Blood Code

Blood Code

210 ratings
Blood Code Character Walkthrough
By Nimsy
A very in-depth guide for Blood Code. Each character will have a step by step spoiler filled section. I will be updating these as i do them. If you find any errors please let me know.
Overview and Review
Blood Code Review

Blood Code is an otome/Visual Novel, set in a world where Vampires and humans coexist. Where you play as a high school girl who's life has been thrown into sudden chaos. You are part of a religious bloodline that has had strife with the various vampire bloodlines for generations. And now your father has been murdered. On your hunt for the killer you might find love along the way.
4 male characters:
- Locke: The student body President, and Vampire. Who may know more than he lets on.
- Christ: The knight in shinning armor. Who has a lot of family issues.
- Leo: The sweet older professor. Who is suffering from an incurable condition.
- Jesse: The tortured Vampire, that wants to protect you. Who has tons of siblings.

- My greatest fear with all steam bought otomes are the translations. Thankfully, this otome was not that bad. A few grammar issues here and there but overall understandable.
- The CG's were amazing, and beautiful.
- The plot was not that bad, i enjoyed that the main character had her own agenda and didn't just exist.
- For a VN/otome the game price of $10 (on steam) is cheap compared to many others.
- Has a variety of music and not just one repetitive song.

- Each male route is a story in and of itself and do not contribute to each other at all. Though this can be a benefit for the game in one aspect i find it to be detrimental simply in that fact that the story became choppy and slightly confusing.
- Jesse's Route alone was the one that seemed to fit the best to the overarching plot, followed by Christ's Route.
- I personally did not enjoy Leo as a character, he did not really contribute to the plot, he was more simply of an option. Plus i find guys that old trying to get in on with girls 20ish years younger weird.
- The scheduling and daily repetitions for favor and magics get annoying after doing the first 2 routes.
- Did not provide me the feels. There was not enough story build up for you to care about the characters.
- Christ's name. It just made me break out into laughter. Often made it sound as if the main character was swearing.

Overall i give this game a 3/5 stars. I found Jesse's Route the saving grace of it all. The other story lines became obsessively repetitive and made me lose interest fast.

Blood Code General Game Info

Month Tests: Here is the required magics levels for each month, they are accumulative.
November Test (Pass Mark: 142)
December Test (Pass Mark: 280)
January Test (Pass Mark: 423)
February Test (Pass Mark: 565)
March (Pass Mark: 694)
April (Pass Mark: 837)
May (Pass Mark: 975)
June (Pass Mark: 1117)

Gold &Crystals: You can work at the coffee shop or the clothing shop. It will allow you to buy clothing.

Favor: Every 100 points your favor will change colors and increase. Red is best.

Magics: 4 Different Types of Magic. Each Male character prefers a certain type.

Class Scheduling: What worked best for me was Date on Monday. Then 2 days of magic study for who I am focusing. 2 days of all study(Elective). Working for whoever provides the right stat and then sleeping.
~~You can setup dates to match days that already have their faces next to them. The interaction will still happen.

Maid/Waitress [Cafe] Only need to visit once to unlock.
+10 Fatigue, +/-10 Gold, +5 or +10 Crystals

Merchant [Store] Visit item store once to unlock. Note: items seem to be random in the store.
+10 Fatigue, +/-10 Gold, +5 or +10 Crystals

[Church] Visit the Church once to unlock.
+10 Fatigue, +5 Light Element, +10 Gold

[Amusement Park] Visit the amusement park twice to unlock.
+10 Fatigue, +5 Fire, +10 Gold

[Library] Visit the library once to unlock.
+10 Fatigue, +5 Wind, +10 Gold

[Magic Shop] Visit the Magic Shop Twice to unlock.
+10 Fatigue, +5 Water, +10 Gold

Find More Guides and info on my blog:

Locke Route Part 1

Blood Code: Locke Route

Element: Wind Magic
Gifts: Classical Music Collection(best), or Ancient Book.
Job: [Library]
Preferred Chat Options:
Favorite, and Hobbies provide +2.
After choosing those two at least once, and having at least 100 points in favor, the Sole Mate will provide 2+ Favor.
Preferred Date responses: These responses will give you +5 favor; the other options give nothing.
  • Location || Response
  • Library ||Detective
  • Amusement Park ||Haunted House
  • Church ||He will not go to the Church
  • Café ||Kapsen Latte
  • Happy Shop ||Bracelet
  • Central Park ||Like Piano
  • Campus Garden || Rock Music

Class Scheduling: What worked best for me was Date on Monday. Then 2 days of Air magic study. 2 days of all study. Working for the library and then sleeping.

************************************************SPOILER ALERT**************************************************

~~~~~~~~~The choices in this section do not have much of an impact on the story~~~~~~~~~

Below is a step by step guide as to how i got my endings and some achievements:

Aug 5th: “Go see it.”
Aug 16th: “Buy some juice for them.”
Aug 19th: “You really scared me!”

First week: Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Visit the Library then the happy store, Visit Locke for his number visit magic store, sleep.
Sep 24th: “Vamp’s are really an Honorable species”
Sep 28th: “No, I’m just a bit uncomfortable ...”, “My father loved dessert...”
~Locke will appear randomly on your calendar, I advise trying to find him whenever you are able. Just insure it doesn’t affect your grades. The weeks are just what I did on my run through.

Week Sep 30- Oct 6: Date with Locke (Library), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 1 days, Visit the Library (if you didn’t unlock the job yet) then the magic store again, Visit church then Café, sleep.

Week Oct 7 – Oct 13: Date with Locke (Amusement Park), Study wind 2 days, Visit Locke in the Library (if he is there) and the amusement park, Free Study 1 days, Work at the library, sleep.

Week Oct 14 – Oct 20: Date with Locke (café), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 1 days, Visit the amusement park and Locke in the Library (if he is not there still go for a gift if lucky), Work at the library, sleep.
Oct 15th: “Can I help you.”
~You should get Workaholic Achievement, Also the Attentive to Detail one if he gives you the dress. (Do not worry if you do not get this one, you can still get it later)
Oct 19th: “Perhaps, I’m just too worried about him.”
Oct 20th: “Dance with Locke.”- CG
~Favor with Locke should now be at 100.

Week Oct 21 – Oct 27: Date with Locke (Happy Shop), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.

Week Oct 28 – Nov 3: Date with Locke (Central Park), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Oct 30th: Choose “To walk around”, Choose “Freen”

Week Nov 4 – Nov 8: Date with Locke (Campus Garden), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Nov 7th: Choose “Yes, I should.”, Choose to make “My favorite cream flavor”, then “I love cream-flavored…” If you choose the others, you lose points L.

Week Nov 11 – Nov 17: Date with Locke (Library), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.

Week Nov 18 – Nov 24: Date with Locke (Amusement Park), Study wind 2 days, Visit Locke (if he is not there buy another book and get it transformed then exchanged at the magic shop) and buy him a gift at the store, Free Study 1 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Nov 20th: “Yep, but I want to solve it myself first”

Week Nov 25 – Dec 1: Date with Locke (Café), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Nov 25th: Feel free to give him a present, I gave ancient book here.

Week Dec 2 – Dec 8: Date with Locke (Happy Shop), Study wind 2 days, Visited Locke, Free Study 1 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Dec 2nd: “It feels like I can feel what the composer felt.”
Dec 4th: “I’d like to learn it.”

Week Dec 9 – Dec 15: Date with Locke (Central Park), Study wind 2 days, Visited Locke, Free Study 1 days, Work at the library, sleep.

Week Dec 9 – Dec 15: Date with Locke (Campus Garden), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 1 days, Visited Locke, Work at the library, sleep.

Week Dec 23 – Dec 25: Date with Locke (Library), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Dec 24th: “Maybe my eyes are fooling me”, “Yes”, “I see…”, “Yes, I would love to”.
Dec 25th: -CG

Week Dec 26 – Jan 5: Date with Locke (Amusement Park), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Jan 3rd: “Funny!”

Week Jan 6 – Jan 12: Meet with Locke, Study wind 2 days, Free Study 1 days, Visit Locke x2, Work at the library, sleep.
Jan 10th: “Squash the bug”

Week Jan 13 – Jan 19: Date with Locke (Library), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 1 days, Visit Central Park and then Locke, Work at the library, sleep.
Jan 13th: Gave him another Ancient Book
Jan 15th: “Despite some defects, it has its merits”
~I was now above 300 Favor with him

Week Jan 20 – Jan 26: Date with Locke (Central Park), Study wind 2 days, Free Study 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Jan 20th: Gave him another Music Collection

Week Jan 27 – Feb 2: Date with Locke (Happy Shop), Study wind 2 days, Visited Locke 2 days, Work at the library, sleep.
Jan 27th: Gave him another Ancient Book
Jan 30th: Received a gift J. Immediately used it (It doubles income so I took another job for 3 weeks).

Week Feb 3 – Feb 9: Date with Locke (Campus Garden), Study wind 2 days, Visited Locke, Work at the library, Work at Café, sleep.
Feb 5th: Say “yes” to making chocolate.

Week Feb 10 – Feb 16: Date with Locke (Amusement Park), Study wind 2 days, Work at the library, Visited Locke, Work at Café, sleep.
Feb 14th: If you left this day as a free day you will get a -CG

Week Feb 17 – Feb 23: Date with Locke (Library), Study wind 2 days, Work at the happy store, Visited Locke, Work at Library, sleep.

Week Feb 24 – Mar 2: Date with Locke (Café), Study wind 2 days, Free study 2 days, Work at Library, sleep.
Feb 28th: Choose “Locke”.

Locke Route Part 2

~ Blue choices are needed for all his endings.
You can make a save and use it to get all ending on May 19th. You will need to hit the following milestones; March Favor 590 and Wind Magic 580, Before June 20th you need 660 Favor, Before July 6th you need 700+ in both Favor and Wind Magic.

********SPOILER ALERT*********
Week Mar 3 – Mar 9: Date with Locke (Central Park), Visit Locke, Study wind 2 days, Work at Library, Free study, sleep.
Mar 3rd: Do not chase Leo.
Mar 4th: I visited the Café and bout me a tiramisu for the achievement. Petty Bourgeoisie Taste

Week Mar 10 – Mar 16: Date with Locke (Happy Shop), Visit Locke, Study wind 2 days, Work at Library, Free study, sleep.
Mar 12th: You must choose this “I am sorry about Eve’s experience…”, and then “Yes”
Mar 15th: Choose “Fruit Basket”, “I better dry it now.” ~If you choose these incorrectly you lose, if done correctly you should have a red heart now (400+ favor).

Week Mar 17 – Mar 23: Study wind 2 days, Work Library, Visit Locke, Date with Locke (Campus Garden), Free study, sleep.
~Make a save here visit the happy shop buy a Music collection (or other 100 coin item), and a pillow. Then Visit the Magic shop and combine the Tiramisu, Music collection, and pillow into a super item! It provided me with a dress, and the achievement This is Unscientific.
~Then go back to the other save and Buy 7 music collection gifts for locke. Give him one.

Week Mar 24 – Mar 30: Visit Locke, Date with Locke (Library), Study wind 2 days, Work at library, Free study, sleep.
Mar 25th: Gave Locke one of the music books.

Week Mar 31 – Apr 6: Date with Locke (Amusement Park), Study wind, Visit Locke, Study wind, free study, Work at Library, sleep.
Mar 31st: Give gift again.
~Bought a little ancient book while in free time.

Week Apr 7 – Apr 13: Date with Locke (Café), Study wind 2 days, Free study, Work at Library 2 days, sleep.
Apr 7th: Give gift

Week Apr 14 – Apr 20: Date with Locke (Happy Shop), Study wind 2 days, Free study, Work at Library 2 days, sleep.
April 14th: Give gift

Week Apr 21 – Apr 27: Date with Locke (Central Park), Study wind 2 days, Free study, Work at Library 2 days, sleep.
Apr 21st: Give gift

Week Apr 28 – May 4: Date with Locke (Campus Garden), Study wind 2 days, Free study, Work at Library 2 days, sleep.
Apr 28th: Give gift

Week May 6– May 11: Visit Locke, Date with Locke (Library), Study wind 2 days, Visit Locke, Work at library, sleep.
May 5th: Bought more gifts, if you can see Locke buy gifts later see him instead.
May 6th: Give gift
May 11th: You should see a mention about Ann here. If not go back and work on you favor with him (you need +590). If doing normal ending you do not need Ann interactions and can ignore them.

Week May 12 – May 18: Date with Locke (Amusement park), Work at library twice, free study, wind study twice, sleep.
May 12th: Gave another music collection book.
May 14th: (Need 590+ favor)
May 14th: “But, you said your dad…”
May 18th: “I’d like to know more about Ann…”

Week May 19 – May 25: Meet Locke and shop, Date with Locke (Café), Work at library twice, wind study twice, sleep.
~Bought another music book gift
May 19th: “I am responsible for the future of Locke”, Make a save before you choose anything so you can get sad, happy, and normal endings.
For Happy and Normal Routes Choose: “Dear Ann, how are you?...”
For Sad Choose “Ann, it will be so lucky…” (from now on just do whatever for sad route if u have 700+ air and 700+ favor)
May 20th: Gave a music book.

Week May 26 – Jun 1: Meet lock and shop, Date with Locke (Happy shop), Work at Library x2, free study, wind magic study, sleep.
May 26th: Choose “Yes”
May 27th: Gave gift Ancient Book

Week Jun 2 – Jun 8: Date with Locke (Central Park), Meet lock and shop, work at Library, Meet Locke and shop, free study x2, sleep.
Jun 2nd: Gave gift Ancient Book
Jun 3rd: Bought 3 Ancient Books
Jun 5th: “Although you have some shortcomings, but…” -CG

Week Jun 9 – Jun 15: Date (Campus Garden), Work at Library, Meet Locke and shop, free study x2, sleep, Meet Locke and shop {bought more gifts}.
Jun 9th: Provided Gift.
Jun 11th: “I’d better give her some advice”, then choose “Write to Kevin…”

Week Jun 16 – Jun 22: Date (Library), Free study twice, Meet Locke and shop, work at library, sleep, Meet Locke and shop.
Jun 16th: Gave gift
Jun 19th: “Send him a comfortable pillow”
Jun 22nd: “Alright we’ll do it your way.”, make “Beef Stew”

Week Jun 23 – Jun 29: Date (Amusement park), Work at Library x3, free study, sleep.
Jun 23th: Gave Locke another gift.

Week Jun 30 – Jul 6: Date (café). Gave Locke another gift. Choose free time all week for extra Locke time.
~You must have At least get 710 points of Favor with Locke and 700 points of Wind Magic
Jul 6th: “Use it” if you choose use it you get normal ending, “Not now” for happy ending.

***All the CG's for this route will be on the Achievements Page in my blog***
Christ's Route

Christ Route

Element: Fire Magic

Gifts: Hourglass (Best), or the Kaleidoscope.

Job: [Amusement Park]

Preferred Chat Options:
Favorite provide +2 and Hobbies provide +1.
After choosing those two at least once, and having at least 100 points in favor, the Sole Mate will provide 2+ Favor.

Preferred Date responses: These responses will give you +5 favor; the other options give nothing.
Location Response
Library The anecdote of Bloodline
Amusement Park Help the Visitor
Church It doesn’t matter
Café Hahaha~
Happy Shop An exquisite Pocket Watch
Central Park Not only sunset is my favorite, but also dawn
Campus Garden I won’t

* * * * * * * * SPOILER ALERT * * * * * * * * *

*Try your best to meet Christ every time he wanders onto your calendar. I would often set up dates for the same day he was up.

Aug 3rd: “Have you always…”, “That’s alright. You do…”

Aug 5th: Go back to dorm

Aug 7th: “What’s the matter? Could you please tell me. I’m worried.” “Ok.”

Aug 17th: “Ok”

Week Sep 23 – 29: Study Fire Magic twice, Free time twice, Elective Study twice, sleep.
~Visited Christ, the amusement park, and one of the stores

Week Sep 2nd – Oct 6nd: Date, Study Fire Magic twice, Elective Study twice, free time, sleep.
~ Unlocked café and visited Christ on my free day.

Week Oct 7th – 13: Date, Study Fire Magic twice, Elective Study twice, free time, sleep.
~ Unlocked café and visited Christ on my free day.

Almost all other Weeks: Date, Study Fire Magic twice, Elective Study twice, free time, sleep.
~Kept trying to unlock the amusement park for work while dating Christ. Once it was unlocked (unless I could meet Christ) the free time slot got changed to working at the amusement park.

Oct 18th: “Are we friends?” “I need you…” “Thank you”

Oct 19th: “Perhaps, I can’t treat Christ…”
~Bought 5 Hourglasses (Gave them at every date)

Oct 26th: (If Favor is high enough) you have a run in with him.

Oct 30th: Go to magic training room.

Nov 6th: “I don’t wanna miss it again this time, no matter what.”

Nov 8th: “I just hope everything goes well with you. Please be safe.”
~Favor Hit 200

Nov 16th: “No. I have to go see him!”

Nov 19th: “I’m not afraid of danger. I just hope I can be there for you.”, “I’m sorry.”

Nov 30th: “I’d love to…”, “I’d better go check on him.”

Dec 1st: “We’re friends.”

Dec 14th: “Sorry…”
~Favor Hit 300

Dec 19th: “Thank you, I trust you.”

Dec 24th: “Maybe my eyes are fooling me.”

Dec 25th: Choose the words spirit contract scroll, “I’ll take good care of the…”

Jan 3rd: “Cute!”

Jan 6th: Get your stalker on and Follow him.
~Bought 3 more hourglasses

Jan 12th: “I’ll be here for you.”

Jan 19th: “I could wait outside.”
~Favor now 405

Jan 25th: “I don’t want to lose you.”

Feb 4th: “See you later.”

Feb 24th: “I’m happy to meet you, too!”

Feb 28th: Choose “Christ” -CG
~Bought 3 more hourglasses

Mar 6th: -CG

Mar 8th: “I won’t flinch again.”

Mar 17th: Choose “Amusement Park”
~Bought 2 more Hourglasses
~Favor over 600 (Apr 6)

Apr 17th: -CG
~Bought a kaleidoscope

May 17th: “Talk to him directly”
~Two more hourglasses and a kaleidoscope.
~Favor hit 700 (May 25th)

Jun 20th: “No, I wasn’t OK. I missed you.”

Jul 4th: You need 720 Favor 730 Fire magic for this week. If you are not there go to a previous save and give more gifts and date him more.

Jul 6th: ~ Make a save here for both endings. Choose “Catch it!” for Happy End and my fav -CG. Choose “Watch out!” for Sad ending and a CG.
Leo Digator Route

Leo Digator Route

Element: Light Magic

Gifts: Silver Cross (best), Cottage Rose Specimen

Job: [Church]

Preferred Chat Options:
Favorite provide +2 and Hobbies provide +2.
After choosing those two at least once, and having at least 100 points in favor, the Sole Mate will provide 2+ Favor.

Preferred Date responses: These responses will give you +5 favor; the other options give nothing.
Location Response
Library Yes, but it depends on the topic
Amusement Park Toxophily
Church It depends…
Café Then I quit either
Happy Shop Not really
Central Park Strawberry Cheesecake
Campus Garden Lake

Scheduling Examples:

* * * * * * * * SPOILER ALERT * * * * * * * * *
Aug 2nd: “No, I just thought your smile looked so sweet”, “Thank you very much!”

Aug 15th: “I’m sorry…I…”, “I’m really flattered that…”, “Really? I can take your…”

Sep 27th: “Choose life’s sweet moments…”

Week Sep 23 – 29: Study Light Magic twice, Free time twice, Elective Study twice, sleep.
~Visited Leo, the Church, and the happy store

Week Sep30th – Oct 6nd: Date, Study Light Magic twice, Free time once, Elective Study twice, sleep.
~Bought 5 Crosses. Meet up with Leo.

Oct 2nd: “With the teacher’s guidance.”

Oct 10th: “I get it. This is what you’re trying to teach me.”
~Favor above 100

Almost all other Weeks: Date, Study Light Magic twice, Elective Study twice, work in church, sleep.

Oct 23rd: “How’s it going now? Have you found it?”, “Cookbooks are classified…”
~Bought a rose specimen and visited Leo (Oct 29th)

Oct 29th: “No way! Who said that? I’m going to slap....”

Oct 30th: “Go to the medical room”

Oct 31st: “It was your voice…”, “Thank you, Leo”
~Favor 241 (Nov 3rd)

Nov 12th: “I’ll walk you back.”

Nov 22nd: “Please…I was just trying to say…”
~Favor over 300 (Nov 23rd) **Good save place for the sad route.

Nov 27th: Bought two crosses and a rose.

Dec 5th: -CG

Dec 12th: “It’s because I remember clearly...”

Dec 16th: “But I shouldn’t always take advantage of you.”

Dec 22nd: Bought another cross. “Is it about the cross necklace you are wearing?”
~Favor at 400

Dec 24th: “Maybe my eyes are fooling me”

Dec 29th: “Did you miss me?”

Jan 4th: Bought a cross.

Jan 14th: -CG

Jan 22nd: “Sure I remember. I know what you wanna say.”

Feb 6th: Visited Leo in the infirmary and Bought a cross and rose. Gifted him the cross on the 7th.
~Favor now over 500 (Feb 9th)

Feb 11th: “What have you been doing recently?”, “You really have no idea how much your needed..”

Feb 28th: Choose “Leo”

Mar 3rd: Choose “Yes” (Need Favor 370 and Light Magic 355)

Mar 5th: “Go find Leo in the clinic with Alison” (Warm and Bright Achievement)

March 19th: Visited Leo in the infirmary and bout 3 crosses.

March 20th: Gifted Leo a cross on the date now over 600 favor.

Apr 2nd: “Sometimes, Your gaze…”, “It’s just… that I feel deceived” - CG

May 9th: Bought two crosses and rose, visited Leo in the Church.

May 10th: Gave him a cross. Choose “The piano Room” (Need Favor 520 and Light Magic 540)
~My favor was at 720 at this point (May 11th)

Jun 12th: “Why?”, “It’s tough for everyone…”

Jun 20th: -CG

Jul 6th: You will not be able to contact Leo on this week. So, have your Favor at 720 and Light Magic 750 before this week. -CG and happy end.

* For Leo’s Sad end keep your Favor under 400 (red). To do this I simply stopped dating him once I hit 368. Still must choose the March 3rd and 5th answers to stay on his route, it will place you at around 396 Favor. Then avoid him until the end.
Jesse's Route
Jesse Route
The silent adorable Vampire Jesse who has more sisters than he knows what to do with.

Water Magic (focus), early on you need Wind, fire, and Light Magic also.

Gifts: Pocket Watch(best), or Blue Cup.

Job: [Magic Shop]

Preferred Chat Options: You cannot chat with Jesse.

Preferred Date responses: You cannot date Jesse. You just have to find him and visit as often as possible.

Schedule Examples:

* * * * * * * * SPOILER ALERT * * * * * * * * *

For Jesse's route: Do not romance anyone. You need at least level 3 in Wind, Fire and Light, and have water as your highest stat, at least level 4.

Apr 1st: Jump to Sep 22nd. (If you do not have the jump option, you cannot unlock Jesse yet.)

Weeks until Dec 30th: Study fire air and light once, and water twice, then elective study, sleep.
Do not give any gifts or date anyone, think only of yourself until December 24th.

**If you are going for Deep Down in the Lake achievement make a save and keep favor, water, and fire below 240 May 27. For Strength Ebbing Away see June 13th. Also for the Forever Alone just do not choose any of the guy’s routes and focus on studies to get your Super Scholar achievement too. **

Dec 24th: Make a save here for the solo route achievement. Choose “I have to go and check it up.” (You must have Wind Magic, Fire Magic, Light Magic reach 70 points and the Water Magic as the highest.) -CG

Dec 25th: “Yes”, “I see…”

Dec 28th: “Nothing special”, then choose “Not exactly”

Dec 30th: Unlock the magic shop so you can start working there, and the happy store.

Jan 5th: You will meet him and unlock his route. If going for happy route you need to start finding him every week and bring him a gift whenever you can. Swap your focus to water magic.
~Save here and do not start finding him to date until mid-February for the other achievements and endings.

Jan 7th: Choose “Behavior”

Jan 14th: Bought 5 pocket watches, and a cup. Gifted him one. Choose “Yes”, then “I’m just coming to bring you…”, and finally “Nonsense!”.
~Put me at 100 favor

Jan 20th: Choose “Yes”, “Sorry I can’t.”
~Keep buying gifts and visiting him and gift giving every week to get your favor up.

Feb 14th: Choose “Yes”, then “OK”
~My favor was over 200 here.

Feb 20th: Choose “Yes.” -CG. Then choose “Please take this scarf”

Feb 28th: Choose “No Thanks” – CG. Then “I just couldn’t help myself.”
~I hit 300 favor after this.

Mar 9th: Choose “Open it.”

Mar 10th: “What’s wrong with me?”

March 18th: -CG I adore this CG

March 22nd: “Check his drawing book”, “Jump over stuff”

Mar 27th: “Keep searching”
~ Once it turned April My Favor hit 405

May 7th: “Blaming yourself...”

May 13th: “Let Jesse feed on me.”

May 25th: My favor hit 505.

Jun 9th: “...”, then “wait for him”

Jun 13th: Make a save here for strength ebbing away achievement. For death Choose “Say it out Loud”. Choose “Write a note.” To continue his route.

Jun 14th: “Keep waiting”

Jun 15th: “Don’t you want to stay by my side.”

Jun 22nd: My favor hit 615 here.

Jul 6th: So, you want to be in the pink (under 400 favor) and choose “Rush to Jesse and block swords” for a -CG and the sad ending. And “Tell Jesse to watch out” while in the pink for the Come up a little short Achievement. For the Happy ending and -CG you need to choose “Rush up to Jesse and block the swords for him” while having at least 610 favor and 740 water magic.
Other Achievments
Other Achievments
1. Read more, learn more: Finish the Tutorial.
2. Blood and Youth: Access to Christ route.
3. Warm and Bright: Access to Leo plot.
4. Composed and Calm: Access to Locke plot.
5. Elegant and Indifference: Access to Jesse plot.
6. Attentive to detail: Receive a gift from Locke.
7.Petty Bourgeoisie Taste: Buy a dessert in coffee shop.
8.Buy immediately: Buy something in grocery store.
9.This is unscientific: Finish a synthesis in magic house, easy to complete right after the previous two.
10.My mind: Send a gift (give a gift to someone on a date).
11.Star-mirror is within my reach: Make a save then, Get the phone numbers of Locke, Christ and Leo first week/second and then go back to the original save.
12.Workaholic: Unlock all the part-time jobs.
13.Super scholar: Get 2,000 points in the exam at the beginning of the month. Just focus on studies.

All other achievments are listed throught the guides. Let me know if i missed anything. Thanks!
Phaedra 16 May, 2023 @ 1:35pm 
Can anyone help me figure out how to unlock Jesse's route? I have tried so many things, but I just can't seem to get access to it.
冷酷的报点机器 16 Apr, 2022 @ 9:15am 
Nimsy  [author] 16 Jun, 2021 @ 5:38pm 
Hi Everyone! I have not updated this since I played it in 2017. Not everything is up-to date, sorry about that. If you wish to re-use and re-post you are welcome to just be sure to give Credit <3
emma 11 May, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
Hi I still don't get how to get the Deep Down in the Lake achievement :(
TUTU 22 Apr, 2021 @ 9:11pm 
Hello, Nimsy. May I reprint your guide? Because a lot of Chinese players also like this game, but some of them need Chinese guide, I think your guide is very good! Therefore, I would like to reprint your guide, translate it into Chinese and share it with Chinese players. I wonder if you are willing and agree with my request?:LoveChoiceBling:
»Anastasiya.exe 5 Sep, 2020 @ 8:34am 
For anyone that is struggling to activate Jesse's route on December 24th with Alison, you must complete another route and go through the ENTIRE credit scene until you see the words " The End. " This is what triggers Jesse's scene.

I have been trying to get to Jesse's scene for a while now until my friend suggested I had to maybe "finish another route."

I hope this helps some people! This guide also helped me through a lot. I believe this was the only information that was not listed in the guide, so I decided to comment about it.
❤️Q.U.E.E.N💖 27 Aug, 2020 @ 11:39am 
really helpful guide!! thanks a lot :vanilla2::nekoheart:
Lacy 8 Jun, 2020 @ 9:18am 
For others who struggled with Deep Down in the Lake achievement, do not follow the note in the guide. Do everything as the guide says for his route normally. On Mar 27th, you have to choose the last option "Let Alison keep me alone". If you follow the note in the guide, you won't have enough favor to trigger any of the necessary events in March.
Miolz 1 Apr, 2020 @ 12:00pm 
oh, and thanks for this guide. it's very detailed! :)
Miolz 1 Apr, 2020 @ 11:59am 
I did it! I spent two days on it, but got all the bad endings with Jesse, ALL 8F THEM! ::::0
for some reason it was much easier for me to get good endings than bad ones
(sorry for my english, I don't know this language very well)