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Using The Steam Friend Activity Feed
By ABI TALENT and 1 collaborators
This is an in-depth guide talking about the Steam Friend Activity Feed, it explains everything there is to know about it.

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The Steam Friend Activity Feed is pretty much a place where you can see what your friends and people that you follow have been up to lately. Steam can display activity since the day you created your Steam account until now, you also do not have to be a premium user to view it. The following can be seen in the activity with the default settings:
  • Someone unlocking new achievements
  • Someone adding a new friend
  • Someone purchasing a new product
  • Someone joining a new group
  • Someone creating a new group
  • Someone adding a product to their wishlist
  • Someone reviewing a product
  • Someone uploading a screenshot/artwork
  • Someone adding a video
  • Someone posting a status post
  • You are also notified when:
    • A group you are in:
      • Posts an announcement
      • Schedules an event
      • Selects the Player of The Week
      • Promotes a member to admin
      • Has a comment posted
    • Workshop items you are interested in post an announcement (Greenlight items as well)
    • A Store Curator you follow recommends a new game
    • A user you follow creates a new item
    • When you are in someone's screenshot
Where to access the Activity Feed from
The activity feed is the first in the drop-down menu under you name on both the Steam client and the web version. Your Activity Feed can only be viewed by yourself.

Make it show up when you open your Steam Client
You can set it to show up first when you open your Steam client by going to Steam > Settings > Interface > Favorite Window > Friend Activity

How to follow users whose posts you want in your Activity Feed
You can do that by going to their profile and pressing on the "More" button, then clicking follow. Same thing goes for unfollowing them.

Users might link you to their guide/workshop page to follow them, you have to click on the blue button: "Follow user" to start following them. As the page says, following them will make their Steam Guides, Steam Collections or Workshop/Greenlight items show up in your feed. You don't have to be friends with them to follow them.
How to Post to The Activity Feed
Screenshots you take, achievements you unlock, items you add to your favorites, artwork you publish and everything else is automatically to the feed and can be viewed by your friends and followers.

Here are two really good guides made by Jimo on contributing to the Steam Community:

However, you can post a status to your friends by going to the top of the Friend Activity Feed page.

You can also select an emoticon from those that you own.

Aand you can also tag your status with a game no matter if you own it or not!

You can see all of your posts to the activity by going to the top part of it and clicking on "My Activity"

The Friend Activity Settings
The Friend Activity Settings are located right next to "My Activity" and they are awesome, they let you choose what you want featured in your Activity Feed and what not.

Remove the things that you do not want in your Friend Activity by removing the tick from them and then hit "Save Changes".

vihan-zone 4 Apr, 2024 @ 1:26pm 
Ise 26 Mar, 2023 @ 2:54am 
very helpful guide :marijaonlooker:
󠁿󠁿 8 Jan, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
󠁿󠁿 8 Jan, 2023 @ 1:56pm 
rucker 16 Oct, 2022 @ 7:23am 
♰♰♰Dlox♰♰♰ 7 Jul, 2022 @ 11:14am 
Raven Like Writing Desk 24 Dec, 2021 @ 8:18pm 
omg thank you so much
Psy0ch 24 Dec, 2021 @ 9:22am 
uniQ once again coming through with the scripting! What a madlad!
uniQ  [author] 24 Dec, 2021 @ 7:51am 
About the specific friend activity: You can't do it in Steam, but since apparently several people have a use for that, I created a quick script that adds a toggle button. It is very basic, but should get the job done:

About the specific date thing: It is also not directly possible within Steam, but you can in theory use the api to get the activity feed for any date. However I'm not aware of any extention or script which uses it. Steam also deletes all friend-related entries after some time, which makes it less useful. If you want to give it a try, use