

706 ratings
How to get back into Anime
By Abz
This guide is for those who have lost the motivation to watch anime or read anymore. People who have never seen anime can also use this guide to get started.

Hey there!

Hi, there my patient, I'm a professional doctor at finding out why you lost your reason to watch anime. I use to suffer the same way as you but then I came up with these points that I will be explaining today. Please ensure that you read this guide thoroughly so you can start your recovery to watching anime again.

Okay so first of all, my question to you will be "Do you even like anime anymore?". If you answered no, then you're a serious case. If you have no interest in anime, maybe you need to consider your priorities. Just to let you know, if you're not into anime in the slightest (and im talking about not even having pictures of waifus) then anime isn't for you. If you answered yes, then please make sure that fall into at least one of the categories below:

You are a...
  • A veteran weaboo
  • Someone who use to like a certain genre but doesn't anymore
  • Someone who still has an interest in anime but doesn't really watch it
  • Someone who can't make time for anime
  • Someone who's really mainstream and only cares about mainstream

If you do fall under one of these categories, then lets get started with the rest of the guide. This is where your reading skills come in so make sure you understand what I say 100%.

Time Management

Time management is an important factor in every persons life. We manage when we eat, when we sleep, when we game, we even manage when we go to take a dump. Watch anime falls under time management. You should consider when you are going to watch anime. If you're a student who is in full-time education (High school or lower), well you will have a lot more time as compared to people who are in college/university or who work. The way I'm going to divide this part of the guide is into different sub headings with an explanation if you fall into it.

Unemployed/unable to work/Part-time work
You will have all the time in the world to watch anime. I understand that maybe you can't land that dream job or have a disability which prevents you from working, but if you really want to get back into watching or reading anime, then you should make time for it and you will be able to. You can watch in the mornings or in the afternoons, which ever suits you. Maybe you don't have to do a marathon but you can take breaks in between watching it.

Student (High school or under)
Hey there kiddo Jk. You probably hate that homework that you get from your teacher and all you want to do is ignore it and just play some video games. You probably want to sleep 13+ hours on the weekends and spend your time doing something other than watching anime. Well if you really want to get back into anime, I don't see why you shouldn't make time for it. Out of all the people, you guys have the most time to watch anime. You guys also have a lot more energy to watch anime unlike adults. Remember when Jessica said to come over? Tell her "Hell Naw" and just watch anime.

Student (College or over)
You guys have little to no time watching anime and I understand that. I myself am an university student who studies Software Engineering. I know whatever you do must be crazy insane and really smart. That you will spend countless hours revising. However, to make time for anime, you must sacrifice one thing over the other. Maybe give up a little gaming time to watch anime just before you sleep. It gives you rest and tires you out to give yourself an instant sleep. I highly recommend watching airing anime for you guys since you can watch it once per week and won't have to worry about binge watching something.

Full-time Working
You guys have no time to watch anime. I understand that the boss you hate is nagging down your ears and it makes you want to set up traps for him. Maybe you have paper work due and bills to pay however, that shouldn't stop you from watching anime. If the way we work, we have to sacrifice one thing over the other. Give yourself some me time. Instead of playing games every night, have a day where you watch anime. I highly recommend watching airing anime for you guys since you can watch it once per week and won't have to worry about binge watching something.

Mainstream vs Underrated

There are A LOT of anime series out there. There's so many, that maybe you've never heard of some even though you have 200 day's watched on MyAnimeList. However, in the world we live in today, there are people who only buy or follow mainsteam stuff. These people are the type to buy an Apple product just because their friends have it or their favourite celebrity is using it. DON'T be that person. If we relate this to anime, there are people who only watch mainstream anime such as Naruto,Bleach,Attack on Titan and so on.

You need to realise that there are a lot of anime series out there that are very underrated and unappreciated for how truly beautiful they are. I was never one of these people but I've had friends who only watched mainstream stuff and it saddens me because it's just like yeah, you know about this anime but do you know about the others that are a gem hidden in the ocean? There are anime series out there that suit all your needs. Whether you're a foot-loving tentacle freak, there is probably an anime for that.

People complain about how there is no good anime these days, hence why they stop watching anime but they can't truly say that untill they have watched every anime released or watch an entire anime sub genre.

What I recommend is for you guys to do some research before you start saying that there is no good anime series anymore. You should go on MyAnimeList and search your favourite anime. From there, look at the recommendations tab and read what other people have listed and if it interests you, watch it. I don't see why you shouldn't when your favourite anime series is similar to another underrated series.

Yes I get that mainstream anime is in the now, that it has the coolest art-style with 1080p ultra HD quality but why should that stop you from watching a really good anime series that probably has a 10x better story, 10x characters and an overall better enjoyment.

Take a Breather

Hey you, did you just binge watch an anime series? or marathoned two seasons in 3 days? Good for you. I understand that you are enjoying anime at your peak right now (or you maybe arn't?). But you need to realise that you are draining your interest for anime. Think of it as energy, the more energy you consume, the faster the bar drops. Once its fully dropped, you suddenly realise that you have no energy left and hence why stop. Metaphorically speaking, that means that you suddenly stop watching anime, like your interest just vanished into thin air.

You need to take a breather once in a while. Remember, watching anime is NOT COMPULSORY. It's not a task that your teacher or boss set out for you to do, or a chore that your mother gave you. Unless you are a critic for anime, then I don't see no reason for you stop watching anime every once in a while. During that time, you can think about your life, maybe start a new hobby or just be an social outgoing person.

People these days watch anime to impress their friends and I get that's a social skill because you can then be the conversation starter. But if you're not happy and can't really get into anime, then why are you trying so hard to force yourself into watching it?

Trust me, take a 2 week break. Remember when you first started watching anime and how you loved it so much? If you want that feeling again then take a break. After that break you will come back refreshed and wanting to watch anime. When you come back, come back with an empty mind. Start a new series so it doesn't make you feel like you have to complete the one you just left. As I have said, there is an anime for everyone.

Stop being so Critical

This one is probably the most important. I myself was very critical when it came to anime (I still do it sometimes to this day) and that's a really bad thing when you're watching anime. What people need to realise is to stop being so critical when watching anime, meaning they need to ease out the bad points and convert them into good points.

What most people do these day is watch an anime series, and whilst they are watching it, they compare it to their favourite anime. You seriously need to stop compairing, even if it is the same genre. Every anime is unique in its own way and you need to appreciate it for what it is.

Whenever you start watching a new series or reading a new manga, you need to go in with a fresh and blank mind. Make it seem like it's your first time watching anime so you can enjoy it. A great example is instead of saying "Oh it doesn't have this like (my favourite anime)", you can change that to something like "I really like this about (the anime im currently watching)". Trust me, you'd feel so much better and you'd want to continue the series.

From my personal experience, I love drama-romance and I decided to watch Kimi Ni Tadoke, because of the reviews. It wasn't really my type of drama-romance because it was really slow but I chose to ignore that and sat through all 20+ episodes and finished it. I really liked it at the end.

A big turn off these days is the fact that older anime don't have sharp 1080p quality or don't have modern art styles? Just to let you know, some of the greatest anime came from around the 1980-2004 time. Why should that stop you from watching something old. You don't have to be born in the 80's to watch something from the 80's. Infact, I love some of the older animes such as Cowboy Bebop.

You don't work for a reviewing company that makes you critically review anime to it's smallest form. A lot of people like to ignore to the good points and only focus on the bad so they can balance their scoring. You shouldn't do that. Go with what your truly feel and stick with that feeling.

Just live and enjoy the anime that you're watching.

External Links
Here I have listed so really good video's and anime series that will help you with your recovery. You don't have to watch the anime series but I highly recommend them (no they're not mainstream).

Below are some YouTube videos explaining how anime should be watched

Here are some series you can watch right now

Moe (Cute):

Feel free to talk to me if you've seen one of the series listed above. I'd be glad to talk about it.

Here I have listed so short quotes that you can use as a reminder for yourself when you want to get back into anime. You can paste these anywhere, from wallpapers to post-it notes. Think of these as TL;DR
Anime shouldn't feel like a chore or a task you have to complete
Stop comparing your favourite anime with the one you're watching
You must sacrifice something in return for something else
Being mainstream is like trying to fit in with the popular
It's good to take a break once in a while
There are gems deep in the ocean, just as with anime


I salute you if you read to this point and made it this far. You really want to get back into anime and needed help, and here you have it.

My overall conclusion is that you should watch anime whenever you feel like it. You shouldn't be forced to watch it. You can do this by making yourself sometime and watching a real great, uplifting anime that will get you right back in the mood. Don't overdo it by watching too much otherwise you will start to lose interest quickly. You shouldn't also watch only mainstream stuff as there are a lot of anime that are a gem in the ocean. You also need to stop being critical. Just sit down and enjoy a good anime once in a while with a new and fresh mind. Make it feel like its your first.

This guide has been brought to you by Abz. No I didn't get paid to do this, I did this to remind myself and others out there how to get back into anime. And to also reach out much further to the community than I already am.

Feel free to add me on MyAnimeList[]

*This guide will constantly be updated. Feel free to leave feedback in the comments*

Thank you :3

𝐿𝒶𝓎𝐿𝒶𝓎 31 Mar @ 8:40pm 
Why are people being so rude? It costs nothing to be nice.
tsani 18 Dec, 2022 @ 10:16am 
bluedog 🐕 5 Aug, 2020 @ 8:40am 
For quite some time now, I've had this lingering suspicion that the japanese government created anime as a sort of weaponized autism to be unleashed quietly on america in an attempt to rot america's youth and create an entirely unfuckable generation of kids who can't carry on their family lines. Generation Lost. Some ol' supervillain shit. Why would they do such a thing? Uh, I donno, ask fucking nagasaki. It adds up. It would have been a great plan, too, had it not backfired spectacularly, what with Japan now being the mecca for weebs and sex weirdos.
batak 21 May, 2019 @ 8:17am 
anime is shit
Jakob 17 Mar, 2019 @ 1:21am 
Or just watch some KyoAni works and you'll feel good again.
Nuclear Warhead Loli 18 Feb, 2019 @ 8:15am 
and how can I get friends who going to watch anime with me ?
SlymHD ♿ 4 Jan, 2019 @ 2:03am 
Gacha xd
not a commander 26 Jul, 2018 @ 8:08am 
So first of all this guide is quite useless since watching anime is not something someone should be proud of if anyone doesn't want to watch anymore just stop it ,sometimes i lose my interest in it but i get back , just like FIFA , Overwatch , Csgo or any video game or let's say any useless hobby , this is not math or physics .
†⁧⁧ 🌹 Neklit 19 Jul, 2018 @ 8:35am 
NANI !!!
trinner 12 Jul, 2018 @ 3:49am 
really helpfull :)