

103 ratings
Skyborn 100% Achievement Guide
By Fallen Kal
A guide for all the achievements in Skyborn.
The achievements are not retroactive. Though the developer claims he is working on it.

You need to play the game online to unlock achievements. Offline mode won't unlock achievements.

Some people have reported achievements not always unlocking on the first try, so it's advisable to make a savegame before attempting an achievement.

Most areas are revisitable until the point of no return, but it's advisable to get any collectibles/achievements when you're going through the main story since I can't guarantee they will all be available after you go thought them in the main story.

You'll have the most freedom and access to areas after you start the "Soylent Blue" main quest and unlock the second class change.

The point of no return is made clear by the game and the players is asked if he wants to move beyond it. You can not buy any more items after you pass the point of no return, so optimize your characters and spend all of your gold before you do.

For the "Silenced Saehral", "Wrath of the Centurion" and "Legendary" achievements it is advisable to complete the arena so you unlock all three class changes; buy two Drakonoid Blood Gems for each character (10 in total) or have a very high speed (25+) for either Sullivan or Chaska; put Puffin Feathers (+1 SPD) in all armor pieces; have a small supply of Branches of Life and Elixers for emergencies; spend your remaining cash on Grapes of Alacrity (Permanently increases Speed by 1); before the point of no return. You can buy these items from the vendors at the arena, but they won't trade with you until you win all of the bronze arena battles (and get the Key to the City).

If you have any corrections, suggestions or remarks please leave them in the comments below.

Patience is a virtue
Celebrate achievements being added to the game! Thanks for waiting!

Unlocked when you start a new game. Can not be missed.

Dab hand with those guns!
Successfully defeat the sky patrol.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Laid out the Lamia
Defeat the Lamia.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Dozed the Dozer
Defeat the Sand Dozer.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Finalized Fafnir
Defeat Fafnir.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Totaled the Titan
Defeat the Titan.

Story related. Can not be missed.

Outshone Shynn
Defeat Shynn.

Story related. Can not be missed.

You will fight Shynn two times in the game. Once in New Ark where this achievement won't unlock. And a second time near the end of the game, where this achievement will unlock after the fight.

Defeated Dhacian
Defeat Dhacian! Big surprise huh?

Story related. Can not be missed.

Quelled Qua'Lon
Defeat Qua'Lon.

Story related. Can not be missed.
Silenced Saehral

Silenced Saehral
Defeat Saehral.

You'll first meet Saehral in the Caladori Dessert where she will give you a Roast Beef of Vitality, but you won't be able to fight her until you meet her again near the end of the game. Just before the final fight of the game you'll meet Saehral again in the Celestial Nexus who will ask if you want to fight her. After you defeat her the achievement will unlock.
Hard Difficulty

Wrath of the Centurion
Defeat Dhacian on Hard difficulty.

He is the penultimate boss of the game. As long as you change the difficulty to the hard difficulty before you start the fight you will unlock the achievement after you beat him.

Defeat Qua'Lon on Hard difficulty.

He is the final boss of the game. As long as you change the difficulty to the hard difficulty before you start the fight you will unlock the achievement after you beat him.
Class Change

Unlocked Potential
Unlocked the first class change.

You will get the first Apple Of Unlocked Potential when you transition from New Ark to Mount Elysian. You can not miss the item since you need to take it to progress the story, but you could miss the achievement if you don't use it.

New Limits
Unlocked the second class change.

You will get the second Apple Of Unlocked Potential after you bring back the Ether Fuel to the Airship and start the "Soylent Blue" main quest. It's given to you by Wax, one of the rebels. You can not miss the item since you need to take it to progress the story, but you could miss the achievement if you don't use it.

Taking it to the max!
Unlock the final class change.

The final class change and the achievement will automaticaly unlock after you complete the arena. See the "Arena Champion" achievement for more information.
Side Quests

The Diminutive Chemist
Complete the Experimental Potion for Atlas.

After you fight Shynn in New Ark for the first time you'll return to Spencer Drydock & Repair, head south towards the Industrial District. In the center of the Industrial District near a well, you'll meet Atlas who asks you to gather 10 Nordenwald Goldpetals from the Nordenwald Forest, which gives you the side quest "The Diminutive Chemist". There are 14 Goldpetals in total available to collect, but you only need 10. After you return from the Nordenwald Forest for the main quest you can turn in your Goldpetals and he will give you an Experimental Potion. This will conclude the quest and unlock the achievement.

You can find the Goldpetals here:

Nordenwald Island: in the center, near the entrance.

Nordenwald Island: north east.

Nordenwald Grove: a little north from the entrance.

Nordenwald Grove: main area after Alda joins your team, north west.

Nordenwald Grove: area west of the main area, north.

Nordenwald Grove: area north of the main area, a little bit north.

Nordenwald Grove: area east of the main area, south.

Nordenwald Grove: area east of the main area, south east.

Nordenwald Grove: area north of the area east of the main area, east.

Nordenwald Grove: area west of the area north of the area east of the main area, center.

Nordenwald Grove: area west of the area north of the area east of the main area, north east.

Nordenwald Grove: area west of the area north of the area east of the main area, north east.

Nordenwald Grove: area west of the area north of the area east of the main area, north west.

Nordenwald Grove: area north of the area east of the main area, only accessible through the Nordenwald Grove cave.

Laryn's predicament solved!
Return Laryn's wedding band.

After you fight Shynn in New Ark for the first time you'll return to Spencer Drydock & Repair, go through the Industrial District and use the Celestial Elevator afterward head south for Uptown. In the east of Uptown by the market and near a well, you'll meet Laryn who's missing her wedding band and asks you to retrieve it, which gives you the side quest "Laryn's Locket". You'll have to head north and enter the building with the forge (it has a sign with a pickaxe and ore on it). You can also pick up the side quest "Canary In The Iron Mine" from Captain Glasby here if you'd like. Head north and enter the Iron Hill Mines. Head to the south west corner and you'll meet Clayton who will give you Laryn's Wedding Band. Now head back the way you came and return it to complete the quest. The miners for the "Canary In The Iron Mine" side quest are in the north west corner if you're interested, though that sidequest isn't related to this or any other achievement.
Epic Loots

Epic loots from jail
Find the Sapphire Bracers in the big chest in Granminster Prison.

Granminster Prison: During the prison escape at the start of the game. In the first part of the prison you'll come across a yellow button, press it and head to the small island surrounded by water. Get the Sapphire Bracers from the big chest.

Epic loots from the mines again
Find the Circuit Breaker in the big chest in the Coal Mines.

Coal Mines: Strangely enough you'll come across this item before you'll come across the Stylish Hat for the "Epic loots from the mines" achievement. After leaving the Rebel HQ you'll head to the Coal Mines. South of the first water area you'll come across in the mines, get the Circuit Breaker from the big chest.

Epic loots from the mines
Find the Stylish Hat in the big chest in the Coal Mines.

Coal Mines: After Chaska joins your party you'll head into another part of the Coal Mines with mine carts. After riding the second minecart, head north and get the Stylish Hat from the big chest.

Epic loots in the Nexus
Find St. Theresa's Battle Armor in the big chest in the Celestial Nexus.

Celestial Nexus: After you defeat Shynn you'll find yourself in the Celestial Nexus. You'll need to press several red buttons to traverse the area. After you press the last red button to continue to the next area, head north instead and press the remaining red buttons while moving towards the west. After you press the last red button get the St. Theresa's Battle Armor from the big chest.

Trial of Arms Mastery

Trial of arms mastery
Finish Alda's Trial of Arms in record time!

⚠ Make sure to save before attempting this achievement since you will not be able to replay the trials in case you fail.

After Alda joins your party in the Nordenwald Grove, you will stop at her camp at some point and she will tell the story of her graduation. At some point in that story you will have to solve a maze as your final test and a 30 minute timer will be displayed. It's not enough to finish before the time runs out, you actually have to hurry and collect all of the shiny spots on the floor (+30 seconds per spot) for additional time. Since the fights will take up too much time on Hard difficulty and you won't get a Boss Trophy for killing the boss at the end, it is strongly recommended you switch to Easy difficulty for this achievement. You need to finish with more time than you start with (more than 30 minutes). The achievement will not unlock when the trial is done though, but when you open the chest in Alda's house. Depending on how well your performed in the trial, you will receive different rewards. If you were fast enough you'll get 10.000 coins and a Spark of Creation, and the achievement will unlock, otherwise you will have to reload a previous savegame and try again.
Arena Champion

Arena Champion
Complete the arena.

You will have to complete:

  • 5 Normal matches
  • 3 Bronze League matches
  • 3 Silver League matches
  • 3 Gold League matches
  • Defeat the current Arena Champion

It's advisable you do the normal and Bronze League matches after you finish the Nordenwald Forest and Alda joins your party. And the Silver League and following matches after you have unlocked the second class change.
Celestial Champion

Celestial Champion
Collect all Spades cards, and clear the Venom Depths.

First you will have to collect all Spades Cards they can be found here (in order of appearance):

Five of Spades: Granminster Prison: During the prison escape at the start of the game. After you exit the first part of the prison you come out of a sewer entrence into the town. You then walk a small distance east and enter a second sewer entrance into the second part of the prison. Once you're in the second part of the prison head south and you should see a switch, flip the switch to create a bridge over the water and get the Five of Spades in the leftmost red chest.

Eight of Spades: Port District: After the prison escape and a flight on the Airship you'll arrive at the Port District. Head south east and get the Eight of Spades from a red chest on a bridge near a ship.

Six of Spades: Coal Mines: After Chaska joins your party you'll head into another part of the Coal Mines with mine carts. After riding the last minecart head west and get the Six of Spades from the red chest.

Four of Spades: New Ark: After you exit the Coal Mines you'll come out in the New Ark village. Head north and go through either of the entrances which will take you to an inside area with an Accessory seller. Get the Four of Spades from the red chest behind him.

Jack of Spades: Industrial District: After you fight Shynn in New Ark for the first time you'll return to Spencer Drydock & Repair, if you go south from there you'll go to the Industrial District. Head north east and get the Jack of Spades from the red chest.

Ten of Spades: Nordenwald Island: After you exit the building with the South Bridge Portal head south west and you can get the Ten of Spades from a red chest on a small island connected by a bridge.

Two of Spades: Nordenwald Grove: In the area east of the main area where you go after Alda joins your team, move east and get the Two of Spades in the leftmost red chest.

Queen of Spades: Nordenwald Grove: In the area after Alda joins your team you'll be able to enter a cave. Inside this cave move east and you can get the Queen of Spades from a red chest in a watery area.

Ace of Spades: Nordenwald Subterranean: After you complete Alda's trial you'll head to Nordenwald Subterranean area. In the second Nordenwald Subterranean area, near the end, go west to push a yellow button. Then travel back to the yellow door you passed earlier and you'll be able to get the Ace of Spades from the red chest.

Three of Spades: Nordenwald Subterranean: After you enter the ruin in the Nordenwald Subterranean area. Inside the infinite looping ruin, move up one line, find and press the green button. Move up another line and you can get the Three of Spades in the room behind the green door.

Seven of Spades: Caladori Caverns: After you bring back the Ether Fuel to the Airship and start the "Soylent Blue" main quest fly the Airship to the Caladori Desert. Head south, then east and east again, a previously closed off area is now open. Enter the cave and jump down the waterfall, you can then get the Seven of Spades from the red chest.

Nine of Spades: Blackstone Industries: After you cause a distraction or make everything go haywire head north and up the ladder into the ventilation shafts, head north east and exit down the ladder. Head south and into the small room where you can get the Nine of Spades from the red chest.

King of Spades: Colosseum: You have to complete the arena. See the "Arena Champion" achievement for more information.

After you collect all the cards you need to travel to the Venom Depths and head north. Talk to the Card Shark, when he notices you have all the cards he'll run off. Even though it seems like you would have to clear the three other areas to activate the unlit crystals, there's no need to clear anything else for this achievement, you can just activate the three unlit crystals to reveal the door. Go through it and you'll have to do four boss fights as you move along:
  1. Caldera Queen and four Lava Whelps
  2. Titan MK2
  3. Magimaster
  4. Astral Warriors
Once you defeat them the achievement will unlock.
Ran_Sophia 17 Apr, 2023 @ 4:32am 
Amazing guide. It's very helpful. ❤️
sunlit_music 8 Nov, 2022 @ 3:56am 
Thank you for the guide, it's so helpful!
TIDAKTAHU 29 Mar, 2022 @ 8:57pm 
:fukoclannad: If you play in Hard mode, when in Trial of Arms you should change it to Easy, it will help you done quickly
:fukoclannad: Chaka need Spark of Augment in his weapon, when you do last mission to raid empire, there is a 2 treasure box on there. You will get Chaka and Alda weapon. Put in there, the other you can bring it to Claret or Alda.
:fukoclannad: Always buff Speed to Chaka and Sullivan, buff Regen before doing battle, buff Attack from Sullivan, I make Corwin as full support and let Chaka, Claret, Alda attack with full damage.
:fukoclannad: Use forge to make Platina and Obsidian armor don't make anything else, you will get many Obsidian in Venom Depth, make sure to go there.

Hope this can help you, thanks for the guide man this is really useful.
TIDAKTAHU 29 Mar, 2022 @ 8:56pm 
:fukoclannad: Complete the arena to get all classes skill it will prevents from limited skills (don't go to the last mission before complete the arena)
:fukoclannad: Venom Depth is a place where you will get items and much exp so don't forget to hunt there, it is important.
:fukoclannad: Saehlon boss will help you to reach Level 70+
:fukoclannad: Remember when Alda on Trial of Arms you need to complete it before 30:00. If you done it at 30:00+ you will get 10k gold and Spark of Creation. It is very useful to augment your weapon make sure to get it, if failed try again. No need to beat all the monster just find the button and fight the army who hide it then clear the stage. (make save point before doing this when you failed can do load the game)
TIDAKTAHU 29 Mar, 2022 @ 8:55pm 
Thought the trophy still glitchy but when I play it again on Hard mode I got them all in one game. Basically, it is bug trophy and need to play it online if you want to achieve it. If you don't unlock it on the first game Normal mode, try to play again in Hard mode it works on me.

Tips for Hard Mode you need a strategy on it. Choose the gears fit into the character build.

:fukoclannad: Don't build Sullivan full strength, Give him more AGI to make his EVA useful in the end game.
:fukoclannad: Make Chaka Speed into 25+ and buff her always (buy grapes and Timekeeper 2x)
:fukoclannad: High items are in Colosseum arena you need to complete Bronze League to get Key To The City so you can access the shop there
TIDAKTAHU 6 Mar, 2022 @ 1:37am 
2022 still have glitch on some achievement.
Cloud_Lightning 27 Mar, 2021 @ 7:35am 
Just started playing it again and its such a bummer because they didn't fix the broken/glitchy achievements. Trying to get the epic loot from the mines, had to retry three times still not showing up, probably because my bad internet :(. Good guide tho, thank you
Fallen Kal  [author] 15 Mar, 2018 @ 9:30am 
@JackBurton: Sorry to hear that, I only know you have to be online to get them in this game. I dislike broken or glitchy achievements too.
Fallen Kal  [author] 15 Mar, 2018 @ 9:28am 
@KelpTheGreat: the two Drakonoid Blood Gems for each character and high speed are key to the battle. She obliterated me on my first playthrough too because of the high damage she deals with certain skills.
JackBurton 14 Mar, 2018 @ 7:02pm 
Achievements are broken. I should've received 23 of 24, instead I have only 18.
None for: Fafnir, Saehra and Shynn (all normal); Dhacian & Qua'Lon on Hard difficulty. Final 3 reloaded from previous save and were defeated 4x ea and yet not awarded -- game uninstalled. :disgusted: