Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares

2,694 ratings
100% Achievement Guide
By BlackPearI
Complete achievement guide with pictures and description for all collectibles. For those who prefer pictures over videos. DLCs included. UPDATE #2: The Residence Achievements

The Prison
Look how the canary has flown its cage!

Finish chapter 1.

The Lair
Little lost things sometimes find their way home.

Finish chapter 2.

The Kitchen
The Chefs will miss you!

Finish chapter 3.

The Guest Area
Little fox among hungry wolves!

Finish chapter 4.

The Lady's Quarters
A storm is coming. That coat should come in useful.

Finish chapter 5.
Six's Song

So many keys, yet none to unlock your cage!

Chapter 2 Run back and forth over the piano keys.
Kitchen Hand

The recipe is complete, the feast will be divine.

Chapter 3 Throw any three ingredients (fish-head, carrot etc. ...even a soap if you want to...) into the cauldron.
The best moment without getting noticed is immediately when the chef passes the hearth to prepare the fish, as shown in the picture:
Highly Sprung

You'd jump even higher if you knew what slept there!

Jump six times on any bed. Can be done in chapter 1, 2, 3 or 5.

Hey sneaky rat, how do you keep slipping away?

Escape an enemy who is trying to grab you six times. Can be done in chapter 2, 3 and 4.
It's very easy once you get the hang of it. When an enemy is chasing you, he will stop for a split second and try to grab you once he is close enough, that's the moment when you have to slide away from him (by holding the crouch-key while running). If done right, the enemy won't catch you and the saving-icon (the white eye) in the lower right corner will pop up, informing you that the game successfully saved your evasion. So don't worry if you get caught while trying to get the achievement, your successful evasions don't have to be in a row nor does it have to be the same enemy.
Light Up Your Life

Not all lights can be trusted, but these should be quite safe!

Light 20 candles and lanterns.
There are 30 candles and lanterns in the first four chapters, but you only need to light 20 of them. If you didn't miss any, you should get the achievement near the end of chapter 2. See pictures below for all 30 locations.


#01 ~ (1/10 of Chapter 1)
In the starting room, hard to miss.

#02 ~ (2/10 of Chapter 1)
In the area where you open the fridge, there's a hole on the right side.

#03 ~ (3/10 of Chapter 1)
After you encounter the worm-like enemies (Leeches), in the room with the door switch.

#04 ~ (4/10 of Chapter 1)
In the next "room" after falling through the floor.

#05 ~ (5/10 of Chapter 1)
After climbing through the window, in the room before you encounter the first electricity door.

#06 ~ (6/10 of Chapter 1)
In the room with the "all-seeing eye".

#07 ~ (7/10 of Chapter 1)
Same room as #06, get through the little hole on the right side to enter the secret room.

#08 ~ (8/10 of Chapter 1)
In the nursery with the sleeping babies (where you first meet the Janitor with the long arms), there's a well-hidden candle between the beds on the right side of the room.

#09 ~ (9/10 of Chapter 1)
In the big room where some boxes hang on a steel chain, hard to miss.

#10 ~ (10/10 of Chapter 1)
In the next room after you permanently cut the electricity with the power switch.


#11 ~ (1/10 of Chapter 2)
In the first room you enter.

#12 ~ (2/10 of Chapter 2)
After the elevator, in the tunnel where Six becomes hungry.

#13 ~ (3/10 of Chapter 2)
After getting out of the cage, go through the door on the left.

#14 ~ (4/10 of Chapter 2)
In the room with the big bathtub.

#15 ~ (5/10 of Chapter 2)
In the tunnels after the encounter with the Janitor with the long arms, hard to miss.

#16 ~ (6/10 of Chapter 2)
In the library with the piano, hard to miss.

#17 ~ (7/10 of Chapter 2)
High on a shelf in the second library, where the Janitor lurks.

#18 ~ (8/10 of Chapter 2)
Also in the same room, but on the floor. You can reach it safely after collecting the crank piece in the room on the left.

#19 ~ (9/10 of Chapter 2)
After lifting the piano and escaping the Janitor, just before entering the next room.

#20 ~ (10/10 of Chapter 2)
In the tunnels near the end of the chapter, where the Janitor's arms come through the wall.
Note: If you haven't missed anything, then you should get the achievement here.


#21 ~ (1/5 of Chapter 3)
In the kitchen, on the far right corner on top of a shelf. Hard to miss.

#22 ~ (2/5 of Chapter 3)
In the toilet on a shelf, after leaving the kitchen for the first time.

#23 ~ (3/5 of Chapter 3)
In the cold storage room, get through the hatch on the right wall.

#24 ~ (4/5 of Chapter 3)
In the room where you have to distract the second chef in order to get the key from the table, on a high shelf. Climb the crate and the barrels in the corner to get to it.
It's easier if you come back later, right before jumping into the trash, because the chef will be gone by then.

#25 ~ (5/5 of Chapter 3)
In the room where the chefs wash the dishes, go to the left and climb onto the shelf with the pots. Grab a hook in order to get to another shelf with a lantern.


#26 ~ (1/5 of Chapter 4)
Right at the starting location, crawl through the hole on the left.
If you use chapter selection, you may have to complete chapter 3 again to get to this specific location. Not sure if this is intended or just bugged.

#27 ~ (2/5 of Chapter 4)
Before jumping on the table, crawl through the hole on the right.

#28 ~ (3/5 of Chapter 4)
On the table. Hard to miss, but also hard to reach without getting caught.

#29 ~ (4/5 of Chapter 4)
In the hallway after using the chef's elevator.

#30 ~ (5/5 of Chapter 4)
After finally escaping the guests.
Little Lost Things

Kindness will be your undoing!

Find and hug all 13 Nomes in the game. See pictures below for all locations.
Each of them will unlock its own artwork in the main menu (Extras -> Concept Art). So if you don't know which one you've missed, check your artworks and you'll know.


#01 ~ (1/3 of Chapter 1)
In the area where you open the fridge, there's a hole on the right side.

#02 ~ (2/3 of Chapter 1)
In the room with the "all-seeing eye", get through the little hole on the right side to enter the secret room.

#03 ~ (3/3 of Chapter 1)
In the next room after you permanently cut the electricity with the power switch, free the Nome in the cage and follow him into the previous room.


#04 ~ (1/3 of Chapter 2)
In the first room you enter, get through the secret door in the wardrobe by using the chair (see picture) to lure the Nome out. You can then find him further up the stairs.

#05 ~ (2/3 of Chapter 2)
After encountering the Janitor with the long arms for the first time in this chapter and escaping through the tunnels, climb the ladder hidden in the corner and follow the tunnel.

#06 ~ (3/3 of Chapter 2)
In the library with the piano, lure the Nome out from under the table, then find him behind the books.


#07 ~ (1/3 of Chapter 3)
After getting the key from the chef's bedroom, go back into the toilet room.

#08 ~ (2/3 of Chapter 3)
After returning with the key to the kitchen, free the Nome trapped in the jar.

#09 ~ (3/3 of Chapter 3)
After getting through the locked door, there's a Nome hidden under the table.


#10 ~ (1/4 of Chapter 4)
Right at the starting location, crawl through the hole on the left.
If you use chapter selection, you may have to complete chapter 3 again to get to this specific location. Not sure if this is intended or just bugged.

#11 ~ (2/4 of Chapter 4)
Before jumping on the table, crawl through the hole on the right.

#12 ~ (3/4 of Chapter 4)
In the hallway after using the chef's elevator, go through the door on the left side.

#13 ~ (4/4 of Chapter 4)
The last Nome is story-related and therefore cannot be missed.

Little vandal, little beast, The Maw will punish you at the feast.

Find and destroy all of the Lady's porcelain figurines.
There's a total of 10 figurines through all 5 chapters. In order to destroy them, just throw them around. See pictures below for all locations.


#01 ~ (1/2 of Chapter 1)
After the long staircase, hard to miss.

#02 ~ (2/2 of Chapter 1)
After climbing above the "all-seeing eye", go left.


#03 ~ (1/2 of Chapter 2)
In the room where you need the key from the table, on a high shelf.

#04 ~ (2/2 of Chapter 2)
In the rat tunnels beneath the floor where you can see the Janitor with the long arms lurking in the room above.


#05 ~ (1/3 of Chapter 3)
In the big room after eating the rat, there's a hidden tunnel entrance.

#06 ~ (2/3 of Chapter 3)
In the cold storage room, get through the hatch on the right wall.

#07 ~ (3/3 of Chapter 3)
After landing in the trash.


#08 ~ (1/2 of Chapter 4)
On the table, after a reunion with the chef.

#09 ~ (2/2 of Chapter 4)
Near the end of the chapter, on the left side.


#10 ~ (1/1 of Chapter 5)
After getting the key out of the vase, hard to miss.
Hard to the Core

What’s different about you? Why are you so brave?

Finish the game in less than an hour without dying.
If you have problems or just wanna be safe, you can go to your savegame location (...\Steam\SteamApps\common\Little Nightmares\Atlas\Saved\SaveGames) and copy the folder to another location every time you finish a chapter without dying. So when you make a mistake and die, you can just copy the save folder back into your steam directory and try again from the last chapter, without having to restart the whole game.

Good luck!

"Secrets of the Maw"
The rest of the achievements are from the three-part expansion "Secrets of the Maw". Obvious spoilers for those who do not have the DLC.

DLC Chapter 1: The Depths

So Close
You'll do better next time.

Finish the chapter.

Not Alone
What's new with you?

Find all 5 bottles and collect the messages hidden within.
Each of them will unlock an artwork in the main menu (like the Nomes in the main game). See pictures below for all locations.

Shortly after the beginning, in the room where another kid throws a self-made rope out of the window. Climb the cage on the right in order to reach the bottle.

After crouching through a tunnel, you'll reach a basin which you have to fill with water in order to advance. There's a little drain hole near the ground level. Climb to the top and fill the basin a little (as seen in picture 2), then jump down into the water and climb through the drain hole into the next room.

In the big water-filled room with the sunken couch and the two tanks connected by a wooden bridge, there's a bottle on a platform in the back.

After a lengthy jump and run (and swim) section against the Granny, you'll reach a climbable wooden wall. Start climbing, then jump to the left and jump again across another gap to get to the bottle.

After the final encounter with the Granny, right before heading up the stairs, there's a bottle hidden behind some wooden boards.

Fun & Games Ahead
Play nicely, no pulling hair

In the room with some kind of bucket in the middle (after the water-filled room with the big bathtub filled with fish parts), go to the right and pick up the "ball" you find there and throw it into the bucket.
You can throw in as many things as you want, but only the ball will count for the achievement.
DLC Chapter 2: The Hideaway

End in Sight
The final stretch will be largely uneventful.

Finish the chapter.

Is Anybody Out There?
I wish I could visit you there.

Find all 5 bottles and collect the messages hidden within. Again. See pictures below for all locations.

Since this chapter isn't completely linear, you can find the bottles in any order you like. But if you're looking for a specific one, here are the artworks which every bottle unlocks:

(I chose this order to avoid unnecessary backtracking)

In the room with the caged Nome, climb through the hole in the upper left wall.

In the furnace room, climb up the two ladders and look beneath the wooden staircase to the left.

In the room between the hanging mine cart and the coal room with the two Nomes, on a high shelf above the door. Use the mine cart to reach it.

In the dark room below (again with the Janitor... doesn't he have anything better to do?) the bottle is roughly in the middle of the room beneath the stairs in the back.

In the room full with file cabinets (with the Nome who scribbles on the wall), on some wood planks above the room.

Ashes in The Maw
Are you proud of yourself?

In the upper room where you meet the Janitor, there's a wooden Nome figurine on a table. Carry it all the way down to the furnace room and throw it into the furnace to get the achievement.

DLC Chapter 3: The Residence

We'll Meet Again
The final chapter is written.

Finish the chapter.

I'm Losing You
I'll be out of reach for a while.

Find all 5 bottles and collect the messages hidden within. See pictures below for all locations.

After the room with the unlit fireplace, you'll enter a long hallway. Ignore the first side entrance and enter the second one with the chair, the table and the bookshelf in the back. The bottle is on top of the bookshelf (you can turn on the lamp on the right wall).

After the riddle with the paintings, you'll enter a room full of small statues. There's a hole in the wall on the right side.

After unlocking the door with the Lady's key, enter and immediately turn left (from your character's perspective).

In the room with the piano, run back and forth over the piano keys to unlock a secret compartment behind the picture.

After the Lady spotted you, run away and always stay on the right side of the screen. A big room full of mannequins and a short hallway later, you'll end up in a room where a mannequin falls to the floor. The bottle is in the front right corner of that room.

Ashes to Ashes
Who knows what secrets they hold?

Find and destroy the vase full of ashes.
After unlocking the door with the Lady's key, go back into the small library with the book riddle. Pick up the book with the half mask on its back and carry it all the way back to the room with the unlit fireplace (near the beginning of the chapter).

Once you're there, go left through the doorway and place the book into the shelf left of the elevator (there's another book with a half mask). A secret door will open where the vase is hidden.

seyyid burhaneddin 2 Feb @ 6:56am 
do i only need the maw expansion pack or also the "complete edition"?
GordonZoo 6 Oct, 2024 @ 8:52am 
THANK YOU, SO HELPFUL~:steamthumbsup:
I AM Resurrection & Life! 29 Sep, 2024 @ 1:34am 
For DLC Chapter 1 bottle #4 you have to go along the beam that is against the wall and goes behind the pipes. Jumping is not the solution here. If you managed it, it means you got lucky. I jumped many times and failed to do so. The boy just grabs the edge of the board after the jump but can't climb it.
Punkiee~ 1 Sep, 2024 @ 1:17pm 
thank god I read this before starting the game. I don't have the DLC's yet lol
`♡´ nao ༝༚༝༚ 29 Apr, 2024 @ 11:25am 
Thank you for all the help, finished the full game today with all achievements, had such a good time! :D
СОМсаЗАВР 22 Apr, 2024 @ 4:19pm 
sgojo1117 17 Mar, 2024 @ 10:32am 
hey thanks this is help me..
OutOfTimeMan 21 Jan, 2024 @ 8:03pm 
i think i like when it rains @DAN
Ð⍙︎ℕ︎ ♎♂ 21 Jan, 2024 @ 3:17pm 
Oh ok... sorry then, but I thought the guide served as a playthrough to beat the game on the first run as guides usually do.
Perhaps because I completed it all immediately and then uninstalled it forever, I didn't like this game at all and found it to be a classic case of massive overestimation due to the media.
BlackPearI  [author] 21 Jan, 2024 @ 7:34am 
@DAN You probably misunderstood the intend of my guide. It's not here to guide you through your first playthrough, it's here to help you find the achievements you've missed after playing it. Why would you kill the beautiful atmosphere of this game by already knowing what's to come from a guide?