinas Router room.
Back in sector three, toggle the failsafes at the base of each reactor, then trigger the three ion injectors at the control room.


LockDown: Shut down all UCs

Contain all three UCs on the map. The top one spawning spiderbots, the middle one spawning grays, and the lower one spawning greasels and karkians. Either blow open the door or use the code 1234.

End Game Achievements
So Let It Be Written: Beat the game with any ending.

Beat the game with any ending.


Deus Ex: Become one with everything.

Beat the game with Helios' ending.


Tunnel Vision: Beat the game in under 10 hours.

Beat the game in under 10 (in-game) hours.


Nothing to Stop Me: Beat the game on realistic difficulty.

Beat the game on realistic difficulty with Small Items mode disabled.


Baggy Coats: Beat the game with trenchcoat mode enabled.

Beat the game with trenchcoat mode enabled with Small Items mode disabled.


Not a Challenge: Beat the game with trenchcoat mode enabled and on realistic difficulty.

"Nothing to Stop Me" + "Baggy Coats".


Unsecure Data : Complete the game without using multitools

Complete the game without using multitools.


Explosive Intrusion: Complete the game without using lockpicks

Complete the game without using lockpicks.


Unlimited Knowledge: Complete the game without hacking any computers

Complete the game without hacking any computers.


Xenophile: Complete the game without killing any greasels, grays, karkians, or baby karkians.

Complete the game without killing any greasels, grays, karkians, or baby karkians.


But Still Overskilled: Beat the game with all skills untrained

Beat the game with all skills untrained.


Purity First: Trigger an ending without any custom augmentations installed

Simply beat the game without installing any augmentations. Using your light augmentation is allowed.


Self Sufficient: Beat the game without healing using a medbot or restoring energy using a repair bot.

As stated, medbots can be used to install augmentations without any side effects.


The Unavoidable Sacrifice: Beat the game killing only Anna.

As stated, beat the game killing only Anna, all other enemies must be avoided or knocked out.
Terms for this achievement:

Turret kills count as your kills, don't allow them.
Misc kills that can't be tied to anyone should be assumed to be yours. E.g. terrorists that die from the generator exploding in chapter 2 count as your kill.
If another enemy kills something, it doesn't count as your kill.
Scrambler grenades can be used on bots to have them kill for you without issue.
Rats, cats, birds, fish, flies, and robots can be killed.
Dogs, greasels, grays, and karkians cannot be killed.

The "SacrificeAchievementCheck" command can be used to show if the achievement is valid.


This is War!: Beat the game without knocking out anyone.

Enemies must be killed or avoided, knocking out any invalidates the achievement.

The "WarAchievementCheck" command can be used to show if the achievement is valid.


Dead Within 24 Hours: Beat the game in under 24 (real time) hours.

Upon starting the game from the starting dock, finish within 24 real time hours. This timer counts while the game is closed.


Grand Host: Have full health and energy when you merge with Helios

Complete the game using the Helios ending while your health and energy are at their maximum.


Plain and Simple: Beat the game without modifying any weapons.

Complete the game without using a single weapon modification.


No Proof: Complete the game without alerting a security camera.

Complete the game without a camera setting off its alarm (going to full red status), yellow status is allowed and seeing you without seeing off its alarm is allowed.

Paris Cathedral


Bail Out!: Kill an enemy by causing a helicopter to crash into them.

Survive until at least wave 71 on the cathedral, then wait for a helicopter to spawn. Disable it with plasma (on normal mode) or an EMP grenade. Have it crash onto an enemy and kill them to gain the achievement.

Cut Achievements:
Hell's Kitchen:

Off Duty Terrorism: Shoot down the plane as it flies overhead.

Was cut due to the plane being too hard to hit, along with the collision not being correct.
The plane was rarely destroyed with a rocket, even when motionless.


End Game:

Buckle Up: Beat the game on realistic with trenchcoat and heavy ammo modes enabled, along with small items mode disabled.

Was cut due to "Heavy Ammo Mode" not being finished.
Heavy ammo mode was discontinued due to issues with the ammo overlapping other items in the inventory. It can be viewed (although somewhat cut and unfinished) with the command "set human bHeavyAmmoMode true".



Superhuman: Survive a fall that would normally kill you, using the speed augmentation.

Cut due not knowing how to program it.


SUPPRESSING FIIIIIRE!: Empty an entire Assault Rifle during the Hell’s Kitchen NSF firefight in the park without killing anyone.

"That’s Terror."

Cut due not knowing how to program it.


Multi-Situational: Fill your inventory with 1x1 items only.

"Carry as many small things as possible."

Cut due not knowing how to program it.


UNATCO Seal: Float underwater for a full minute without running out of air.

"Float underwater for a full minute without running out of air."

Cut due not knowing how to program it.

Captain 4 Mar @ 2:44am 
@cadobazeta just beating the game takes significant time, at this point i'm about 60 hours in trying to do as many achievements as possible on the first run on revision, obviously this is a super casual speed but considering u have to finish the game in different ways to 100%, ur gonna have to be patient with it
Shabby 30 Jun, 2024 @ 6:37pm 
My vision is augmented.
cadobazeta 14 Jun, 2024 @ 10:28am 
Alright, so I'm curious - approximately how long would it take for a newbie to 100% this list?
dnecro 13 Jun, 2024 @ 3:29am 
I searched so much for The One Augmented Man archivement here it its location in Picture for anyone who search for it in the future :
PACO! 2 Jun, 2024 @ 6:03pm 
"Show me the money" achievement was not unlock when i reached 10k credits, it has came a few credits later, about at 10,600
teemu92 20 May, 2024 @ 6:16am 
Thanks for the guide, great help! :steamthumbsup::jcdenton:
-Chris- 24 Feb, 2024 @ 5:10pm 
Jack of all trades:
Has a description in this guide as "Enter this map and have every skill at trained or advanced, but none at master."
The achievement does not trigger at start of this map - I had upgraded skills to meet criterial before leaving missile silo, & also tried at start of area 51 & nothing happened. WHEN it actually triggers is as you enter sector 2 (after bringing the elevator on line & heading down), please correct the guide description for accuracy
-Chris- 21 Feb, 2024 @ 8:28am 
Supply & demand:
Also works (on easy at least) if you by zyme from rook in chapter 3, drop that vial to make space for more useful items. When get to chapter 10, raid bakery & sell that to Renault
-Chris- 21 Feb, 2024 @ 8:10am 
For Creature of the Sea: You need BOTH parts at SAME TIME i.e. aqualung maxed out & swimming skill mastered. Better description might be "Fully upgrade aqualung augmentation & master swimming skill together "

Note: Amphibiously Augmented Agent (max out aqualung) & Swift as Dolphin (master swimming skill) can be done independently of one another
-Chris- 29 Jan, 2024 @ 4:46pm 
I'm the captain now achievement: Also can be triggered in Hong Kong on the boat with a repair bot in engine room