

132 ratings
How To Make Glitch Art
By Jafix
This guide will teach you how to make glitch art in After Effects, including RGB split.
This guide will help you through the whole process of making glitch art. It's such a simple effect but usable in many situations. For example you could use it as your main artwork or workshop showcase.

This guide is focused on people with no experience in After Effects.
If you have a basic understanding of After Effects (How to import a footage, making a composition, exporting etc.). The parts like this are not necessary for you.
What do we need?
You will need a few things to do this:

Getting Started
  1. Start with opening After Effects
  2. Once After Effects is opened up make a new composition.
    Do this by going to the top of your screen, go to Composition > New Composition. Or just by pressing Ctrl+N
  3. Import the stock footage.
    There are 2 basic methods to import:
    Method 1. Open the folder where you saved your footage and drag it into your project files.
    Method 2. On the top of your screen, go to File > Import > File, select your footage.
  4. Make a layer you want to apply the effect to. In this guide I will use a text layer.
    Create a text layer by going to the top of your screen. Select this tool > and click anywhere in your composition. Type the text you want
  5. Drag the stock footage in to your composition. Make sure the stock footage is the top layer in the composition and that this icon is unticked on the glitch footage
    Your composition should look like this:
Apply the effect
  1. Apply the effects "Displacement Map" to your text layer
    This can be done in several ways. The one I like the most is right clicking on your text layer. Go to Effect > Distort > Displacement Map
  2. In the effect controls, change the Displacement Map Layer to your glitch footage.
    The effects controls should appear automatically when you apply the effect. They also appear when you select your text layer.
    When you play now you should already see some glitchy stuff going on.
Using the effect
There are 2 values we are going to change in order to make it look how you want. Max Horizontal Displacement and Max Vertical Displacement. Play around with them a bit to see what they do. If you set them both to 0 there is no movement.

Create keyframes to automate the amount of glitch happening.
Check this article[] to understand how you make keyframes and what they do.
For example you want some short effects like the picture for this guide. You want to make the keyframes so the values are going from 0 to 20 and back to 0 in a short time.
RGB split
First. What is RGB split?

Still work in progress, stay tuned :)
That's it!
If you liked this guide consider rating and favoriting :)

Tom Van Grieken 18 May, 2017 @ 7:38am 
0nlyf@ns_ash 14 May, 2017 @ 3:40am 
That's pretty good guide,perfect for new users/beginners!
Keep it buddy
TуρєC 11 May, 2017 @ 4:58am 
Nice guide! Thanks!!
and 51 others 1 May, 2017 @ 8:43am 
Great guide, very helpful, definitly a rate and favorite :wnparty: