CAT Interstellar

CAT Interstellar

79 ratings
CAT Interstellar Achievement Guide
By Fishezzz
I made this guide all on myself (But got a little help for the 'Chazz' Achievement).
It was quite easy for me to do this because I've been playing this game in its early stages (even before there were actual levels / 'Stages').

I hope this will help you,
- Fishezzz

*** 8 April 2017 *** Added 2 new Achievments (Ligh's Island & Monerico's View) that were added this same day.

*** 20 March 2018 *** Added some general directions in the tileset for Chapter 1 - Base. Because the room with all the doors hase been updated, so it can be a bit confusing now.
It has been a while since I first made this guide. Time has passed and the game has updated a few times. Both content and game mechanics. The game now does not look the same as in my video's any more. (Just a quick disclaimer) I haven't really played the game since then, because I already had all the achievement and ran through the game a good 10 times, which makes it some what boring. I'll still try to answer questions, correct things that have been changed now, but I can't update the video's atm because I see a blue screen while playing the video's. That makes it really hard to recognize the parts of the game. Taking screenshots seems to be fine so I'll add them instead. I'm also in University now, so I don't have much time to do lots of other thims, but I will do my very best. - Fishezzz
Play Chapter 0

You might have to click on "Chapter 1" on the level selection panel after starting the game!

Waking up
Waking Up
Play Chapter 1

The Room with all the doors has been changed!
Make sure the follow the "Laboratory" arrows/path!
When you are finished there:
Make sure the follow the "Elevator" arrows/path!

Is This Mars?
Is This Mars?
Play Chapter 2

It's Android 42!!!
It's Android 42!!!
Play Chapter 3

Uh Oh
Uh Oh
Play Chapter 4

Meow Interstellar
Meow Interstellar
Play Chapter 5

What's In The Box?
What's In The Box?
Deliver the Box

Find the Green-House

You Lost The Box!!!
You Lost The Box!!!
Lose the Box

You still need to activate the Skylift! I forgot to add this in the video!

Server Room
Server Room
Find the Androids in charge of the server room

At 0:45 DON'T follow the video, but go straigt trough the door in front of you when you 'spawn'.
Follow the instructions of the Android, thus go left after you went through the door.
When you are at the end of that piece of hallway, the ground starts shacking. For the story you have to go right, but for the achievement: enter the door on your left.
There you find the server room, which has been moved since I first made this guide
The following image shows you where the door is and in which room you spawned (just to make it a bit easier)

The Original Cat
The Original Cat
She mainly hangs out by the airducts

The Room with all the doors has been changed! Make sure the follow the "Laboratory" arrows/path!

End Of The Road
End Of The Road
Android 44 has seen worse

The Room with all the doors has been changed!
Make sure the follow the "Laboratory" arrows/path!
When you are finished there:
Make sure the follow the "Elevator" arrows/path!

Go as far as you can on the Surface of Mars

Find the Overlook on the surface of Mars

Apparently the cave for the overlook achievement has shifted to the opposite side of the solar panels.
At around 2:08 when coming up on the solar panels, you now need to go right in stead of left as is shown in the video.

Deliver The Light
Deliver The Light
Help out Android 116 and 128 in the Mine

You gotta ask Chazz

(Video below the pictures)
The achievement is still on the same spot in the same room. But it looks like the room itselve changed a bit. The enterance and exits are on different locations now.
Just follow the pictures and you should be able the find it just fine. (after you have removed the pile of boxes)

At 0:49 follow these instructions:
Go right towards "Elevator (+ Achievement)"
Turn right again towards "Achievement".
Go through the 2 flappy iron doors.
Now remove the boxes by left-clicking them to grab, and left-clicking again to release them.

Thanks for ovmise for helping me out with this one :D
Ligh's Island
Ligh's Island
Visit the underground island located in the Mine.

Monterico's View
Monterico's View
Activate all the generators and then take the stairs up to Monterico's view and stand in awe at the magnificent power.

S.T.A.R.S Leon S. K. 11 Jul, 2024 @ 12:41pm 
Merci Grazie :cure:
DeathHero® 31 May, 2023 @ 6:23am 
THX :cupup:
Fishezzz  [author] 5 Jan, 2021 @ 9:22am 
thanks for the info, I added it
Xtreme Steel 3 Jan, 2021 @ 1:14pm 
For anyone looking for the overlook achievement the Cave for the overlook achievement has shifted to the opposite side of the solar panels. :)
Fishezzz  [author] 29 Sep, 2019 @ 9:34am 
No problem, glad it helped :steamhappy:
Samael 28 Sep, 2019 @ 6:29pm 
Good stuff, thx
Mz Cookies 21 Jul, 2018 @ 2:02am 
Thanks for the guide! helped a lot :)
Smoku Znad Potoku 23 Jun, 2018 @ 11:35am 
I gotta say it too - thanks a lot for your help with achievements :D That guide was really helpful!
pulimanduli 1 Jun, 2018 @ 1:03am 
If anyone else has problems with opening the gates at the "Chazz" achievement, try picking up one of the boxes (outside the "cage") and pressing up against the gates with that. It worked for me.
Fishezzz  [author] 25 Apr, 2018 @ 4:42pm 
They seem to work just fine for me.

Try restarting your game and/or your pc
Try verifying your game files (Library > Cat Interstellar [right click] > Properties > Local Files

Besides that, there is not much I can do. If you still have this problem, you should get in touch with IonizedGames (the developer), message him on steam or send a mail to the support (