Rocket League

Rocket League

544 ratings
Rocket League Achievements
Unlock All Achievements

The platinum trophy. Like other games, you get this for earning all other trophies.
Collect 150 items

This trophy's requirements have been changed as of the latest update from having to earn all items, to just 200.

By completing games, you unlock items to customise your Battle-Car with, such as decals, paint and ‘toppers’, which are essentially hats. There are well over 200 items in the game with all of the updates installed, so you won't have to unlock everything.

One item is earned for each completed game, so you will have to complete 200 games to unlock the trophy. Using the free mutators update, which can be gotten by simply updating the game to the latest version, you can earn this trophy in record time. On the main menu, select Exhibition. Set the game to have no bots and any player count. Then select the Mutator Settings option from this menu. In the Mutator Settings menu, set 'Max Score' to 1 goal. This way, the game will end immediately as you score one goal.

When the game starts, score a goal. The game will end and you'll be taken to the post-game menu. Here, select Ready to be taken to the next game. Rinse and repeat until you've unlocked all of the items.

The trophy will unlock as soon as you finish the game in which you earned your last item.
Far, Far Away...
Drive a total of 50 km

The latest update has apparently reduced the amount of KM required from 500 to 50. This appears to only be a requirements change and doesn't affect the trophy's glitches.

This trophy's requirements are glitched; the trophy will unlock once you have covered 50KM, but the game's counters are broken and don't record distance correctly. The curent count seems to hover around 18KM. Also, you'll need to accumulate these KM on a single set of wheels, so for the purposes of this guide, pick one of the default ones and don't change it. If you've crossed this amount by a significant margin, switch to a different set of wheels as you may have passed the required amount and the trophy simply didn't unlock.

You can check how many KM you have traveled. At the main menu, select Garage, then press to scroll to wheels. Hover over the wheel you've been driving with and it will show you how many KM it has accumulated. This is the counter that is glitched, so treat it as if you need to earn 68KM to unlock the trophy.

This trophy also has a number of other glitches: Boosting to cover more distance faster is known to have the opposite effect; the counters sometimes rise slower in games where you primarily boosted.

The method to boost this trophy will involve you spending a few hours letting the game idle in Exhibition without bots while your car runs in circles. It requires a rubber band and some other way of holding down (In my case, a second rubber band).

Win the Season Championship

While playing the season, you will first have to get a record good enough to enter the playoffs. When starting a season, you can select whether the playoffs have 4 or 6 slots. All that 4 slots does is remove the wild card bracket, and thus requires that you perform better. While you need to be in the top 4 out of 10 teams for 4 slots, you only need to be in the top 6 for 6 slots. So, select 6 playoff slots.

After entering the playoffs, you must win every game in it or else you are eliminated. This is massively helped by the fact that, at any point in any game, you can press and restart the game at no consequence. The game autosaves once a game ends, so there is no loss of progress if you do not let the game end to begin with.

As for some other tips, be sure to use anything you have learned from the training modes. Maintain your leads. 6-0 leads can crumble quickly if you let up on defense. If you do, however, completely fall apart, you can always restart the match.

Finally, a lot of your goals will come immediately at kick-off. This is a prime opportunity because, unlike in multiplayer, the AI opponents generally do not aggressively charge and jump at the ball for an easy first goal. So, when play starts, immediately hold and pick up every orange boost pad on the way. When you are about to hit the ball, press to jump at the ball and knock it across the field for what is usually an easy first goal. Have a look at an example below:

If you are lucky, you will be in the same or a similar position when the next kickoff starts. Use this to farm goals and get a comfortable lead, then defend the rest of the game. Use these tips as well as using the restart trick; the latter in particular is imperative as it gives you a vital safety net. The trophy will unlock as soon as you win the last game of the playoffs.
The Streak
Win 10 games in a row across any mode

This is normally quite difficult as there is no room for error, but all that changes when you literally do not have any opposition. So, simply score a goal and run the clock out. You will probably get this trophy anyway doing the other tasks for miscellaneous and gameplay-related trophies, but if you do not have it by the time you have finished, or you lost a game, you'll most definitely earn this trophy while completing the final grind.
Helen's Pride
Score 6 goals in a single game

Start an Exhibition game alone with bots turned off. Punt the ball straight into the goal. Repeat those steps 5 more times. The trophy will unlock as soon as you score the 6th goal.
Battle-Car Collector
Unlcock all Battle-Cars

This will come on your way to Stocked. When you complete a game, you get an item. There is a chance of this being a Battle-Car. There are 11 of them in total. The first 10 are unlocked through normal progression; completing games. The final one, Sweet Tooth, is unlocked by completing one game with the four bodies that are unlocked from the start. These are:

  • Gizmo
  • Octane
  • Road Hog
  • X-Devil

    You can track how many times you have won with each body in the Garage on the main menu, though this stat doesn't count losses. When hovering over a body, it will show you how many wins it has. The trophy will unlock as soon as you earn your last Battle-Car.
Drops in the Bucket
Collect 50 items

See Stocked. The trophy will unlock as soon as you unlock your 50th item. This does not include the 32 items you start with.
Compete the regular Season

The shortest possible season is 9 games. From the main menu, select Seasons. From here, set up your season to have 9 games in it. You will be able to create your own team and name, and pick an icon and colour scheme from a list. After that, you can begin the series. Be sure to win the first game for Perfect Start and also check Champion for tips on getting into and winning the playoffs. The trophy will unlock once you complete the ninth game of the season.
Grease Monkey
Customize every slot on a single Battle-Car

From the main menu, select Garage. Here, you can customise your Battle-Cars with several categories of items such as decals, paint jobs rims, flags and toppers. To start with, no toppers will be unlocked, so you must play some Exhibition games until one is. Once a topper is unlocked, navigate to the garage and apply one item of each category to your Battle-Car. The trophy will unlock as soon as you do. Also, be sure to customise paint jobs for both teams as others have reported that they didn't unlock the trophy because they only changed it for one team.
Pitch Veteran
Play a total of 20 games across any game mode

You will most definitely get this trophy by the end of Step 3. Simply complete 20 games across any game mode to earn the trophy. Unlike Super Victorious, you do not have to win these games. The trophy will unlock after finishing the 20th game.
Rider's Block
Make 20 Saves

A Save is when a player stops what would otherwise be a goal. You can grind these with a second controller or PS Vita in Exhibition. Essentially, have player 2 hit the ball towards the goal.
Break Shot
Score a goal by hitting your opponent into the ball

ou can set this up fairly easily in local split-screen. Simply position player 2 in between the ball and player 1. Then, with player 1, ram player 2 into the ball and score a goal. It may take a couple of tries given the physics of the cars. Have a look below for a demonstration. You can also boost this trophy online in Private Matches with a friend.
Use your Rocket Boost fot a total of 5 minutes

You will get this naturally during your platinum run.
Drill Sergeant
Complete every Practice Drill (any difficulty)

On the main menu, select Training. From here you can see 5 options. The bottom 3 here are the Practice Drills; Goalie, Striker and Aerial. Select one to get started. I recommend Striker first as it is the easiest and you will have already picked up some skills from Step 1.

For Striker, you will be completing 10 basic goals. It starts off very easy as the balls are completely stationary. Later in the round the balls are moving, but thankfully very slowly.

For Goalie, you will be defending the goals from balls thrown at you at increasing speed. Even if you are bad at defending the Goalie drills are very easy and only require you to be able to hit the ball away. At the start of the first 8 drills, just charge the ball and you win that drill automatically. For the last 2, you will have to time it correctly as you approach the ball from the side.
Minute to WIn it
With only 60 seconds left, Win a game in which you were tied or traliling

This trophy is misleading as the team you must trail from or be tied with must have 1 or more goal; breaking a 0-0 tie does not count. Also, strangely, you will need a second controller or a PS Vita for this as deliberately scoring an own goal to trail will not work.

Start up an Exhibition game with 2 players. Then, score a goal with player 2. Run the clock down and score 2 goals with player 1 once 'One Minute Remaining' flashes on screen.

The trophy will unlock as soon as the game ends. You can also boost this trophy online in Private Matches with a friend.
Speed Demon
Comptelety fill and then empty your Rocket Boost 10 times in a single match

This is very easily done in Exhibition with bots turned off. Empty your boost without touching any orange objects around the map. Then, touch one of the pads with an orange orb floating above it:
Pick-Me Up
Collect 5 items

See Stocked. The trophy will unlock as soon as you unlock your 5th item. This does not include the 32 items you start with.
Drive on the dome walls for a total of 5 minutes

You can do this in either Exhibition with bots turned off or Freeplay. I did it in the latter as that mode has no timer.
Team Player
Play against every team in a Season

In a season, you will play against 9 teams, with you being the 10th. The shortest possible season is 9 games, so completing a 9-game season will unlock this trophy alongside Rocketeer. See that trophy for more information.
SARPBC Forever
Play with both classic Battle-Cars (Octane and Backfire)

There are 2 cars that have been brought back from the previous game. The first, Octane, is unlocked from the start. The second, Backfire, needs to be unlocked by completing Exhibition games. After unlocking Backfire, simply complete Exhibition games with both cars. You can change your cars in Garage on the main menu.
Feather In Your Recap
Watch a save file in Replay mode

After finishing a game, you will get an option to save a replay. Press on this option to do so. Then, on the main menu, select Extras, then Replays. You will be given a list of replays you have saved. Select one. The trophy will unlock as soon as the replay starts.
Win a total of 5 games across any mode

See Super Victorious. You will unlock this naturally very early on, while completing gameplay-related trophies. Simply win 5 games. The trophy will unlock as soon as you win your 5th game.
Clean Sheet
Win a game without iving up a single Goal

You will unlock this automatically once you have won your first Exhibition game playing alone, assuming you did not score an own goal. Otherwise, it is impossible not to get this trophy while completing others.
Triple Threat
Win a 3v3 game

At the main menu, select Exhibition. at this menu, you can select how many players can play in a game. Simply set that to 3v3. Also, make sure bots are turned off. When the game starts, score one goal. Then, let the timer run out. You do not even have to have any other players in the game. The trophy will unlock as soon as the game ends.

You can repeat these above steps for Double Up and Singles Club by setting the players to 2v2 and 1v1, respectively.
Double Up
Win a 2v2 game

See Triple Threat
Singles Club
Win a 1v1 game

See Triple Threat
Perfect Start
Win your first game of the Season

When starting a season and choosing a team as mentioned in Rocketeer, you must win the first game. So if you lost that game, you have missed the trophy and have to start a new season.
Still A Show-Off
Score a goal while reversing

After starting a game in Exhibition (as always with bots turned off), turn your car around 180 degrees.
Know the Drill
Comlete a Practice Drill

See Drill Sergeant. The trophy will unlock as soon as you complete your first drill.
Play in every Rocket League Stadium

While setting up an Exhibition game, the first option will be to select an arena. There are 7 of them though only 4 are needed for the trophy. They are as follows:

DFH Stadium
Urban Central
Beckwith Park
The alternate versions of these maps, which feature different weather or times of day, are not needed for this trophy. When going for the other trophies, be sure to pick a different arena every time. Also, you have to finish the game for it to count. The trophy will unlock at the end of the game in which you picked the last unplayed arena.
Customize one slot on a single Battle-Car

On the Main Menu, select Garage.
Score your first Goal

Simply start up an Exhibition game without bots and drive forward. Hit the ball and score a goal. This, of course, works in any game mode, but you will definitely get it early in your platinum run. The trophy will unlock as soon as the goal is scored.
Barras Bravas
Play an Online game with a Friend

This is the sole online trophy of the game and will require a friend to do it. Simply invite them to your party at the main menu by pressing . Once they join into your party, click Online Match from the main menu and search for a matchmade game. As long as you are playing a game with that person, it counts for the trophy. The trophy will unlock as soon as the game starts.

Check and post in this thread if you need a boosting partner:

Trophy Boosting Thread
Alternatively, if you have a second account on your system that is on your friends list, you can sign them in with a second controller. After that, find a game in matchmaking or start an Online Private Match.
Play an Exhibition match

You will get this naturally on your way to other trophies. On the main menu, select Exhibition and start a match. The trophy will unlock as soon as the game finishes.

Sky High
Score an Aerial Goal

In order to get an aerial goal, the bottom of the ball must be above the top of the goal and you must hit the ball while in the air. This can come naturally in play or you can easily boost it offline or online, in solo or in co-op with a friend.

All Fours
Win a 4v4 game

Simply go to exhibition, put it on 4v4, no bots, and score one goal and wait for the clock to tick. However, if you are looking for more fun then add bots or go to online 4v4 and just play a game until your team wins.
Play a game on Utopia Coliseum

Simply go to exhibition, pick the arena Utopia Coliseum, any amount of players, bots or no bots and wait for the clock to tick because it doesn't matter if you win or not.

Winning is Winning
Win a Season Championship usingDominus or Takumi in every game

For this trophy, you must win a full Season Championship whilst using one of the DLC Car bodies, Dominus or Takumi. It works the exact same way as the Champion trophy from the main game.
An Inch and 62 Miles
Drive 10 km with either the Cristiano or Spinner Wheels

For this trophy you need to travel 10km using either the Cristiano or Spinner Wheels during any combination of game modes.
Ride or Die
Equip both Dominus and Takumi with a new Decal and Painy Finish, then win a game

The description for this trophy is slightly misleading. It seems you must use one of the New DLC Decal's/Paint Finishes and change all four Paint Slots in the Garage for this to count, none of the ones from the base game will work. I have included a screenshot below to highlight this.

You can use any of combination of the below to unlock the trophy, highlighted in red are Decals/Paint I used:

Decal - Scorpions, Tats
Paint Finish - Brushed Metal, Carbon Fiber, Pearlescent, Metallic Pearl, Wood, Semigloss

Decal - Chaser, Copycat, Crazy-8, Gaki, Reiko
Paint Finish - Brushed Metal, Carbon Fiber, Pearlescent, Metallic Pearl, Wood, Semigloss

Note - It is unknown if you have to use a DLC Paint Finish on every slot or just one for it to count for the trophy, as you can see in my selection and screenshot below I use the Semigloss and it didn't void the trophy. I tested this on an alternate account using Pearlescent on all four slots for one car, then Metallic Pearl on all four slots of the other and this unlocked the trophy also.

Now you can play an Exhibition match, without bots and setting mutator settings to Max Score 1. Score one goal for an easy victory. Do this for both cars to unlock the trophy.

If you have trouble unlocking this still after following all of the above, refer to this post by the real evanio HERE for another method.
Don't Lock Back
Use the Burnout or Nitrous Rocket Boost for a total of 10 minutes

For this trophy, you need to customise your cars Rocket Trail in the Garage from the main menu.

Family, Not Friends
Play a complete game with both Dominus and Takumk
Drift King
Perfom a 190 powerslide with both the Cristiano and Spinner Wheels

For this trophy, you must perform a 180 degree powerslide with the Cristiano and Spinner wheels equipped.

Survival of the Fittest
Equip the Shark Fin Topper and win an Unfair Bot Match

Equip the Shark Fin Topper on any vehicle, it doesn't have to be one of the new ones if you have a favourite vehicle. Now select unfair and put team size 1v2, you can make the other team bigger but there is literally no reason to make things harder than they are already. The bots are around All-Star level and you are outnumbered.
Win a game against All-Star Bots with the Hearts Decal equipped

First off, equip the hearts decal on either of the new cars. If you do the Unfair trophy with hearts decal equipped, you'll get this too. If not then load up an exhibition match with all-star bots, any size teams but the more the better as it’s less likely you'll need to specifically make an impact to be on the winning team.

Natural Progression
Win an Online Match with Scarab or Zippy

Head into any online match with Scarab or Zippy, alone or with friends and win. It doesn't have to be ranked. If you're not that good, play a larger match so you can be hopefully carried by your team. After you win an online game, you'll get this.
Use the Accelerato Boost with an original Battle-Car while playing in a SARPBC-inspired arena

Put the Accelerato Boost on a car a based on a SARPBC car, both of the DLC cars are examples, then use the boost in a SARPBC-inspired arena.

Hot Shot, Part Two
Win the MVP award using Scarab or Zippy

Easy, you'll get this when you win the unfair game as you'll have the most goals. If you don't go for the unfair trophy or fail to achieve it, then you can start a game with 1 rookie bot and beat it easily.
My World Is Fire
Equip any Chaos Run item and win a 4v4 Online match

For this trophy you need to equip any of the new items from the Chaos Run DLC. To do this you must select 'Garage' on the main menu to customise your car using any of new items listed in the Roadmap. I would advise equipping one of the 2 new Battle-cars and the Mohawk Topper since they are required for other trophies.

There are two ways you can go about this; either play and win a legitimate 4v4 online match against other players (this may be easy or difficult for you depending on skill, or you can do it the very quick and easy way. This is by setting up a 4v4 Private match with no bots, either via Party Only or Name/Password, then go in to Mutator settings and set 'Max Score' to 1 Goal, start the match and as soon you spawn simply score once in to the open goal for a quick, easy victory to unlock the trophy!
With Grog, Score 10 Goals against Pro-level Bots or Higher

For this trophy you need to equip the Grog body (see screenshot below) and score 10 goals against Pro bots or above.

Simply create an Exhibition match, set it to 1v1 against Pro bots, set the 'Time' and 'Max Score' to Unlimited in mutator settings, and then just play until you score 10 goals and the trophy will unlock. It isn't very difficult against Pro bots to score 10; they frequently miss and make many mistakes. I managed to score 10 each time and only concede 4 goals across both matches and I am not the most skilled player at the game, but it does not matter since you have unlimited time and score limit regardless.
With Rupper, Score 10 Goals against Pro-level Bots Or Higher

See Spectacular only this time you must equip the Ripper body.
Make 50 total "Shots on Goal" using Grog or Ripper

For this trophy you must use either the Grog or Ripper body, or a combination of both and shoot toward the opposition goal to get a 'Shot on Goal'. You will know when you have done this correctly as a 'Shot on Goal' notification will appear at the top of the screen. Total Shots on Goal with both bodies combined will count toward the trophy.

You will likely earn the majority of these whilst going for Spectacular and Savage since any goal or attempt on goal will net you the bonus. If you need to farm this, simply create an exhibition match with no bots and in the mutator settings, set 'Max Score' and 'Time' to Unlimited. Then, keep scoring until the trophy unlocks. I only had to score another 11 goals after earning the other trophies to unlock this one.
Psycho-Master Exloder
Equip the Mohawk and Demolish 3 opposing Bots in the Wasteland

To earn this trophy you firstly need to equip the Mohawk Topper and set up an Exhibition match against bots on the Wasteland arena. Then, set the 'Demolish' mutator setting to 'On Contact'. This way all you have to do is simply touch the opposing car to instantly destroy it, and do this 3 times for the trophy.

You can set the game to 4v4 if you want so you can have more bots to demolish. Note that this must be done in a single match and is NOT cumulative.

Mad Scientist
Play a complete match in 3 different Rocket Labs Arenas

Play an exhibition private match in the Rocket Lab Arenas and setting the match length to 5mins and goals to 1, this way you can finish each of the 3 maps in under 30secs.

There are 3 maps in this arena that cycle randomly:

  • Utopia Retro: The arena is a circle like doughnut shape.
  • Cosmic: The arena is raised on the outside edges with a pit in the middle
  • Pillars: This arena has 2 triangular shaped pillars on the right, and left side.
Icing the Cake
In Show Day, score a goal from your own side of the ice

This is best done in an solo exhibition private game. Set it to 1v1, no bots, and one score wins. After selecting the Snow Day Arena lightly push the puck into your side (the side with your goal) of the arena. Then turn around and hit the puck with some force to send it into the opponent's goal, and thus earning you the achievement.
Left Wing, Right Wing
Win a Show Day match with boath the Blue and Orange teams

This is best done in an solo exhibition private game. Set it to 1v1, no bots, and one score wins. After selecting the Snow Day Arena lightly push the puck into your side (the side with your goal) of the arena. Then turn around and hit the puck with some force to send it into the opponent's goal, and thus earning you the trophy.
Fast Break
Score at least 2 Dunks in the first minute of a Hoops game

Select private hoops exhibition, then 1v1 and no bots. Let the ball come to a stop in the middle, then just drive straight at it, then hit the boost a little bit right before you hit the ball. It should go in every time. Score 2 goals in the first minute of the match and the trophy will unlock.
Buzzer Beater
With 30 seconds left, win a game of Hoops in which you were tied or trailing

Select private hoops, 1v1 exhibition game, one score to win.
Budding Artist
Collest a Painted Item

Play public online casual or ranked games. (I personally had better "luck" in casual 2v2 or 3v3 games) It doesn't matter how many players and long as it is an online game. It also doesn't matter if you are on the winning or losing team. At the completion of some games you will get random goodies, such as toppers, antennas, decals ect. For this trophy, you need to get a painted one. Once you've obtained a painted item at the end of the game, then the trophy will pop. You can view your items in the manage inventory screen.
One Better
Increase the level of a Certified Item

Play public online casual or ranked games. (I personally had better "luck" in casual 2v2 or 3v3 games) It doesn't matter how many players and long as it is an online game. It doesn't matter if you are on the winning or losing team. At the completion of some games you will get random goodies, such as toppers, antennas, decals ect. For this trophy, you need to get a certified one. Once you've obtained a certified item at the end of the game, then you will have to equip it. You can view your items in the garage or manage inventory screen. The item will state it is certified, and what stat it is certified in when you view it in your inventory menu.
Earn Veteran status for your Certified Item

Record the Veteran ranked stats needed based on your Certified Item's Tier in the chart below to earn the trophy.

TIER 1 Ranking System: Victories & MVP Awards

  • Certified: 0-9 (stat recordings)
  • Capable: 10-24 (stat recordings)
  • Skillful: 25-49 (stat recordings)
  • Veteran: 50+ (stat recordings)

    TIER 2 Ranking System: Saves, Epic Saves, Goals, Assists, Juggles, Backward Goals, Aeiral Goals, Upside Down Goals, Long Goals & Bicycle Goals

  • Certified: 0-24 (stat recordings)
  • Capable: 25-49 (stat recordings)
  • Skillful: 50-99 (stat recordings)
  • Veteran: 100+ (stat recordings)

    TIER 3: Ranking System: Centers, Clears, & Shots on Goal

  • Certified: 0-49 (stat recordings)
  • Capable: 50-99 (stat recordings)
  • Skillful: 100-199 (stat recordings)
  • Veteran: 200+ (stat recordings)

Win the MVP award in a game that goes to overtime
not_again.exe 5 May, 2024 @ 3:56pm 
Anyone wanna do / boost New Challenger and Best of the Bunch?
KaoruHare 9 Mar, 2024 @ 4:13am 
I was able to get the team player achievement tonight by following a guide on reddit that had me delete my save file, then play the season with Steam in offline mode. Just restore your save file after and everything is chill.
pixer. 24 Jun, 2023 @ 2:07pm 
pretty sure team player is bugged now
nado 17 Mar, 2023 @ 2:11am 
are you still able to get 100% on rl? i literaly cant get Team Player man idk what im doing wrong.
Mashy 29 Jun, 2021 @ 6:04am 
Ty for this
carciofino (fregno) 1 Jun, 2021 @ 2:40am 
f4k1zx 15 Apr, 2021 @ 2:14pm 
Nice :steamthumbsup:
Napraforgó Gecihuszár 10 Apr, 2021 @ 9:12am 
Have :

Fennec ( normal and blue prints, default and painteds )


Elektroshock, Hellfire

Want :

Non Crate & Core Items ( Very Rare, Import, Exotic )

Good Offer
Markhark 19 Feb, 2021 @ 2:33am 
h) samurai

W 30 credits
ReZ 9 Jan, 2021 @ 11:25am 
H-black synthwave W-200 credits