Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares

463 ratings
Hard to the Core Guide (Spoilers)
By Jynn
This is a small guide to offer helpful tips and tricks on how to improve your speed run to keep it under 60 minutes, and the best ways I have found to avoid death.

Hard to the Core is a relatively challenging achievement, requiring you to complete the game in under an hour (60 Minutes), with no deaths.

I know there are video walkthroughs for this achievement, but I also know not everyone wants to have to watch an hour long video just to see how to do it. This guide will give you helpful tips for the more difficult areas to speed through.

Here are some quick, helpful tips that are non-chapter specific:

  • Play the game through a few times to learn how puzzles / bosses work

  • Sprint when you can (but be mindful of when you are about to be chased and save your 'stamina' up for that. Be careful sprinting on narrow ledges.

  • You can sprint while crouching, and light lighters while sprinting.

  • You sprint SLOWER when your hand is touching a wall (You can tell when she has her hand out) This is most noticeable on walkways that hug a wall

  • Jumping can help you. To get away from leaches, to avoid grabbing hands, to speed up when 'hungry' and walking slower.

  • Sliding (Crouch while sprinting) is a good, quick way to get into a hiding spot quickly

  • Ignore Collectibles. They will slow you down.

  • Having the "Grab" Button held down, even if not climbing, can sometimes save your life. If you slip off a ledge, you have a chance to grab on again and climb up. This does not work on Pipes

  • Time spent in Pause does not count to your timer
No Deaths

There are two ways to go about getting the 'no death' side of this achievement:

1. Play through with no deaths

This is as straightforward as can be. You simply rely on luck and skill to get you through the entire game without a single death, restarting if you die.

2. Back up a save copy of your game

This one is a bit more, well, 'cheaty', but it works and it saves a lot of frustration. What you do is save a copy of your game periodically when you hit what you know is a check point, and save it in a different location.

Then, if you die, you go to that back up save, copy it, and paste it in the Saved folder (removing your other save file), restarting you at the last saved point with no deaths on record.

This way you are still playing the game, and technically with no deaths.

Save games are located at:

YOu want to copy the entire SaveGames folder and save it somewhere else, and replace only that folder when reverting to a previous save

So using my own speed run as an example, these are the times you are aiming for per chapter:

CHapter 1: 11 Minutes
Chapter 2: 14.-15 Minutes
Chapter 3: 15-16 Minutes
Chapter 4: 6 Minutes
Chapter 5: 3 Minutes

In total, my game took me 49.31 Minutes, you can round that up to 50 Minutes total, which is 10 minutes extra time for potential mistakes that increase your time.


When your character suffers the hunger pangs, it can be annoying with how slow you move. You can no longer sprint! can jump. If you jump during your hunger pangs, you'll make better time than if you just limp slowly along.

Note: For the more serious hunger pangs, you eventually lose the ability to jump as well during the final stages of the hunger, but you can still use jump during the initial hunger pangs to cover ground until the ability is locked.
Chapter One: The Prison

Most of this level is straight forward and simply sprinting through the levels as fast as you can.
The Leeches

The first real dangerous moment is when you drop into the inky slime puddle with the leeches. The best way I have found to get through this quickly without dying is to light your lighter after standing up, get out of the ink puddle and sprint almost directly right, go behind the bucket, and towards the door. Jumping if you get too close to a leech helps.

The Leeches have a hard time grabbing you if you're jumping, and unless you are unlucky and land directly on a leech, you should get through safely
The Walkway

You need to be careful, but you can sprint through this entire thing. You do not have to follow the walkway south, you can make the jump to the left in the dark and safely make it. This shaves a couple seconds off your time, which can be invaluable if you're cutting it close.
The Eyes
Eye 1:

The quickest way through the Eye chamber is to hug the back wall. When you reach the right corner, Wait until it looks to the very far left, and then make a break for the cages

Eye 2:

This Eye is twitchier than the first one, but going along the back wall still feels like the optimal strategy. You have to be very careful when at the far right corner and preparing to go out the doorway, for the eye will look back suddenly just as the wheeled trash can starts sliding to the left.
Chapter Two: The Lair

The Lair contains your first real boss encounters, and I will do my best to explain the best way to quickly get through each one without dying.
The Wrapping Room
So this is actually rather easy. What you do is:

- sprint and jump, and climb up onto the cage.

-He will start looking for you.

-Run along the cages and jump. You HAVE to land on the carpet for this speed run tactic to work. If you land on the carpet, he will continue to not know you are there. Go through the hole.

-You do NOT have to lift the trap door all the way. You can lift it up about half way and then slide in.

The Sea of Shoes

While you cannot sprint while in the shoes, you can sprint and jump off the suitcases to cover more ground and get you ahead of the pursuing monster.

Jumping will not get you on the suit cases faster, you'd be better off holding down the Grab key / button / trigger and pressing up every time you get to a suit case.
The Toy Room

This room is fairly simple, you can get away with throwing only one Cymbal Monkey to distract him.

In the first room, throw one as far to the left as you can, and then go through the cubby hole. Be sure to stay on the carpet!

Run for the book shelf and start climbing. You should have plenty of time to get out of reach.
The Clocks

As soon as you push the door down and cause a ruckus, slip into the room and stay still on the carpet to the far left. When he approaches the clocks, you will creep your way to the shoes and grab one. Wait by the button for the clocks to go off, then heave the shoe at the button and run down the corridor. You should have plenty of time and a good head start, and not be in any danger.
The Library

Sneaking through the library is unavoidably slow going. You can avoid detection by carefully walking around the blocks, and throw the monkey. THen creep along the shelf and throw the large brown vase. From there, you can quickly make your way to the TV Room.

You have to wait for him to approach the TV. If you move too soon, he will spot you.

There are two shelves you can take a short cut through rather than follow the winding hallway

The Janitor

This boss fight can be annoyingly hard, but with practice and experience you can do it in one go, within a few seconds

He will always start with his left hand feeling the cage, and the right searching. When he brings his left hand out, (See screenshot) that is your moment to jump down from the back cages and pull out the cage support.

After that, run back to the cages and wait for him to once more feel the cage with his left hand, and then move it. That is your cue to jump down and remove the last support.
Chapter Three: The Kitchen

The chefs are a lot easier to evade and fool than the Janitor. The moment you leave their line of sight they get confused and lose where you are. You can use this to speed through their level fairly quickly.
The Chef, Prt 1

This section can be completed very quickly, especially if you're willing to take a bit of a risk.

- Instead of creeping all the way through the first kitchen, I creep halfway until I'm behind the chef. Then I sprint!

- SPrint into the next room and hurry to get under the small table. He will lose you and go to the left side of the kitchen to get a sausage.

- While he goes over there, you will sprint again, under the table, up the stairs, and to the back cupboard, which you climb up to the rafters. If you miss your chance, just wait. He will head to the back to stir some pots afterwards, you can go then.

The Chef, Prt 2

Now that you have the key from the upstairs bedroom, you have to be a bit more careful. You cannot sprint now, so you have to time when you move.

-Enter the room when he is NOT in the room and wait by the barrel. Do NOT wait by the cubby hole, he can see you through it.

-Wait for him to come into the room, and as he does slip around the barrel and out the cubby hole.

You can now make your way all the way to the locked door. He has never seen me in all the times I've done this. I walk out the cubby hole, run past the stove, under the big table, around the stairs and up to the door without any problems.
The Sausage

Getting all three 'hams' on the trap door and THEN making sausage saves you a bit of time, so I recommend doing that. It doesn't appear to be a huge time saver, but every little bit of extra time for later helps.
The Grinder

Getting to the grinder is not really able to be sped up at all, but once there you can shave some valuable seconds off your timer.

- After hitting the button, immediately sprint for the cubby hole to your right. Don't worry about the chef, he will not see you.

This part is fairly simple. You slide out of the cubby, sprint to the table, grab the key, and make your way to the elevator. You can't really speed it up at all.
The Dishes

This level is pretty straightforward, but there are still ways to shave some time off.

- Hop out of the drain in front of the table they're working at, and sprint for the table to the right. Go under it, and immediately out the other side and sprint into the far room. THey will be looking for you on the other side of the kitchen so they will not see you. Flip the switch, and hide.

- One of them will come in and look around, then leave. Go back the way you came, under the table. There are two options now, they seem to be about the same in terms of time to complete, it mostly depends on where the Chefs are

Option 1: Go to the far left of the map, the second to last drain and come out. Go climb the shelf of dishes, hop onto the small bookshelf, and grab a hook.

Option 2: Go to the center plates, climb up, jump on hook. This seems a bit faster, but is also a lot riskier

Chapter Four: The Guest Area

This chapter is rather short, but fraught with peril. As long as you're quick on your feet you should get through it without a death or any serious time.
The Dining Table

I'm listing this one because while it's not possible to speed it up, it is quite possible to die.

The tips I have for not dying are:

- Try to jump if you end up too close to their hands

- Swerve your way around the obstacles while sprinting

- Don't run too close to the table edge or you will fall off and have to redo it, adding time
The Stampede

This one is the same as the previous. While it's not possible to do it faster, there are many chances to mess up and die.

Tips to not die:

- Don't start sprinting until the first door opens, then run!

- Know what is going to fall over and when to jump

- Keep Grab key/trigger held down, this makes it easier to climb up the table without misplacing your fingers trying to find it at the last minute
Chapter Five: The Lady's Room

Another short chapter, that is relatively fast to get through. I beat it in under five minutes during my speed run.
The Bedroom

You can speed this spot up a bit by:

- Crouch-Sprint past her

- Knock over vase, grab key, and immediately leave. She does not come in, you are free to make your way out of the bedroom asap
The Lady

The final boss fight, and a very easy and quick one at that.

- Knowing where the lights appear lets you get there faster and be ready

- Knowing which directions she approaches from lets you use the mirror earlier and quicker, ending the fight faster
The Hallway

While this can't really be sped up at all, you CAN make sure you are walking at the absolute fastest you can. It is possible to slow-walk on this stage, and while that is more dramatic, it will add some time onto your playthrough.

The achievement should trigger halfway up the staircase leading to the sunlight

Note: You can fast forward through the credits by holding Down on D-Pad (XBox Controller) or Down Arrow (keyboard)

I really hope this helps people! You can always watch video guides to get more in-depth strategies, but this should be a nice and ready to read guide if you're having trouble getting through one spot swiftly.

Bonk 19 Dec, 2024 @ 2:27pm 
This guide was so helpful, thank you so much. I want to share 3 additional things i learned on my run in hopes they help someone:
1. If you're quick enough, you can restart from checkpoint to avoid dying. I did this twice and still got the achievement!
2. In the clocks room, you can immediately grab a shoe and hit the button and run through. you don't have to wait for the clocks to go off. As long as you're on carpet, he won't hear you.
3. You can also run straight through the nursery without hiding as long as you start sprinting before the door swings shut.
Ziomskiyyy 25 May, 2024 @ 8:58am 
do i need to start a new game??
Floobyy 15 Oct, 2023 @ 3:04pm 
im confused on how to backup a save and have been trying to find guides on how to do so without luck. i just want to be able to save after a chapter so if i die in chapter 3, i can just backup the game and restart at chapter 3 with no deaths on record without having to replay the other two chapters.
LemonHater 1982 5 Oct, 2023 @ 5:33pm 
I don't know if someone's already said this, but I personally didn't think it was too bad. I just ran through the game without stopping and didn't die and got the achievement. I felt like I made it in record time, but I still got the achievement. All you have to do is just run straight through the game and be careful with specific parts.
Noλ 17 Sep, 2023 @ 9:50am 
this literally makes the game like 10 times scarier since ur pulse is way too high lmao
GamerFoxFecni 12 Aug, 2023 @ 3:15am 
Thank you so much for the guide, honestly, I used a timer for my run, and I was worried because I was at like 1 hour 4 minutes, but somehow still got the achievement ^^
The Phantom 18 Jul, 2023 @ 8:27am 
I've been playing so many hours and I'm desperate. I love this game, but this achivement is just not fair. If you want to beat it in less than an hour, you must do risky things, and if you do, you will fail so many times. I'm getting tired of this.
Soma 11 Jun, 2023 @ 11:35pm 
Excellent read, and I'm not even interested in attempting this lol. If it weren't for the Janitor boss fight, I might be inclined to give it a go, but on my first play through I died to that spot countless times, despite totally knowing his movement pattern. For some reason my brain did not want to make the connections needed to time the second phase right, I kept getting caught right as I was pulling the 2nd cage support.
Jynn  [author] 25 Mar, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
Good luck!
fusedcrawdad 25 Mar, 2023 @ 4:16pm