LEGO® MARVEL's Avengers

LEGO® MARVEL's Avengers

246 ratings
100% Achievement Guide
An easy-to-follow guide on how to obtain every achievement in Lego Marvel's Avengers.
Basic Info
Game: Lego Marvel's Avengers Achievement Difficulty: 2/5 Estimated Playtime: 30 - 40 hours DLC Achievements? Yes Local Multiplayer Achievements? No Online Achievements? No Glitched/Broken Achievements? No

There are 70 Achievements in Lego Marvel's Avengers. Out of the 70 achievements, 40 can be earned by playing through the base game while the other 30 can only be obtained via DLC. This guide will explain how to earn every achievement.

1/15/2017: Guide created.
Story Achievements
The following achievements are earned by completing each of the 15 story missions. They are very straight-forward, so I won't go too much into detail on them.

Struck Off The List
Complete 'Struck Off the List'

Story related, can't be missed.

A Loki Entrance
Complete 'A Loki Entrance'

Story related, can't be missed.

Rail Hydra
Complete 'Rail Hydra'

Story related, can't be missed.

Shakespeare in the Park
Complete 'Shakespeare in the Park'

Story related, can't be missed.

Helicarrier Havoc
Complete 'Helicarrier Havoc'

Story related, can't be missed.

Earth's Mightiest
Complete 'Earth's Mightiest'

Story related, can't be missed.

Avengers Assemble
Complete 'Avengers Assemble'

Story related, can't be missed.

No Strings On Me
Complete 'No Strings On Me'

Story related, can't be missed.

Anger Management
Complete 'Anger Management'

Story related, can't be missed.

Korea Prospects
Complete 'Korea Prospects'

Story related, can't be missed.

Rise or Ultron
Complete 'Rise of Ultron'

Story related, can't be missed.

Ultron Undone
Complete 'Ultron Undone'

Story related, can't be missed.


Once you clear the "Earth's Mightiest" level (last level of first Avengers film), you'll be able to play three extra levels. These levels are based on Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, and Captain America: Winter Soldier respectively. To play them, select the go to space option in the pause menu, and find the head icons that will take you to each of the three levels.

Ready, A.I.M., Fire
Complete 'Ready A.I.M. Fire'

Iron Man 3 bonus level, simply clear the mission.

Lost in the Aether
Complete 'Lost in the Aether'

Thor: The Dark World bonus level, simply clear the mission.

Lack of Insight
Complete 'Lack of Insight'

Captain America: Winter Soldier bonus level, simply clear the mission.
Misc. Achievements
These achievements involve doing random tasks throughout the game.

Create a Super Hero
Create a Custom Character

See the achievement below.

Be Worthy
Create and play as a Custom Character equipped with Mjolnir

While in the main control room of the Helicarrier, go to the door on the left side and walk straight to the end of the hall. Take a right in the next room and you'll be in the medical bay. The character creator is at the right side of the room. Make a character with the Mjolnir weapon (Thor's hammer) and play as it for a second. Doing this will earn you the "Be Worthy" and "Create a Super Hero" achievements.

True Avenger
Achieve True Avenger in any level

True Avenger is obtained by collecting a certain amount of studs in a level (so that the bar at the top is completely yellow). You can get this easily be collecting as many studs as you can in a level, but if you're having trouble then just buy some stud multipliers and you should get it very quickly.

You Asked For It
Stop 10 random crimes in Manhattan during a single session

While roaming the Manhattan hub, you will sometimes receive calls from Coulson about criminal activity taking place around your area. These crimes include muggings, goon fights, and stopping robbed cars. The crimes are marked on the map by the S.H.I.E.L.D. icon. Simply do any 10 of them in a single play session to get the achievement. If you're having trouble chasing muggers, I suggest using an ability that stops opponents immediately such as Squirrel Girl's scream.

Globe Trotter
Visit all Hub locations

There are 8 hub locations in the game. They are:
  • Manhatten
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Base
  • Malibu
  • Barton's Farm
  • Washington D.C.
  • Asgard
  • Sovokia
  • South Africa
Although the achievement doesn't say this, you must visit all the hubs in one sitting for the achievement to unlock.
Character Achievements [1]
These achievements involve doing certain activities with specific characters.

Always Angry
Transform from Banner to Hulk

Can be earned in "Struck off the List" when you play as Hulk. Just hold the character switch button to turn into Bruce, then do it again to turn back into Hulk. Bruce turning into Hulk is a part of the "Avengers Assemble" mission, so this achievement is impossible to miss.

A Magical Place
Playing as Coulson: die and respawn

You'll unlock Coulson right before you start "A Loki Entrance." Play as him and either get killed in a level or by some bad guys in one of the hubs.

A Funny Thing Happened
Drive Lola as Agent Coulson

Agent Coulson's car Lola is available to ride by clearing a foot race in the West Harlem area of Manhattan. Once you complete the race, go to a vehical station, spawn Lola, and ride it while playing as Agent Coulson.

Another way to get ths achievement is by doing the Agent Coulson side mission where you have to drive to a gas station with Lola. The mission is sort of in the same area as the race.

Born Yesterday
Play as Vision - both playable characters

Once you clear "Ultron Undone," you'll be able to use Vision in free roam. Simply make it where both you and player two are both Vision.

Fast and the Fury Us
Team-up Nick Fury and Quicksilver

You'll unlock Quicksilver after you clear "Korea Prospects." Once you have him, make one player Quicksilver and the other Nick Fury in either free play or by using a vehicle bay station (or just beat the last level so you can switch whenever).

On Your Left
Play as any version of Falcon and as any version of Cap, while in Washington D.C.

You'll unlock Falcon once you clear "Lack of Insight." Once you have him simply go to the Washington D.C. hub and make both characters Falcon and Captain America (not Steve Rogers).

We're Connected
Play as Harley Keener and Tony Stark in any level other than level 9

Harley is unlocked by completing "Ready, A.I.M., Fire." Once you have him, select any freeplay level that isn't said level and make both characters Harley and Tony (not Iron Man).

Playing as Aldrich Killian: die and respawn

Aldrich is unlocked by collecting his character token in part A of "Ready, A.I.M., Fire." You have to destroy the painting behind the giant bunny and activate the computer to get the token. Once you buy him, kill yourself via an instant death method (such as by touching the river at the start of "Struck Off the List") since he regenerates health.

A Startling Metamorphosis
Transform from Lou Ferrigno to Hulk (Lou Ferrigno)

Lou Ferrigno - the actor who played Hulk in The Incredible Hulk show in the late 70's - is a playable character in this game and can turn into his own version of the Hulk. To unlock him, you must clear his 4 missions in the Manhattan hub (mission 1 unlocks mission 2, etc.). Here are their locations:
  • Mission #1: Parking lot near the Brooklyn Bridge (where you have to drive him to a location).
  • Mission #2: Next to a statue in Central Park (where you have to find people for him).
  • Mission #3: Next to a building in the city, a few blocks away from Times Square (where you have to get clothes for him).
  • Mission #4: Next to the lake in Central Park (where you take a Hulk selfie).
Once you clear the final mission, you'll be able to purchase Lou. Select him and hold the switch button to turn into the Hulk from The Incredible Hulk show to get the achievement.
Character Achievements [2]
House Party Protocol
Play as every Iron Man variant in one session

Iron Man is unique in that there are 14 variants of the suit to play as. Out of these 14, 5 of them (MK6, MK7, MK43, MK45, and Hulkbuster) are unlocked by completing the main story missions. Here is how to obtain the other Iron Man suits.
  • Iron Man (MK1): Hall of armor (basement) area of the Malibu hub.
  • Iron Man (MK5): Garage area of the Malibu hub.
  • Iron Man (MK16): In the last section of the "No Strings On Me" level, put out the flames at the top left and break the bricks to get the character token.
  • Iron Man (MK17/Heartbreaker): Living room area of the Malibu hub.
  • Iron Man (MK25): Helicarrier Lab (where the Avengers mainly were in the first film). Clear the scientist's mission where you have to reboot the computer.
  • Iron Man (MK33/Silver Centurion): Agent Coulson mission near the Harlem area right outside of Central Park in Manhattan. Complete the mission where you have to fly with Coulson + Lola and take a picture of them.
  • Iron Man (MK40): Agent Coulson mission in West Harlem, Manhattan (up-left area past Central Park) where you go to a gas station with Lola.
  • Iron Man (MK42): Complete "Ready, A.I.M., Fire" (Iron Man 3 level).
  • Superior Iron Man: Avengers Facility (north area of Manhattan hub) under a circular cosmic brick. Use Ultron's power to get it.
Once you have every suit, switch into all of them in a single play session to get the achievement.

Giant-Sized MARVEL
Grow Ant-Man, Black Goliath, and Fin Fang Foom in one sitting

These three characters can turn giant by holding the character switch button (Y on 360 controller). Here's how to get them.
  • Ant-Man: Complete Lou Ferrigno's second mission near a statue in Central Park (see the "A Startling Metamorphosis" achievement for more detail). Other versions of Ant-Man can be obtained by buying the Ant-Man DLC.
  • Black Goliath: Destroy 12 metal statues in the South Africa hub.
  • Fin Fang Foom: Complete his mission near time square where you gather food ingredients.
Now that you have every character, hold the character switch button for each of them to turn into their giant forms.

Stiff Upper Lip
Play as Captain Britain, Union Jack, Spitfire, Agent Carter and Mandarin (Trevor Slattery)

Like the previous achievements, you just have to play as these characters in one sitting. Here's how to get them:
  • Agent Carter: Unlocked by clearing "Anger Management" (story mission).
  • Captain Britain: Clear his mission in front of the Lincoln Memorial in the Washington D.C. hub.
  • Mandarin (Trevor): On the beach of the Malibu hub near a blue vehicle platform. Complete his mission where you have to fight some goons.
  • Spitfire: Sovokia hub, use a Quicksilver speed boost near one of the buildings in the central area so you quickly press 8 switches on a building.
  • Union Jack: On one of the roofs in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, use Black Widow's stealth ability to pull 4 switches to get the token.

Warriors Three
Play as Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg in one sitting

Fandral and Volstagg are unlocked by clearing "Lost in the Aether." Hogun's character token is found in part A of the same level. When you have to knock down the door, head to the left area of the room and put out the flames (you can do this in story mode with Sif's shield). Once you unlock Hogun, switch to all three characters for the achievement.

Over the Moon
Play as Moon Knight, Moondragon, Moon Boy in one session

Like before this must be done in a single session:
  • Moon Boy: Clear his mission on the Barton's Farm hub. He's the blue guy standing next to the giant dinosaur.
  • Moondragon: HMS Churchill boat in the South Africa hub. Blow up some silver bricks and activate a technology panel to get the token.
  • Moon Knight: Clear his mission in East Harlem of Manhattan.

Young Avengers
Play as: Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Hulkling, Wiccan, America Chavez and Speed in the same session

Again, just unlock these characters and switch to them for the achievement:
  • America Chavez: Last section of "Avengers Assemble" when you're on the bridge. Use Hawkeye's arrow to break the glass on the firetruck to get the token.
  • Hawkeye (Kate Bishop): Barton's Farm hub on the roof of the house. Freeze the puddles near the chimney with a character like Loki.
  • Hulkling: Clear his mission next to a vehicle pad in the Sokovia hub.
  • Speed: Clear Lou Ferrigno's third mission where you get him new clothes (see the "A Startling Metamorphosis" achievement for more detail).
  • Wiccan: Clear his mission in a cave south of the Avengers Facility in Manhattan (near where the billboad is).

Play as Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jewel (Jessica Jones) and Luke Cage

You should know how unlocking these achievements works by now:
  • Daredevil: Clear his mission on one of the docks located on the west side of Manhattan.
  • Iron Fist: Clear his mission in the East Village area of Manhattan (Chinese area near Times Square).
  • Jewel (Jessica Jones): Clear her mission to east of Central Park in Manhattan, where you have to get people for an interview.
  • Luke Cage: Clear his mission in East Harlem, Manhattan.
Collectible Achievements
These achievements focus on collecting various things:

Going Knowhere
Turn on all Red Brick Extras at the same time

Red bricks are items that grant access to various extras, such as stud multipliers and minikit detectors. There are 18 red bricks that must be found and purchased: 15 are found in each of the main levels while the other 3 are already available for purchase. While playing each level in freeplay, you will come across a white haired man known as the Collector who will request that you find an item for him. Upon giving him the item, you will be allowed to purchase a red brick in his shop, which is found by taking a right in the long hallway in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier.

Check out my red brick guide for all of the red brick locations in each level:
Perfect Pannapictagraphist
Unlock and view all 15 Minikit Comic Pages

Like every TT Lego game, there are 10 minikits to be found in the 15 story missions. You will have to find them in freeplay, since you'll need multiple characters to find them. If you beat the game, you should have every character required to find him, except for Ultron (needed for cosmic bricks) and a digging character (just unlock Squirrel Girl on Barton's farm). Remember that Loki can freeze puddles of water if you need it. If you're having trouble finding minikits, you can find a red brick that has a minikit detector in the "Lost in the Aether" level.

Once you have every minikit, go to the Collector's room in the Helicarrier and use the machine to the right of the red brick shop. View every comic cover in a single play session to get the achievement.

I Am Iron Stan
Transform into Stan Lee (Hulkbuster)

Stan Lee returns as a playable character from Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Like the previous game, you must save Stan Lee in all of the perils in order to unlock him. There are 35 Stan Lee in peril situations: 15 are found in each of the story missions, while 13 are found in the Manhattan hub and must be found in a certain order). The other 7 are found in the remaining other hubs such as Asgard and Sokovia. Keep in mind that you do not have to find Stan Lee in any of the DLC levels.

To make finding Stan Lee easier, you can unlock a red brick that allows you to detect Stan Lee in each area. The red brick is found in the "No Strings On Me" level, so check out my red brick guide posted above for that level. I might make a Stan Lee in peril guide in the future.

Once you have Stan Lee unlocked, hold the character select button to go into Stan's own select mode similar to Iron Man's. Select the Stanbuster to get the achievement.

I'll Do It Myself
Witness the 100% Stud Fountain inside Avengers Tower

When you pause the game, you'll see a percentage value that shows you how much of the game you've completed. To reach 100% game completion, you must do the following:
  • Clear all missions with True Avengers status
  • Find all 150 minikits
  • Save Stan Lee in each of the 35 perils
  • Find and buy all of the 18 red bricks
  • Unlock and buy all 196 characters
  • Unlock and buy all vehicles (you can buy them at the blue-marked vehicle pads in each hub)
  • Obtain all 250 golden bricks
Once you have 100%, fly up to the Avengers tower in Manhattan in enter the elevator. Head down to the front of the screen and pull the switch to turn on the fountain and get the achievement.
(DLC) Season Pass Achievements [1]
All of the achievements in this section can only be earned by purchasing the Lego Avengers Season Pass. This Season Pass includes a ton of new characters/vehicles and five new levels. Each of the five DLCs can be purchased seperately, but if you want to 100% this game you should purchase the Season Pass.

Level Completion Achievements

These achievements are earned simply by clearing each DLC level:

  • A Sticky Situation: Complete the 'The Masters of Evil' level
  • The Enemy Within: Complete the 'Classic Captain Marvel' level
  • Who is the Black Panther?: Complete the 'Classic Black Panther' level
  • Strange Tales: Complete the 'All-New All-Different Doctor Strange' level
  • Afterlife Ambush: Complete the 'MARVEL's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' level

True Avenger Achievements

IMPORTANT: You must actually complete the level from beginning to end for the True Avenger achievements to unlock. Starting at a later section or choosing the "save and exit" option will NOT make the achievement appear.

These achievements are earned by getting the True Avenger status in each of the DLC levels. If you have every stud multiplier you should get it as soon as you start each level.

  • Worthy of a True Zemo: Complete the 'The Masters of Evil' level after achieving True Avenger status
  • Carol Corps Candidate: Complete the 'Classic Captain Marvel' level after achieving True Avenger status
  • King of Wakanda: Complete the 'Classic Black Panther' level after achieving True Avenger status
  • Sorcerer Supreme: Complete the 'All-New All-Different Doctor Strange' level after achieving True Avenger status
  • We Are Not 'Agents of Nothing'!: Complete the 'MARVEL's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' level after achieving True Avenger status

Minikit Achievements

IMPORTANT: You must actually complete the level from beginning to end for the minikit achievements to unlock. Starting at a later section or choosing the "save and exit" option will NOT make the achievement appear.

These achievements are earned by finding all 10 minikits in each of the DLC levels. If you're having trouble finding any, use the minikit detector red brick found in the "Lost in the Aether" level.

  • Meet The Masters of Evil: Complete the 'The Masters of Evil' level with all Minikits unlocked
  • Earth's Mightiest Hero: Complete the 'Classic Captain Marvel' level with all Minikits unlocked
  • The Most Dangerous Man Alive: Complete the 'Classic Black Panther' level with all Minikits unlocked
  • Master of the Mystic Arts:Complete the 'All-New All-Different Doctor Strange' level with all Minikits unlocked
  • A Part Of Something Bigger: Complete the 'MARVEL's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' level with all Minikits unlocked
(DLC) Season Pass Achievements [2]
The DLC achievements in this section involve doing specific requirements to unlock them. I've sorted them by the release dates of each individual pack.

Didn't Odin Banish You Two?
Set both Free Play characters as the Enchantress and Executioner in the Asgard hub area

Both characters are included with the Masters of Evil pack, so just go to the Asgard hub and make both characters Enchantress and Executioner.

The Black Knight Lives Again!
Defeat 20 enemies as the Black Knight (Dane Whitman) during Free Play

Black Knight (Dane Whitman) is also included with the Masters of Evil pack, so play as him in any free play level and kill 20 bad guys. They do not have to be in the same level. A good mission for this is Ultron Undone Part B, since Ultron goons will always spawn.

Note that there are 2 other versions of Black Knight, so make sure you're playing as the right one.


Skycycle Style
Fly the Captain Marvel Skycycle as Captain Marvel in the Manhattan hub

Both the vehicle and the character are included with the Captain Marvel pack. Go on to the Helicarrier and spawn the Captain Marvel Skycycle on the vehcile pad outside. Simply ride it was Captain Marvel for the achievement.

Tic Team-Up
Set both Free Play characters as Tic and Hawkeye (Classic)

Although Tic is included with the Captain Marvel DLC, Hawkeye (Classic) must be unlocked through regular means. To unlock him, go to "Helicarrier Havoc" (Part B) and go to the right side of the room. Use Hawkeye to pull the red lever on the cabinet to get the character token.


Quick as a Cat
Complete any race in the HUB using the Black Panther Skycycle

The vehicle is included with the Black Panther DLC and can be spawned at most vehicle pads.

As the name suggests, the Skycycle can fly in the air. However for this achievement its best to do a grounded race since flying with it can be tough. The controls on the Skycycle are really awkward so find an easy race. I suggest either doing the one near the vehicle pad just outside of Central Park, or the one on Barton's farm near the shed. Both have their checkpoints fairly close to each other so it shouldn't be too hard.

Panther's Rage
Defeat 20 enemies as Killmonger in the 'Classic Black Panther' level during Free Play

Killmonger is included with the Black Panther DLC, so once you beat the level normally, play as him in freeplay and kill a bunch of goons. There are a ton of goons near the end of the level with the two boss fights so don't worry if you didn't kill all of the previous ones.


Danger from the Dark Dimension
Set both Free Play characters as Baron Mordo and Dormammu

Both characters are included with the Doctor Strange DLC, so simply make it where both characters are Baron Mordo and Dormammu.

Voodoo Chilled
Find a way to freeze Doctor Voodoo during Free Play in any area of the game

Doctor Voodoo is also a part of the Doctor Strange pack. Make one character Voodoo and the other Loki. Use Loki's freezing power to freeze Voodoo and get the achievement. Another way to get this is to jump into the icy river at the start of "Struck off the List."


I'm Engineering, She's Bio-chem
Set both Free Play characters as Agent Leo Fitz and Agent Jemma Simmons

Self-explanatory, both characters are included with the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. pack so just make them both of the characters for the achievement.

Just Need You To Drive The Bus
Fly ''The Bus'' vehicle as Agent Melinda May

Again, both the character and the vehicle are part of the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. pack. Find a vehicle pad that can spawn air vehicles such as the one on the Helicarrier in Manhattan. Spawn the Bus (air vehicle, not an actual bus) and just ride it as Agent Melinda May.
(DLC) Ant-Man Achievements
The following achievements can only be earned by purchasing the Ant-Man DLC. Everything needed to obtain these achievements is included with the pack.

Pick On Someone Your Own Size!
Complete the 'Ant-Man' level

Self-explanatory. You'll be able to play the level by choosing the "go to space" option on the pause screen and by flying to the icon labeled "Ant-Man."

Heroes Don't Get Any Bigger
Complete the 'Ant-Man' level after achieving True Avenger status

If you have all of the stud multipliers equipped you should get this extremely quickly.

Note that you must actually finish the level from start to finish. Starting from a later checkpoint or saving and exiting will not make the achievement unlock.

I Know A Guy...
Complete the 'Ant-Man' level with all Minikits unlocked

This must be done in free play from start to finish and without saving/exiting the level. Like every other level there are 10 minikits to be found. If you have trouble finding them, you can use a minikit detector red brick found in the "Lost in the Aether" level.

Tales to Astonish
Set both Free Play characters as Ant-Man (Hank Pym) and The Wasp (Janet van Dyne)

Both of these characters are included with the Ant-Man pack, so just make it where both characters are Hank Pym's Ant-Man and Janet's Wasp.

Please Don't Drop Me This Time!
Ride Ant-Thony as Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

Despite the description Ant-Thony is actually a character, not a vehicle. Make one character Ant-Thony (the giant blue ant) and the other Ant-Man (Scott Lang). Go near to each other and press the ride button (Y on 360) as Ant-Man to go on top of Ant-Thony and get the achievement.
I hope this guide helped in obtaining all of these achievements. If you feel this guide can be improved in any way, please say so in the comments.

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JumperCool11 5 Feb @ 1:43pm 
Original Text:
Hallo Leute,
ich habe das Level "Das sind die Meister des Bösen" mit allen Minikits freigeschaltet. Dann habe ich vergessen, das Spiel zu speichern und zu verlassen. Jetzt wollte ich das Level nochmals spielen. Ich habe das Errungenschaft "Beenden: Das sind die Meister des Bösen" mit allen Minikits erhalten. Hat das schon jemand getestet oder beim Autor gemeldet?

Hi guys,
I have unlocked the level ‘These are the masters of evil’ with all the minikits. Then I forgot to save and exit the game. Now I wanted to play the level again. I have the achievement ‘Finish: These are the masters of evil’ with all the minikits. Has anyone tested this yet or reported it to the author?
ShadowNebula422 4 Jan, 2024 @ 5:14am 
For me the Korea Prospects achievement simply don't drop, I'm at 99% and I tried to play the level again and yet I don't have the achievement =(
Gagoa 5 Feb, 2023 @ 4:04pm 
i somehow missed the avengers assemble
Logan_Alexander 30 Jun, 2022 @ 9:50am 
Its missing Captain America Civil War!
Jamin1976 12 Apr, 2022 @ 8:44pm 
I can't get the Giant-sized Marvel achievement to unlock even though I've grown all three characters. Anybody else had the same issue?
glinitr 28 Feb, 2021 @ 5:13am 
i know
wryguy 18 Jan, 2021 @ 12:53pm 
I know this is random to add 4 years later, but I just wanted to note that every story achievement in this game can fail to unlock if the player uses the mid-level save checkpoints. I have experienced this myself on at least 6 levels. The achievements will unlock if the level is replayed and the checkpoints are not used. See here:
th3pr0wler 21 Aug, 2020 @ 10:22pm 
I figured out that i was forgetting to buy some cars to make 100%, your tip helped me. Thanks! :steamhappy:
chetusaf 22 Nov, 2019 @ 6:56pm 

Red's Wastebin 3 Nov, 2019 @ 11:47pm 
I would add a note to tell people to make sure not to use those little save stations through story mode, not sure if it happens all the time, but from my experience when I use them it actually deactivates the progression of getting a story achievement, and then having to completely replay it :/