Clickteam Fusion 2.5

Clickteam Fusion 2.5

87 ratings
Resource Guide
By Squatter
This is a compilation of resources, issues, discussions, best practices, limitations, workarounds, and pitfalls that I have discovered while using Fusion 2.5 and will be a living document as I dive deeper into Fusion 2.5 and overall programming.
I created this guide to log everything that I have come across while using Fusion 2.5 or programming in general. On the discussion forums, I find myself repeating information and this guide would help me point individuals in the right direction concerning certain subjects. This guide is meant to be a compilation of information from a multitude of sources. It will also be a living document that I will constantly add to when I find something new or different.
About Myself
I am a mechanical/systems engineer by trade. My programming experience on the job comes from processing data and creating models to better understand how mechanical interactions work.

Previously I was in IT with the military. I was at a higher level, so I only understand the overall concepts, but execution I am still learning.

Finally, on the side I own an LLC that publishes utility apps. It is highly unsuccessful, but I enjoy programming none-the-less. I have not determined if I want to share my LLC, since I am trying to keep a disconnect between my personal steam account and my LLC.

As for Programming:
  • Fusion 2.5 - Since December 2014
  • Microsoft VBA - Since 2004
  • Fortran - Since 2004
  • C/C++ - Only took a class
  • HTML - Since 1997, and I only use notepad even to this day.
Don't be overwhelmed by this guide, it will help expand your knowledge or when you get stuck. Fusion 2.5 is a pretty simple engine to learn for novices.

Programming has many ways to solve a problem. This guide is only to serve as way to tackle some of these issues and may not be the best or optimal way. If someone has a better way, please share. Note that different solutions can have pros and cons.

Some information may also be misrepresented as the source or myself may not have a complete grasp of the concept. Again, please share, and if there are differing opinions I would present both. Sometimes information is not fully grasped by the entire community and you can have "camps."

An example of camps would be global warming, some say humans are impacting the global warming, others say humans can only contribute a fraction to it and essentially Mother Nature is the major contributor (We are currently in an ice age but during an interglacial period called the Holocene). Also, notice that I did not include the "hoax" camp, this is looking from it on the scientific side. I don't want to get political, so please don't dive into discussions about global warming, do that elsewhere. The point was to show that humans truly do not have a full grasp of many concepts and we use assumptions and models to try to understand.

If you would like to debate the concepts, please debate them within the resource links that I provided so that they stay within the subject.
Best Practices
These are the Best Practices I use. Do not take these as the "Holy Grail" of best practices, this should be used in general, but as issues come up you may have to deviate from these best practices.
  • 1) Understand the difference between using Timers and the Runtime to clock the program. Mix and matching will bring the program out of sync and may not be a desired effect.
  • 2) Avoid decimals, many funky things in programming can occur if you are not aware of them.
  • 3) Start on small projects, understand the concepts before diving into large projects. Try and make a small app first and publish it. You will find out there are more to apps than programming.
  • 4) Build for all platform types in the same app (as in Android and iOS). It will tell you when you compile that it cannot do some extensions and that is ok, you don't want android extension in iOS. The purpose of this is to avoid variations when you come up with bugs and having to go back through your different apps. Now it is all in one place and it all funnels through the same code.
  • 5) Build images to the correct resolution and do not have the program upsize or downsize. This means multiple images for multiple resolutions. I have not found a good way about doing this and it becomes very labor intensive. Understand the effects of scaling and the resources images use; such as a 8x8 black square up scaled to 100x100 is better on resources than a 100x100 black square and the image quality is not compromised since it is all black pixels.
Subjects to Know
General Topics
  • Anti-Aliasing[] - Graphics handling effects resources.

  • Raster vs Vector Graphics[] - How images are displayed and quality in respect to resolution.

  • Random: Issues and Limitations[] - True Random vs Pseudo Random. We can dive into philosophical questions about deterministic, Chaos Theory[] and is there really such thing as True Random? In the end, all you need is a random generator that has a long enough pattern that it does not affect your needs. Example would be in using a Monte Carlo[] simulation and If you were to do 1000 samples, you would ideally want a random generator that does not repeat its pattern before 1000 samples. If it were to repeat the pattern before 1000, your Monte Carlo simulation will not be "random" and your distribution will be skewed.

  • Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations[] - Computers represent everything in binary. Using decimals such as 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 cannot be represented in finite base 2 (binary) because it is infinitely repeating. Same concept as 1/3 fraction cannot be represented in finite base 10, as it is infinitely repeating as 0.3333333.

  • Sample Rate[] - 1 Hz = 1 sample per second, 10 Hz = 10 samples per second. Fusion 2.5 is 60 hz (clocking) as in every 1/60 of a second each event is performed. Another example is that as an engineer I receive data for operations such as torque vs turns on a bolt (As a side note, I work on ACME Bolts[]... and yes they are really a thing, not a looney tunes object). I know that the real-time sample rate is 1 Hz (which is not so good). What if the torque spikes in between sample rates? Applying a high torque can break the bolt. For anomaly resolution, I can request a 20 Hz sample, which is a lot better. I can see a better torque vs turn curve and see the spikes better. But again, what if it spikes in between the sample rates? This is a never-ending spiral and what is realistically happening, it could be doubtful that the mechanical interfaces are that sensitive to spike in between 20 Hz and not see a ramp. Thus, balance comes into play, and determine the optimal sample rate for your needs with resource limitations (such as technology or cost).

Critical Fusion Engine Options
  • -- These Options are shown in the workshop item Understanding the Fusion Engine Options - Links of these subjects are scattered throughout the guide and workshop program. The workshop item brings all these subjects together in one program.
  • 1) Runtime vs Timer using Always/Timer/Every
  • 2) Qualifiers and Instances
  • 3) Physics using Collision/Overlap and Physics Engine/Fast Loop/For Each Loop
  • 4) Handling Duplicates/Instances using Spread/Fast Loop/For Each Loop/Position - Automatic Pairing
  • 5) Application Frame Rate and Machine-Independent Speed
  • 6) Timer-Based Movements (Fusion built in or custom)
  • 7) Frame Frame-Rate
  • 8) Run while resizing/when minimized
  • 9) Scaling
  • 10) Transparency using Alpha Channel/Transparent Color
  • 11) Object Scoping
  • 12) Font vs Text Blitting (Avoid String Objects, see Bugs below)
The guides I use from Clickteam Website:The Tutorial Clickteam Website if you want to find other subjects:Other Websites:
Other Helpful Tools
Free Programs:
  • Blender - Very nice program for animations. Everything is 3D but you can then make sprite maps of it.
  • Paint Net[] - Great program that is like Adobe Photoshop.
  • GIMP[] - Like Adobe Photoshop, I haven't used this one.
  • Android Key Store Generator Tool[] - You will need this to publish Android apps, it comes from clickteam.
  • Aspect Ratio Calculator[] - Simple calculator to determine Aspect Ratio with Resolution.
  • Inkscape[] - Used for making vector graphics instead of the typical raster graphics. Not sure how you can implement this into Fusion 2.5 yet because the vector will be converted to raster.
  • xBRZ[] - Scale your graphics or as the source says "Scale by rules" - high quality image upscaling filter by Zenju. This is a type of anti-aliasing.
  • Bit Font Maker 2[] - Font Bitmap Maker - To use with Text Blitter Object
  • Littera[] - Font Bitmap Maker - Another one
Paid Programs:
  • Pyxel Edit[] - A nice program to replicate tiles and some animation.
  • Spriter Pro - Good simple program for 2D animation.
  • Aseprite - I have not used this, but it is another nice pixel editor.
  • Rytmik Ultimate - For making music or sounds, it is cheap and simple.
Free Graphic Libraries:
Note 1: Make sure it is Public Domain.[]
Note 2: Understand Copyright Fair Use.[]
Markets for Apps
Most markets take a cut of about 30%
  • Google Play - My programs do not sell at all on this android market. It is one time $25 to get on.

  • Amazon - Kid games sell better on Amazon for android. I got in for free, but they may do one-time $99. The market has issues with copy cats who don't "actually" sell a product and mislead people. They usually jump up in the top of the downloads and quickly extinguish your app from exposure.

  • Amazon Underground - After your app sales drop on Amazon, turn it over to Amazon underground and at least get paid per minute.

  • SlideMe - Android market, this went nowhere for me. No fee. You must reload your app quantity to sell (it's like tickets).

  • Fuhu/Nabi - Kids tablets for android. Sales are not so good. No fee that I can remember.

  • Apple Store - For iOS, kid games didn't sell well here, but my utility apps make the best money off this market. Yearly $99 fee that I usually make up. Publishing apps are bit more difficult.

  • Steam - I have not attempted this. I think it is $99 one-time fee.

  • Windows Store - I have not attempted this. I think it is one-time fee for $99 if you’re a company and $25 if you’re an individual.
Business Considerations
I made an LLC since I am making utility apps to limit my liability. It is possible someone could get hurt using my utility app as there is always a chance of providing incorrect information. I also have a couple of individuals partnered with the company.

I went through Legal Zoom to get it started. I took the utmost cheapest package; the rest of the stuff is easy to gather yourself. You could do the paperwork yourself, but for the price I found it easier to get it right the first time.

I recommend going through Wyoming for filing your LLC. No state income taxes and no corporate taxes. Fine print for corporate tax: The tax is either $50 minimum or $.0002 per dollar of business assets, whichever is greater. You will also need to owe if money is made in the state, sales tax. It is a $100 filing fee and $50 bucks thereafter to file for the annual report which is the corporate tax stated above. You will need a registered agent with Wyoming and must pay yearly. You can do it through legal zoom or anyone else, it does not matter. Shop around for cheapest registered agent.

Caveat: Everything listed below is under the mindset of an LLC in Wyoming. Other states/countries may differ.

Things you can do without help:
  • Wyoming LLC Instructions[] - If you do not want to use Legal Zoom. I chose to use the service to avoid errors/confusion and delaying the LLC establishment. Remember you don't need all the bells and whistles, just go for the cheapest package and avoid add-ons.

  • D-U-N-S Number[] - I think Legal Zoom just gave this to us in the cheap package, but if not, there is the link to get it.

  • EIN Number[] - Pretty much your SSN of the company. Was easy to do it through the IRS website, don't pay anyone to get this number for you.
Things you will need to do yearly:
  • Wyoming Yearly Filing Fee/Annual Report[] - This is the yearly $50. It is easy don't pay someone to do this.

  • LLC Federal Taxes - Form 1065
    - Business Taxes[]
    - Form 1065 explained

  • Personal Federal Taxes - The LLC is a pass through, so money made or lost is treated as income.

  • Registered Agent - You can pick a new one or keep old one. You must pay their fees. You can change the registered agent when you file a new Annual Report.

  • State Taxes[] - Remember this is probably going to be nothing, but here it is.
Other things to consider:
  • Bank Account - You will need one in the name of the company.

  • Website Host - May or may not need this. A lot of people just use social media as their platform.
Change Log
8OCT2016 - Rev -
  • Published Initial Revision
8OCT2016 - Rev A
  • Added List of my programming skills to About Myself
  • Added Inkscape to Other Helpful Tools
  • Added Raster vs Vector Graphics to Subjects to Know
  • Added note to Fusion Runtime under Clickteam Website
  • Added Clickteam Tutorials under Clickteam Website
  • Including the words Search Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Guides so that this guide can be found
13OCT2016 - Rev B
  • Changed Clickteam Website to Websites
  • Changed Not from Clickteam Website to Other Websites
  • Added Sub Application Window Resize to Steam Discussions
  • Added Quick Tips to Websites
  • Added Continuous Collision to Websites
  • Added Contact Creation to Websites
  • Added Sample Rate to Subjects to Know
  • Added explanations to all Subjects to Know
  • Added Overwhelmed comment to Caveats
21OCT2016 - Rev C
  • Added Workshop Section
  • Added Music - Sound Loop with Frame Reset to Workshop
  • Added Physics Manipulation - Pick Up and Push Object to Workshop
  • Added Physics Manipulation - Push Stones to Workshop
  • Added Sub Application - Frame Pop Out to Workshop
  • Added Clocking - Always vs Every (Runtime vs Timer) to Workshop
  • Added Automatic Pairing to Websites
  • Added Handling Duplicates to Websites
  • Added xBRZ to Other Helpful Tools
  • Split Free Programs and Paid Programs in Other Helpful Tools
  • Stiked out Item 1 for Timers in Best Practices
16NOV2016 - Rev D
  • Added Crash - Object Angle between 354 and 0 when Launching Object to Steam Discussions
  • Added Or Operator to Websites
  • Added Text Blitting to Websites
  • Added Bit Font Maker 2 to Other Helpful Tools
  • Added Littera to Other Helpful Tools
  • Added Bug - String Object - Frame Rate Drop to Steam Discussions
  • Added Timer-Based Movements to Websites
  • Edited Fusion Runtime to state "default" to Websites
  • Added Delta Time to Steam Discussions
  • Added Understanding the Fusion Engine Options to Workshop
  • Added Object Scoping to Websites
  • Separated General Topics and Critical Fusion Engine Options in Subjects to Know
  • Added a consolidated list of Critical Fusion Engine Options to Subjects to Know
  • Modified Timers item to Best Practices within 1)
  • Added Scaling Resources Topic to Best Practices within 5)
  • Added Issue - Windows 10 Display Settings/Scaling to Steam Discussions
  • Fixed Grammar and Spelling throughout guide
  • Added More Optimization Concepts to Websites
Squatter  [author] 7 Jan, 2022 @ 7:17pm 
@duukov - No, sorry. It also does not include the new 2.5+ add-on stuff (which I think is the compromise to the delay in Fusion 3). Haven't had much time to work with my side projects anymore.
duukov 7 Jan, 2022 @ 1:26pm 
Prata 28 Dec, 2016 @ 2:46am 
Thanks a lot Squatter !!!
You've been a lot of help :) :)
Squatter  [author] 27 Dec, 2016 @ 8:25pm 
You can script extensions in C++ but I haven't explored that side of the house yet. I know Fusion 3 this will be a LOT easier.

I found this:

"Fusion allows the creation of c++ dll's that contain input and output routines within them to interact with your core fusion creation"

Prata 27 Dec, 2016 @ 7:32pm 
Do you know if Fusion 2.5 provides some sort of API for C++ programming or do I have to use the "drag and drop" kind of GUI that comes with the app ?
Lord Sola Cat 10 Oct, 2016 @ 3:01pm 
I have used Gimp for photo editing and it works like a charm.