

73 ratings
How to share content inside of group threads
By TrapGod
In this short guide I'll explain how to share screenshots, artwork, or guides in the threads of groups made specifically for that matter
For everyone to stop asking about it
That's why I made this guide. A lot of people have never done this before and are so confused, so I'll explain, once and for all, how to share your content.
How to share screenshots (or artwork)
First of all, go to the page of the screenshot (or screenshots) you want to share, and copy the "sharedfile" link, at the top of the screen:
Now, after you have done that, go to the front page of the group you want to share it in and search for the designated thread. It's usually in "popular discussions", as it's the most used thread in a sharing group:
When you are in the thread, copy-paste the link (or links) to the screenshots in a comment:
You're done! That's all you need to do. Was it that hard?
On a side note, be sure to post your screenshots in the same comment, not 2 or more screenshots in rapid succesion on separate comments, as to not spam people's notifications.
How to share guides
First of all, go to the page of the guide (or guides) you want to share, and copy the "sharedfile" link, at the top of the screen:
Now, after you have done that, go to the front page of the group you want to share it in and search for the designated thread. It's usually in "popular discussions", as it's the most used thread in a sharing group:
When you are in the thread, copy-paste the link (or links) to the guides in a comment:
You're done! That's all you need to do. Was it that hard?
On a side note, be sure to post your guides in the same comment, not 2 or more guides in rapid succesion on separate comments, as to not spam people's notifications.
I hope this helped you
Now, please, stop asking about it.

Thanks for reading.

P.S: No, you're not seeing things. My Steam might look different than yours. That's because I'm using the client skin "Metro for Steam", version 4.1.3.
tosac 10 May, 2017 @ 10:32am 
Yea, I were getting questions daily before this guide came out. On "How to link guides in Guide Showcase." Then I asked for Trapgod to create this guide, and ever since the questions have stopped :)
CanardMan 10 May, 2017 @ 10:29am 
lol, people really need this ? ^^
Tayto 13 Sep, 2016 @ 7:52pm 
tosac 13 Sep, 2016 @ 6:54am 
Great dan, and thank you for creating. Let's hope that new members, new will now how to share their guides.

Have a great day ;) -tosac
TrapGod  [author] 12 Sep, 2016 @ 7:56am 
@Attention Horse
Yes, sure
Attention Horse 12 Sep, 2016 @ 7:55am 
Quick question, am I allowed to post Gmod "artworks"?
What I mean artworks I mean like scenebuilds and stuff. I'm asking to be sure whenever or not to post them under the artworks thread.
Azu 11 Sep, 2016 @ 4:02pm 
Good Job ^^
C Jay 11 Sep, 2016 @ 1:29pm 
Very nice guide my friend:)
TrapGod  [author] 11 Sep, 2016 @ 11:49am 
Yeah, I just HAD to make a guide on it
vaisendaisen 11 Sep, 2016 @ 11:48am 
Fucking wankers