Thimbleweed Park

Thimbleweed Park

82 ratings
You Deserve Tiny Incremental Hints for Thimbleweed Park
By The Incredible Machine
Update: Now at full release. Hints to Chapter 8 - but not including the final sequence, at request of devs.


This is a guide for people who want tiny nudges at relevant moments, rather than having to seek out accidental full spoilers via a Let's Play or such.

As a Twine project, you can navigate to the Part you need, then use the questions to find relevant, small hints.

It is located here ...

There is more info on the first page. (And a few disclaimers about stuff like the fact I'm not including Easter Eggs. At least not currently.)

Contact me @indiegames_muso on Twitter, with any feedback.
This is a link to the guide. It's hosted on
Ganiru 7 Jul, 2022 @ 12:42pm 
I remember when I had to order a hint book for Zak McKracken from the states to get unstuck, how times have changed. Thanks a lot, this is even better than UHS-hints.
dog paw squad 30 Sep, 2020 @ 6:11pm 
You're amazing. thanks!:p4g_smiling::p4g_love:
lilromimi 16 May, 2020 @ 7:26am 
I love this so much, thank you.
Lolling_Chris 26 Jan, 2020 @ 6:05pm 
This is just so considerate, thank you very much!
LadySeed 6 Nov, 2017 @ 3:22pm 
SUPER helpful, ty
Vo!digo 12 Sep, 2017 @ 1:51am 
Cant access the link...
Dogsbody 2 Aug, 2017 @ 3:42am 
Thanks for this, really helpful.

One thing I noticed with the Chapter 4 end (at least on Hard Mode): your guide doesn't mention that you'll need to find a spellbook. The book can be found in the occult book shop at the top of the 2nd ladder, glowing. You then need to place the book on the podium in the secret room, and finally, place a flower from near Chuck's grave on it.
The Incredible Machine  [author] 21 Apr, 2017 @ 8:58pm 
You're welcome!
Quarter_Muncher 21 Apr, 2017 @ 5:41pm 
I really appreicate this guide. It was very helpfull. :HappyRise:
aethelreth 21 Apr, 2017 @ 4:16pm 
That set of hints has helped already on some points... thank you!