Mighty No. 9

Mighty No. 9

112 ratings
So far we have on Steam...
By Kona Milano
This is an archive of the community thread "So far we have on Steam..." It is directly inspired by the fact that Mighty No. 9 is the spiritual successor to other platformers. This guide eschews the discussion, and simply lists all the reccomendations on one page in sorted form. Games may feel like improved remakes, like stylistic demakes, or a completely new take on a conceit; they may be a little known inspiration, a AAA-level reworking, or a D-list cashin; but the influence is clear, and something about that game scratches that itch.

Thanks to the original posters on the original thread.
MaidenlessJay 8 Dec, 2024 @ 12:12pm 
If anyone wants to play a game thats very much inspired by Shadow of the Colossus check out Prey for the Gods
ADarkRaccoon 27 Feb, 2017 @ 4:01am 
Revive this thread plz!~
SchuratzPraime 9 Jan, 2017 @ 7:44am 
Oh there's another 2 for the Mega Man cathegory Legend of the Dark Witch I & II. It's great what you're doing to catalogue it, I want to help with titles similar to the franchises I like. You're doing a great work for people.:Ken::Akuma:
SchuratzPraime 6 Jan, 2017 @ 5:10pm 
Mega Man is missing Giga Girl. Paper Mario is missing Stick of Truth.
ACasualPlayer 1 Jan, 2017 @ 9:05am 
The Takeover can be added to the Streets of Rage category.
JoesGuy 27 Sep, 2016 @ 12:57am 
Overlord 1 + 2 are missing from the Pikmin category. ;)
Saej 27 Aug, 2016 @ 6:01pm 
For Gears of War

Play: Zombies Monsters Robots (F2p).
Xaen 27 Aug, 2016 @ 1:47pm 
God Eater is missing in Monster Hunter. Nice work!
ADarkRaccoon 25 Aug, 2016 @ 1:59pm