Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

66 ratings
Better Material Collection through Vandalism!
By Jovian
Beating dust on a frozen rock for hours at a time is fun and all, but sometimes you just want to get and go. Volcanic sites on various planets are a handy way to get a big ol' heap of materials in one spot.
The Basics


We're talking about planetary landings - needless to say you're going to need Elite Dangerous: Horizons dawg.

Throughout the Milky Way there are oodles of marked and unmarked locations of volcanic activity. They're interesting sites to visit of their own accord, but they're a reliable place to find all materials (discoverable via a detailed serface scan) available on a world.

So what better way to fill your material hold by shooting up million year old, prestine wonders of the galaxy eh?

At all locations you'll find three types of objects attached to various geological formations, shooting these off with your SRV and collecting them will give you the material drop x3, pretty much function the same as the various rocks you're currently use to wacking away at.

There are three objects:
  • Cobble - Very common elemental materials - Iron, Sulphur etc. Ignore tier.
  • Crystaline Formation - Common and Rare - Germanium, Cadmium etc.
  • Needle Crystals - Very Rare - Yttrium, Antimony and all that good stuff.

Because sometimes you gotta fill your tank with metal for various engineering materials or you're harvesting jumponium for a big trip. While these locations won't nessisarily have the 'best' drop rates for particular materials, they're a good spot to get an easy dose, before striking out to the horizon with the SRV.

The below list radiating out from Sol breaks down locations and their potential drops. These locations contain tourist beacons and as such are incredibly easy to locate and planetfall at. These becons will be visible in the Navigation panel once within 500 ls of the target body. Easy peasy.

The List
  • All common material rates - Iron, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Carbon etc - are ommited. You're probably drowning in this stuff already.
  • The above common material will only drop from Cobble, ignore these. Focus on Crystals and Needle crystals.
  • All "Jumponium" material aka FSD Boost synthesis is denoted by [J1], [J2-3] etc.

Sol - Europa Ice Geyser
0.0 Lys from Sol
Notes: Lovely view of Jupiter. Sol requires permit from the Federation to enter.
  • Chromium 7.6
  • Vandiaum 4.2 [J1,2]
  • Arsenic 1.6 [J3]
  • Cadmium 1.3 [J2]
  • Molybdenum 1.1
  • Antimony 0.8

Sol - Actaea Ice Fumarole
0.0 Lys from Sol
Notes: Barren, flat and a long way out. Sol requires permit from the Federation to enter.
  • Chromium 7.9
  • Manganese 7.3
  • Vanadium 4.3 [J1,2]
  • Molybdenum 1.1
  • Yttruim 1.0 [J3]
  • Tungsten 1.0

Beta Hydri 7 C Gas Vents
24.31 ly Lys from Sol
Notes: Easy terrain, abundant, blue crystals. Federation permit locked.
  • Germanium 5.7 [J1,2]
  • Zinc 5.4
  • Vanadium 4.9% [J1,2]
  • Molybdenum 1.3
  • Yttruim 1.2 [J3]
  • Mercury 0.9

LHS 278 7 A Ice Geysers
49.23 ly from Sol
Notes: Very difficult terrain, sparse, redish crystals.
  • Chromium 5.5
  • Manganese 5.1
  • Arsenic 1.6 [J3]
  • Molybdenum 0.8
  • Ruthenium 0.8
  • Tungsten 0.7

Malina AB 5 A Ice Geysers
55.30 ly from Sol
Notes: Flat terrain, sparse density, dark crystals at distance.
  • Germanium 3.6 [J1,2]
  • Zinc 3.4
  • Vanadium 3 [J1,2]
  • Tellurium 0.9
  • Niobium 0.8 [J2,3]
  • Molybdenum:0.8

Malina AB 5 B Ice Geysers
55.30 ly from Sol
Notes: Rugged terrain, average density, redish crystals.
  • Chromium 5.5
  • Selenium 4.2
  • Vanadium 3 [J1,2]
  • Cadmium 0.9 [J3]
  • Mercury 0.5

LP 102-320 1 Rock Fumarole
70.14 ly from Sol
Notes: Rolling terrain, black shimmering crystals, average density.
  • Chromium 9.6
  • Manganese 8.8
  • Germanium 4.4 [J1,2]
  • Molybdenum 1.4
  • Tin 1.4
  • Tellurium 1.1

LHS 2405 B 7 A Ice Geysers
74.14 ly from Sol
  • Chromium 5.4
  • Manganese 5.0
  • Selenium 4.1
  • Niobium 0.8 [J2,3]
  • Ruthenium 0.7
  • Tin 0.7

HIP 35755 6 C Ice Fumarole
122.89 ly from Sol
Notes: Absolutely lovely spot deep in a icey canyon, wide open terrain, dark crystals
  • Chromium 7.0
  • Zinc 4.3
  • Zirconium 1.8
  • Niobium 1.1 [J2,3]
  • Tungsten 0.9
  • Technetium 0.6

HIP 35755 7 A Lava Spouts
]122.89 ly from Sol
Notes: Average density, blue sparkling crystals against the lava, in a crater.
  • Chromium 8.8
  • Zinc 5.3
  • Selenium 3.0
  • Cadmium 1.5 [J2]
  • Molybdenum:1.3
  • Technetium 0.7

Currently Unsurveyed

Notes: Many of these systems inside the bubble have not have material data logged on EDSM or EDDB.

75.84 ly
LP 499-54 7 E Ice Geysers

98.06 ly
Meenates 4 A Ice Geysers

97.29 ly
Vamm B 2 A Ice Geysers
Vamm B 3 A Ice Geysers

105.30 ly
LTT 13904 B 1 A Rock Fumarole
LTT 13904 B 1 A Gas Vents

109.61 ly
Tphen Slata C 7 A Ice Geysers
Tphen Slata C 7 E Ice Geysers
Tphen Slata C 9 A Ice Geysers

121.01 ly
Beditjari A 4 B Ice Geysers
Beditjari A 4 C Ice Geysers

125.77 ly
Marki 8 A Ice Geysers

128.43 ly Exioce
Boston's Wreck Gas Vents
Boston's Wreck Lava Spouts
Exioce 4 A A Rock Fumarole

129.29 ly
HIP 41181 A 1 A Lava Spouts

129.46 ly
CD-58 4207 6 A Ice Lava
CD-58 4207 6 A Ice Fumarole
CD-58 4207 6 B Gas Vents

137.62 ly
HIP 111755 A 1 Rock Fumarole

[PERMIT] 139.45 ly
Achenar 2 Rock Fumarole

164.30 ly
Ngere AB 1 A Ice Geysers
Ngere AB 1 B Ice Geysers

180.21 ly
Nortes 2 C Rock Fumarole
Nortes 2 D Lava Spouts

181.44 ly
Jardonnere 6 B Ice Geysers
Jardonnere 6 E A Ice Geysers

197.92 ly
Upsilon Phoenicis 1 Lava Spouts

221.91 ly
Tujing 2 A Gas Vents
Tujing 7 F Ice Geysers
Tujing 8 A Ice Geysers

Going Deeper
1. The current list of known Tourist Beacons[docs.google.com], where the known volcanic sites with nav beacons was pulled from. Many thanks to CMDRs Lucienn, Sajime, Chent-Shi, Jackie Silver and the many contributors to this document and the corisponding Frontier forums thread. [forums.frontier.co.uk]

2. Many - likely MILLIONS - of other sites exist within the bubble. However there is no comphensive list bringing their locations together, rather sporadic random finds made by various Commanders.

3. Various lifeforms such as "braintrees" and space fungi also have the same quality as volcanic sites. No such known sites exist within the bubble. One set of these trees that's not a crazy distance out (say out Colonia way) is: SYNUEFE ZL-J D10-119 PLANET: 7A COORDINATES: 18.6177 -172.8338, at around 850 Lys from Sol.

Oshywatt 19 Sep, 2021 @ 3:30am 
They dont seem to spawn anymore in odyssey
Jovian  [author] 9 Mar, 2018 @ 3:15pm 
I belive they reset after weekly downtime like outpost data points do.
Hal Over9000 9 Mar, 2018 @ 11:28am 
Jovian! One question! Once I've collected all I can on preferred site there are no more collectables, even after relog. WTF?! Is it disposable variant of collecting? (sorry my English), I mean only for 1 time?!?!?! (I waited nearly 30 min)
Hal Over9000 27 Feb, 2018 @ 9:17am 
Thnx dawg! :)
Mortua 6 Jul, 2017 @ 3:37am 
thx cmdr ;)
AnTi HErO 31 Mar, 2017 @ 5:50pm 
elite is more like boundy h. ;)..thx cmdr°
D[n]A 17 Mar, 2017 @ 7:39pm 
have not have ? :steamsad:
Eran Mintor 7 Mar, 2017 @ 2:59pm 
great guide!