Thimbleweed Park

Thimbleweed Park

131 ratings
Very Basic Advice If You Get Stuck [No Spoilers]
By Snowcone Guy
This is a very basic and 100% spoiler-free guide for players that are stuck in the game.

Basic Advice:

  • If you are stuck trying to go in some direction with your puzzle solving,
    try a different approach.

  • If you think "This has to be the solution somehow!" but can't make it work:
    either look around for other solutions with an open/reset mind or store your idea for a later point in time.

  • "Look at" everything you can look at, listen to everything that is said.
    There are subtle hints for many puzzles hidden in the writing of this game.

  • The characters in this game have checklists with things to do on them.
    You do not need to tick every of those boxes immediately to advance the story of the game.
    If you think the game is not giving you the things you need to tick a box at the moment,
    remember that the world can change over time.

  • Keep in mind the title of the current chapter.
    It usually gives you a very good idea about what you should focus on right now.
    Focus on that!

  • Try to "Pick Up" everything - no matter how unimportant or useless it looks.
    You will be surprised!

  • Visit all the places and residents with different characters.
    Even though they often share the same dialogue, they also often have different experiences.
    And they like or fear very different things.

  • If you should really get to the point where you lose your patience, take a break.
    You might be walking your dog, lying in bed or standing under the shower when - BOOM! -
    a brand new idea shoots into your head!
    Even if you are not thinking about the game, your mind is still trying to work stuff out in the background.
And the most important advice:
Resist looking up solutions!

You only get to figure out the solutions to this game on your own once!
(Well, once for each difficulty level.)
Once you know the solution, nothing will ever give you back that first time experience.
From there on, every additional playthrough will be like watching a Let's Play video,
just with your own dialogue choices.

Take your time with the game!
Don't get in the mindset of "I want to beat the game this weekend!"

If you beat the game in one day: fine.
If it takes weeks: also fine!

Make it your own little side project.
Even if you get stuck for days - the rewarding feeling when you finally figure it out without any help will be like nothing else you can experience in a video game!
And it only gets better, the harder you were working for that solution.

And if you really can't resist it anymore and want external help:
Get hints - not solutions!

Talk to someone that you can trust, and let that person give you a very vague hint.
Something that tells you in which area you should look around again,
or what fatal flaw you are doing with your thinking.

But be warned: Once you figure out the solution after getting a vague hint, you will regret it.

Because you can do this completely on your own.
I know this. You know this. Now prove it.

And after all:
It's 1987! There is no internet to look up the solution ;)
Rincewind 21 May, 2021 @ 7:45am 
"It's 1987! There is no internet to look up the solution ;)"
But there are walkthrough books you can buy ;)
CyberNaZ 4 Mar, 2020 @ 12:22am 
Ça ne m'aide pas mais ça me remotive. Donc, finalement, ça m'aide.
Merci !
AnJo888 10 Jan, 2020 @ 5:20am 
I just wanted to see a game where you get an item that you know is relevant (like the diary of some scumbag that reveals his/her sleaze deeds) to another character and you're able to give it to that character, right away... You know... not having to follow a script...
Ok, ok... maybe I'm using the wrong mindset here... It's not me, that just got that item, it's the character I'm playing...
Well... maybe that's why I dislike so many movies... The characters keep acting in ways I deem stupid.
Just figured out why I'm not cut out for tabletop RPGs...
Oxter 22 Dec, 2018 @ 7:25pm 
thanks! :rloctane:
Giskard 1 May, 2017 @ 8:06am 
Great advice! Well done, really good stuff.
fцику мцику 6 Apr, 2017 @ 6:14am 
OK! So you're being nonchalant! Quit rubbing our noses in it!
MichaelRGruber 6 Apr, 2017 @ 1:00am 
Jammet 4 Apr, 2017 @ 4:28pm 
Also, if something does not work, but you are sure it's supposed to, try changing the ORDER of the commands you're giving. Example: attach a to b? Why's that not working? Okay, attach b with a. Tadaah!
Ladeluff 3 Apr, 2017 @ 10:28am 
superb and correctful tips here
PeterC 3 Apr, 2017 @ 9:23am 
I would also add: try throwing away everything in a bin. This will narrow down what items might be used in the puzzles.