Killing Floor

Killing Floor

193 ratings
Achievement: Baddest Santa
By Nwnex_PT | #🌌👤ヌーノ and 1 collaborators
how to unlock character (Baddest Santa) Twisted Christmas Event.


Achievement Unlocked
Bad Santa
Unlock 10 of the 13 Christmas Achievements along with any Christmas Map achievement.

Achievements / Hint

Merry Friggin Christmas
Kill the Christmas Patriarch.

Cracked the Nutcracker!
Land the killing blow on a Christmas Fleshpound with a Knife.

Can't Catch Me!
Kill 2 Christmas Gorefasts with a Melee weapon from behind in one wave.

Toasted Jack Frost
Kill the Christmas Scrake with a Fire-based weapon.

That's not Santa!
Kill 3 Christmas Bloats with the Bullpup in one wave.

Rudolph, the Bloody Nosed Reindeer
Kill a Christmas Crawler with a Crossbow.

Not So Silent Night
Kill a Christmas Siren with an undetonated LAW rocket.

Fending off Mrs. Claws
Kill 3 Christmas Stalkers with a Lever Action Rifle without reloading.

Who Brings a Gun to a Snow Ball Fight?
Kill a Christmas Husk with any Pistol.

Deck the Halls with Buckets o' Blood
Kill 3 Christmas Zeds in 1 ZED time chain with a Melee weapon.

Tis Better to Give than to Receive
Drop 3 Tier 3 weapons for others (with which they kill at least one Christmas Zed).

Eggnog Anyone?
Get covered in Christmas Bloat Bile and live for 10 seconds on Hard, Suicidal, or Hell on Earth.

Back to Work
Kill 20 Christmas Clots in one wave.

Walking in A Winter Horror Land
Win a Long Game on Santa's Evil Lair on Normal Difficulty.

An easy way to get the achievements is get a friend to host a server for you and use mutators, for example using the mutator Bloat-ed, only Bloats will appear in-game.
The player that host the server wouldnt be able to get achievements because hes using mutators, but the rest of the players in the room will be able to get them.

wlsa 15 Apr, 2017 @ 7:41pm 
The lαst Miɱzy 4 Dec, 2016 @ 4:03am 
Nice, thanks! I dont own the game, but a friend has the game and he didnt knew how to get santa! This helped alot!
TRUfaust 1 Dec, 2016 @ 3:25am 
Thanks my computer is old and cant render a lot of text. Handy list. :bullseye: