Peace, Death!

Peace, Death!

144 ratings
Peace, Death! Achievement Guide (Remastered)
By 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐤
This is a translated version of a Russian guide.
You can find the original guide clicking here.
Warning: Some screenshots are in Russian, since I've not made all the achievements yet, but it doesn't interfere on the achievement explanation.

It is important to know that this game is fairly easy to play, exactly as long as there is no desire to collect all the achievements. One pass will not be enough!
Thank you all for your help in solving the most difficult achievements.
Do not forget to rate the guide, add to favorites, leave feedback in the comments. It's not difficult for you - we are pleased :)

Since all the achievements in the sections are divided into groups, for the convenience of finding a specific achievement, use the search function "Ctrl + F". Also, in order to be able to get all the achievements, you must purchase the "Hand of F" DLC.
["Main Campaign"]
Story Related Achievements
Can't be missed.

"Breakfast in Heaven", "Dinner in Hell" and "Lunch in Purgatory"
Just send 500 customers in all three directions deservedly, without error - to hell, paradise and purgatory, respectively.

"Purgatory is Open!"
Play the level with the opening of purgatory.

"It's Fate"
In one of the first days, the skeleton "The Fate" will appear and will offer to open the map. Counted immediately.
Horsemen Achievements
"So Diligent!"
Finance at least 5 Death requests.

"Hunger Breaks Stone Walls!", "This Means War!", "Plague Is Here!"
Periodically, the riders give you the tasks "To work the day for them", with which a certain day is fixed for the chosen Horseman and all the glasses will go to him + a small compensation with skulls. For achievements it is necessary to work out one day for each one separately - for Hunger, War and Plague, and three of your acivies. But do not forget that these riders are our competitors, fulfilling their tasks will reduce the final score. You can do it right away or leave it to future passages.
Achievements according to estimates
Can be missed.

"Good job, Reaper! I - VII"
To receive, you must complete each of the seven weeks for the B + rating for all days.

"Excellent job, Reaper! I - VII"
To receive it is necessary to complete each of the seven weeks for an A rating for all days.

"Awesome job, Reaper! I - VII"
To receive, you must complete each of the seven weeks for an A + score for all days.

P.S.: According to user Belghy, you need to buy the +30 or +60 seconds modifier on the market to make it easier to get the achievements. If it's not available at first, just play a random day you already finished and the market will reset.

Clever Clog,Clever Clog+,Brainiac,Brainiac+,High Achiever,High Achiever+
This type of assessment corresponds to the final score after the examination day. At the bottom of the guide there are preliminary tips for obtaining a better rating.
Ranking Achievements
Can be missed.

"Detective", "Seer of Truth", "Punisher", "Minion of Death", "The Great Reaper", "Hand of Death"
All titles correspond to the general gaming score starting from the lowest E (below did not get an estimate, can eat worse) and ending with the highest final A + score. Six titles for achievements correspond to six best estimates. Performing achievements for the highest score by counting you will certainly get all these titles from C to A + in the kit.
Events Achievements
"Nobody's Home" and "Support service"
You will be assigned a trainee who will call and constantly annoy, sometimes even three consecutive calls. He needs to advise where to send the client on the proposed description. Nothing complicated, but during this event time will go. When you complete it, follow it exactly. To obtain achievements, answer correctly one and ten times, respectively.

"Papers, please!" And "Safelocker"
So that you will not be bored, from the 15th day (the beginning of the third week) to the calls will also be added safes with the smuggling of riders-competitors. If you want to keep the minimum points of Hunger, War and Plague, then open them. You are waiting for the mini-game "Pick up the lock code". With each week, the complexity of the castle increases. To simplify the choice of numbers, the central circle also rotates. In the process of hacking, the time outside the safe stops. To obtain achievements, it is necessary to successfully crack one and ten safes respectively. If you do not want to waste time (personal), send safes to their destination, but this is accompanied by a bonus to the Rider's points. It is advisable to do this after receiving the highest final grade.

"Secret Agent" and "Mr. Attention"
Since calls and safes are clearly not enough for an ordinary Reaper, from the 22nd day (the beginning of the fourth week), agents of the paradox will appear. Their goal is to get deceived where they are not destined, but fortunately there is a piece of paper with their shadow. With each next week, the number of agents per day will increase. The truth is not to despair, the recognition of agents from the increase in the number of random customers in the future is higher. To obtain achievements one must find one and ten paradox agents, respectively.

"Elevator Won't Hold!" And "Guardian of the border"
There comes a time when War decides to directly influence the Reaper, in order to earn himself more points. Starting from the 29th day (the beginning of the fifth week), the landing parties of the War will appear. I hope you can click fast enough, as there are a lot of them from time to time. To obtain achievements, it is necessary to repulse one and ten attacks of the Landings of War respectively.

"Rats. It Must Be Rats" and "Ratter"
And here is a gift from the Plague, an obvious envy of the War. Beginning on the 30th day (Tuesday of the fifth week), legions of rats will appear with the goal of getting points for the Plague. Of course you do not need this, so the goal is also to repel the attack. The event is a little more complicated than the landing because of running rats, not static warriors. This is an excellent reason to raise your clickable skill a little. To obtain achievements, one and ten attacks of rats must be destroyed, respectively. To simplify the performance of the event, it is necessary to have a cat that will drive all the rats to the left in one heap. How to start it is described in the achievement of "Trainer".

"Tasty, but not for everyone" and "Flavor King"
Well, where without our third guest - Hunger. Starting from the 31st day (Wednesday of the fifth week), a container with soup will appear. In turn, food or garbage will fall randomly from the top (always 5 meals and 5 garbage). By clicking on the container, the lid closes and opens. The goal is to throw in the soup exclusively food, but in fact, enough even 4 meals and 1 garbage, in achivku counts. To obtain achievements, it is necessary to throw the ingredients correctly in one and ten soups, respectively.

"Welcome to Hell!" And "Hell of a Job!"
If all you have described above is not enough, then the Quality Control Department will help to make up for this misunderstanding. Starting from the 36th day (the beginning of the sixth week), the Bureaucrat from the JCC will come to visit and send to work for hell for others. This mini-game requires extreme care, errors are unacceptable, since the loss leads to a serious reduction in working time. The purpose of the event is to send only clean customers to the elevator. Any defects on the body of clients is considered a sin - this is not purgatory. What kind of mouth are the culprits themselves, it all depends on your reaction speed. To obtain achievements, it is necessary to perform a quality one and ten works in hell, respectively.

"Mere Accident," "Catastrophic!" And "Catastrophe Master"
So we went to the most delicious menu in the Reaper's work. A few working days from the beginning of the game session on any day (except special Sunday themed days) there may be a disaster. What is so pleasant about them? In the process of distributing disaster customers, the time outside the disaster is frozen, and customers are added to the counter, which significantly reduces the time spent at the end of the working day. Also, after the catastrophe is completed perfectly, new individuals from these events are added to the list of clients, which makes it more fun to play. To obtain achievements, one, ten and nineteen unique disasters must be completed, respectively.
All Catastrophes
Important! - Only the finished ones are counted in the achievements. Also note that the remaining agents of the paradox after this event always follow, that is, the catastrophe + agents (use until corrected).
And! Not all Catastrophes are available from the very beginning. Part requires the discovery of aggressive characters. The part is available only after the corresponding thematic days. "Crush in fast food" requires the opening of clowns.

Further I apply the entire list of existing disasters:

This is a special disaster added to the day of Halloween, which can only be met from the 32+ game day. After successful completion, immediate achievement will be obtained.
Easter Egg Achievements part 1
Can be Missed.
All the achievements of Easter eggs are associated with characters who speak only yellow text. Some identical characters, only with white text, do not go to the expense of achievements.
One day - one Easter egg. It is impossible to meet two Easter eggs at once in one day. It will be useful if you do not want to spend too much time on the leveling up of the level, and the increase in Competitor riders is not so important. Also, almost all Easter characters are not available at the beginning of the game, but appear after certain days, past catastrophes, and so on.

"Buddy Jesus"
The very first and easiest achievement, in which Jesus must be sent to his father straight to heaven. Nothing complicated ... or not? Well, we will not check what happens when sending it to hell, but rather we will get an excellent drop in the rivalry rivals by -100 units. What a joke.

"Four Seasons"
Another simple achievement, in which you need a client without pants to correctly distribute the sins. No matter what he says, evidence is important. After the fourth correct distribution, you have the pocket card in your pocket.

For this achievement, you must break the rules, perhaps even with a losing day. The whole chain is executed in one day. We are waiting for Sam Winchester (long-haired) to be sent to hell in the first clients. Following him will appear his brother Dean (short-cut) with the question of his brother, but he must be sent to purgatory. Next will be their partner Bobby (with vegetation on his face), which must be sent to Paradise. And only in this sequence achievement will work, it is checked.

It's the famous Big Russian Boss! What? You do not know him? Nevertheless, bribes from him from the evil one. Send where you want, but not in heaven. TABOO!In the future, he gives a lot of skulls for heaven. Perfect source :)

"Robot and a boy"
By tradition, the Terminator must go to John to save him. But the achievement must be counted for the descent of the Terminator into the lava (hell), as evidenced by the image of the achivka, but this is not accurate. You can check both options, and you can kill two birds with one stone and send John to hell and the cyborg next.

''Evil Dead''
Everything is very simple. To achieve it, you need to send Bruce (a chainsaw instead of a hand) to hell four times in a row. Violation of the rules is mandatory, in paradise and purgatory it is not advisable to send, it will not appear any more.

For this achievement, you need to sacrifice your nerves and take all the phone calls, do not take the call disconnect modifier. The request to Jacket is different from the usual calls, if you do not be careful, you can easily skip it. Regular calls always include two parts of the conversation - a greeting and a description of the client. With a request from Jacket right away. Although Jacket often comes to visit, but on call is much rarer. Just replay the last levels and wait. Call on the call of Jacket is of three types - in paradise, purgatory and hell, respectively.The achievement must be credited after three unmistakable directions in all three directions.

''Kakie vashi dokazatelstva??''
The achievement is directly sent to one of the scenes of the film "Red Heat". It is necessary to break the prosthesis to the leader of the gang (it is not difficult to learn it from the abusive dialogue) by clicking below the knee of the right leg, with which the prosthesis will fall off. Then just finish the level and one of the clients will be Danko (Schwarzenegger), who will take his leg and give him a loan. Meet these characters is possible only after the disaster, "The epidemic of the bear flu in Siberia."

"The End Is Coming!"
Well, everything is obvious, just like with Jesus. Send the Herald of Roca to hell or paradise by changing the balance of the two oppositions, depending on the presence of sins. I do not know, as with purgatory, but sins do not exactly lead there. Quite a simple achievement.

"No Ghost-Trespassing"
When replaying the days in the last week there will be a hunter for ghosts Peter Venkman, who in his hand is holding a trap. It is necessary to click on this trap, so that it falls to the floor. Then just make long pauses between clients and wait for the appearance of the ghost in the shackles, which when you fly to the client will fall into the trap and the achievement is received. The trap only works for a ghost, the other thieves do not work.

"Cat Whisperer"
Somewhere in the last two weeks, Dr. Eleanor Abernathy, more commonly known as the "Crazy Koshatnitsa", with red eyes hung all over with cats, may accidentally appear. To achieve it, you need to click to remove all felines from it, and then send it to where you want. The result will be the appearance of the kitten near the desktop until the end of the game. If you sent her to hell before receiving the help, then re-appearance is possible only in the new game.

You will need a good skill to react. The goal of the campaign is to help "Black Mamba" overtake Bill. She also often comes just as an aggressive character, but we need only one that says yellow text. To determine what is needed, it's enough to meet Bill, with which a little later Mamba will appear in the same day. To start the mini-game, click on it and start a fighting game with 88 rabid killers. Achievement will be obtained immediately, as soon as exactly 88 murderers are killed unmistakably. One mistake - start from the beginning. Also, but not 100% tested, Bill should be sent for sins without error. In one of the passages there was a situation that Bill did not appear anymore.
Easter Egg Achievements part 2
To understand this character, it was necessary to understand the very essence of the series "Doctor Who." Subtlety of thought and joint efforts with friends, and even without the help of Sherlock Holmes, managed to track this Doctor "Moriarty" by jumping in time. It can easily be confused with someone else, for example with Bill, so pay attention to the phrases that the characters say. The doctor always initially speaks the same and the same phrase "If the hat, then the very first." After the first appearance, he hints that he goes on the day of the hats, that is, 5 days (the first week). Having met him again there, he again jumps into the day when there appeared quick characters, that is, 37 days (the sixth week). Then he again jumps in the day when the glasses appeared, that is, the 15th day (the third week). And from that day on, he again jumps on the last day, when the "Weeping Statues" appeared, which corresponds to the day of the appearance of aggressive characters, that is, 32 days (the fifth week). To obtain the achievement, send the statue to the 32 day in the place where it deserves, that is, hell.
Tips and Tricks
If you are reading this section, then you are interested in how to get the highest marks, top ranks and not to fall in the dirt face to your boss - Death. And do not ask yourself: "Why is it done all the days for the A + rating, and the title and the final score below the baseboard?".
Consider below some important points in the Reaper's work:
First, and most importantly, do not try to get everything right away.To get the final A + score, it's not enough just to replay the levels on A +. It is necessary to execute the maximum number of days on A + from the first time, without errors and without replays. If during the game the initial scores were not higher than B +, then do not expect the final score above that. This can only help the acquired skills, time savings, good response and the minimum allowed number of clicks on customers.
Daily bonuses.There are two types of bonuses - negative and positive. And in those and others not all are harmful, not all useful. Among the negative ones, several cancellations are mandatory: a mirror, a slow dispersion of the cloud, lazy guards, strange calls and the like that directly affect the time delay. The reduction in working time does not matter, since it does not affect the distribution time.
Among the positive bonuses can be identified several useful:
- Increased influence allows you to significantly increase your Death points in totals. Strongly affects the calculation. It is not recommended to use the other Riders on the day of working off.
- Turning off calls will allow you to focus on customers and not be distracted. It is mandatory to buy on themed days. It is not recommended to buy if the goal is to accomplish the achievement of the "Hot Line".
- Forgiveness of a common mistake and mistakes in a catastrophe is not necessary to buy, but it is necessary for own confidence of the day's passing.
- The catastrophe at the level gives almost 100% guarantee of receiving A + at the end of the working day.
- You also need to take extra skulls, because you get 10 skulls for 5 well spent.
Phone calls.If there is no cancelable bonus, then there is nowhere to go from the annoying pupil's phone calls. It is desirable to immediately skip the first part of the dialogue and proceed to the second. Pay attention immediately to the direction of sending the client, then read the description. After a couple of hundred calls, highlighting the required text will be much easier.
Books and scrolls.While customers hold them tightly, the direction can be seen right away and there should be no doubt. Consider the moments when customers start to refuse them. Rejection of evil does not always give the right answer, because the client can cheat in other ways, for example to have under the horn cap. A rejection of faith is already a sin, but this sin does not lead to hell. The latter always fall into purgatory, without exception. If you see this feature on the client, click first.
Sins.It makes no sense to check them with demons and other horned hounds. Also, there is no sense in checking the sins of the saints (near the end of the game), because any presence of sin on them leads to hell, even if they refuse them, and even in the event of the refusal of the bible that relates to purgatory. In relation to other customers, always start checking from the head (caps and glasses), in 50% of cases they can hide horns and special glow of the eyes.
Clicks.At the end of each working day, the number of collected skulls from the maximum available is displayed. The goal is to collect them all to the last. First of all, the number of clicks on the client affects the skull. If during the test of sins one sin not taken out was caught, then the rest can not be removed further, at once skulls are lost. Conversely, if you send without checking the sins correctly, the number of skulls will grow.
Developments.If it is important to obtain the highest score, then skipping is prohibited.
- Safes hacking is particularly recommended, affects the reduction of points Competitor rivals.
- Events of Hunger, Wars and Plague take away precious time, it is necessary to perform quickly and qualitatively.
- Working in hell with a loss instantly adds extra time.
- Agents can not be missed, all must be found.
- Catastrophes must be completed completely.
Easter eggs.These achievements also directly affect the final score. Correct distribution will bring a total of +50 points for each Easter client. The failure is the opposite -50 points will be selected. About Easter eggs that break the rules of distribution, decide for yourself what is the best thing to get in the end. Either lose a couple of hundred points, but get A +, or get a few hundred at the price of an underestimation of the relevant days, which affects the earning of ranks. With a balance of 50x50 in all elections, you can get an A + score at the end, and the title "Hands of Death."
Horsemen Assignments.Requests for Death are compulsory, failure will bring points to competitors. The rest of the Horsemen refuse without exception. You can not click on them at all.
Restart day.If you are interested in an ideal passage, then forget about this point, it does not exist. Restart gives the worst days on the relevant days, you can fix it only in a new passage.
Exam.This moment is especially important, since it includes two days, which must be completed necessarily for a better rating. This is a 49 day themed and an additional 50 day exam. It will help only luck, because if anything, you need to replay from the very beginning.
["Hand of F" DLC]
What is "Hand of F"?
I don't know if this addition is related to the "Hand of Fate" game, but the fact that there are cards in this DLC is 100%.

To activate the add-on, you must first complete the internship, that is, take the exam in the main game after spending 50 days. After that, in the game continuation selection menu, you need to click on the portfolio, with which the game mode will go to endless. I did not check whether Easter characters will be available from the main game in the endless game, since they are all already done, but at any time you can switch the mode back.

Some important points:
  • On the very first working day, there is an increased complexity. You will not be offered to cancel the effects of the day, now they are with you to the end.
  • The negative effect of the day with customers in the cages (in the past) is now part of daily doping.
  • The working day is also not standardized. You can either stop or continue working day until the time has elapsed or the elevator breaks.
  • The events of the riders are now x2. That is, twice as many rats of the Pestilence, twice as many as the Army of War, twice as many ingredients for Famine.
  • Disasters, too, are not deprived by the number of clients, there are more of them.
    The need to buy food and work overtime.
  • Infinite reaper simulator included.
  • Oh yes! There is where to spend skulls.
  • You can play with cats.
  • You can play with a suitcase in the map turning menu by quickly moving the mouse left / right :)

All new achievements were decided to be allocated to new sections. Perhaps some can be performed in the main game, but they are exactly all available in "Hand of F". All new catastrophes have nothing to do with achievements "A small incident," "Catastrophic!" and "Master of Disasters". For each new catastrophe, there is a separate achievement. It is for this reason that they are not included in the general list.
Achievements of Fate "Hand of F"
Here are collected all the achiements associated with the cards of Fate, except Easter eggs. For Easter eggs, a separate section is highlighted.

"One more"
This achievement will be received even before the start of the first working day in the supplement. It is necessary to open two cards of Fate, nothing more.
Why does the two cards start counting? Because the first card with a positive effect on one of the Horsemen already already opened at the very beginning of the game. Yet it is logical :)

"I need more!"
A couple of working days, Fate notices that two cards are too easy for the ordinary Reaper. Therefore, today you will open three cards of Fate. To achieve, you just need to start a game with three cards.

"Combination" and "Synergy"
Well, the warm-up is over. Now the Reaper has a serious challenge, namely, to open 4 cards of Destiny every day, you just will not get bored of it. To get achievements, you need to start 1 and 10 days with 4 cards.

"I just started" and "This is not the limit"
Every day, Fate gives you a specific task - to send the necessary number of clients to heaven, hell and purgatory. It is this task that is the point of choice between finish the day or go home. To obtain achievement, successfully complete 1 and 10 Fate assignments respectively, nothing complicated.

"NPC" and "Master of Quests"
In addition to the tasks of Fate, maps often contain additional tasks for the day. This can include an additional distribution of customers, remove from the client a certain feature and more. In general, what is of a numerical value. Often, these tasks will need to finish playing after the completion of the main, and sometimes even in overtime. To achieve achievement, you must successfully complete 1 and 10 additional tasks, respectively.

"Topdeck" and "Gambit"
In the lobby of Fate it's hard not to notice a huge horseshoe. This horseshoe personifies your conscience, a certain grail of immortality. It is here that the recruited influence of the Fate gets daily. After each filling of influence you will open a new card in the general list. To obtain achievements, you must unlock 1 and 10 cards of Destiny, respectively.

"Copper", "Steel", "Silver", "Gold", "Death" and "Fate".
This is another path of the Reaper on the path from the salad to the status of Fate. Gradually filling the horseshoe, it will be pumped. The faster you earn influence, the faster these achievements will be in your pocket.
Housing issues "Hand of F"
This section includes exactly what everyone has been waiting for, namely the squandering of money resources, that is, skulls. It will be necessary to accumulate enough skulls, but there is no limit, as it will always be possible to improve your working day.
Musical soundtracks from thematic days are not included in the achievements, they just need to be bought for a change.

"Living room - Food"
You do not need to invent anything. You just need to fill the refrigerator with food to the point of failure.

Museum exhibits correspond to their thematic days in the internship. Selecting a certain statue creates a background workplace for the selected theme day.

"Museum - Greece"
It is necessary to purchase a statue of "Venus de Milo" for 600 skulls to unlock the Greek theme.

"Museum - Arrrr!"
You need to buy the very parrot John Silver, nicknamed "Captain Flint" for 800 skulls to unlock pirate theme.

"Museum - Fantasy"
You need to purchase a knight's armor for 1000 skulls to unlock the medieval theme.

"Museum - Space"
It is necessary to purchase a children's toy for 1200 skulls to unlock the space theme.
Don't believe what they say, the game is not childish.

"Museum - Vault"
It is necessary to purchase a refugee suit from the Fallout universe for 1400 skulls to unlock the wasteland theme.
The suit sits on a piece skeleton created, the game is not at all cruel :)

"Museum - the Pharaoh"
It is necessary to purchase a statue of the pharaoh for 1600 skulls to unlock the Egyptian theme.
No, this is not a sarcophagus. And there's nobody there...

"Museum - Russia"
It is necessary to purchase a stuffed big bear for 2,000 skulls to unlock the Russian theme.

Upgrade, as well as a refrigerator, the place where you will invest all your property. Sooner or later these achievements will be obtained.

"Upgrade - Chronos"
It is necessary to improve the Chronos watch. Each improvement adds extra time to your work day.

"Upgrade - Refrigerator"
It is necessary to improve the portal of Rick. Actually it is an extension of your refrigerator to the capacity of food. More food gives more opportunities in overtime.
Catastrophe achievements "Hand of F"
"Food and dancing"
It is necessary to successfully complete the masquerade disaster.
"Aggression during the masquerade."

"Breaking bad"
It is necessary to successfully complete the disaster Breaking Bad.
"Breaking bad."

"Circus is here!"
It is necessary to successfully complete the clown catastrophe.
"Clowns ate an elephant."

It is necessary to successfully complete the catastrophe of the Inquisition.
"Inquisition warms our hearts."

"Gooooal! No"
It is necessary to successfully complete the catastrophe of the ban on football.
"Football banned worldwide."

It is necessary to successfully complete the disaster of the YouTube.
"Psychosis while playing Peace, Death!".

It is necessary to successfully complete the depressive catastrophe.
"Rainy Depression."

"Adventure Island"
It is necessary to successfully complete the catastrophe for survival.
"Another game of survival."
Easter egg achievements "Hand of F" part 1
All Easter eggs are tied to cards, which can be obtained gradually by pumping a horseshoe. Rock the horseshoe, open more cards, get more Easter eggs. It's harder to put it. As before, all Easter eggs are tied to characters with yellow text or to interactive actions like "throw off the waste," "protect the brain," and so on.

In the Hall of Destiny, under the big horseshoe, sit three cats. If you click on them, they will dance. The meaning of the achievement is to achieve synchronous dance. Cry for a couple of minutes and the achievement will be received. The main thing is not to pay attention to background music, because you want to click on them in time.

''Miracle garden''
It is necessary to separate waste from fertilizer. Quite simple achievement, by clicks to throw waste into the lava.
It's clearly not waste, but fertilizer!

All that is required is to break the piñata by hitting it at the time of combining the target with the piñata, for a total of 6 times meeting the timer on the clock. You can not miss. Difficult, but possible.

There is one brain. There are many zombies wanting to eat the brain. There is a running strip with a red zone. The goal is to aim at the zombies and shoot at the moment of combining the running sensor and the red zone. If the zombies reach the Reaper, both the achievement and the current day will fail. A very hard test, you need to kill at least 20 zombies, while the speed of the running strip is gradually accelerated.

It is necessary to solve the mystery of Pandora's box. First activate the box with one click. After that, wait until random parts of the box are highlighted in red. At the moment of highlighting, you have to press in this area. To achieve, perform the complete combination. Not more than two misses are allowed.

"Say my name"
When Walter White (All Severe) appears, click on it. He makes his name in the form of a chemical formula, which we need to repeat. Complexities add the same elements + they mix. Success is an achievement.

"Mechanical cowboy"
From the left edge of the screen a cowboy sitting on a warhead takes off. Click on the warhead and catch small bombs falling out among the mechanical parts. Destroy the "horse" cowboy, while not dropping in the lava no drop-down bombs and the achievement is obtained.

"Only worthy"
When Thor appears, you must wait until the flying hammer appears to the right. When the hammer is flying over it, click on Thor in time and he must catch it. Do not press on Thor prematurely, observe the timing.

To be able to accomplish the achievement, you need to get two cards from the horseshoe - "Necromancer" and "Rest in Peace" (a candle on the skull). Further, these two cards must be combined in one day. With the second card, if you click often on customers, they will turn into skeletons. This achievement begins with the first client. Remember the sins of customers, because turning into skeletons all the evidence disappears, but sins are not washed away. That is, first check customers, determine the direction, turn it into a skeleton and send it to where you want. After each sent skeleton, the skull will fall to the floor. When the Necromancer himself appears, click on it to pronounce the resurrection spell of the skulls lying on the floor, after which the achievement will be counted.

The Witcher searches for one invisible magician. But how invisible is it if it has a hat and glasses on it? Remove all accessories from the invisible and it will disappear. A little later, Geralt will come with a potion of invisibility detection. Click on this potion several times and discover that the invisible is actually standing next to it, after which the achievement will be received.
Easter egg achievements "Hand of F" part 2
We need to make a crab. In hell, for this, the best conditions. Just throw it into the lava and the crab is ready for use.

To you will be a man with a weapon in his hands called Ronvid of the Lesser Log, and get on your nerves. Just throw it into hell time after time until they give an achievement. You do not need to select weapons.

"Mezin's limit"
This character appears during a depressive catastrophe a couple of times. Under his red sweatshirt, smuggled alcohol can be stashed away, or not. Remove him by clicking at the sweatshirt and discovering contraband and send it straight to hell, if not, then to paradise. Achievement is given for the detection of alcohol.

As it says in achievement, you can't take food away, but send it straight to hell for gluttony.

For the conditions of achievement, you must first open two special cards. The very condition is a relatively rare coincidence of two cards in combination - the appearance of Constantine in the darkness, meaning a map shading background. When John appears, wait for the moment when he asks for a light (this is a reference to the film itself - smoking during a suicide attempt, in the game he does not smoke). At this point, the demon-thief will fly out from behind the screen. When the demon is almost a step away from John, click on John (maybe several times) to kill the demon with Constantine's power.

Piglet Porky in person. When it appears, click on the gun a few times and it will prepare to shoot. From below will take off 4 ducks, which actually need to be shot manually to achieve. I do not know if it's real to lose here, even poked it anyway.

''No fun getting old''
Did you think you could save a goat from your grandfather? But in fact, you need to save your grandfather from an infernal goat. Click on it, click again, click many times, endlessly click. In the end, the goat will fall into the lava, and the grandfather will get rid of the demon.

''I. Have. Nothing. To. Eat.''
The Hunger crisis, there is nothing to eat. But in your fridge is always full of food. Actually, the price of achievement is equal to the amount of food in your refrigerator. Famine must eat everything without a trace.

Meet is Punisher. Its purpose is to punish sinners, even if they skillfully hide their sins. On the day of the appearance of Frank Castle, you need to be ready for an instant reaction, there's no time to think about it. He must shoot the client who appears before him, and this client should go to heaven. At the moment of sending the client, you need to have time to press the pistol in the left hand of the Castle to shoot before the client disappears. The best way to do this is to send 4-5 clients correctly, and then send everyone to paradise, while clicking instantly where the gun will be. Well, hope that the elevator will not break before obtaining an achievement.

Recommendations to DLC "Hand of F"
All you need to know about the add-on is the lack of ratings, Riders (almost) and weekly exams. Now there is work to be done and only work for Fate. You are offered unlimited opportunities in realizing what you know best, namely, work.

Let's look at some important points in the new workplace:

  • Loss.Every day now ends not on the number of clients, but until the time runs out, the resources of the refrigerator, the basic task is completed, or until the elevator breaks, the guards are wounded. If an unfortunate combination of Fortune cards fails, you can safely break the elevators before losing. All that you lose in this case - 5 skulls.
  • Restart.It means click the "Surrender" button in the menu. If there have been any attempts to finish the game before the disaster and at the same time a basic or additional task was performed, then in no case can it be restarted. You will lose the influence and skulls earned for this day, just zero, in vain spent time. In this case, only lose the day by sending customers to other destinations.
  • Reputation.Every day at the end of the working day, a certain amount of influence of Fate is calculated on the basis of your diligence. The influence is greater the better the work is done + the additional task in the cards + overtime processing. Influence is necessary for pumping the horseshoe of Destiny and discovering new types of maps. So do not rush to lose levels if the cards are good.
  • Easter eggs.Unlike the internship, all new Easter eggs are available as maps. Moreover, they will come across regularly even after the accomplishment of the achievements. So do not worry if you did not manage to do this or that.
  • Prorolling.Be sure to swing the Chronos clock as needed. The more time, the easier it is to perform tasks. This is necessary, since the number of clients with each accomplished Fate task grows by one. If you ignore the time, in the end you just can not complete a single task. And the absence of the task is the absence of influence.
  • Catastrophes.With the last patch, the system of disasters was changed. Now catastrophes with a chance appear not only on half of working time, but also after the 30th client. You can say half solved the problem of oversupply Chronos watches.
  • Additional tasks.I will not miss this point either, since it is much more difficult to perform than it might seem at first glance. Sometimes even an assignment of only 5 units is almost impossible. Try not to miss the necessary sin on the client, even if the customer is already determined in the direction.
  • Spiders, mirror and other evil spirits.I can not add anything special here. It is necessary to get used to that now it can not be avoided by canceling skulls. Or lose these days, or train your IQ and reaction.
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𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐤  [author] 14 Feb @ 11:25am 
It has been a long time since I've last played, but if I remember correctly, once you have the DLC, those catastrophes appear on base game as well, but sadly, I can't confirm it 100%.
Zorugo 13 Feb @ 12:25pm 
Do DLC catastrophes, like the Breaking Bad one, only appear during the DLC?
𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐤  [author] 29 Jun, 2024 @ 4:50pm 
Nice! I will add this tip to the guide. Congratulations.
Belghy 29 Jun, 2024 @ 7:24am 
I finally got the A+ average achievement. For anyone having trouble with the weekend days,you need to buy the +30 or +60 seconds modifier. If it's not available just play a random day you already finished and the market will reset.
𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐤  [author] 24 Jun, 2024 @ 4:22pm 
Yeah. It's one of the hardest achievements in the game.
Belghy 24 Jun, 2024 @ 12:32pm 
i finish the levels in less than two minutes with no mistakes yet i still can't get higher than A,the worst part is that you have to do all levels in a row with no fail for the achievement
𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐤  [author] 24 Jun, 2024 @ 12:29pm 
The faster you complete the task and the less you make mistakes, the higher the rank goes, if I remember correctly.
Belghy 24 Jun, 2024 @ 12:24pm 
Does anyone have some tips on finishing the game with an average rank of A+? I always fail to get more than A on the weekend levels...
WISIGAMI 26 Nov, 2023 @ 11:12pm 
Synchronization is much simpler: Make the cats facing the same side
𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐤  [author] 30 Aug, 2023 @ 4:52pm 
Don't mention it.