Green Ronin
"Trotting on rocky roads, and crossing mountainous crags, came he the roaming Green Ronin, and his honed blue-steel blade. Used to do battle with wrong-doers and brigands of the like, who pray upon the innocent souls.

Never does he fall under the banner of any single lord, for they, to him, spend away many a lives and coin from their fat coffers in futile fueds. Once under the banners of a noble lord, fought in the conflict of the Sengoku Jidai, but thence broke away from the Samurai Pact, and chosen to become a free wandering blade, forever till the end of time.

And never does he take up the European Muskets, with their terrible roaring fire and gunpowder projected shot, for only does he need his keen eye and blade for the fray of endless battles, thence came since the time of creation, and the dawn of endless time."